#damn i forgot to block out fi/nal f/an/tasy in my tags. sorry if this goes in the tag yall my bad
digirainebow · 1 year
actually i was gonna go on a meaningless and rude rant in the tags of that post and it didnt feel like the place so i will do it in my own post here right now! it is such a pet peeve of mine that more and more we are leaving the 'punk' part out of things like steampunk and cyberpunk. they've become so watered down and i am dying for something that is just unabashedly soaked in the punkiest, grungiest, ugliest, cringiest, version of these concepts again. and i mostly mean aesthetically i want style over substance actually. i hate googling 'steampunk tv and film' and getting things like the l/egend of k/orra and fin/al fant/asy. which are good media that i love and have aspects of steampunk but not like...i don't immediately jump to steampunk being an identifier for them y'know? i just want More Weird Art To Look At okay
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