#dan povenmire sent me this personally btw
leather-blr ยท 11 months
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mysteriesofmilo ยท 1 year
I was a Christian you uneducated fool. I went to a Christian college, studied the Old and New Testament book by book and took church history.
Yes the x in Christmas was something started by Christians, that is historical fact. You'll also be surprised to learn that Jesus wasn't born in December.
BTW Dan Povenmire supports queer people, so you are watching and promoting the queer agenda.
None of those things you said makes you a Christian. The only thing that makes you a Christian is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The very fact that you thought that going to a Christian college, studying the entire Bible book by book, and studying church history would make you a Christian proves that you didn't actually understand what you studied, and that your faith is either weak or nonexistent. And the fact that you said "I was a Christian" instead of "I am a Christian" tells me that it's probably the latter.
No, in fact, replacing Christ with an x is not a Christian thing to do. The tone of the reblogs confirms that they were doing it to try to mock us. And the only people who ever do it to Christmas are, well, those who want to take Christ out of Christmas. The only reason I can think of why a Christian would replace Christ with an x is to avoid persecution -- similar to the gesture of drawing the fish in the sand. But given your other completely false claims, I doubt that even that is true.
Yes, I am aware that Jesus probably was not born on December 25th. That date was chosen for two reasons: first, the early church wanted to replace a pagan festival to celebrate the first real indication of the days getting longer, and second, because that was the date in the year 4 B.C. when the star guiding the Wise Men to Bethlehem stopped. You may also be unaware that there is no year 0 on the Gregorian calendar we use today -- Jesus (whose Hebrew name Yeshua also translates to Joshua) was probably born in 4 B.C. (also the year Herod died) and died in A.D. 30 (the year of an eclipse on the Passover, among other signs).
You may also be unaware that most of the Christian landmarks in Israel are in the wrong place. Their locations were decided by Emperor Constantine's mother, who he had sent to Israel to find all the places. Her method basically consisted of pointing somewhere and saying "Oh, I think that's probably it." But we know her locations for some places are inaccurate because of what is close to them. For example, the temple had to be near a source of running water (to wash away the blood created by all the sacrifices). The location it's said to be at? There is no running water anywhere near it. Meanwhile, the Gihan spring (the most likely source of that water according to historians) flows on the complete opposite side of Jerusalem.
And yes, I am aware that Dan Povenmire thinks he supports people who think they are lgbtq. (He doesn't actually support the people, he supports the lifestyle. If he actually supported the people, he would be encouraging them to make Jesus their identity instead of their fantasies.) But really, who is NOT of that mindset in Hollywood? That's why I am of the mindset to care about the content and not worry about the creator. It's all we can do. And Milo Murphy's Law and Phineas and Ferb are among the best of the best TV shows ever produced.
Honestly? This has been a great conversation. Thank you for your asks, and God bless.
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