wowlorecraft · 6 months
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On the evolution of High Elves
"High Elf" as a category no longer applies to the elves of Azeroth. Those who retain the monicker are actively raciating, becoming what we would call Highvale and Light Elves, respectively. These Bel'dorei and Al'dorei practise different arts, eat different foods, adorn their bodies and houses differently, and are beginning to physiologically look different, too. As such, I posit that the term "High Elf" has finally and officially been eclipsed by distinct elven identities and the high elven category has gone entirely dormant as of this writing.
~ Lorekeeper Kalith
No more are the High Elves: In their place stand the Sin'dorei, Blood Elves of the Horde; banished from their ranks are the Ren'dorei, Alliance Void Elves. The Highborn have since become the Night Elves: Alliance Kaldorei, including the Eldorei or Shen'dralar, those who hid in Eldre'Thalas; in Suramar, they have become Nightborne, Shal'dorei, allies with the Horde and cousins of the Nightfallen and Fal'dorei.
Those Kaldorei who were exiled took to the sun and Sunwell instead. The story is well-worn; it is the small, yet fruitful, remnants who maintain their ties with the Alliance that we discuss here:
Quel'dorei, "Children of Noble (lit. high) Birth," made their home in Quel'Thalas at Silvermoon, with their spiritual centre at Quel'Danas, the Sunwell. After the destruction and splintering of their nation, three major splits happened: One sought refuge in their Lodges, the other stayed amongst the Humans and other magi, particularly at Dalaran, and the last went to Draenor.
(Those who made their home in Quel'Lithien have succumbed and become Wretched. Discussion and analysis of the various Wretched and Withered is to come.)
Dalaran, Quel'Danil, and the Allerian Stronghold became centres of High Elven activity within the Alliance. Those of the Kirin Tor and Silver Covenant both distanced themselves from their Blood Elven kin and warmly welcomed back those of the Alliance Expedition. Danassian Elves practise light and arcane magic and are led by Vareesa Windrunner
These Elves have come together and, holding true to their roots when first exiled from the Druidic, moon-worshipping Kaldorei, forged a new name for themselves, one in direct opposition to the Sin'dorei Sunreavers . They have found community in the Human, Gnomish, and other magi of Dalaran and other Alliance cities. Within their ranks are numerous Half-Elven communities, whom they publicly call Shan’are "honoured ones" but privately label Vor'dorei "Children of the Broken."
Danillian Elves, on the other hand, have found community with the Wildhammer Dwarves most especially. In addition, some Draenei have made Quel'Danil their home, and these Highvale Draenei follow the shamanic path first laid by Nobundo, learning to become druids. With Seradane so close, the Wildhammers, Danai,* and Highvale Elves commune with the Kaldorei and Worgen. Thus the Highvale Elves begin to consider themselves a distinct elven nation. In their concordance with the Wildhammers, their bodies (adorned with tattoos) become thicker and more stout, becoming the shortest and widest of elves. Similarly, these Highvale Draenei, or (*) Danai, come to intermix with their neighbours resulting in browner and greener, tattoo'd, and more nature-y space goats
Kaldorei - Children of the Stars - Night Elves
Eldorei - Children of Eldre'Thalas - Shan'dralar
Shal'dorei - Children of the Night - Nightborne
Fal'dorei - Children of Falanaar / followers of Aranasi
Sin'dorei - Children of Blood / of the Bloodline - Blood Elves
Quel'dorei - Children of Noble (lit. High) Birth
Some useful Thalassian words:
Quel - High, Noble
Belore - Sun
Alah - Light
Thas - Forest
Danil - ? Peak
(*)For the goats:
-nai = "with / person of a place" e.g., Kurenai, Auchenai)
-dor = settlement (e.g., Talador, Telredor)
Quel'Danil > Danidor (in Draenic, a borrowing) > Danai
(There is no word for mountain in-game in the language, so I did my best with "Danai")
For the Elves...
Highvale Elves: Either keep Quel'dorei for its literal use of "high"/"quel," or transition to Thas'dorei (ew), or Bel'dorei, a shortening of Belore'dorei "Children of the Sun" as both a way to stay true to Sun-worshipping heritage, keep in allied complementary opposition to Kaldorei's Elune worship, and a nod to the new Night Elven home of Bel'Ameth. I convinced myself writing this: Bel'dorei for Highvale Elves
Danassian Elves: These are the elves that still 'shun' nature worship, maintain an arcane practice, and follow the Light. They are spread around, but their capital is Dalaran now. They oppose the Blood Elves but still need to sate their needs and thus still utilize the Sunwell as the font of power it is. They are Children of the Light, or Light Elves, and Alah'dorei or, for short, Al'dorei in Thalassian (now Danassian)
Danai - Those from Danidor (Quel'Danil) - Highvale Draenei
Bel'dorei - Children of the Sun - Highvale Elves
Al'dorei - Children of the Light - Dalarani (&c.) High Elves
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callmenaia · 7 years
Truth or Dare
{ Continued from Here } || @rufus--shinra
  “What? How did you get from point A to point B there?” Naia asked, pursing her lips and crossing her arms. Truth or dare, hm? With a smile, she answered. “Ba mhaith liom. An dtuigeann tú?”
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amalgammuses · 6 years
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NAME .  Kijonaia Remiel NICKNAME . Naia AGE . 67 (appears in her early- to mid-20′s) GENDER .  Female SPECIES .  Elf ETHNICITY .  Desert Elf x Forest Elf NATIONALITY .  Danassian SEXUALITY.  Pansexual CAREER .  Huntress
MORALITY . lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true . RELIGION . None; like the people of her caravan, she believes in nature and respects it, including all of its inhabitants, but she doesn’t really worship anything. SINS . greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath . VIRTUES .  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice . KNOWN LANGUAGES .  English, Yrdian, Helian, and Danassian. Danassian is her mother tongue. SECRETS . She has a few, but, for the most part, it isn’t so much that things are secret but that no one’s asked. She generally keeps quiet about her past unless probed; even then, there are things she keeps to herself, such as the scars on her back and how she got them. ZODIAC .  Gemini.
BUILD .  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average . HEIGHT .  5′0 ( 5′1.5 with her boots) SKIN TONE .  Fair. She has very pale skin with rosy areas, such as the tips of her ears, her nose, her cheeks, and her lips. HAIR / EYES .  Her eyes are a dark sage green that shine turquoise where the light hits them (a Desert Elf trait). Her hair goes to her mid-thigh when left in its naturally curly state (knee-length when straightened or wet), and is a burgundy color. Very bouncy, loose curls with a lot of volume. SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .  No birthmarks. She has multiple laceration scars across her back, some of which trail barely over her right shoulder and right hip. She also a scar on her forearm from when she first met Eionan (her griffin). She has other small scars here and there, being a huntress living in the woods. ABILITIES  /  POWERS . She is fast and agile, and uses these in combination with her size to her advantage. She doesn’t have much in the way of strength, with her kicks easily being her strongest asset when without her daggers. She’s a skilled fighter, typically using her opponent’s size and momentum against them. She’s also skilled with a bow and uses her air magic to redirect her arrow should it go off course (to an extent, however; she can’t make it entirely veer off course and hit someone like it’s a homing missile or something). RESTRICTIONS . She’s not strong, at all. She can kick pretty hard, but that’s more from momentum ( and because she’s got some serious thighs there, and they’re mostly muscle ), but she definitely relies almost entirely on her speed and agility. If she gets caught, she’s pretty much done for. She’s also not too great at taking hits; she’s stubborn as all hell and will keep getting up ‘til she’s knocked out, dead, or her legs are broken, but any hit hurts her worse than it would others larger/more substantial/sturdier than her.
FOOD . Stew. Any type, but especially with heavy use of root veggies. PIZZA TOPPING .  Mushrooms and black olives. COLOR .  Deep purple. MUSIC GENRE .  Violin instrumentals. In modern verses, she enjoys rock music. BOOK GENRE . Almost any fictional genre. In modern verses, she enjoys fantasy and sci-fi classics. MOVIE GENRE . Horror/thriller. CURSE WORD . Ha, you couldn’t get her to pick one. xD She doesn’t use them to excess, but she certainly uses at least minor curses on a daily basis (like “damn” and “hell”). SCENTS . Rain, cedar, pine.
BOTTOM OR TOP . Switch. SINGS IN THE SHOWER .  Yes (badly). SECRET TALENT .  She plays the violin, as well as a few other instruments. QUIRKS.  She doesn’t sit still well. Tapping her fingers, adjusting how she’s sitting/standing often, shifting her weight between her legs every so often or even rocking/swaying a tiny bit when she’s standing for longer than a few minutes. She also doesn’t sit like a normal freaking person would; it wouldn’t be, at all, uncommon to find her sitting with a pillow in the tub while reading a book (especially if something has her freaked out).
Tagged by: stoooole it :>
Tagging: Nobody, just swipe it. lol
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amalgammuses · 6 years
2,3,16,23,27 (for character creation questions!)❤️
Character Creation Questions for the Muse! Send in a number! || @the-love-marked-shinobi
2- What’s the reason/meaning behind their name?
Naia’s full name sounds similar to the Danassian word for “rose”. Auranelle chose this name because of the Lilane family’s crest, which is a Danassian rose. Because Naia was considered a bastard child, but her father was of a lesser standing than Auranelle, she was made to take his surname because she was not ‘worthy’ of the Lilane name. So, Auranelle named Naia this as a sort of subtle way of spitting in the face of the house monarch.
3- Do they have a nickname? What’s the meaning behind it?
Just Naia. :) This was because many children her age had a hard time pronouncing Kijonaia, and once she crossed the sea, almost nobody could pronounce her name correctly without first being corrected several times.
16- What kind of food do they like or have to eat?
Naia’s favorite foods are hearty soups and stews, heavy with root vegetables and meat. Her favorite meat is deer meat.
23- What are their favorite hobbies or pastimes?
Reading. When she isn’t hunting or doing something for members of her caravan, she can be caught sitting in a tree or in a field and reading one of her many books. (She has a few that she’s reread several times!)
27- Are they diurnal or nocturnal? Early bird or night owl?
She’s a bit of both. Most elves sleep less than humans, averaging 4-6 hours of sleep. This applies to Naia, too. She is usually a light sleeper, and I suppose would be better suited to the night owl end because she does stay up until almost dawn, then snags her few hours in the very early morning.  (This is mostly because of her fear of the dark.)
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amalgammuses · 6 years
If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Questions About Creating Your OC’s || @thebastardlady
14.If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
   Hmmm…. I’d say the top two things I have to keep in mind are her background, since it heavily influences how she reacts and relates to people, and her way of speaking. She tends to drop words at the start of a sentence, like saying “Haven’t seen a phanthound in years” versus “I haven’t seen a phanthound in years”. She also has an Irish accent like this, so that slightly affects how she says certain things sometimes, too, beyond just her accent. I still have no idea how to imply the accent in my writing itself. lol
19.What is your favorite fact about your OC?
   Ah, geez, that’s a hard question! lol I can’t really name a single favorite, but one of my faves is that she can speak multiple languages. She uses this to her benefit a lot ( usually in the form of insults under her breath because someone’s ticking her off ), but she also mixes up her languages at times, or she’ll randomly slip back into speaking Danassian without realizing it.
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