magikborn · 2 months
Quentin was so confused. First his head hurt in class and all his classmates felt it. Now he was running out of the classroom to get air when a freaking portal opened two feet away from him. Nevermind it being a complete mad house outside. Shit. He didn't know he was capable of that. "That's new." Xavier muttered as he stared wide eyed only to find a woman staring at him with an amused look on her face. The only thing was Quentin didn't think his magic or his mental powers acting up were amusing. "Um. Help?"
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@daydrcamings / sylive.
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springbandit · 3 months
❛I wanted a fresh start. The chance to be my own woman… ❜ (Alice & Stu)
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"Well, believe me. You're one hell of a woman." Stu grinned, leaning slightly drunkenly against the bar. "I mean, you're funny, you're wicked smart and you're doing it all by yourself, huh? Impressive." He drummed his fingers, looking around the room for a moment before returning his gaze to her own. Icy blue eyes piercing into her. "Maybe I'm wrong, but, I gotta ask. Don't it all get a little, well, k'now, lonely? Don't get me wrong, being your own woman is great 'n' all, but, don't you want someone who appreciates just how great you really are?"
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crimsnclver · 2 months
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@daydrcamings : merlin for cassie
“SORRY, WE WERE JUST GETTING READY TO CLOSE.” He shouldn’t have even opened the door, but that was Merlin for you, being to kind when he was tired and wanted to settle in for the night. “But I suppose I could let you get what you were looking for real quick.” His cash register was an older model anyway, it wasn’t a problem to open it up again. “Come on in then. Do you know what you were looking for? I’ll probably be able to find it.”
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oftimeslostlongago · 11 months
“People throw rocks at things that shine” ( adam & alexsandr )
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"Huh... where I'm from they were throwing them at my head... deserved, very deserved" well he had served in the Empire, how could he not deserve that? Though by people it was usually the Ghost crew... who'd ended up being friends. That was probably a stranger turn of events than anything that had happened with this planet. "I imagine I'm thinking a little too literal though, can't help it when it comes to those sort of descriptions" often they had turned out to be true. He had learnt quickly the rebellion could come up with the most ridiculous strategies. "What were you referring to?"
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s4turnorbit · 3 months
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                   𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘆  𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲𝘀  𝗮  𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝘆  𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵,  his  gaze  fixed  somewhere  in  the  distance.  “  does  it  ever  get  any  easier  being  here  ?  ”  percy’s  connection  with  peter  ran  deep  ;  in  many  ways,  they  were  kindred  spirits.  it  was  a  rarity  for  percy  to  form  such  a  strong  bond  with  someone,  given  his  nomadic  upbringing  and  his  own  sense  of  being  different  from  others.  he’d  never  had  the  luxury  of  long  lasting  friendships  or  stable  connections.  yet,  there  was  something  about  peter  that  made  him  feel  like  he  belonged,  at  least  for  now.  “  don’t  get  me  wrong,  hanging  out  with  you  has  been  a  bright  spot  in  all  of  this  chaos,  ”  percy  admits,  a  faint  smile  playing  at  the  corners  of  his  lips.  “  but  i  can’t  shake  the  feeling  of  missing  home.  my  mom,  camp  ...  and  annabeth,  ”  he  adds  softly,  the  ache  in  his  voice  betraying  the  depth  of  his  longing.  the  mere  mention  of  annabeth’s  name  brings  forth  a  sharp  pain  of  yearning  for  the  girl  he  may  never  see  again.
closed   for   peter   parker.   @daydrcamings
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hhalfdoomed · 1 year
closed for valkyrie // @daydrcamings​ !
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there is a sudden realization steven has once late at night, that he doesn’t spend enough time out. he is not sure how that comes about, and why he suddenly decides that falling alseep with his face buried in books on a regular basis after getting home from work is no longer as fun as it was, but it happens. and so he’s here, only sort of feeling like a loser sitting alone, but, hey, baby steps, right? in truth, the main reason he’s here is the name, because as soon as he sees something named in regard to mythology of some sort, he’s all over it. “excuse me,” he says, with an awkward wave directed towards the bartender. “let me just say how cool i think it is that you’ve named this place asgard? i mean not you, specifically,” he pauses, suddenly uncertain. “unless it was you. if it was, then great. if not, that’s also great, because my point still stands.” he goes quiet for a moment, realizing that the other probably couldn’t care less about what he has to say. “uh, you got any drink recommendations?” 
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aemonddd · 11 months
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"are you sure you want this drink, darling?" tonks asks the other, who sits opposite of where she stands, working the bar for the night. she lifts the drink to her nose and smells it. "it's quite strong. i could make it lighter, if you'd like." she sets it down in front of the woman, "it's up to you."
@daydrcamings, for love.
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hopeshattered · 1 year
closed starter for @daydrcamings​ ( cedric ! )
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     “ hey, wait up ! “ they were slightly breathless as they approached the other, though there was a friendly smile on their lips. “ you wouldn’t happen to be interested in seeing a musical tonight, would you ? it’ll be completely free  —  it’s our preview week, and we have a few open seats left. “ neil didn’t wait for a response before holding out their hand, offering the other one of the tickets previously stuffed inside of their pocket. “ here. i promise it’s a great show. i wouldn’t be a part of it if it wasn’t. “ 
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starter for @daydrcamings (claudia)
The vampire Claudia. He'd seen her in sepia photos, he'd read her words daubed in blood in her diary. He'd felt sorry for her, felt pissed for her, felt disgusted and horrified and furious at her, but he'd never met her. Until now. There she was, sitting by herself on a park bench. He would've done a double take, if anything surprised him anymore. He just stared at her for a few seconds, knowing she'd likely spotted the weird old man gazing at her. Better head over before she got the wrong idea. Without pausing to wonder if this was a good or safe decision, he walked over and sat down beside her, and turned to speak. "Daniel Molloy," he said. "Good to finally meet you, Claudia. I've heard a lot about you. We have a... an acquaintance in common. Louis du Pointe du Lac."
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spookydreamsx · 8 months
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"OH, THANK GOD." it came in a sharp exhale as robin's eyes widened slightly and relief flooded her body. it made her feel almost weak, certainly helpless, but after a few moments of relentless staring, she collected herself enough to rush to eddie, hands pressing into his upper arms.
"eddie, oh my god, please tell me you know where everyone else is," she said, frantic, voice frayed. "because, you know, i was having this horrifying thought that we're back... you know... under again. the upside down. and that's enough to make anyone go a little batty." she paused, mouth having run away with her once more, and she flinched. "sorry. bad choice of words."
robin released him, finally, but her eyes still flitted over the length of him, ensuring that he was, in fact, still there. still present. in one piece. contented, at least for the moment, she waved at the air in front of her, as though clearing the smoke from her error. "whatever, look, i'm just so glad to see you. i was feeling insane, and when i feel insane, i just keep spiraling and spiraling and spiraling until my brain won't shut up, and then i can't stop talking... kind of like this... and it's just one nightmare after another and..."
despite having given eddie no chance to interject until now, robin paused for a beat, then said, "well... say something." || @daydrcamings
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demongemz · 2 months
Yеs, I’m haunted, but I’m feeling just fine. ( sam carpenter ) @daydrcamings
Abigail tilted her head something about the woman that seemed familiar yet at the same time she seemed…too young to be Joey, the other didn’t hold the same stance that came with being in the army but she knew the darkness that much was certain. Abigail really shouldn’t have been left alone since they arrived here but then again her father always left her alone even at the best of times. “Haunted by what? If some form of demon is following you then maybe you should alert me to such a thing so I can prepare myself for a nice little fight” she mused tilting her head “You look like a friend of mine, but I don’t think you are her, What is your name?”
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magikborn · 2 months
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I left all I knew. (debra)
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Jack's hair blew in the breeze. Being on the streets didn't bother him. It was seeing others struggle to be there that did. It was a cold hard reality that not everyone was cut out to be a wanderer. Lately, the ocean had caught his fancy and slight obsession in his drawings. He drew a majestic ship sailing across the calm. Dawson didn't know what it meant. "Sometimes, we have to leave behind what we know in order to move forward. Even if we leave those we love behind."
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springbandit · 3 months
❝You helped me. Why?❞ (Gwen & Tails)
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"Of course I helped you!" Tails smiled, "Well, it's the right thing to do, isn't it?" He put his hands on his hips, his chest puffed out slightly as he stood proud, happy with his work. "Plus, it's sort of what I do, you know? It's my job as a freedom fighter to help anybody who needs it, no questions asked." He looked her over, making sure he didn't see any obvious further work that needed doing. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything else? I know I could go for some lunch, how about you? My treat."
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crimsnclver · 2 months
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@daydrcamings : john and rose
THERE WAS A SHARP SENSE OF RECOGNITION WHEN JOHN LOOKED UPON THE BLONDE. And yet, he didn’t know why that feeling was there. He was leaving work when they ran into each other, their things scattering between them. He swore under his breath, cursing himself for being so clumsy. “I’m so so sorry about that, clumsy feet, me. That was my fault.” He picked up their things one by one, scrambling for his sonic screwdriver and then handing her everything of hers after he’d pocketed it. She was so blonde and her eyes were so blue and John couldn’t help but stare. “I really am sorry about that. A lot has been on my mind and I just … I won’t let that happen again.” It was an empty promise, but one he tried to make anyway.
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oftimeslostlongago · 11 months
“It’s okay, life is a tough crowd” ( joyce & percy )
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"Is it?" he mused, knowing that was true. It was difficult not to live at the height of the French Revolution and believe anything else. Though most in England had not really cared that much about it. Not until the Pimpernel came along and there was that mystery. He'd been ashamed of his country, but it was something he could never admit. After all, he was an idiot. "Never found life that hard really, just dull some days".
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s4turnorbit · 3 months
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                   “  𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲  𝘆𝗼𝘂  𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗱  𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲  𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲  𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺  𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗼  ?  ”  hallie  inquires,  their  voice  tinged  with  concern.  rumors  had  been  swirling  about  the  possibility  of  dangerous  figures  from  tatum’s  hometown  making  their  way  to  london,  but  they  had  hoped  it  was  just  hearsay.  they  longed  to  preserve  their  newfound  sense  of  safety,  to  live  without  the  constant  fear  of  looking  over  their  shoulders.  yet,  their  hopes  of  escaping  the  past  unscathed  were  swiftly  fading.  “  i’m  exhausted  by  all  of  this.  it’s  been  far  too  long,  and  yet  they’re  still  pursuing  us  relentlessly.  it’s  just  not  fair,  ”  hallie  vents,  their  frustration  visible.  there  seemed  to  be  no  refuge,  no  sanctuary  left  for  them.  the  realization  was  sinking  in  :  they  would  have  to  confront  their  demons  head  -  on.
closed   for   tatum   riley.   @daydrcamings
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