#days are full of cramming to get this diploma fucking done 12 am is full of yearning
derelictdumbass · 2 years
lays in bed face down thinking about hurt comfort and sobbing uncotrollably into my pillow
#nadine is typing...#LISTEN. SHUT UP#listen.#it's only at 12 am that my mind can come up with these banger ouchies specifically catered to me#this always happens after I make violent Dean content I gotta go all what if he just yearns to be soft and gentle and loved#and what if he's always on the edge of snapping bc Joseph is always offering him the peace he craves so deeply#what if we wants to stop fighting bc he's been fighting since he was born and he's tired#that's one of the reasons his and Jacob's dynamic drives me feral bc like#they are both survivors who have been fighting since forever and they will kill to protect themselves and their family#but Dean got to be soft for a while. he got to enjoy normal life while Jacob was off doing his Hannibal arc#and Jacob just brings all that repressed anger and survival instinct out in Dean during the reaping#he pushes him to the extreme and is trying to morph him into the part of him he hates most#which is in stark contrast to Joseph trying to break him down to be docile and pliant#they rlly fuck each other over with their very diff plans for Dean lmao#meanwhile John and Faith are just in the bg having emotionally intense moments with Dean that are entirely too vulnerable and fragile#tired rambling anyway the hurt/comfort is Joseph/Dean themed tonight and I think they should kiss#I think Dean should get to crumble and break into tiny pieces and cling to Joseph like he's a lifeline#a very unstable lifeline that is actually dragging him further underwater but still :)#days are full of cramming to get this diploma fucking done 12 am is full of yearning
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