#deathpacito 06
punisheye · 11 months
It's been a few days. Wolfwood's been eyeing his phone off and on, but since that first day no one else has reached out to him. It's a little relieving, not having to deal with anyone's pressing questions, but he knows damn well running off like that and then giving no explanation as to what happened (and lying about it) and then going silent is. Worrying. Maybe. He keeps forgetting people here care about him.
Apparently the other Vash had visited, but Wolfwood doesn't know what happened there. He'd been out at the time. He still doesn't know what to say to him. So he's not going to worry about talking to him right now. Instead, he opts to message someone else.
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He huffs, picking up the stupid little phone and opening up his messages.
[ text ] yo [ text ] Can we talk [ text ] Come here. New place [ text ] (location sent)
This encounter can go a lot of different ways. Wolfwood definitely thinks he's going to get an earful, at least.
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