#defo talk 2 me about the jotnar
mystarsforanempire · 6 years
anyway, today i’m gonna be doing some long ass meta posts on the Jotnar and both their culture and their biology, but i think i’m expecting these to pick up a little popularity in the fandom and at least get circulated around the jotunn!loki blogs, so i’m gonna be posting that meta on my writing blog and then reblogging it over here.
i know it’s rly annoying i keep swapping stuff between one blog and the other, but it’s just ‘cause my RP partners and those that are just a fan of my writing are kinda separate, so i like to have my best stuff on both blogs - plus, i know some people are a little worried about reblogging meta from other RP blogs, and i defo don’t want other thor-centred players to feel nervous about reblogging my sexy analysis of the jotunn ass
anyway, if you have any questions about jotunn culture or biology as far as i see it, totally feel free to send those questions my way in a reply or in my askbox. i’m definitely going to be covering today
the jotunn body + why it doesn’t seem to have any fat on it
i’m gonna be expanding on a concept of additional flesh layers, as well as talking about where the fat they do pack on land
probably with some reference to the aesir and their version of health and heartiness
talking about how the jotnar neither own nor understand cushions
the jotunn diet and what these people eat
expanding on my long-running insistence that the jotnar don’t eat sweets
talking about meat, the act of rotting, and what your big acid tongue can do for you this fine winter
i’m extremely tired of wannabe medievalists + fantasy writers forgetting that people fucking eat vegetables, you disgusting gremlins, there are things to eat other than huge slabs of pork and comically sized turkey legs
also why would they have the same diet as the aesir that makes so little sense i stg
the jotunn sense of fashion + some cultural notes about what is worn
and then i have like, a list of things i also want to cover, including social stratification, gender and how the jotnar think it’s fake news, what the jotnar think of royalty, the jotunn belief system, what jotnar do for fun (hint: they’re really boring) and most of all HOW THE JOTNAR ARE REALLY BLATANTLY *NOT* A FUCKING ACTIVE WARRIOR CASTE
and idk. i actually want to talk abut some of the uh, cultural genocide we see fucking practised by the aesir in regard to the jotnar because it’s too gross of a parallel to just ignore. there’s some really fucking uncomfortable parallels to straight-up cultural cleansing, and i’m really not cool with how the fandom kinda buys into it more when they act like the jotnar are savage monsters, ‘cause, uh....... nah. 
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