#despite the fact that PB was taking advantage of everyone’s attachment to the characters/series and me being aware of that
yourqueenb · 1 year
Out of all the Choices books you've played, which one do you feel had the most worth it diamond options (whether it was scenes/outfits/etc)? Not because like, all of the important info like clues was paywalled, but because you felt the main story was already super good on its own and the premium options made the book even more amazing
Blades and The Elementalists hands down. Full disclosure though, I haven’t done a free playthrough of either of these so idk if the stories suffer without the premium options. But I think I can still say that the diamond options are worth it because I’m extremely stingy with my diamonds. I only spend them when I’m already enjoying the story, really like the extras being offered, and feel that I’ll get the bang for my buck so to speak. And there were several chapters in both series where I was buying literally all of the premium options offered. And I don’t think I regretted any of my purchases.
I obviously loved the LIs I chose in each book considering they’re both in my top 10 LIs of all time. And Blades and TE also have two of the best friend groups, so I definitely bought quite a few of the scenes to either get one on one LI time or more time with everybody hanging out together. The items/weapons, skills, spells, etc. made both series a lot more fun to play as well, especially because we rarely get OP MCs. That’s why I need to start stocking up for Blades 2 🤦🏽‍♀️
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