#devante velasco
pandas-pandemonium · 11 months
Devante Velasco's Brutality
Third boy is up!
CW: Violence (not towards reader), yandere, implied murder
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Devante is the most violent of the rest, and in the group, has garnered a reputation of being the 'Bad Boy'
He was also one of the last who fell for you, their sweet assistant manager, and really, it's because he was hesitant. Once he realised his feelings though? His anger issues and possessiveness was amped up
He can't stand it when you talk to others outside of DI4MANTE; Why do you need to talk to other managers, idols and staff members when you're his- their assistant manager?
It's become almost routine for him to "get rid of the flies" after practice and filmings. Sure, he hasn't killed anyone...yet, but he's been bouncing ideas off Haneul and Alain to figure out how to eliminate the swarms around you
Nothing like a little threat behind the stage or at the back of the company building to scare someone off!
Since his acceptance of his feelings for you, the amount of scandals and leaked security camera footage of him beating someone up behind a bar or a building has increased. Haneul has been telling JewelLike Records' PR team to keep saying it was just Devante in a drunk fit and that he is "seeking help". Given enough time, people forget about these things anyway
Speaking of "seeking help", the group has managed to pull the wool over your eyes. Instead, you as the assistant manager, can't help but fuss over Devante every time he comes out of a "bar fight" with a few scratches. He has to admit, he's purposely got himself even more hurt just so he can have your hand against his skin for longer
His bloodlust leaks through to his affections with you too. Too many times has he quietly bitten your finger when you were patching him up. "Sorry, I dozed off..." he would always say. But with the frequency that it's happened, it's hard to brush it off as an accident at this point. He can't help it, just the sight of his bite mark on you just razes the flames of his heart even more.
For you, Devante would burn down buildings and commit murders, if it means that you'll always be with him the five of them
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Extrastate Opera Tech City Pavilion, In the scope of 1st Biennale du Réel.
Participants :
simonberard.garden Laura Buttons Lorraine Châteaux Noela Covelo Velasco Data Rhei DRPPR Raphaël Fabre Arthur Fléchard Eliott Paquet
1ère Biennale du Réel [PDF]
En devenant réelles, la plupart des images sont sensiblement altérées [1].
En prenant le pavillon de Biennale comme une image équivoque, à la fois modèle de l’universalisme de l'art contemporain, mais aussi en tant qu’institution remise en cause par ses propres récits, jouant de son rapport au réel (le pavillon en tant qu’étendard de la création artistique d’un pays) — le Pavillon imaginé par Data Rhei se distingue de la réalité entendue comme simulacre. Une exposition collective devient pavillon, faite de juxtapositions de formes et d'images hétérogènes, un désordre apparent qui se comprend donc comme une absence d'unité qui se définit en tant que résistance à l'effort d'unification de la raison. Si la composition d’un paysage pour une exposition telle que celle-ci est nécessairement traitée comme un objet de savoir commensurable, à ajouter à la somme de tous les savoirs dans le champ de l’art contemporain, alors, le « non-savoir » (là où il ne s’agit plus de résoudre à tout prix ce qui échappe au savoir sous la figure du Savoir) défendu par la Biennale du Réel se voit dès lors récupéré par le « savoir ». Malgré la volonté de se soustraire à tout projet, nous ne pouvons éluder le projet, il ne peut manquer de toujours dépendre de notions et de concepts qui impliquent le terme de projet.
Data Rhei en tant que curateurs invités peut chercher à se sacrifier comme sujet derrière l’identité d’une tech city, mais il ne peut cesser d’être lui-même en tant qu’entité ; l’effacement du sujet n’a de sens que dans la perspective d’un sujet perçu comme idem, noyau inaltérable que le temps ne peut pas corroder et qui demeure malgré le changement. Cet argument, dont le principal motif est le caractère impossible, sinon inhabituel, du concept d’un pavillon extranational prouverait l’échec inévitable de cette proposition. Sa conception en tant qu’exposition s’arrêterait toujours sur le risque que le « non-sens » et le « non-savoir » demeurent dépendants des notions de « sens » et de « savoir ». « Risque, à faire sens, de donner raison. À la raison. À la philosophie. À Hegel qui a toujours raison dès qu’on ouvre la bouche pour articuler le sens » . Ce risque est toujours que la compréhension possible l’emporte, que « la résistance à l'effort d'unification de la raison » puisse être vu exclusivement dans l’ordre de l’action ou de l’expression d’une fiction.
Croire ou ne pas croire en la réalité d’un espace d’art, d’une institution, d’un événement. Multiplier les effets de réel et dans le même temps les anéantir simultanément. Le Pavillon imaginé par Data Rhei est une exposition sur le simulacre, sur l’altérité qui s’immisce dans tout mouvement de spéculation, sur la spéculation comme production du simulacre : l’a-destination, la non-adresse de la spéculation. Lorsque l’on envoie une carte postale, on s’écrit toujours à-soi-même, mais d’un bout à l’autre, il y a toujours le courrier, la distance, le pas de côté… « Le simulacre » se définit plutôt comme simulation et non comme représentation d’un moment historique déjà absent. Le simulacre n’est pas une parodie, mais plutôt la description de l’expérience que nous faisons d’un temps-complexe. Simuler une exposition impossible ne revient donc pas à transformer en fiction un concept intégral.
Alors que les pratiques de collages référentiels (en tant que composition d’un paysage) semblent être ce qui définit le rôle du curateur : la fabrication d’expositions se conçoit comme pseudo-événements [3] devant alimenter des médias diffusant ces images de façon de plus en plus rapide pour assouvir une soif d’expériences de regardeurs de plus en plus pressés de voir la carte précéder le territoire. Cela va donc de pair avec une déterritorialisation de ces espaces d’art ; à la recherche de niches marketing, la tech city installe son Pavillon sur un espace de moins en moins spécifique pour y bâtir ces simulacres évoqués par Baudrillard [4]. La toponymie y participe, on est dans le lieu archétypal – (Opera) – a-temporel.
Dans ce contexte, l'image et le monde sont juste des versions l’une de l’autre. Cela dit, Ils ne sont pas équivalents, et l'écart entre eux révèle la place laissée à la spéculation. Ainsi, la production se transforme en post-production, ce qui signifie que le monde peut être appréhendé mais également modifié par ses outils. De l’usine au Tumblr en passant par l’atelier, la production d’images est ainsi confondue avec la circulation au point d'être indiscernable. « Le simulacre » en tant que récit a donc pour fonction de refigurer l’expérience temporelle du récepteur vers sa substance impossible en la maintenant dans un état de vertige nécessaire : « Nous ne sommes plus face à un temps linéaire, dans ce temps où le passé était suivi du présent et ensuite du futur. C’est bien plutôt l’inverse qui se joue : le futur a lieu avant le présent, le temps arrive du futur » [5]. C’est un mouvement dans lequel la pensée transcrit ce qui n’a pas encore été exprimé. En flirtant avec les limites du sujet, des pratiques et du sens, nous considérons ici le Pavillon comme une machine d’écriture de scénarii potentiels qui remet en cause la vérité et problématise son propre discours. Mais celui-ci a besoin pour cela de produire ses propres récits et d’exposer ses mondes.
Tels sont les objets et les lieux du Pavillon Opera Tech City : multiples et incertains, ils remettent en cause notre perception d’un espace-temps a priori familier. Dans la puissance des reflets (des vitres) et des doubles (les instances narratives) ; le réel s’effondre, affirmant l’efficacité du simulacre et la toute puissance de la réitération.
Cyriaque Blanchet pour Data Rhei
[1] STEYERL Hito, 2013, “Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?” e-flux journal #49, https://www.e-flux.com/journal/49/60004/too-much-world-is-the-internet-dead. [2] DERRIDA Jacques, 1967, L’écriture et la différence, Paris, Seuil, p. 369-370. [3] BOORSTIN Daniel J., 2013, Le triomphe de l'image. Une histoire des pseudo-événements en Amérique, Lux, coll. « Mémoires des Amériques ». [4] BAUDRILLARD Jean, 1981, Simulacres et simulations, Paris, Éditions Galilée. [5] AVENASSIAN Armen & MALIK Suhail, 2016, The Time Complex. Post-Contemporary, Paperback, p. 6.
[FR] — scroll for english
« Chère Éléonore, Cher Pierre,
Cela fait maintenant deux mois que je traverse Opera Tech City et ses environs, et je dois vous dire que ma capacité à différencier espace réel et virtuel a été réduite à néant.
Irradié par une lumière bleue, je suis plongé dans un système de réalité hybride dans lequel les utilisateurs et les appareils technologiques se déterminent mutuellement. Si l’on se refuse à considérer cet étrange endroit comme un territoire modélisé par le virtuel, l'idée même de le transcender devient anachronique. Les objets de cette haute société ont un charme quasi-mystique. Les images présentées apparaissent comme les visions divines d’un paysage augmenté. Ce sont des couleurs et des motifs bizarres, des collines craquelées dans leur moitié par des dysfonctionnements dans une formule secrète : « I was your future, I’ll be your past », une armure de chevalier qui ne semble pas être de ce monde, et une lumière aveuglante à l'horizon d'un long couloir. »
Algar Newton pour Groupe Médiatisme
“Dear Éléonore, Dear Pierre,
I now have been traveling across Opera Tech City and its surrounding areas for two months. And I have to tell you that my ability to differentiate real and virtual space has been reduced to zero.
Irradiated with a blue light, I am immersed into a hybridized reality system in which users and technological devices are even mutually interdependent. If we reject any suggestion that this curious place is a territory modelled by virtual processes, the idea of transcending it becomes anachronic. The objects of this high society have an almost mystical charm. Images contained on the site emerging are as the supernatural visions of an augmented landscape. We can see odd shape and colours, hills crinkled in half by dysfunctionings in a secret text: “I was your future, I’ll be your past”, a knight’s armour that does not seem to be of this world, and the dazzling light along a long corridor.”
Algar Newton for Groupe Médiatisme
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pandas-pandemonium · 1 year
Yandere!Idol Group and Yandere!Manager Profiles
Here it is people, the yandere profiles of the members of the popular idol group: DI4MANTE + and their tired manager.
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Alain Kumar • 26
Alain is the leader of the group, and the sweetest one too. His fans have dubbed him the unofficial "mother" of DI4MANTE, and he certainly lives up to the role. That same kindness and sweetness extends to the group's lovely assistant manager, Y/N, and is doubled even further.
The man cooks, cleans and would do it all without asking if it means being able to show what a suitable husband he'd be for you. He's also incredibly protective. What kind of lover would he be if you got hurt?! Or even worse- He doesn't like thinking too much about such horrible things.
His position as the leader of DI4MANTE also means he gets to fuss over you as much as he likes. Ever since the group got a new assistant manager to "relieve the burden off Haneul's shoulders", he's been doing everything he can under the privacy of the dressing rooms to help you in any way possible.
Going to grab waters for the group? Let him help! He's been working out with Devante recently and there's no way he could let their lovely, fragile assistant manager lift such heavy packs!
He also makes sure to prepare meals for you too! What do you mean it should be your job? No way, he's the leader of the group and he should do what he can to make sure you don't exhaust yourself. He'd still happily take any meals you give him though, and savour every spoonful.
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Isa Valentine • 24
Isa's the princely one, with heavenly vocals to match. He's also the most popular member of DI4MANTE and for good reason too. His ethereal looks and naturally flirty persona has garnered a rather large fanbase. Fans also speculate whether "Valentine" is even his real surname or not.
The man appears to be perfect in every way...or so it seems. Away from the cameras, underneath that dazzling persona of his lies a rabidly obsessive individual, desperate to keep his dear assistant manager as single as possible, and willing to smear his own name by causing a scandal. Haneul has managed to hold Isa back from doing so, thankfully, but Isa's patience can only last for so long.
Isa, in one word, is a pervert. Ever since their darling assistant manager walked into their lives, his world has never been the same. He wants you to touch him, look at him, kiss him. He's definitely stolen a few of your chapsticks or lipsticks and used them before.
Out of the group, he is the second-most easily jealous yandere. If you're not paying attention to him, or praising him for breathing, his mood is downright awful. Fights have been started because he thought a member of the group or some backstage staff member was taking too much of your time. Only Devante, Alain and Haneul can hold him back when he starts going off on other innocent staff members.
So much for being a princely man.
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Devante Velasco • 28
One of the main rappers of DI4MANTE, next to Alain. He's also notorious for being the fitness buff of the group, with his social media being chock full of gym pics...not that his fans would complain. Devante's the strongest of the group, and also the most possessive and jealous yandere too. The amount of water bottles that were crushed by his fearsome grip are overflowing. Devante absolutely hates the idea of you, his darling assistant manager, being in a relationship or even talking to anyone outside of their little circle. If he could, he would kill every single person who's touched you or looked at you a little too keenly for his tastes. There are way too many times that Haneul had to step in before he scared off some poor intern who was just asking you for help and caused a scandal.
Speaking of scandals, Devante has way too many to count and there have been petitions to kick him out of the group ever since you joined. Haneul has done a pretty good job covering the real reason behind the bar fights and all, but there's only so much that the company can do before people start piecing together the fragments of truth that have slipped past the eyes of the company.
It doesn't help that Devante has made it a point to find a way to leave a visible mark on his cute little assistant manager as often as possible. From little hair clips, necklaces, at one point he even offered to give you matching temporary tattoos! (He would go with a real one, but Alain persuaded him not to because that would cause way too much trouble for the group, internally and externally). Yes, Devante does have tattoos, several of them, that his diehard fans have tattooed on themselves as well. Devante's fans are the scariest, and if word ever got out about his obsession with the new assistant manager? Blood will be splilled.
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Matthew (Mattie) Rhys • 22
Mattie is the youngest in DI4MANTE, and also the most obsessive. He has made a shrine to his lovely assistant manager, full of pictures and little scraps that you may have left behind. Isa had tried to steal some of the shrine's items for his own use, but that was before Mattie struck a deal with him, as suggested by Haneul, that the two of them could contribute to the shrine instead of fighting over it all the time. There's only one assistant manager and they can only contribute so much.
Mattie is like a puppy in love when it comes to the group's lovely assistant manager. He wants all your attention, and will try every way to get it. From "accidentally" hurting himself to outright interrupting your conversations to drag you off somewhere else. He will try anything as long as it means you're with him as much as possible. Needless to say, Haneul has a field day when it comes to the group's division of their time with their assistant manager.
Also, don't be fooled by Mattie's innocent looks. He may look sweet and innocent in front of the cameras and to everyone else backstage, but his members know his true colours. Underneath lies a deeply jealous and lowkey manipulative man, who has managed to keep the innocent facade up in front of you to the point that he could touch you inappropriately and still brush it off as an "accident".
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Haneul Kang • 30
The Manager of DI4MANTE, who is seriously overworked. It's why he suggested bringing on an assistant manager in the first place. While his general idol management workload has decreased significantly since your appearance, his emotional workload has doubled. It frustrates Haneul that the boys of DI4MANTE has set their sights on you when if it wasn't for them, he could have you all to himself.
However, he still agreed to Alain's proposition to work together as a team when it comes to keeping your affections and attention focused on them. It's easier to keep the rats away when there's a whole group to keep watch after all. Even so, dealing with the frequent fights caused by Devante and Isa is no easy task, that and the many scandals that have arose since your entry into the group's dynamics. Haneul doesn't mind...too much, however. If it is for you, no obstacle is hard enough to overcome.
Haneul's another protective yandere, and he has worked with Alain several times to make sure you're not overworking yourself or placing yourself in harm's way. The amount of jobs lost in the company is a suitable sacrifice. People who could endanger your well-being don't deserve to be in your presence anyways.
Overall, Haneul is a massive enabler for DI4MANTE. He sees no reason to discourage their affections for you (so long as it's only the 5 of them and no one else), and is happy to keep the group's image as clean as possible as long as it means that you'll stay with them.
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pandas-pandemonium · 5 years
General Masterlist
A3! Act Addict Actors
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Black Butler
Boku no Hero Academia
Fire Emblem (Three Houses+Heroes)
Hunter x Hunter
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)
Kuroko no Basket
Pokemon (Mainly Sword/Shield, Black/White + Gold/Silver)
Shall We Date?: Obey Me
Solo Leveling
Twisted Wonderland
BTS (No longer accepting requests)
Yandere! Idol Group and Yandere!Manager Profiles
Alain Kumar
Isa Valentine
Devante Velasco
Matthew (Mattie) Rhys
Haneul Kang
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