#devrent valley
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...12 days till Spring 🌸☀️🌱
.Devrent Valley, Ürgüp / Cappadocia
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sylvinuk-turkey · 1 year
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We arrived at 1a to our hotel, in the rain. It is a room in a cave which is cool. But we didn’t spend much time enjoying the room, as we were tired and also knew we would need to wake up at 7:30a the next day.
Our guide and taxi driver (two separate people) met us at 9a at the hotel. Due to Gokay’s dad being famous in the tourism industry here, somehow his mom and dad convinced the dean of the local tourism school to have one of the grad students give us a two-day personal tour of the area.
He was very knowledgeable, speaks both Turkish and English, and was all around a lovely 30-year-old who’s getting married in 24 days! Had to share his “meet-cute.” His fiancé was on one of his tours, they connected on social media because he thought she was cute. After 2 years of conversing on social media, he asked her on a date… they live 12 hours (driving) apart from each other!
Luckily, it was cloudy but not raining this morning. So, we started at Devrent, a rock formation on the side of the road, which the guide called “imagination valley” because you can see a variety of shapes (e.g. camel and Virgin Mary) in the rock formations aka “fairy chimneys.”
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Then we went to two sites, Zelve and Pasabaglari which were both government protected, so we paid to get in. But they were incredible! This area was covered in ash by 3 volcanoes at least 9 million years ago, which created this easy to carve, sandstone. Hence the cave hotels, and also these amazing sites of formations formed by air, water and change in temperature as well as caves dug into the rocks. If you’ve ever been to the indigenous sites near Sedona, it’s similar.
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After that we went to a local pottery workshop (Alaaddin), where learned about the pottery of the region and the two types of clay they use. First red terracotta, from the river bottom. And the second was a white clay they mixed with quartz to make it strong. We got to try using their foot powered pottery wheel, with a pottery master, to make terracotta bowls. This was Gokay’s first time doing pottery!
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We took a nice walk down the river walk, and then headed to lunch, at an old “kervansaray” (Caravan Palace for the music fans out there). An old inn to bring animals to and stay as a stop during a long journey. We had a fixed menu of soup, borek/appetizers, an entre with meat and rice, and then a fruit dessert. Can’t forget to mention the local wine. Due to the ash this region is great for growing wine grapes.
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During lunch it started pouring but somehow the rest of the afternoon we were lucky because we were inside or in caves while it was raining and walking outside when it wasn’t.
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We spent the afternoon seeing more caves and rock formations. We saw an old church built into a hill side with old frescos. This church was not government protected, so it was not in great shape. It was under someone’s current cave house that was also a cafe we had tea at as it poured rain.
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Next we saw the famous “love valley” which has the most phalic shaped fairy chimneys. It was amazing because it cleared up enough for us to see one of the younger volcanoes of the region covered in snow.
We finished our day at Ortahisar looking out on the large fairy chimney has previously been a castle, because it’s so easily guarded. Sadly, a lot of it has collapsed.
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We needed a nap at the end of this long day, but we went out to the local town of Urgup near our hotel and had a local dinner at “Cappadocia restaurant.” It was recommended by the guide and it was yummy.
We were going to do a balloon ride early tomorrow but with the possible rain, it got moved to Wednesday morning, so we have a chill night and tomorrow morning before we go around again.
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Devrent (Imagination) Valley, Cappadocia, Turkey
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lokeshwith · 5 days
Exploring the Wonders of Cappadocia in One Day
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Introduction to Cappadocia
Cappadocia, located in the heart of Turkey, is a region renowned for its unique geological formations, historical heritage, and vibrant culture. This magical landscape, sculpted by nature and human hands over millennia, offers a plethora of breathtaking sights and experiences. In just one day, visitors can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Cappadocia’s history and natural beauty.
One of the best Places to visit in Cappadocia is exploring Goreme Open Air Museum, a special place filled with old churches carved into rocks. You will be amazed by the colorful paintings on the walls, which are hundreds of years old.
Essential Stops in Cappadocia
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Göreme Open-Air Museum
The Göreme Open-Air Museum is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit destination. This monastic complex, carved into rock, features an array of churches and chapels adorned with stunning frescoes dating back to the 10th to 12th centuries. Highlights include the Dark Church, known for its well-preserved frescoes, and the Buckle Church, the largest and most elaborate of the Göreme churches.
Fairy Chimneys of Pasabag
Pasabag, also known as Monk’s Valley, is famed for its fairy chimneys – tall, conical rock formations created by erosion. These natural wonders are interspersed with hermit cells and churches, once inhabited by monks. The area offers excellent photo opportunities and a chance to explore the unique volcanic landscape.
Devrent Valley (Imagination Valley)
Devrent Valley, often called Imagination Valley, captivates visitors with its surreal rock formations that resemble various animal shapes and imaginative figures. This valley is perfect for a leisurely walk and allows visitors to let their imaginations run wild, seeing shapes in the rocks that range from camels to mythical creatures.
Cultural and Historical Highlights
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Uchisar Castle
Uchisar Castle is the highest point in Cappadocia, offering panoramic views of the region. This ancient fortress, carved out of a rocky outcrop, was used for defense and as a watchtower. Visitors can climb to the top to enjoy the sweeping vistas of the valleys and distant mountains.
Kaymakli Underground City
Cappadocia is known for its extensive underground cities, with Kaymakli being one of the largest and most accessible. This subterranean marvel, spread over eight levels, showcases intricate tunnels, living spaces, kitchens, and storage rooms. It provided refuge for thousands of people during times of invasion and offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient life.
Ortahisar Castle
Ortahisar Castle, another prominent rock-hewn fortress, stands in the town of Ortahisar. This structure is less crowded than Uchisar, offering a more tranquil experience. The castle provides stunning views and insights into the defensive architecture of the region.
Unique Experiences in Cappadocia
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Hot Air Balloon Ride
A visit to Cappadocia would be incomplete without experiencing a hot air balloon ride. Floating above the fairy chimneys, valleys, and vineyards at sunrise is an unforgettable experience. The aerial perspective highlights the region’s geological diversity and ethereal beauty.
Pottery Workshop in Avanos
The town of Avanos, situated on the banks of the Kızılırmak River, is famous for its pottery. Visitors can participate in a pottery workshop, learning from skilled artisans who have been practicing their craft for generations. This hands-on experience allows travelers to create their own piece of Cappadocian art.
Wine Tasting in Urgup
Cappadocia’s volcanic soil and favorable climate have fostered a thriving wine industry. In Urgup, visitors can enjoy wine tasting tours, sampling some of the region’s finest wines. The area is renowned for its distinctive flavors, and a visit to a local winery provides a delightful end to a day of exploration.
Suggested Itinerary for One Day in Cappadocia
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Start Early: Begin your day with a hot air balloon ride at sunrise.
Göreme Open-Air Museum: Spend the morning exploring the rock-cut churches and frescoes.
Pasabag: Wander through the fairy chimneys and hermit dwellings.
Devrent Valley: Take a stroll and let your imagination interpret the rock formations.
Lunch: Enjoy a traditional Turkish meal in Göreme or Avanos.
Uchisar Castle: Climb to the top for panoramic views.
Kaymakli Underground City: Discover the intricate underground labyrinth.
Pottery Workshop in Avanos: Engage in creating your own pottery.
Wine Tasting in Urgup: Relax and savor local wines to conclude your day.
Cappadocia is a destination that promises awe and wonder at every turn. Even with just one day, visitors can experience the essence of its natural beauty, historical depth, and cultural richness. From the heights of Uchisar Castle to the depths of Kaymakli Underground City, Cappadocia offers a journey through time and nature that will leave an indelible mark on every traveler.
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packagetoursturkey22 · 3 months
Top Must-See Destinations on Cappadocia Tours
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Cappadocia, Turkey, is a mesmerizing destination that promises a journey through time and culture. Renowned for its unique landscape, rich history, and captivating allure, exploring Cappadocia is a must for any traveler. Here are some of the top must-see destinations to include in your Cappadocia tour:
Göreme Open-Air Museum: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this museum is a vast monastic complex with rock-cut churches adorned with stunning frescoes dating back to the Byzantine era.
Hot Air Balloon Ride: Experience the magic of Cappadocia from above with a sunrise hot air balloon ride. Drift over fairy chimneys, valleys, and surreal landscapes for an unforgettable adventure.
Uçhisar Castle: Climb to the top of Uçhisar Castle, the highest point in Cappadocia, for panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and volcanic formations. It's a perfect spot for stunning sunrise or sunset vistas.
Pasabag (Monks Valley): Explore Pasabag, also known as Monks Valley, famous for its mushroom-shaped rock formations. Witness the fascinating geological wonders and learn about the area's history and significance.
Love Valley: Embark on a leisurely hike or horseback ride through Love Valley, named for its romantic landscape of towering phallic rock formations. It's a photographer's paradise and offers breathtaking views.
Derinkuyu Underground City: Delve into the depths of Cappadocia's history by visiting Derinkuyu Underground City, a vast subterranean complex carved out of rock. Discover its hidden chambers, tunnels, and fascinating architectural features.
Avanos: Visit the charming town of Avanos, known for its pottery traditions dating back thousands of years. Watch skilled artisans at work and even try your hand at pottery-making during a hands-on workshop.
Devrent Valley: Explore the surreal landscape of Devrent Valley, also known as Imaginary Valley, characterized by its whimsical rock formations resembling various animals and objects.
Ortahisar Castle: Admire the imposing Ortahisar Castle, a natural rock fortress towering over the town. Take a guided tour to learn about its history and significance in Cappadocia's past.
Hike in the Valleys: Lace up your hiking boots and explore the countless hiking trails that wind through Cappadocia's valleys, offering opportunities to discover hidden churches, cave dwellings, and stunning vistas.
These are just a few highlights of what awaits you on Cappadocia tours. Whether you're intrigued by its geological wonders, fascinated by its history, or simply drawn to its enchanting beauty, Cappadocia promises an unforgettable travel experience unlike any other.
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lifenmaggie · 7 months
The third day of the trip we were going to spend it on Prince's Islands. Before, catching the ferry out to the islands we feed ourselves a very big Turkisk breakfast to kick start our day. The coffee was very good too to our surprise a lot of places we went to served us Turkish coffee which very different what I normally have in Melbourne.
The Princes’ Islands are a cluster of 9 islands southeast of Istanbul in the Sea of Marmara. We spent most of our time at the largest sland, Buyukada. We hired a bike and cycled around the island. I think it may be the most beautiful street I've ever been on. It was so grand and serene. It was like a dream.
We ferried our way back to the Asian side of Istanbul. We walked along the main street of shops and made our way back to our hotel.
Next day, we flew to Capppadocia where we stayed in a Cave Hotel called Anatolian House Caves Hotel which had its own pool. When we first arrived we chilled by the pool and had some of their late buffet breakfast. In the afternoon, I booked us an ATV tour to see the sunset. The ATV felt like an adventure across the desert. It was very dusty and the sunset was very pretty. The ATV tour allowed us to drive our own vehicle I wasn't very good at it so I sat behind Matt. I highly recommend get a mask for the dusty. We stopped at a few different spots to admire the natural landscape : Rose and Red Valleys. They all look very similar. We had dinner at our hotel.
Early morning, we woke up to do the hot airballon experience. The experience picked us up at the hotel 4am. I was quite scared of the hot air balloon. I was worried it would be unsafe, let's YOLO! It was very impressive to see the hot air balloon rise in front of you. It was so big. There were around 20 people in our hot air ballon. The hot air balloon moved very slowly , floating. You didn't even realise you were rising because it was so smooth. There were hardly any wind and everyone was silent. The views were breathtaking and speechless I felt so at peace and happy. Nothing really mattered but the present moment I felt so alive. So much beauty to absorbed! It was my favourite experience. The pilot was so experienced that she lowered the balloon to the city centre and floated and turned the hot air balloon 360 and she landed on the trailer. The experience finished with a glass of champagne and a cerfticate that I fly in a hot air balloon. The tour drove us back at the hotel. We rested for a few hours before we went on our next tour.
Our next tour was the red tour which started at 9.30am like the other tour it came and picked us up. The tour stopped a number of spots and the tour guide was very engaging : Uchisar Castle, Goreme National Park, Love Valley, Fairy Chimneys, Avanos and Devrent Valley. While I was at the Love Valley there was arcade of stalls selling souvenirs I bought my happy apple made of white onyx and injected my happiness into it. I was very happy at that very moment. I wanted to remember with a physical object.
The next morning I requested the hotel to organise breakfast on one of their roof tops so we can watch the sunrise and the hot airballoons. It was one of my favourite activity. The food was alright it was more for the view. After the breakfast we made our way to the airport where we fly to Istabul then to Athens and final stop Santorini.
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cappadociatours · 8 months
Cappadocia Tours with Local Guide
Cappadocia, located in central Turkey, is a region renowned for its unique and otherworldly landscapes, including fairy chimneys, cave dwellings, and ancient rock formations. It's a popular tourist destination, and there are various tours and activities available for visitors to explore and experience the beauty and culture of Cappadocia. Here are some of the most common types of Cappadocia tours:
Cappadocia Hot Air Balloon Tours: Cappadocia is famous for its hot air balloon rides, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the region's surreal landscapes, especially during sunrise. This is a must-do experience for many visitors.
Cappadocia Red Tour: As mentioned earlier, the Red Tour is one of the most popular guided tours in Cappadocia, covering attractions like Devrent Valley, Love Valley, Göreme Open-Air Museum, and more.
Cappadocia Green Tour: The Green Tour is another guided tour option, which typically includes sights like the Derinkuyu Underground City, Ihlara Valley, and the Selime Monastery.
Cappadocia Blue Tour: The Blue Tour focuses on attractions in the southern part of Cappadocia, including places like the ancient city of Kaymakli, the Soganli Valley, and the Sobessos Excavation Site.
Ihlara Valley Hiking Tour: This tour is for nature enthusiasts and hikers, as it takes you through the scenic Ihlara Valley with its rock-cut churches, riverside trails, and lush greenery.
ATV or Quad Bike Tours: Adventure seekers can explore Cappadocia's unique terrain on ATV or quad bike tours, allowing you to venture into less accessible areas.
Horseback Riding Tours: Horseback riding is a unique way to experience the stunning landscapes of Cappadocia while also visiting some of the historical and natural sites.
Cave Hotel Tours: Cappadocia is known for its cave hotels, and some tours offer the opportunity to explore these unique accommodations and learn about their history and construction.
Wine Tours: Cappadocia has a growing wine industry, and you can take wine tours to visit local wineries, taste the region's wines, and learn about the winemaking process.
Whirling Dervishes Shows: Cappadocia is one of the places where you can witness a traditional Sufi "whirling dervishes" performance, offering insight into Turkish culture and spirituality.
Cooking Classes: Learn to cook traditional Turkish dishes by taking part in cooking classes offered in Cappadocia.
Photography Tours: For photography enthusiasts, there are tours designed to help you capture the stunning landscapes of Cappadocia with guidance from professional photographers.
When choosing a Cappadocia tours, consider your interests and the duration of your stay. Many tour operators offer a combination of the above activities, allowing you to customize your experience based on your preferences. It's essential to book your tours through reputable operators to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to this unique and enchanting region.
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photos-on-the-road · 1 year
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Valley of imagination (presso Devrent Imagination Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTepwIM5oe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onenationtravel · 2 years
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One nation Travel offers best Cappadocia tours from Istanbul, Kayseri, Nevsehir, Denizli, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya. The best tour company from Istanbul, Cappadocia Destinations, is a luxury bus and small group tour company that provides amazing adventures. Travel to the Cappadocia, Goreme Open-Air Museum, Kaymakli Underground City, Red and Rose Valleys, Devrent Valley, and Çavuşin Old Village Ruins! To guarantee your reservation, book your Cappadocia tour package online now and also take advantage of early booking deals. More details at https://www.onenationtravel.com/package-category/cappadocia-tours/
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cavekonak · 5 years
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Bunları yeni buldum. Doğadan sanat eseri. Duygular şelale. Gülmeyi, mutluluğu amaç edinelim. 😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😍🥰😘🤩🤗🙂 cavekonak.com 05323319431 Ürgüp #istanbul #ürgüp #nevşehir #ankara #izmir #kapadokya #cappadocia #kayseri #peribacası #paşabağı #göreme #avanos #konya #niğde #kırşehir #animalplanet #instaanimal #istanature #zoo #hayvanlaralemi #hayvansevgisi #fil #karıncayiyen #doğa #doğal #planet #instaphotos #instalove #instanature #artist (Devrent Imagination Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYjVFxDn2s/?igshid=kglxso21gth0
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Best 10 Places to Visit
Nearly all Turkey itineraries begin in Istanbul. It’s this city that straddles two continents at once. The Bosphorus Strait acts like a continental border, splitting the city into two halves Napa wineries European and Asian. This city is the center of the country’s film and television industry, which is why many telenovelas, including Kuzey Guney, are not only shot but also set here. When here, make sure you visit the Ottoman Topkapi Palace, the beautiful Hagia Sophia with its intricate mosaics, and the underground Basilica Cistern. Shop until you drop at the Grand Bazaar, take a cruise down the Bosphorus, say a prayer at the Blue Mosque and soak in the cityscape from the Galata tower. 
Turkey’s capital and second-largest city, Ankara, is a quieter version of Istanbul. Buğra Gülsoy, who plays Guney in Kuzey Guney, was born here. He is among many celebrities who call this city home.The city has all the fine-tuning that come with being a diplomatic seat of power; however, it never bores its visitors. Here, you can visit the Anıtkabir, which is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of Turkey. It is no wonder why this structure dominates the city’s skyline. For panoramic views of the city, head to the Ankara Citadel located in the Ulus Bentderesi District of the Old Quarter. While you are here, go for a walk on the cobblestone alleys of the quarter and take in the quaint Ottoman houses. At the other end of the spectrum is Kizilay Square, filled with buzzing cafes and restaurants.
The star of the Turkish Riviera, Bodrum, is a world-famous getaway for beach lovers. The city sits by the Aegean Sea and offers a fun Mediterranean vibe to visitors. Its enviable location makes many tourists throng the numerous cafes, restaurants, and luxury hotels that line its azure coastline every summer. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, who plays the role of Kuzey in Turkey’s most popular show, holidays here often! You could visit Bodrum Castle, the Museum of Underwater Archaeology, the ancient Bodrum Theatre, and Myndos Gate or simply recline on the beach and hope to run into him!
Kas, Antalya
Kas is a quiet seaside town set away from the bustling crowds. It is located in the Antalya region on the Mediterranean coastline of Turkey. If you prefer an itinerary that’s void of a to-do list, this should be your to-go place! This is the best spot to explore the underwater world first-hand with several diving schools that will first train and then take you on guided deep-sea diving tours. You may take a break from that at one of the seaside cafes or explore the colorful streets of the old market! Kas also offers a dose of history in the form of ancient sites like Antiphellos Theatre.
Trabzon offers two-in-one fun: it’s located by the Black Sea in north-eastern Turkey and has the Pontic Mountains pass through it; this creates a hill station-like ambiance. The region offers a different take on Turkey, one that’s sprinkled with bouts of silence. Explore the Sumela Monastery, a Greek Orthodox Ministry built in the year 346 AD. Spend a night near the Uzun Göl or Long Lake, enjoy a sunset over the Black Sea at Boztepe, and pay respects to the nation’s founding father at the Trabzon Ataturk Kosku museum. Trabzon also has its own Hagia Sophia that’s a little different from the one in Istanbul!
You will know you’re in Cappadocia when you look up and see colorful hot air balloons floating in the sky. Of course, the best view from one of these balloons is that of the UNESCO World Heritage Site-listed Goreme Open Air Museum, which is home to rock-cut churches that once sheltered Byzantine monks. Equally fascinating are the region’s 36 underground cities—; the most prominent one being the Kaymakli Underground City. Once you’re done touring the sights in Istanbul and Ankara, there are direct flights that connect you to this city in the central Anatolian region of Turkey. You can visit the various pottery shops, the Pasabag, and Devrent Valley, and even check into a cave hotel!
If you are a lover of history then Ephesus must make an entry in your Turkey travel map. It is located about one hour away from Izmir, a city in which many of Turkey’s most popular shows have been set. Ephesus was once an ancient Greek city and today its ruins are very interesting to visit. The entire area is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and its must-visit places include the remains of the Temple of Artemis, the Temple of Hadrian, the Basilica of St. John and the Ephesus Museum where you will be captivated by the Artemis statute and the Gladiator Room. The Isa Bey Mosque is an important religious center as is the Meryemana.
Konya is a romantic city—the kind that would lure dreamers and poets. It’s no wonder why the famous Sufi poet and whirling dervish, Mevlana Rumi, penned his famous, heart-touching verses here in the 13th century. Without a doubt, your first stop should be at the Mevlana Museum that’s adorned with gorgeous roses and contains the tomb of the renowned poet. Its Semahane contains a museum exhibiting religious items from the era. Head to the Alaeddin Tepe park for an evening stroll and cup of Turkish tea. The other fine arts in Konya are represented by the Tile Museum and Museum of Wooden and Stone Carving, ensuring that all lovers of art have a gala time here!
Pamukkale literally translates to “cotton castle.” One look at its whitewashed terrain and you will know why! The natural site in southwestern Turkey abounds with hot springs rich in the mineral travertine and has been drawing visitors since the 2ndcentury B.C.! Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Pamukkale combines mineral forests, waterfalls, and terraced basins into an open-air spa in a surreal landscape. Take a dip in the calcium-rich travertines, trek up Pamukkale Castle, and learn about Cicero in the Roman ruins of Laodikeia. You may also explore the Hierapolis City Ruins that, along with the springs, make up this UNESCO site.
Bursa is so verdant that it was nicknamed "Yeşil Bursa" (Green Bursa) because of the number of parks and gorgeous mountain within and around it. It once served as the capital of the Ottoman state, and its importance as an industrial center continues to this day. In the winters, it is a major attraction for skiers because of the ski resort of Mount Uludağ that overlooks it. In the summers, the mountain provides respite from the heat and wonderful mountain vistas. Take the teleferik to go up to the top. Cumalıkızık, with its quaint cobblestone streets, is a preserved Ottoman village just outside the city center that offers a peek into the traditional Turkish way of life, head here for its huge village breakfast spreads. Buy souvenirs like ebru painting, lithography, ceramics and tiles, calligraphy, metal art, and Ottoman-period antiques at the Kayhan Bazaar. Also, don’t miss the natural thermal spas and hammams!
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ucanus · 5 years
Day 1 – Fly to Cappadocia :
We pick you up from your hotel in Istanbul and transfer to the Airport. Flight to Kayseri or Nevsehir Airport. Meet you when you arrive and transfer to Goreme where is the centre of Cappadcoia and where to stay.
Depart for full day Cappadocia by visiting different valleys. The first stop is Goreme Valley, you can find what the process of the rock formations in Cappadocia. Later we drive to Uchisar to visit the cave dwellings which are surrounded by conical rock formations. Next stop is Goreme Open-Air Museum. In the museum, you can find the most preserved frescoed of rock cut churches and monasteries.
After lunch we visit the fairy chimneys of Urgup afterwards. Moreover, we visit wishing hill which is riddled with caves, its a sightseeing spot worth to go to. Furthermore, we have a short walk in Devrent Valley where you can see so many different figures of rock formations.
After we drive to Monks Valley , you can find some special housing and living area here which are only can be found in this area. Avanos is a pottery town of Cappadocia. End of the tour drop off to your hotel. Free time and overnight.
2 Day 2 – Ihlara Valley – Derinkuyu Underground City – Selime Cathedral – Pigeons Valley :
At 9:30am, we pick you up in your hotel and go to Goreme Panoramic and stop for taking Picture over Goreme.Drive to the biggest underground city of Derinkuyu which only have 12-13s in the afternoon.Next stop is Ihlara Valley for hiking. We visit the churches which are covered by frescoed, the walking distance is around 4km. We have our lunch next to the river bank of Melendiz River of Ihlara Valley.
After our lunch break, we visit Selime Cathedral and Afterwards, we drive back to Pigeons Valley to see the pigeon houses which were built for collect guano.
End of the tour transfer back to Kayseri or Nevsehir Airport. Flight back to Istanbul and Arrive. Meet you and transfer to where tos tay in Istanbul.
2 DAY CAPPADOCİA TOUR WİTH IHLARA CANYON 2 DAY CAPPADOCİA TOUR WİTH IHLARA CANYON Day 1 – Fly to Cappadocia : We pick you up from your hotel in Istanbul and transfer to the Airport. 370 more words
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rehberguide-blog · 2 years
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🧳🗺 Ürgüp’ten Avanos’a From Ürgüp to Avanos Von Ürgüp nach Avanos D'Ürgüp à Avanos (Devrent Imagination Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVDc9aKYdm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Imagination Valley is filled with natural rock formations that honestly look like sculptures! The camel is the most famous, but there are so many more! It’s unbelievable. 😍 You can check out more about this day (the red tour with @newgoremetour) on my blog. Link is in my bio. #newgoremetour #redtour #cappadocia #turkey #sponsor (at Devrent Imagination Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqc1dd7hlNM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j4cushme2e9g
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photos-on-the-road · 2 years
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Sunset at the Valley of Imagination Outstanding Cappadocia! You can read more about its unique wonders and attractive landscapes and watch more photos on my blog: https://bit.ly/3JxAX1M (presso Devrent Imagination Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbZRZ3bsORP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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