#diane karolvich
tamari-real · 7 months
oh hey look more art!
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Demon slug boi: Most of this is art for the fantastic DATE TIME BY CATTRIGGER WHICH IS TBH RIGHT UP TUMBLR'S ALLEY GO CHECK IT OUT PLEASE-
Cyntipede: A Cyn art piece I only RECENTLY finished up after having started it in maybe like... april?
Catnap: catnap catnap catnap catnap-
Creepypasta looking girl: my headcanon design (to some extent) of Shannon Goldman from the Cult of X sonic.exe story.
Dragon thingy: CAROL BUCKETWOMAN (aka The Stanley Parable Reassurance Bucket's true form that gets described for less than a second in the Bucket's window ending)
Blue bird lady: My headcanon design for the Curator from The Stanley Parable! Pretty lady.
the falling ladies: Shannon Goldman (bottom), Diane Karolvich (middle), and The Restorer (top) on a mock manga cover. The Kanji (i think that's the word?) translates to "Trio of Chaos"
mechanic and weird girl: Fanart for an unpublished fic by a friend featuring Morris from Date Time and Ringu from Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion!
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tamari-real · 11 months
More diane content holy shit my precious ooo my baby I love her so much :3
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Diane Karolvich! The lore dump that's more of a character bio dump!
The storyline for her takes place after the ultimate bad ending in Bugsnax and she mentions in the first fic (Found Footage) that she found a ghost town (Implied to be Snaxburg).
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: (undecided at this time)
Profession: formerly a scientist at (undecided name) Corporation, currently an office worker.
Hobbies: not many, unless you call reflecting on your past research and life choices a hobby.
Favorite food: Strawberries (ironic) and chocolate, the latter to a fault.
Favorite drink: ... dare I say she found Filbo's old Snakwater recipe?
Favorite song: Bones/We're the Same by Sasha Allen
Song I associate with her: Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon.
(I'd drop a personality explanation here but her personality is very complex and hard to explain, even as her creator...)
Pets: Little Buddy, her strabby
"Wait, she has a bugsnak as a pet despite everything?"
Little Buddy has little to no bad intentions towards others. They're just a little guy.
(there's also a secret related to their name that hints as to why they're so nice, but you can figure that out! ;) )
feel free to ask any questions abt Diane or Little Buddy because I REALLY WANT TO RAMBLE ABT HER-
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tamari-real · 11 months
Am I weird for having a human Bugsnax oc?
Like I love Diane Karolvich with all my heart and she's like my second favorite oc of mine.
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She's my blorbo and I love her so very much.
(and yes that is a snak limb. It gets worse dw)
If it wasn't for yknow AO3 being down I'd toss both fics about her but y'know how it is.
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tamari-real · 11 months
super quick question, is diane's left/bulkier claw made of pretzel dough?
(You say left and I presume you mean from your left (her right) but I will explain both arms regardless)
Diane's right arm is made outta pretzels, correct! Her left forearm is cheeto + (i think iirc) dorito claws, but her upper arm is still intact.
Something else I kinda want to get into is Snak Limb Integrity.
Her right arm has a freer range of motion compared to, say, her right leg, because both parts are the same. When I draw her, the pretzel arm looks like two separate pieces because they kinda are.
(You gotta remember this is Bugsnax. Yknow, the game where you can give a trash can muppet two orange slices for a leg, get thanked for it, and watch them walk away no worse for wear.)
I mention her right leg, though, because it has two different types of snak. The best way I can explain it is: shove an orange slice into the marshmallow part of a smore and try to move it up and down.
It's really hard. It'd be easier for her if the smore was sideways, but that's for the bugsnax to say huh.
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