#did this remind me I need to add a Henry and Hawkeye fic to my WIP list? yeah
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
Hawkeye wraps his arms around BJ’s neck and pulls him into a hug. BJ throws his arms around his middle and hugs back with strength that borders on crushing. He doesn’t complain, though. He just gets one hand up to cradle his head, combing his fingers through his paling hair as BJ squeezes him tight enough to pop his ribs out of place. He feels him inhale deep in his hair, feels his fingers dig anchor points into his back that very well might leave bruises.
“I’m here,” He murmurs quietly, “Just keep holding on till it feels real. I’m not goin’ anywhere anytime soon.”
BJ’s response is to bury his face in his shoulder. Hawkeye tilts his head against his, turning briefly so that he can plant a quick kiss to the messy hair there. BJ breathes in shaky inhales and shuddering exhales, trembling quietly in his arms like a frightened child. This place has a way of making frightened children of them all.
From Things That Cry In The Night, and—
“No, I call ‘em sexy, smokin’, maybe even pretty. But never beautiful,” Trapper gives Hawkeye’s shoulder a helpful nudge to get him to flop onto his back, “That’s only for you. Even when you look like you want me dead.” He teases.
Hawkeye gives him a dainty little wave. Trapper throws him a wink as he makes his exit, needing to move out before he can make the decision to shirk his duties and play nurse all day. He’d already done that once this week, and he doubts Henry will take kindly to his doing it a second time.
from It’s Not Chicken Soup, But It’s Good For The Soul, for the DVD commentary thing?
—No GFA Anon
you got it!! and dont worry about the 500 words thing anon (I saw your other message) i wasn't planning on being strict with it haha
things that cry in the night-
so one thing about me as a writer is I really really love writing hugs. this is because I think hugging is an elite action and I am a very huggy person. one of the main points of this fic was just to write a really good hug. one of those hugs thats like, deep-pressure therapy that feels like it could put you back together while youre breaking down in pieces. Hawkeye here is physically holding BJ together, gathering him up and trying to fit all those pieces together, while BJ is desperately clinging onto him as tight as he can because he needs to convince himself this is real, and part of him is terrified if he doesnt hold on as tight as he can, Hawkeye's going to vanish
Hawkeye very much gets what BJ's going through here. a lot of inspo for this fic came from Hawk's Nightmare, and me wanting to explore how BJ might react to having those extremely vivid nightmares. its why I had Hawkeye know what to say and what to do- he knows how this feels. I also imagine this isnt the first time this has happened, even if we never got a scene like this in canon
I was particularly proud of that last bit- "This place has a way of making frightened children of them all." I still really like it. I was drawing specifically on Hawkeye's experiences there, referencing how he often feels like a scared kid when it comes to this place and the war. he's seeing that childlike fear in BJ, and he sees it in others. its another reason he knows what to do and what to say- he knows how it feels
its not chicken soup, but its good for the soul-
yeah that first bit I still really, really love. "“No, I call ‘em sexy, smokin’, maybe even pretty. But never beautiful,”-" is the indicator that what Trapper feels for Hawkeye is different than what he feels for the nurses, specifically in that early seasons context of sleeping around with them a lot. I wanted to make it clear Trapper is still very much into the women, because the casual sex in the early seasons is something I actually love a lot and isnt something I would ever ignore in a fic, but it is meant to indicate that his relationship with and feelings towards Hawkeye are different. its romantic, not just attraction
that last part is also very cute for me haha. I did not dive into it in this fic, because it wasn't relevant and I was very very sick while writing so I did not have the energy to expand on a lot, but I like to think Trapper enjoys playing nurse whenever anybody in camp that he knows/is close with is sick/hurt. he's such a caring guy!! he's such a sweetheart, we see that come into play a lot with the kids, but also with Hawkeye and I would even say we see it sometimes with Margaret. so yeah, of course he would want to play nurse and fuss around
and the last bit there about Henry is just a really funny visual for me. Henry of course appreciates the sentiment- personally I HC that Henry did a lot of hovering and mother henning over Hawkeye after the events of Dr Pierce and Mr Hyde- but also. he kinda needs Trapper to work his shifts, if only so he doesnt have to deal with Frank's bitching about it
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