#didnt pass the vibe check
crystal-mouse · 5 months
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I would like to inform everyone that the star trek scene it game comes with mini starships for tokens
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zalgoid · 3 months
Wiki how to cuddle boyfriend with the massive human experiment machine attached to his back
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It’s fine Frost is just gonna get stabbed in the eye 🙄
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justanotherfanfolks · 4 months
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crimeronan · 10 months
you constatnly reblog the materials of staright people.
this is why people who have been in a tumblr echo chamber for too long eventually start posting things like "can queer people fucking STOP oppressing straight people i'm so sick of all the straight hate you guys are so negative toward straight people and you hate them so much and straight people are perfectly fine" and totally forget that being straight is still considered the default. 10/10 i'm gonna keep posting the bait that makes me laugh and deleting the stuff that's boring. keep working hard in my inbox please
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rox-of-iu · 11 months
my message privileges got revoked hahahHAHAHHhdbx
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what did i do to go the messageless jail (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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derpygirl-draws · 2 years
More Runaway AU drabble!
Au belongs to the amazing @paper-lilypie
Featuring mine and @daunsun ‘s self-inserts hehe
“Hello Jacquelyn, a pleasure to meet you!” Your boyfriend William greeted your youngest sister with his usual courtesy.
You winced, looking for the 10-year old’s reaction. Jackie hated being called Jacquelyn by anyone who wasn’t family, and she always made a point to set that boundary. There was a twitch of her little nose, like a bunny on its guard. You don’t think you have ever seen her give anyone such a look of contempt like she had with William in that moment, all while still forcing a cute little smile.
Before you could intervene, your second younger sibling, Alex, did so for you by picking up the rather peeved little girl by her armpits. “Great to meet you too Mr. Afton, please excuse us, Jackie is in a bad mood today.” Then leaving with the child, but not before sending you a rather disapproving glance.
It was later in the day as you wrote out a report for the paper, due to the public becoming more invested in your new relationship with the famous Mr. Afton Himself. William was still visiting, as he insisted it was important to get to know your family more. Your parents, as expected, absolutely loved him, his charms were irresistible, you knew from experience.
Well, maybe his charms weren’t always effective, you concluded when you heard your partner yell out in pain from where you assumed was the playroom that resided next to the dining room a few rooms over. You got up immediately and quickly made your way to the scene. And wow, it certainly was quite a scene. 
William stood defensively next to the colorful kids table that Jackie often used to color on. He was gripping his wrist that brought attention to his rather bloody hand, the source of the blood being a clear-as-day bite mark between his thumb and index finger. You looked over at your siblings, Alex looking a mix of startled and slightly amused as she kept a grip on the younger’s shoulders. 
Jackie paid you no mind as you entered, her death glare on William persisting, but you could tell from the blood around her mouth that she was the culprit. Usually when Jackie did something bad, she would be quick to apologize once she knew she was caught, but there was no apology, she meant to do what she did.
“You little-!” William sputtered out before finally acknowledging your presence, “Dear! Look at what she’s done to my hand!” He looked understandably upset as he looked for your support in the situation.
You huffed and sent a very disapproving glare at your youngest sibling, her face beginning to scrunch, and lips pursed in a strange way. “Jackie, what in the world were you-”
Jackie didn’t give you a chance to finish your sentence as you and everyone else in the room, including your parents who arrived soon after you, watched the child spit sharply, sending a mouthful of saliva mixed with foreign blood right onto your boyfriend's shoe.
William, you and your parents gasped, Alex slapped a hand on her mouth, trying to cover up the short laugh she let out in response. Jackie remained cold in her demeaner. You gave her a shocked and perplexed look, wondering ‘why does she hate him so much??’
“I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this treatment, Dear, I think Jacquelyn needs serious help, a young lady should not act like a feral dog.” William said to you as he glared back at the young girl with annoyance but also unease.
“Choke on an apple you good-for-nothing old fart-” Jackie shouted, anger and fury in her voice before being interrupted by a booming voice.
“JACQUELYN THAT IS ENOUGH!” Your father bellowed, frustration and disappointment lacing his loud angry voice. Even though it wasn’t directed at you or her, Alex and you flinched while Jackie finally looked away from William and locked eyes with her father, a nervousness in her conviction slowly became evident in her expression.
You heard your mother huff, “Mr. Afton, I am so sorry about Jacquelyn, I have no idea what has come over her today, she’s usually very well behaved. Come with me, let's disinfect that.” The woman beckoned your boyfriend, who for a moment was still, before humming and following your mother out of the room.
It wasn’t a moment's wait after they left that your father charged at your sister and grabbed her by the wrist, force her to give him her full attention. “Go to your room and think on what you’ve done. You’ve embarrassed me, your mother and sisters and yourself with your little… I don’t even know what you were thinking, just go to your room. Now.” he demanded and little Jackie, tearing up, followed his demand and ran out of the room, sparing you a quick look that felt like a warning, the sound of footsteps on the stairs soon following.
It’s a good thing Jackie is the youngest, acting out growing up for you and Alex often led to more severe punishment. This was tame despite the severe reasoning. You never found out why Jackie did that, why she hated William so much when he didn’t deserve it.
Until now, as you run, bare-footed, in a wedding gown that is getting more and more ruined as you make wild twists and turns to lose your ex-husband-to-be’s goons in the streets of your town. You now understand why. That man's charms blinded you from how cruel a person he really was. He deserved the anger your sisters gave him. You just wish you had taken their side sooner.
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alethiometry · 9 months
bruh i'm not eating the fucken tadpole leave me alone
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nazarjoon · 2 years
if ur a new blog w like 0 posts and no icon etc n try to follow me im blocking u
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
some of the best turtles ive ever seen, says guy who said that last time it saw some turtles
[Mirage 14 Eastman, Eric Talbot, Steve Lavinge]
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[ID from alt: 1. Eastman Talbot turtles have stream line shapes, and inked with their skin as mid tone by default, except under the chin. Panel of turtles in repose, one, wearing a mask, lounging in the foreground of the scene, the other three sitting at a table, sans mask and heads on chins or arms. Caption box: That morning. Table turtle 1: Where the heck can Casey be--? He was out all night. Turtle 2: Yeah. It's pretty crummy outside, too!"
2. Turtles in a flat bed truck, two in the cabin, two in the bed. The one in the passenger seat grabs the dash and is looking judgmentally at the driver. Who looks irrate and says "Okay, okay, geez--! I watch TV too, ya know!" His eye level barely clears the steering wheel. The two in the back have their beaks and hands pressed against the rear window. END ID]
HIS ASS.... probably should not be driving....
also me when i summon my squad of beloved menaces
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[ID from alt: April tied to a chair held hostage by 3 men. She looks relaxed, smiling as she says "See, I told you!". Behind her is the chaos of the turtles break into the building, Leo lifting up a garage door with a "GAH!", Don swooping under it, bo in hand yelling "Grrahh!". Either side Mikey and Raph, one smashing through a window, the other kicking a "door down with a "HAI!" END ID]
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ayyshenaynay · 1 year
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moldwood · 2 years
me and the immigrant girl next to me when the motivational speaker says "lets give it up for our troops!" : 😐😐
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
hmmm new blog with no other self shippers in their following list follows me after liking 3 posts about a character? I think the FUCK NOT ur blocked I can't take that risk
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alola03 · 3 months
Ok i know it’s not a big deal but i hate when someone with the same interests as me blocks me after i like or reblog something from them. Like damn we like the same things girl…..what did i do its just little old me
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minimoefoe · 8 months
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made a bear!
he's wonky in some areas and I will NOT be doing this pattern again but he's cute and I love him
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katalinakills · 10 months
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tsukasageorge · 1 year
Fighting for my fucking life trying to design Mari magical girl outfit
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