#dirty worn-out ahh converse buddies
dinxieyinxie · 4 months
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more casual blorbos nyehehe
they go thrifting together i just know it !!! ><
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Shaaaannnnnnnn!!!!!! Hows about cas needing to be undercover so has to go shopping for something different to wear?
“Hey, you consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town,” says Dean, plainly. 
“He could be an agent or something,” Sam interjects to ease the tension.
“Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent.”
“At least I don’t look like a lumberjack,” grumbles Castiel as he furrows his brow at Dean.
Castiel couldn’t stop replaying this conversation in his head over and over again. He liked his clothes and never thought it was necessary to wear anything else. The trench coat was practical and what he had always worn. Dean never complained before; what changed? Only that now most Demons associate the angel with the dirty trench coat. He supposed a new wardrobe wouldn’t be the worst idea when needing to go undercover. 
On Friday afternoon, Cas decided to take matters into his own hands and explore the next town over for some new clothes. The man at the hotel desk said the best place for a new style would be in West Hollywood. So the newly determined angel hoped in his car and drove a few miles west of where they were investigating the latest case. 
It seemed like endless streets of stores, crowded and bustling with hundreds of people. Not knowing where to begin, Cas paid the driver and hopped out at the nearby intersection. He walked by a store called Vintage Finds, then passed another called Big and Tall, which he thought Sam might like, and finally stopped in front of Angelic Bliss.
“Hey, hunty! Welcome to Angelic Bliss! Damn near Heaven if you ask me! How can I help you today sweetie?” The grinning store clerk looked Castiel up and down a few times and gasped. “Oh me oh my! Well what do we have here? A good ol’ fashion makeover has your name written all over it baby!”
“Don’t you worry angel baby! Mama’s here to help you meet all your needs. Now come over here and sit down. I’m going to grab a few genius ideas that are washing over me.” 
Castiel sat down on the green velvet couch next to the changing rooms and waited waited patiently. Loud sounds of rummaging and the lyrics to a song Cas once heard on the radio was coming from behind a curtain marked in light up letters “SALE”. 
“Oh yes! This one! Definitely not this piece of trash! Hmm, this might work... Now this! Yes, I’m a fucking miracle worker!” The worker came back with a giant pile of clothes hanging in their arms and hung each piece up on the rack near Castiel. “Alright, angel. Let’s get you out of these old rags and into something a little bit more fabulous to match your aura. I read auras, you know? They say I’m the best clairvoyant in WeHo! Yours is phenomenal. I knew you were a good egg the second you walked in here.”
Cas stood up and skimmed through the hanging garments and chose a few that looked interesting. He pulled the curtain closed after stepping into the small changing room and removed the layers he’d grown accustomed. The helpful clerk would throw a new piece over door every few minutes asking about sizes and color preference of which neither Castiel had previously considered important. About an hour later, Cas picked his favorites and was ecstatic with his new wardrobe. 
“Would you like these wrapped or would you like to wear them out?” 
“I’ll wear this out and take the others wrapped. Thank you.” Castiel walked out multiple bags in hand and nodded gently at his new friend behind the register.
“I hope to see you again soon angel cakes! Don’t be a stranger!” 
New shiny boots came clanging up the metal stairs of the hotel lobby.
“Hey, Cas! Where’ve you been...,” Sam stopped mid thought when he saw his best friend standing stiff at the head of the table. “Uh, Cas... what are you wearing?”
“New... uh... duds. For the case. We are going undercover, correct?” 
“Yeah, sure. Hey, Dean! You better come out here!”
Dean came strolling in with a piece of pizza in one had and three beers in the other.
“Sammy! How many times do I gotta remind you not to forget the pie?” Dean opened each beer one by one and sat down next to his brother, not realizing his angel was back. “I mean it’s pie! Cas never forgets it...”
“Speaking of Cas,” chuckled Sam.
“Hello, Dean.” It’s rare that Dean is at a loss for words, but in this moment, a half chewed up piece of pizza fell out of his slightly dropped jaw and there was silence. “I took your advice and went shopping for something to wear so I could uh... blend in with this town. What do you think? Dean? Dean...?”
Dean snapped back from his momentary brain freeze and began to process what was standing before him. Castiel in tight faux leather pants, glittery oxford shoes and a v-neck shirt, which was bedazzled with the words, “Daddy’s little angel”, complete with rhinestone devil horns framing the curly letters. 
“You look... um... you look... ahh...” Dean rubbed his face with both of his hands and tried to formulate some kind of coherent sentence. Then he looked at the angel, and how high he held his head with pride. He couldn’t take this away from him. Wherever he could grab some kind of happiness without consequence, he’d never let it go. “You look good, buddy. Real good. It um, definitely fits you.” His eyes scanned the tight curve hugging fabric. He looked him up, down and up again. 
Sam on the other side of the table sat quietly while internally screaming at the situation he constantly found himself witnessing these days. “I’m going to... head out... and uh get some food. You two catch up.”
Castiel put the other bags of clothes on the table and started to unpack them.
“So, what else you got in there,” Dean inquired nervously. 
@feelmyroarrrr it’s been years since you sent this ask. Sorry 😂
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