#disco police
indigo6f00ff · 9 months
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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chaotichoschi · 5 months
currently stuck in a depression. one of the rare moments i feel alive. VNV Nation - When is the Future?
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danielcalmdown · 20 days
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i saw another drawing of kim's old partner eyes drawn as a tall, blond guy. i wondered was there some official description of him that makes ppl draw him like that, but there is not. SUDDENLY! a picture of danny devito lookin dude appeared in front of my eyes and so i had to draw them. he wears thick glasses too, only that they actually work very well for his eye problem. two unassuming, bug eyed kings. they fit well together.
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yaoiwars · 1 year
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Yaoi World
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skiipst · 3 months
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darthursfartblog · 2 months
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this is my favourite running gag in Police Squad
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fuitgummybat · 1 year
Friends, as a massive new wave fan, I have developed a theory: Every new wave song is somewhere between punk, goth, and disco.
My proof:
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Big thanks to @dartheritis for their help
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building-g0d · 3 months
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lowpolybread · 4 months
karma police live in denver you will always be famous
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suresne · 1 year
my husband is doing a high MOT playthrough of de right now and started the communist quest last night. this hand/eye coordination passive popped up that i've never seen before, and it kind of messed me up
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[Photo ID: A screenshot from FAYDE of dialogue from the game Disco Elysium.
Kim Kitsuragi - You notice the lieutenant is looking uncustomarily anxious. His posture is rigid, his right hand hovers near the zipper of his jacket.
Hand/Eye Coordination - He wants so badly to draw his Armistice, but he also doesn't *want* to want to draw it. End ID.]
kim is trigger happy, but it isn't because he likes to brandish his authority. he's fucking traumatized
kim's trauma has been addressed before, but i think this passive check is especially revealing because it specifically shows that kim's instincts contradict his will. as someone who has struggled with OCD, i know how excruciating it can be to feel like your mind is your enemy. like it's driving you to hurt people.
i imagine that kim probably has not a little self-loathing because of this, which maybe feeds into his need to keep himself on a short leash (the one cigarette per day, the strict routines). he fears his proven capacity for violence, and on bad days may listen to that part of his brain that says he does actually like killing, that he does really want to pull the trigger
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1tbls · 4 months
man, DE fic piss me off a little sometimes asdfgk. i think u guys are greatly overestimating how much police can or are willing to do, and what cases they are incentivized to actually pursue.
when my mom's apartment was broken into a year ago, her next door neighbor literally got one of the guys on camera, and the police basically shrugged and went "sorry! nothing we can do!". when one of the men broke in again a week later, while my sister was home alone, when she could have been attacked, when she saw the guy face to face, again they were like "sorry! nothing we can do!"
which isn't to say i think they should have gone all supercop to solve the case. what the fuck are they gonna do, manhunt the guys across the city based on grainy camera footage? what would my mom and sister even gain from that, what would the community gain from that, having cops hovering around and then maybe throwing two poor guys from the neighborhood into prison? it's just reality that there's only so few resources to solve these things, so many dead ends, and more harm than benefit to the socioeconomic circumstance of the area.
it's just kind of irksome seeing fic casually talk about all the crimes precinct 41 and C-wing are pursuing and solving, when in reality most probably wouldn't even reach their desks before they were waved away as a dead case. or if they did reach their unit, still wouldn't be solved because it's simply too big of a gamble of time and resources. according to pew research center, in the US, about 45% of violent crime cases are solved each year, and only about 18% of property crime. and that's only the solve rate for the reported cases. it is in fact copaganda and simply inaccurate to portray the police as though they make a significant impact on crime, when more than half the time they're going, "sorry! nothing we can do!" 👍
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bluastro-yellow · 5 months
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other cops don't have this on their jackets. is he not only going to work in revolutionary airman cosplay but also openly displaying their symbol like it's no big deal
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assorted-things · 3 months
I'm so glad I failed the check to whistle a tune when you're sitting on the park bench, because the ensuing interaction with Kim is adorable...
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mikymelodic · 9 months
Everytime I hear Ryan Ross sing "Well I'm afraid that I-" in "Karma Police- live in Denver" my soul leaves my body, my body leaves the earth and the earth explodes if you get what I mean
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faustodisco · 10 months
Actually if we want to talk about the lilienne/joyce ship I would like to bring up that it plays into the bourgeois woman’s fantasy of class dynamics in a relationship (à la lady chatterley), as well as the upper/middle class idea that their identity as women supersedes said class dynamics (and therefore they believe themselves to be in no position to oppress women of the working class) in a way that lends itself to reactionary movements like TERF ideology. As someone who lives in the uk and has been heavily affected by said ideology, joyce actually put me on high alert just by her voice and appearance.
I think it’s a mistake not to acknowledge that joyce is heavily thatcherite coded (the hair, the posh accent etc) especially when compared to lilienne who plays into the working class british woman archetype: she sounds welsh (considered a ‘lower’ accent), has young children, is a widower etc. It is fairly common to see the ‘confident mum who has to single-handedly support her young family’ in soap operas and other media, and she definitely plays into that stereotype.
Anyway, the ship is on the surface level a fun one, but let’s not overlook the framing as a one-sided and rather sinister set-up.
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
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