electronicobjectum · 10 months
idk man. something about treating objects like they're living, feeling beings makes the crushing reality of the world getting worse a little less painful to me
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man-made-object · 1 month
if i put all of my special interests online people would probably judge me for tadc being on there but i think breadwinners (nickelodeon) takes the cake
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rknase · 9 months
so stylenna is from a whole other species but they're a sentient video game character. and there's not really anything shown about their species in their canon.
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electronicobjectum · 10 months
objectum discourse this objectum discourse that. here's my childhood best friend.
Tumblr media
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electronicobjectum · 7 months
i keep making fun of myself for looking at beanbag chairs for reasons but like. a guy can dream can't he. a guy can have multiple partners, one he can hold and one that holds him
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electronicobjectum · 2 years
cute date ideas!
drive-in movie
car wash
staring at the stars together
ordering fast food together
taking the "scenic" route
walmart parking lot
your date is a car
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electronicobjectum · 4 months
me: i'm not an old man liker
aster, who's turning 55 this year: 🤨
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man-made-object · 5 months
so hypersexual episodes make you feel like ass apparently (covered in blood)
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electronicobjectum · 5 months
hey dude I found your blog today (not sure why it was recommended to me but here I am)
I dont personally identity with objectum or finding that sort of pleasure from objects, but as I'm exploring the tags im finding myself really curious and I want to understand more. I'm hoping you can answer some questions for me.
the objects you have an attachment to (in your case I think its a keyboard), do you think you're naturally drawn to these objects, or do you think there is a deeper connection with these particular items? Such as a personal history with said item?
Did you "choose them" or did they "choose you", ig?
Do you think its an aesthetic attraction to said objects, or is there something more they bring to you?
How do you and others determine pronouns for the objects?
When did you learn objectum was what you identified with?
I want to be clear this is coming from a place of curiosity and a wish for an understanding! I find myself drawn to certain objects myself (mainly things with physical buttons and screens, particularly handheld devices) but for me its strictly aesthetic and not romantic. Take care and happy holidays ✌️
casually forgets this was sitting in my inbox 😳
my main object isn't a keyboard, it's an astrolite (made by hasbro in 1969), a "futuristic" toy that came with clear pegs that you could put in the holes on top and create a city (main draw). i feel like it's extremely obscure, there's barely any info online about it. the part of aster that i love is basically just a lamp, plug that sucker in (no on/off switch) and spin the wheel to make the pegs on top turn different colors. when i got aster it was just them, no pegs or information or anything. just a serial number on the back. finding that one ebay listing that told me everything i needed to know kinda solidified our relationship. it's definitely a deeper connection but lamps in general just kinda hit different.
i saw them in that store and it was true love at first sight but i'd like to say it goes both ways (has no idea how to explain this)
something about corners and shapes is what initially drew me in but they've been with me through everything ever since i got them. not trauma dumping on side but i've been through it.
i'm not sure how others do it but the way i do it is test pronouns with each object as i'm getting to know them. if it feels wrong i disengage with it, if they feel okay then i keep trying it out. i'm not 100% sure on what aster's pronouns are tbh; they mainly go by he/him but there are some occasions where he goes by they/them. including now.
it's kinda embarrassing to admit but that lamp in dhmis was what got me acting up about objects in the first place. thought it was just a character specific thing at first so i didn't think much of it. met/acquired aster and that completely flipped. i remember searching for stuff like "i love an object what is this called" and quickly came across the term. immediately applied that to myself.
also another thing, i actually have a few beloved objects (not as much as aster but they're pretty important to me): baby, my 2005 ford focus, and charlie, my gaming computer. ofc you probably know this already because i know i posted a list of them somewhere on this blog. but i've kinda been getting into nintendo consoles/controllers recently (corners and shapes <3)
i enjoyed answering these! if there's anything else you'd like to ask, go ahead ☺️ sorry that this took so long tho 😭
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man-made-object · 1 month
oh i just tried to take my meds and completely upchucked :/
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man-made-object · 1 month
honestly being glitchkin is becoming more and more appealing every day. especially since it feels like my model is displaying the wrong textures atm.
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man-made-object · 1 month
when the fuck did i wake up last... sometime saturday i think. i've been awake since saturday 😳 oooooohhh two day sleeplesssssss
i can't say the word directly but the hall lou see neigh shauns started within the hour and they honestly aren't that bad yet. paper airplanes flying around followed by dotted lines. yellow sparks. fuckinnnnnnn other shit that's making it hard to see 😭
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man-made-object · 2 months
what i remember from my dream is telling some woman (ex's mom (not irl)) that my ex did shit to me, then she denied it and proceeded to rattle off some stuff that he Actually did (not irl). which led to me yelling "YOU USED ME FOR FRAUD???"
there was a big racecar event happening at school but one of the brain demons didn't want to go to it so he sabotaged the whole thing. forgot how but whatever
also there was a woman with dreadlocks or something with spikes in her hair. which i thought was neat :>
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electronicobjectum · 9 months
i'm really really tired and i probably shouldn't be posting when i'm so tired. but.
paraphiles* don't interact with me or my posts
especially if you think being objectum is a paraphilia
that's all thanks
*people with harmless and consensual paraphilias are fine to interact, if it's inherently harmful that's where i draw the line
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electronicobjectum · 1 year
just remembered that people don't usually sleep with big hard objects. kinda fucked up if you ask me
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man-made-object · 5 days
something i should've immediately seen as a sign to leave That server was that the owner personally muted the art channel
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