#dmmd excerpts
aobabes · 2 years
Considering a lot of us agree that Noiz is autistic, I would now like to offer this idea for a NoiCle/Noikuri au where:
Noiz’s parents, being standard autism parents™, assign Noiz an emotional support robot since they can't be bothered to properly parent him nor connect with him. He is assigned the bot at six years old but his parents lie to him and tell him they're giving him a roommate, a new live-in friend to play with instead.
The bot looks to be the same age as Noiz, and its memory logs are uploaded and stored into a new body that fits the age it's supposed to be for every birthday it shares alongside Noiz, as a means to make it seem as human as possible. For a while, it worked, until Noiz started to reach his teenage years. Then, he started to grow suspicious yet wanted to wait and see. And, sure enough, on his eighteenth birthday, he noticed Clear had somehow left the room without him noticing and sat awake waiting for him to come back. When he did, he looked different, like he aged up exactly by one year. He asked him, then, “What are you?”
Clear didn't see a reason in lying to his master, even if he wasn't programmed to be completely honest with him at all times, no matter what he said or wanted or asked. He was assigned to Noiz as a means to aid him, connect with him, take care of him, love him. But, over the course of time, he grew to go against his programming. He was programmed to love and cherish him as a friend, but now, standing in front of him, the boy he's grown up with in a sense, the one whom he's grown to love, he felt a newfound warmth in his chest, one that wasn't the usual rumble and clunk of mechanisms and processors running behind his artificial skin. He felt a budding, a blooming, a growing radiance throughout his chest module; a feeling, an emotion that went entirety against his strictly platonic programming. He wanted to hold his hand, to hug him, to hold him, to always be with him, to see the world beyond the confinement of this room with him, to run away with him. He wanted to save him. Because he loved him. So, there was no point in lying to him.
“I am an android, a man-made machine programmed with the task of being your friend.” He offered a small, saddened smile. “But, I believe a malfunction has occured..” He trailed off, looking down at the floor beneath them, at the space between them. “Because I have now grown to love you.”
Noiz remained silent. He figured as much, because sometimes when they cuddled, he heard the shifting and overturning of gears and machinery in place of a heartbeat. He figured as much, because whenever they rough-housed as kids, Clear never ran out of breath and dodged almost all of his sneak attacks with ease, which for a 6 year old is questionable to say the least. He figured as much, because whenever Noiz cried or awoke from a nightmare or injured himself, whether it be accidental or intentional, Clear was always there to heal him, to soothe him, knowing exactly what to say to calm him down, to ease him, to clear all the noises from his head when he got too overwhelmed, too afraid, almost like it was his very nature to do so. He figured as much, because when they first met at the age of 6, he had no name, no parents, and when asked he had no recollection of a family before meeting Noiz. Almost as if he just happened to appear in the possession of Noiz’s parents. He figured as much, so why? Why was he crying? He wasn't sad, he wasn't mad.. So, then, why?
“Ah– Noiz-san?! Are you okay?” Clear unconsciously took a step forward, his caretaker programming immediately activated at the sight of his master sobbing.
Suddenly, Noiz hugged him tightly, snuggling his face into the nape of his neck. “I'm happy.” He admitted, tearfully. “I've always felt so inhuman... So alien.... It hurt so much. But you've made me feel more human than anyone else. You've made me feel more than anything else. You make me feel alive.”
Clear’s information intake system faced difficulties processing the words his master was saying. Not because he didn't understand him, but because his sentences contradicted everything Clear thought about himself. He blinked. Then frowned. “How? I'm not alive, so.. How can I make you feel alive when I myself am not living?”
“You just said you love me, didn't you?”
“You don't physically have a heart. But you can still love me. You don't have real skin, under the surface you're just a bunch of metal and wires, but you can still feel pain. You're the opposite of me. I have a living, beating heart, but I have never known nor felt love all my life. I have real skin, with flesh and blood underneath, but I've never felt pain or any other sensations throughout my entire life. You're the complete opposite of me, and I'm the complete opposite of you. I have what you want and you have what I need. I should hate you. I should envy you. But, I don't. I like you.” He then paused. “I...” He looked away and then down at his feet. He pouted, grumpily grumbling, “I love you.” He exhaled, then inhaled. Then, just above a whisper, he muttered, “Because you complete me and I complete you. Like a puzzle or something, I don't know...”
Clear’s dialogue sputtered then, himself glitching in a fit of embarrassment. “Wha–? Wha–?? Whaaaa–?!” Covering his face shyly, he subconsciously took in what the other had said. He couldn't detect a single flaw within his dialogue and it made him even more flustered and shy, yet he still managed to force out a sentence. “The... Probability of me and Noiz-san completing each other in a r-romantic sense is.... Not... Zero.”
For some reason, this made Noiz chuckle. Then, a newfound desire in the form of an impulsive thought lurched forth. “We should leave.”
“Ehh?? Leave?”
“Yeah. Together.”
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