#do that to their voices - i think he's just used to being the indestructable bunny
360iris · 3 years
Wanna Be Down (George Weasley x Reader x Fred Weasley)
Warnings: Pure smut! She/her pronouns for the reader! No funny business between the boys I promise! There’s bound to be some typo that I missed, sorry ‘bout that!
Word count: 1,628
Summary: There’s a birthday, a bunny costume and The Twins... What could go wrong?
A/N: This was originally meant to drop on their birthday, April 1st... I’m 28 days late for that but hey, better late than never! It’s been collecting dust for the entire time and I wanted to set it free. I hope someone enjoys it!
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“You want me to- to wear a bunny outfit and have the two of you…” You faltered nervously, the words seemed foreign on your tongue.
“-fuck you in it.” Fred finished for you with a wide grin, as if this was the most in the ordinary activity to plan.
The twins wanted to sleep with you? This was the first you’d heard of it, that’s for sure. And though the thought sent waves of excitement through your body, the prospect was daunting.
You’d been friends since diapers, a meager six hours separating your births. And whether the bond that formed later was predetermined by fate, or by pure chance, it was wholly indestructible.
Through the years, the three of you operated perfectly insync. Remaining quite persistently glued at the hip; completing every task deemed worthy enough as an odd unit.
There was an unspoken rule that each of you would make sure that the others felt equally included in activities.
So why should taking your virginity be any different?
“We’ll be twenty in a few hours, Y/N. Don’t you want to kick off the new decade with a bang?” George asked, his face genuine and voice laced with just the right amount of sweetness. He always did know how to persuade you into going along with Fred’s crazy schemes.
“Quite literally in this instance.” Fred added cheekily and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Both of you have had sex before though. Plenty of times in fact! You told me about it afterwards! In vivid detail at that! Why are you so worried about me now?” Your brows were furrowed, lips turned downwards in a pout.
Sitting criss-cross on your bed, you tugged one of the many pillows on your bed into your lap. Squeezing it tighter when you met their gazes again.
Fred had his hands tucked into his jean pockets, happy as ever. He acted as if it was only a matter of time before he’d get the answer he wanted.
George on the other hand, at least looked like he was having a conversation with you; and not like he was just waiting for you to realize you’d never actually said no to them before. His eyes were soft, assessing your demeanor before approaching your spot at the foot of the bed.
“You know you’re our favorite girl. Don’t you, Y/N?” He questioned and you suddenly felt smaller looking directly up at him. Ginger waves caressing his cheeks and pooling at his shoulders.
“I mean- I suppose.” You replied dumbly.
“Who do we always come back home to?” He asked again, his left hand lifting up from his side to comb through your hair. The pads of his fingers brushing against your cheek as they went.
“Me.” Your answer was hushed, though it was only the three of you in the flat. They’d closed the shop downstairs hours ago.
“And who trails after me as much as she can during the day, practically jumping into my lap the first opportunity she gets?” His voice was getting lower and his gaze remained fixed to you, you tried your best not to squirm.
“M- Me.”
“Lastly, whose the babygirl that slips into my bed at three in the morning because she stays up too late and gets scared?” He was teasing you now, you knew it, but still gave him a reply.
“Me, George.” Both of his hands were cupping your face now, fingertips laced in your hair, you couldn’t look away even if you wanted to.
“So when I ask my favorite girl to put on the outfit I picked out for her, so I can make her feel good on her birthday, what do you think I want to hear back?” A single brow arched as he waited for your answer, ignoring Fred’s quiet “I helped choose it too, y’know.”
Wrapping your fingers around his wrists, you thought about all the times he and Fred had slept with other girls. How deep down you’d wished they’d looked at you the same way.
He allowed you to remove one of his hands, a dark smirk splitting across his face when you’d slowly brought it between your legs. Only coming to a stop when he was cupping your heat.
“I think- I think I’ve been holding out for you.” It was no higher than a whisper, but it’d been the truth nonetheless. He smiled wider at this confession, leaning in and pressing a light kiss on your forehead.
“All the more reason not to disappoint.” He responded, you faintly registered rustling from behind him.
“Y/N, dear?” Fred called.
“Time to put the outfit on.”
It’d been relatively easy to slip into the get-up. The bodysuit, wrist cuffs and neck piece fitting like a glove.
“When did you get my measurements?” You asked, looking down at yourself.
“Since when have we not had your measurements?” Fred laughed, pulling you onto the bed with him until your back was flush against his chest. Your head comfortably leaning back on his left shoulder.
George following after you, settled for sitting up in front of you, his knees digging into the pink duvet.
“The ears are a nice touch.” He remarked with a pleased smirk. “Don’t you agree, Fred?”
“Absolutely. All white suits her.” He replied matter-a-factly, hands already roaming your torso. Ghosting over your exposed thighs, he hooked a finger under the bikini line of the bodysuit and let it snap back into place. Your hips jutted outwards at the impact.
“Want to hear you ask for it, Y/N.” George was palming your calves, making you feel small again.
“What do you want me to say?” Your brows furrowed curiously at the request, breath hitching when he utilized his grip to pull you further down Fred’s chest. Your ankles eventually hooking against George’s shoulders.
“Want him to play with your little cunt, don’t you baby?” Fred asked from above you, heat rushing to your face at his words.
“Y- Yeah.”
“Then ask, darling.” He grinned at your eyes widening as you met his gaze upside down.
Turning your attention back to George, you absentmindedly bit at the end your thumb nervously. Sure you’d used curse words like anyone else in the world, but the thought of actually asking the twins to fuck you was on a level you’d never thought you’d reach.
“Georgie?” You tried carefully.
“What is it, baby?” He replied softly, a smile playing on his lips, patiently waiting.
“Want- Want you to make me feel good.”
“How?” He prompted, delighting in your fidgeting. Fred however wasn’t feeling as patient, sending a soft smack to your inner thigh.
“Don’t have all day, bunny.” He chided, slowly massaging the site.
“Want your cock, Georgie.” You finally relented, wanting nothing more than to hide your face in your hands, but you feared being spanked again by Fred. 
George rewarded you with a kiss, palming your clit through the material. He swallowed up every whimper that escaped your lips, only answering by expertly thumbing the area faster. 
“Let’s see how wet you are, bun.” Fred whispered, pulling the bodysuit aside to reveal your heat. Running a finger through your folds, he promptly brought it to your mouth. Smirking widely when you began meekly sucking at the digit.
“I’m gonna get you ready, okay sweetheart?” George asked, mouthing at your neck. He didn’t move until you garbled something close to “okay” through Fred’s fingers sadistically pressing down your throat.
Armed with plenty of lube, the first finger sliding into you felt like nothing. By the third, he resorted to distracting you by rubbing your bud to ease the initial stretch. Although nothing could have prepared you for how uncomfortable taking his tip was.
It was a slow process, full of the boys tenderly guiding you to breathe deeply and relax your muscles. With the abundance of their attention focused on outweighing the discomfort with pleasure, eventually the mild pain began to blur around the edges. 
The level of satisfaction that rolled over you when you’d finally reached the hilt was like no other. 
“Good girl.” Fred purred into your hair as George wiped away a stray tear from the corner of your eye. “Took it like a champ, didn’t she, Georgie boy?”
“Sure did, Fred. Squeezing me so nicely too.” He replied smiling proudly.
“Full- So full.” You whimpered blearily, not sure which boy you were grasping for. Each accepted one of your wandering hands, giving them an encouraging squeeze.
“You’re doing so well, babygirl. How about you let me make you feel good now, hm?” George’s voice was gruff as he patiently waited for you to nod back in response.
Soon the discomfort had melted away, leaving only the easy slide of George’s length and the gratification of being engulfed between the loves of your life. 
You promptly got lost in the jumble of mouths, hands and pleasure. 
“Gonna come for us, love?” George asked, holding your hips done to focus his thrusts. 
“Can I- Can I, please? Please let me come!” You whined desperately, unable to distinguish whose hands belonged to who.
“Go ahead, bunny.” George answered and it was all you needed to hear. Your visioned blurred as your toes curled, the only thing you could register was that he was fucking you through it. Fred’s fingers circling your clit didn’t let up until you were pathetically trying to pull at his wrist.
A weak mewl fell from your lips as George pulled out of you spent. Simpering under his praises, you closed your eyes. 
The sudden smack against your face was sobering, leaving you blurrily blinking up at Fred’s eager grin.
“I hope you didn’t think you were off the clock, bun.”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable. ( Jungkook x OC)
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!! [ bet you’ve never seen all of this in one fic before? ] 
[ Some notes : Born Vampires stop aging when they turn twenty five.  Turned vampires stop aging when they’re turned. ]
Summary : 
21 year old Hwang Sera is sick of being the only human in an entire clan of vampires. As an immortal human from one of the oldest bloodlines, she is a catch. The Vampire she marries would essentially be indestructible. 
Which makes her an easy target for greedy vampires everywhere. 
Determined to keep his precious daughter safe, her father hires an old friend , Jeon Jungkook as her full time bodyguard. 
Jungkook is 35 years old ( well technically 576 years old )  , father to an adorable five year old kid and he has zero tolerance for Sera and her teenage shenanigans. But , he needs the money and he knows his son would be safe in the  Hwang clan’s massive mansion.  
And suddenly, after years of despising vampires, all Sera can think about is getting into the gorgeous vampire’s bed and maybe into his heart. 
Chapter 1
“He’s so hot.” My sister sighed for the seventeenth time and I glared at her.
“He’s mine. Back the fuck off.” I bared my non existent fangs at her and she retaliated by showing off her own inch long fangs, eyes flashing ruby red in the confines of our huge sprawling bedroom. 
The man in question, my sparkling new bodyguard wasn’t here now. He was downstairs at the party, being introduced to the others as the latest addition to our clan.
My mouth watered when I remembered his gorgeous, handsome face. And that body , God. 
Sculpted by some higher being who wanted to show off, for sure. 
I had never given much thought to losing my virginity. It certainly wasn’t by design that I hadn’t had sex yet but looking at Jeon Jungkook in a fitted black suit, midnight black hair falling into his lovely red eyes and those delicious muscles.....
I kind of believed in fate now. 
This was why I’d always been repulsed by the vampires who courted me. 
Because Jeon Jungkook had been out there, waiting for me. 
And now fate had brought him here and he was going to be mine. 
I stumbled over a stray bra, nearly face planting onto the floor . 
 God, i hated how messy Somi was but I was also eternally grateful that she had skipped out on the party tonight, volunteering to help me with the kids. 
I ran a daycare in one of the larger cottages in the estate, keeping the little fanged devils in check while the parents went about their daily lives. On nights like this, when my father hosted guests from every clan in the country for one of his lavish parties, there was always a whole bunch of bite-happy toddlers in need of supervision. 
Enter me.
 I loved babies. I’d always loved them. They were adorable. And after three years of school , I was finally, officially qualified in caring for them. 
Oh and by the way did i tell you that Jungkook had a son? Jeon Joowon was possibly the cutest five year old I’d ever seen and yes I was a little biased but that was okay. I was going to be the kids step mom , after all. 
Listen, don’t look at me like that, I just really want to be with Jungkook okay?
I tripped over the same bra when turning back around and I swore.
Focus, Sera. You can day dream about hot vampire daddy later.
“ Why do you have to throw your shit all over the place like this? “ I whined, grabbing the offensive piece of fabric and tossing it at her. She caught is so fast I  went a little cross eyed. My sister never missed an opportunity to show off her super-saiyan, vampire powers. That made her a crowd favorite with the toddlers and younglings . 
“I still don’t think your choice of a career is smart. These fanged little beasts are impossible to control... ” She commented mildly, watching me stuff two whole cartons of baby wipes into the huge backpack I had propped against the bed. I’d forgotten to restock the day care with wet wipes and it was sheer luck that I had a pair of them lying around my room.
The very idea of entering a room full of babies and toddlers without baby wipes, made me shudder. 
“Listen, they’re absolute angels when you listen to what they’re saying. Just because babies can’t talk doesn’t mean they don’t have preferences. All you really need to do is find out what each kid likes and help them feel comfortable -”
“Please stop.” She rolled her eyes and I glared at her.
“I’m a little thirsty. Can i have a sip..” She said softly and I frowned.
“You haven’t drunk from me the entire day. Are you okay?” I held my wrist out.
She shrugged , grabbing my wrist and casually sinking her fangs into the vein . Pain bloomed, familiar and somehow comforting , replaced almost at once by the gentle numbing of her venom. She drank a little and pulled back soon after, linking the puncture wounds for good measure. I watched the skin knit itself together , whole and unmarred in no time. 
Perks of being immortal. 
The knock on the door made me jump. 
“Ms Hwang?” Jungkook’s soft, husky voice came floating through the door and I grinned, cheeks aching with how wide my smile was.
“You look like a maniac. Stop smiling.” My sister looked a little alarmed and I struggled to rearrange my features. Sticking my tongue out at her, I grabbed my sweatshirt, slipping it overhead quickly. I glanced at the mirror, grimacing a bit. 
Being with toddlers meant no make up or hair left free.... and so I had a messy top bun, and just lip gloss to look presentable. While the entire party teemed with gorgeous vampires in low cut gowns and blood red lips. 
I grabbed the backpack and waved to Somi.
“Come as soon as you can alright?” I begged her and she waved me off.
I rushed to the door, throwing it open and smiling wide.
“Hi oppa.” I said cheerfully.
“I’m not your oppa.” Jungkook said automatically, barely glancing at me and instead reaching for the backpack. He directed me to the stairwell on the side, the one that led straight down to the ground floor and out into the gardens. He went in first and  I followed him,  climbing down carefully. 
I sighed, taking in the mouth watering width of his shoulders, encased in a perfectly fitted jacket. He looked so handsome I wanted to cry. And although he’d been here for a whole week month now, I hadn’t managed to get into his good graces. 
“What do I call you, then?” I made to hold his hand when we reached the end of the staircase  but he shook my arm off at once.
Did I tell you that he really can’t stand me for some reason? 
“As I’ve  mentioned a dozen times already, Mr. Jeon would suffice.” He said shortly. He held the door leading out into the gardens open and I walked through. 
“That makes you seem so old.” I grimaced, shaking my head and he gave me an amused look.
“I am 576 years old.” He deadpanned. The daycare cottage was just a five minute walk from the mansion and the pathway through the garden was absolutely beautiful, well lit and covered in the brightest flowers. 
I waved off his excuse about his age. 
“you don’t look a day over twenty five to me.” I said with a shrug. He shook his head, clearly too tired to carry the conversation on. We walked in silence and I felt incredibly content, just with him near.
 And he was going to be by my side for the rest of our lives, I thought softly. I would make sure of it. I’d never felt this way about anyone. Jungkook was a good man , evident in literally everything he did. He was kind, an amazing father and such a gentleman that he made me melt. 
Jungkook had been turned at the age of 35. And so he sailed through eternity with the gorgeous good looks of a mature , well kept man. His hair was thick, just a slight bit of grey peppering the edges and his features were sharp and well defined. 
“Is Joowon in the daycare already?” I asked with a smile and he nodded curtly. 
“He has Mr. Pepper with him. He refused to leave him behind. please just make sure he still has him with him when he leaves. He can’t fall asleep without the bunny “ He said softly and I felt my heart bloom ten sizes.
“Of course, I will -”
“Jungkook !!!” The shrill voice broke the stillness of the night like a hammer through a mirror. 
I turned around with a frown only to be greeted by the sight of a very pretty, very tall vampire in a blood red bodycon dress and a neckline that plunged all the way to her belly button. She had ruby red lips, and well made eyes. Eyes that now flashed red , dilating as they ran up and down his body. 
I felt myself clenching my fists. 
“I’m getting late....we need to go, I grabbed his arm trying to tug him along but he didn’t budge. i glanced at his face and felt my heart shatter at the small smile playing around his lips.
“Helena..... Surprise seeing you here....” He drawled, voice so much deeper than usual and I bit my lips. They knew each other? 
The vampire had reached us now and she gave me a disdainful smile.
“Who’s this?” She asked with a laugh, “ Are you babysitting now, Jeon?”
I bristled. To my utter chagrin, Jungkook laughed to.
“She’s the kid I’m watching. The Immortal human  of the Hwang clan.” He intoned dully. 
The lady’s brows went up in surprise.
“:The rumors are true, ....The Hwang clan’s hidden jewel.....with skin like the rarest pearl and eyes that steal souls. Fiercely guarded ...a beauty like no other.... I thought they were exaggerating, but I see they were not. . You’re exquisite.” She commented , seemingly genuine in the compliment as her eyes roved over my features. 
“ Um.. thanks?” I shrugged, not particularly flattered by the extravagant description.  
The poets in my clan tended to be a bit overdramatic at times. 
. She laughed.
“Are you unavailable for the night, then Jeon?” She turned her flashing eyes on him .
My jaw nearly dropped.
Did this bitch really just proposition-
“Afraid so.... Raincheck?” Jungkook smiled wide and he looked so beautiful that I had to bit my lips to stop from moaning. 
Helena waved softly, eyes shifting back to me.
“Be safe, little human. When the sun goes down, the ghouls come out to play.” She grinned wide, letting her fangs grow long, past her lower lip, eyes red and bloody. 
I stared right back. She laughed and waved before floating away into the night. 
Jungkook chuckled. 
“You’re not intimidated by us, then.” He said mildly as we began walking again.
“I spent the entirety of my childhood playing with vampires. Do you really think they didn’t spend every waking hour trying to scare me to death?” 
He gave me soft smile, and then went back to staring straight ahead. 
I relaxed when the familiar cottage came into view, the sound of laughing kids reaching me. 
I held my hand out for the backpack and Jungkook gave it to me.
“I’ll just check out the backyard and see if al the gates are secure and then I’ll be right outside the door, alright? Call out if you need me...” He said sharply 
“Will you come even if I call you oppa?” I bit my lips, grinning and he flicked my nose. 
“Behave.” He said shortly. I sighed.
“I’m not a kid, you know.” I said softly and he gave me a look.
“You are to me. Now get inside.” 
“There’s a monster behind the tree and I’m Hawkeye because I have the bow and arrow and Jieun is the princess.” Joowon said brightly, showing off the toy bow and arrow in his hand and I grinned, taking in his exquisite features. He looked strikingly like his father , except for the two adorable dimples that showed up everytime he smiled.
“That’s amazing... do you like fighting monsters?” I asked with a grin holding my arms out for him and he hugged me happily.
“Yes, I like fighting monsters and I like Mr. Pepper.” He waved the stuffed bunny in my face. 
“Make sure you keep him safe, alright? “ I stroked the soft skin of the 
“So what color does your daddy like?” I asked with a grin. I felt a sharp kick on my shin and I turned to my sister. 
“Don’t use the fucking kid for your sinful aims, you dingbat!” She hissed and I glared at her. 
“I did no such thing...I was just making conversation....” I hissed back.
“Dad likes black.” Joowon answered dutifully and I ruffled his hair. Jieun appeared then, having waited for her prince and gotten bored. She tugged on Joowon’s arm and I let him go, watching the two of them run off. 
“Its only been a month, Sera.... I think you should tone down the infatuation. You know dad would never approve.” My sister said gently and I frowned.
“No he won’t, Dad loves me , he wants me to be happy.” I said shortly. 
“Yes, but not with Jungkook. He’s a rogue vampire. He doesn’t have a clan. He has a kid ...”
“An angel of a kid...”
“he has a kid whose mother he had to kill because she was a bloodthirsty witch.” 
i stared at my sister feeling anger build inside me.
“What does any of that have to do with how I feel about him?” I demanded , moving to stop one of the littles from tripping over a stray rubik’s cube. 
“ You’re special. You’re being courted by some of the richest, most powerful  vampires in the country and you want to go after the rogue , broke vampire who’s only here because he needs the money and the safety of our clan?” 
“I’m not having this conversation with you.” I said firmly.
Somi sighed.
“I’m just saying. Don’t be so blatantly open about your feelings. You’ll be putting a target on Jungkook’s back.” 
I exhaled sharply. 
“If anyone tries to hurt him, they die.” I said softly.
Somi chuckled.
“I know.... but still, he’s not looking for trouble. Don’t bring it to his doorstep.” 
I didn’t reply, moving quickly to the other side of the room. 
the words left a bitter taste on my tongue.
Mostly because my sister was right. 
i stared at the tall strapping vampire, trying to comprehend what I was hearing.
“What do you mean he isn’t here for the night?” I demanded. 
“He’s a little tired. He told me had a little too much to drink and he wants to sleep it off. I’ll be here instead ... Just for tonight.” He tried to smile reassuringly and I was momentarily distracted by very deep dimples  but I could feel myself fuming. 
“and he didn’t think of saying that to me himself? He had to run off while i was closing up the cottage?” I glared. 
The Vampire chuckled. 
“He told me you might protest.”
“Of course i protest, I feel safer with him...” I said sharply.
The Vampire gave me a deep sigh.
“I’ve been doing this for three centuries, Miss Hwang. You’re definitely safe with me.” He bowed his head.
“What’s your name?” I demanded. 
“Kim Namjoon.” 
“Fine , Kim Namjoon ssi.... Let’s go. “ 
Giving Namjoon the slip was a lot easier than I thought. I waited for him to greet my great uncle, and slipped between two waiters carrying blood cocktails and weaved into the crowd easily. 
Jungkook’s bedroom was next to mine and it took me less than a minute to race up the stairs and to his room.
i banged on the door , determined to see for myself just how drunk he’d gotten. 
The door opened and i took a deep breath.
“How dare you leave me-” 
I froze when I realized that he was shirtless, fresh out of the shower. Water dripped down his torso , like little starbursts of liquid light and my mouth went dry. I swallowed, staring at the tightly packed abs, the dip of his v line as it disappeared into a fluffy white towel.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He growled angrily.
My eyes flew to meet his and then my gaze caught something red on his bed and I peered over his shoulder.
Pain lanced through my heart so sharp that I felt like I’d taken a fucking brick to my chest. 
The sight of Helena, naked except for a red bra, stretched out on his bed got burned into my brain and I choked.
“You-” I began but he grabbed my arm, so hard that I knew I would bruise. He yanked me away from the threshold of his room, dragging me to the middle of the hallway as he slammed the door to his room shut.
“Where the fuck is Namjoon?”
“You ditched me to get laid? “ I hissed in disbelief.
“I can’t fucking believe you’re doing this-”
“Is she your girlfriend-”
“Sera-” he shook me again but I refused to back down. I had to know.
“Are you in love with her?!!!” I demanded, my heart breaking .
Jungkook growled.
“It’s none of your damned business!!” He snapped angrily .
“It is !!” I said shrilly.
“Why on earth-”
“Because I’m in love with you!!” I shouted and he froze. 
He let go of me like he’d been burned and stepped back, staring at me wide eyed,. 
“What did you just say?” He demanded.
“I want you. I want you to court me-”
“Sera stop.” He said sharply 
“I’m not joking...I like you and-”
“Shut up.” He growled, his voice shaking. 
I swallowed.
“If you say something as asinine as that to me , ever again... I  will  make you regret it. ” He warned softly.
I felt my heart jerk in panic.
“It’s Mr. Jeon to you!!!” He growled. 
I bit my lips, staring at my feet.
“I’m going to pretend this never happened. You’re going to go to your room and wait for Namjoon. If anything like this ever happens again, I’m telling your father.” 
I laughed bitterly.
“I’m not fucking twelve years old you son of a bitch. Stop talking to me like I’m your toy or something !” I snarled.
“If you were my toy I would fucking spank you till you cry and lock you in a damn room!” He hissed. 
I flinched.
He took a deep shaky breath. 
“This never happened.” He said sharply. “ I’m not one of your boytoys. I have no interest in fledgling humans who know nothing about life. That's not the kind of woman I’m looking for. You’re not the kind of woman I’m looking for because you aren’t even a woman yet.” 
“ Jungkook !!!” Namjoon’s voice rang through the hallway and I stepped back. 
“Have a good night with your whore, Mr. Jeon.” I snapped, before turning on my heel and leaving. 
Author’s Note : Hot DILF! Vampire Jungkook is hot.  This brings back fond memories of me panting after my husband as a nineteen year old brat . I was a devilish teenager smitten with a twenty seven year old man. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed :D
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 5 years
Tiny Time ch. 2- A new place?
Part one
*Tagging people @aceofspadeswiththedragoneggs @wildpuppa @pinkittwice @eleventhspy @jjpony @sillus @4firey1 ....ps don’t worry their will be more Link interactions in the next chapter*
A pair of blue eyes open to the world with confusion.
As the oldest warrior, Time, drifted into the dreamless sleep he was unaware of the changes that were happening to him. Memories soon began to fade from his mind but he didn’t fight it. The barriers he had spent years developing to protect his mind faded as well. His giant frame began to shrink, growing smaller and smaller. His body finally stopped shrink, stopping at a small and thin body. His clothes shift as well, his black paints shifted to shorts, his tan shirt shrink with him. However what changed was the things that appeared. A green gems appeared tied around his neck, as well as a deep green tunic that was lazily wrapped around his body. Old scars began to heal and fade as if their were never there while old forgotten wounds appeared again. When the transformation stopped the man now boy drifted into a comfort sleep. It felt nice.
A pair of blue eyes open to the world with confusion. The little boy on the bed bolted up in confusion.
“Where am I?” He states out loud before grabbing his head in pain.
‘Gods what hit me?’ Link thought through the pain. This felt like the time the happy mask salesman knocked him out when he had gone some time without sleep. He remembers Tatle screaming at him to sleep but he wouldn’t listen so the little fairy took matters into her own hands and went to the happy mask salesman. While the dude was weird he was also determined to help Link.
Link thoughts stopped and he finally look around the room.
It was a little bedroom with a small bed and dresser.
And it wasn’t familiar at all....
This wasn’t the inn in Termina he practically lived at, besides if he was in Termina Tatle and Tale would have been glued to his side. Despite how Termina made him feel he would visit it frequently to play with Skullkid and visit with the citizens of Termina.
However it wasn’t Hyrule ether. It seemed like the Lost Woods however Link didn’t dare go back without Navi. He didn’t think he could face Saria without her. However this didn’t look like the inn in Castletown, it wasn’t as nice as the inn. And it definitely wasn’t Lon Lon Ranch because the house and the barn weren’t as nice as this room.
So where was he?
Link stayed quiet for a minute trying to collect his thoughts. It was after he had helped Termina because that memory was clear in his mind, and he knew he had been on his own for a while seeing as he knew where to go to forge for food. But what exactly happen before he couldn’t tell. Was it a year sense Termina or two? Was he on his way to visit Tatle and the Skullkid or was he on the way to visit Malon. Malon the one who had helped him after everything that happen. So why wasn’t he there with her safe? Why wasn’t he with the Skullkid or the happy mask salesman? Why was so quiet?
Why was it so quiet?
His masks!
Link bolted out the bed to the brown families bag on the side of the bed. His mask, the only constants in his life. He open the bag and digged through the masks in the bag. Until he finally got to the ones he’s was looking for, the Goron, Zora and Deku mask, the transformation mask.
It turns out that even if a soul leaves the realm of existence they leave a mark, almost like an imprint on the world. So even if the souls disappeared and were at rest their was still some of them left in the mask. Link could hear them, the spirits telling him how to do stuff or what to say, they have became the only consent in his life after Termina.
Link hugged the mask closer, happy they were their with him, they made him feel save.
Link let go of the mask and put them back in the bag, slightly wondering why they weren’t speaking.
‘They’ve been asleep for a long time little one’ a voice said in Links head. He knew exactly who it being to, the fierce deity or as Link liked to call him the Oni. He was the only ‘soul’ in a mask; but seeing how he was a god trapped Link didn’t really know if he counted as a soul.
‘Why?’ Link replied in his head before gathering his stuff. He was slightly confused on why he had such big swords and shields; even though he knew how to use them, physically he couldn’t use them properly.
‘It’s something I don’t even think I can explain’ the god replied as Link just shrugged. After grabbing his stuff Link made his way to the door and reached out to grab the doorknob.
‘NO!’ The Oni yelled making Link winced ‘they’re are people down there’
Link put his ear to the door and sure enough he could hear voices; they appeared to be speaking in another language that Link couldn’t understand.
‘Won’t they be friendly? They help me didn’t they?’ Link asked confused.
‘I’m not sure, I don’t know anything about them. They could be friend or foe but you can’t risk a fight right now’ Oni explains to the boy and Link slightly nods, his mind was still foggy so rushing into a possible fight wouldn’t be the best answer.
So Link turn his attention to the window, looking out he appeared to be on a second story, nothing a little tuck and roll couldn’t break. Link started to go over a mental list of what to do, find a town, get some supplies, mental figure out what’s wrong, come back; then he jumped.
Link rolled before looking at the house then observing the area, a path which was clear as day leading to somewhere else.
‘Let’s hope it’s a town’ Link said putting on his bunny hood.
‘Lets’ The Oni said.
Link ran off in the direction of the path, leaving the house behind.
-30 minutes later-
“He’s gone” Twilight practically screamed in a panic down to the other Links. Any argument they were planning to have died as soon as Twilight spoke.
“What do you mean he’s gone?” Legend asked with a mix of anger and confusion.
“I mean he’s gone, he left the room” Twilight said as the group ran upstairs to check the once occupied room.
Twilight was right, their leader was no where in sight. The room was turned over slightly likely from Twilight looking for Time but nothing else seemed off. Legend went over to where the discarded armor was kept.
“He left his armor and his sword” he said gesturing to both pieces still clearly in a chair.
“That isn’t like the old man” Warrior said as nervous started to pierce his voice.
“Do you think he could have been kidnapped?” Four offered.
“Who would be stupid enough to try and kidnapped Pops?” Warrior asked.
“Maybe the Yiga. Their not the brightest....but even then none of them can really get to my house it has a protection spell on it” Wild said.
“I didn’t feel any dark magic” Hyrule offered in a quiet voice, still not liking to talk about it.
“Maybe he just need a walk?” Wind threw out.
“Out of a second story window? And Time isn’t one to just up and go wonder. That’s their camps” Legend said pointing to Hyrule and Wild.
“ENOUGH!” Sky screamed causing everyone arguing voice to stop in shock. Sky never raised his voice and always preferred to stay out of conflict. Maybe it was the fact Time was missing and they need someone to take control “Time is missing, the best thing to do would be to try and find him even if it’s just a walk”
Sky turned to Wild “do you think you can get your wolf friend to track him?”
“Umm maybe I’m not-“ Wild started.
“I’ll go look for Wolfie” Twilight said rushing out the door, no one saw Four practically roll his eyes.
“We can’t all go” Legend piped up “if Time did in fact just go for a stroll someone needs to be here in cause he comes back”
“Your right. Plus he could easily be in the surrounding area” Wild added just as Wolfie came in.
“So what’s the plan?” Warrior asked while the other Links turn towards Sky.
“Well Warrior and Wind why don’t you go with Wolfie and follow the sent. Wind has that special jewel that allows him to talk through Wild’s sheikian slate” Sky said before addressing the rest. “Stay around the area, don’t go to far and try to make sure Time didn’t get hurt or someone planning an attack”
The other Links nodded in understanding before Wild held out one of the straps for Time’a armor. The Wolf sniffed and seemed to pick up the sent as it turn to ran downstairs, Warrior and Wind found themselves chasing after the wolf.
“Me and Hyrule will check the eastern side of the house” Legend said.
“How about he rest of us check the western side, maybe it had something to do with the cave?” Wild offered to Sky and Four who nodded.
The Links soon began their next mission.
To find Time.
— around the same time elsewhere-
Link finally took a second to sit, sitting my a sign next to the road; he couldn’t read it but Link had an feeling is showed the name of the town.
‘Oni?’ Link asked in his mind. Physically he was removing the slightly red, green piece of cloth tied around his knee to wrap around his hand. The triforce on the back of his hand was sting.
‘Yes little one?’ Oni replies, was it Link’s imagine or did his voice sound softer.
‘What happen? Everything seems different....you sound different’ Link said as he began to dig through his mask bag, it alway just felt better to hold the mask you were talking to.
‘Alot happen little one...I sound different because I was hurt and only just now have started to recover’ the Oni explained.
‘What do you mea-‘ Link’s thoughts where cut off when he finally saw the fierce deity mask, an audible gasp escaped him.
The fierce deity mask, the indestructible mask that housed the War god’s souls was damaged. A clean slice went through the mask left eyes, going close enough to the edges almost enough to cut the mask in two.
Link lifted a shaky hand over the mask to trace the cut with his fingers. The only thing he could imagine doing this is Majora but he’s dead...
‘I apologize little one but I must leave’ Oni said interrupting his thoughts.
“What?..no” Link said not realizing he had said them out loud.
‘It won’t be forever my child. I just need some rest. I will speak to you soon’ Oni said before his presence left Link.
“No...no..no” Link mutter to himself when he felt the Oni leave, he hugged the mask to his chest. He hated being alone, he always had. He had Navi and then he had Tatle, and after them he had his mask.
Now he has no one.
Link began to cry on the ground, the emotions of the past year flooded him, the abandonment, the trauma, he was alone.
“Hey stop” he heard someone yell break him out of his thoughts. A covered wagon stopped on the road, and a brown hair women jumped out.
“Aww you poor thing” the women said stepping closer to Link.
Link immediately respond was to try and crawl away.
“No no no, it’s ok Little one I won’t hurt you” The women said and Link pause at the familiar nickname. The women gave him a smile.
“My name is Ema, and that my son Tama and my husband Rico (ps I made these names up on the fly I know their bad). We’re on our way to Terry Town to sell some honey” the women, Ema explain to Link.
Link slowly stood up to look in the wagon, sure enough their were jars and jars of honey, her son appeared to be eating some with a spoon.
“Do you know where your parents are? Did you get separate from them?” Ema asked. Link nodded a yes.
“Are they are Terry Town?” Another nod yes.
Ema smile “me and my husband would be more then happy to give you a ride there”
Links studied the women and the wagon. Their was nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to know the way to town.
Link sallowed the lump in his throat and took a chance.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 5 years
Always Together (NOS4A2 Fanfic)
Always Together
By: Bunny Louise Grimes
A/N: Ah, a NOS4A2 fanfic at last! This is pure fluff I thought of with Charlie and one of my characters, Rose or Rosie... enjoy, with love 💖
The smell of something wonderful cooking from downstairs woke me up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to the best of my ability and stretched the REM sleep paralysis off. I yawned and looked up at the ceiling, where hints of sunlight speckled about it. Never had I slept better than when I was with Charlie. Before, I had developed insomnia and never slept very deeply. Due to his comforting presence, pure happiness everyday, and ability to lull me to sleep, I was able to sleep soundly and get a good night’s rest.
I rolled out of bed, my bare feet meeting the cold floor. My long rose-decorated nightgown swayed with me as I stepped out of our room, went to the bathroom to the furthest left, and stepped down the stairs. The front door was right near the steps. When you took a left, you were in the dining room. I could see Charlie in the kitchen. He grinned when he saw me shyly peaking in at him.
“Well, good morning, sleepyhead,” he teased. “I hope you slept well.”
I walked over to him and hugged him. “I did.”
He hugged me back, giving me a gentle squeeze as he usually did when we hugged. We separated and I looked up at him. He looked back down at me with a smirk.
“Whatcha making?” I asked.
“Pancakes and bacon.”
I hugged him by his side as he set his arm across my back. “I love those!”
“I know, my dear,” he beamed. “That’s why I’m making them just for you. Now you sit and look pretty while I finish up.”
I sat down at the table and swung my legs, eager to have a good breakfast.
“You know, darling, I was hoping we could have a day of lazy leisure today,” he said. “After breakfast, I was wondering if you’d enjoy spending today doing nothing but being in my company. I know that the two of us have spent the past few weeks after running away together being in hotels and driving in my car, but now that you’ve settled into my humble abode, we can spend time doing other things.”
“I really like the sound of that,” I nodded.
“Excellant. I was hoping you and I could wander through the woods after breakfast, gaze at all the woodland I have and even the mountains behind it, if you are fine with that.”
“Of course, Charlie! That sounds really nice!”
“I’m glad you think so. You’ll come to find living a life in a more solitary environment with only your lover by your side will be quite the experience. I know I prefer the comfort of a quiet area with nothing but the sounds of nature to preserve your peace. That’s why I bought this place to live. It was simply perfect. It’s an area I am familiar with, not too far from Christmasland, and away from everybody so I can rest in tranquility.”
“I like it too! I’ve always sort of wanted to live out in the country away from everybody and have beautiful land to run through.”
“Well, here on my land, you can run and run and run to your heart’s content. There’s plenty of space to do it.”
He gave me my pancakes and bacon. He picked up some syrup and poured it all over my pancakes. I clapped in excitement as he gave me a knife and fork.
“Thank you, Charlie!”
“You are most certainly welcome, my sweet.”
We ate our breakfast and he told me stories about other breakfasts he’d had in the past century and 35 years he’d been alive. Some were horrible, and he joked about those ones. Others were some of the most delicious meals he’d ever been presented with. I was fascinated by all of his stories of old. It was an honor to be with someone as old and wise as he was and hear stories from times some were not alive anymore to recall and tell.
When we were done, Charlie gathered up the plates and told me to get changed to go outside. I ran back upstairs and got changed into one of my long, oversized hoodies. It was lavender purple with a white kawaii cat with colorful eyes, a star on her forehead, heart blushes on her cheeks, and a pink ribbon with a bell on her neck on the front. A pastel rainbow was behind her, and white stars sprinkled throughout it. The same cat and rainbow were on the back of the hoodie. I slipped on a thick pair of leggings with pastel rainbow stripes. Stars and crescent moons decorated the rainbow stripes along with a pair of fake milk splashes designed to look like they were dripping down the legs. A childish and girly castle design was printed on the bottom of both bottoms of legs.
For jewelry, I put on a necklace with a pink and gold Sailor Moon wand, a necklace Charlie gave me that included a part of the Wraith’s engine so that I always had a piece of him and the car (he knew something was up with the engine one day and when he got it fixed, they gave him a piece of it he could keep, and he thought of the idea to make a necklace for me out of it), and a pink kitty cat collar choker necklace Charlie bought for me with a gold bell, golden heart, rainbow, star and moon dangling off of it in the front, and a cat paw in the back that clipped it together around my neck. I also put on a letter bead bracelet I made myself that read, “Charlie’s Angel” and another bracelet Charlie bought me and customized at a jewelry store that had rainbow beads and colorful, glittery ponies, bats, and butterflies dangling off of it.
I bounced down the steps to see Charlie washing the dishes. I sat back down at the table with some hair ties and a small, glittery and pink unicorn brush I had left in the hoodie pockets. Charlie looked up when he saw me sitting down and chuckled.
“You look adorable, my wonder... I always think it’s so cute that you express yourself by wearing the most colorful and feminine things possible...”
“Aw, thank you, Charlie,” I giggled. “I love the way you dress too. I love your old-fashioned clothes. Plus, your clothes are so soft!”
He blushed and said, “Perfect for snuggling, huh?”
I nodded happily. I undid my braids and brushed my hair out. I placed my hair in two puppytails on the side of my head held together on the top by hair ties with pastel rainbow bows with pink strawberries in the middle of them.
By the time Charlie was ready to go, I had finished my hair. I slipped on a pair of shoes I had near the door. They were pastel pink and purple sneakers with white Pegasai with pink, yellow, and blue manes and tails on the sides of them, signifying which was left and right.
We stepped outside and walked together for a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful nature around us. I clung to Charlie’s side, feeling the softness of his blue coat. He had an arm wrapped around me, keeping me close to him. It was a little chilly, being autumn. I looked up at him with a toothy smile. He looked back down at me with a tightly-lipped smile. That’s when an idea hit me.
“Charlie, let’s play hide and seek!”
“Hide and seek? Well, I suppose we could. We have the room to do it. But I warn you, I always win at hide and seek. You’ll never find me, but I’ll always find you.”
“We’ll see about that,” I snickered. “You hide first and I’ll find you.”
He smugly smirked at me. “Alright.”
I closed my eyes, covered them, turned around, and counted to ten. While I was counting, I heard Charlie’s footsteps running away from me with swiftness for only a few seconds before disappearing from my hearing entirely.
I turned around when I was done counting and called, “Ready or not, Charlie! I’m coming!”
I ran around the woods amongst all the tall trees, looking and searching everywhere I could. There was no trace of the vampire anywhere; he must’ve been telling the truth about always winning.
“Charlie!” I called after a while. “Where are you?”
My voice echoed amongst the trees, and only silence responded.
“Charlie!” I tried again. “Come out, come out, where ever you are! I know you’re around here somewhere!”
More silence answered me. High above, the leaves swayed and branches rocked. I clung to myself, shivering at the chilly wind.
Five minutes passed, and I couldn’t find Charlie anywhere. A small part of me was starting to get a little worried. I had strong doubts that he would be in danger, but a part of me somewhere had to worry about him. He wasn’t indestructible.
“Charlie...” I called, my voice shaking just a little bit. “I think you win, Charlie... you can come out now...”
A minute of silence and stillness later, a shape flung itself at me from above, along with a growling. I shrieked and jumped back, but after hearing a certain laughter, I realized it was Charlie hanging upside down from a branch like a bat, the long back of his coat hanging down with him. I giggled back at him.
“Charlie! What are you doing? Hanging upside down like a bat... you’re a silly vampire bat!”
He chuckled with an innocent look on his face. Even his arms were crossed as if he were a bat crossing its wings.
“Well, this silly vampire bat scared you! The look on your poor, sweet face... you weren’t expecting your beloved Charlie to surprise you and scare you like that, were you? But it’s okay, because Charlie is here to comfort you...”
I giggled and kissed him on the lips as he still dangled from the branch.
“Now it’s my turn to hide! You close your eyes!”
He jumped down from the branch safely. “Very well then... good luck, my joy... you’re going to need it...”
He turned around, closed his eyes, and began counting. I ran as fast as I could away from him and found a little dip in the land to hide behind, guarded by trees to prevent him from seeing me. I jumped into the small ditch and covered my mouth to hide my laughter. I gasped for air at the same time to catch my breath.
There was no announcement from Charlie that he was ready to find me.
Am I really that far away from him? Maybe.
The tree limbs above me waved in the wind. I had caught my breath and rested my back against the ground. I kept my ears and eyes open for any sign of him. For a total of three minutes, I sat there, waiting for him. Once those minutes were over, I let my guard down and relaxed a bit. There was no way he could find me now if he hasn’t by this point-
I cried out as I was being lifted up off the ground by a strong force. I was set comfortably down on a tree branch and turned to be faced with a certain vampire with a large grin and smug face.
“Ha, ha! I found you! Just like I said...”
“How?! How?!”
“Well, I can sense your presence, plus smell your sweet scent, and I have very sharp ears and eyes.”
“No fair!” I laughed.
“I told you I always win. Because even when you can’t find me, I’m always there watching out for you, and when you’re lost and wander away from me, I’ll always be there to swoop in and take you back in my arms to keep you safe.”
I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. “Awww, Charlie, you’re such a sweetheart!”
He smiled and hugged me tightly back. I burst up laughing again and looked up at him after he laid a kiss on my lips.
“Charlie and Rosie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” I sang.
“Very cute,” he smirked.
We cuddled together in the tree for a while longer, eventually nodding off and taking a nap. We woke up when the sun was setting, and we ran around more in the woods. Charlie even invited some of his bat friends and let them fly around us. One of the bats, Alucard, was especially a “little gentleman,” as Charlie put it, and let me pet him. Charlie told me that all the bats liked me because I was so kind.
By the time the sky turned dark blue, Charlie believed it was time to go inside. We returned home, Charlie prepared dinner, and I took a nice bath in his claw foot bathtub. While I was changing into the pink bunny pajamas Ralphie from A Christmas Story wore (Charlie bought them for me), Charlie took a shower himself. For dinner, we ate Hamburger Helper with potatoes (one of my favorites), and we snuggled more on the couch while watching TV after dinner. I yawned and nuzzled my head against Charlie’s chest. He rubbed my head through the pink rabbit eared hood and said, “Sleepy, my little bunny?”
I nodded and rubbed my eyes.
He picked me up after turning the TV off and we settled into bed. I was already snug in my pajamas, but I was even more snug within the blankets and Charlie’s body. He rested his chin against my soft head and whispered, “Good night, my wonder and my joy. I love you very much.”
“Good night, Charlie! I love you very much too.”
He placed a kiss on my lips and forehead before embracing a nuzzle against my head. We both fell into deep and peaceful slumber, our shared dreams filled with nothing but fun and happiness.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
💙 Chat Buddies ( ?! ) 💙
Greetings, guys and gals!
Since Vergil Sparda and SSSexy(Y/N) are still spending time together, let's have a little commercial first!
I now present to you the most intriguing ( or not ) information about 💙 Chat Buddies ( ?! ) 💙
Q1: What is the messaging app the characters use?
~ Eh, it's just an old messaging app that every person with a cellphone ( meaning everyone, including your grandparents ) has. It lets you have group chats ( SSS rating to those who could answer the number of GCs in our story as of the moment! Additonal 1000 Red Orbs to those who could name them all! ), chat privately ( well, duh ), send photos, gifs, videos ( 2 minutes, tops ), voice messages, it even lets you and your friends have video calls! One drawback it has, though: the app automatically updates and forces you to use up all your consumable data mbs! Not perfect to those who only have free data instead of a real wifi or a decent data connection, omg ( that's you, Dante! )!
Q2: Who started all these messaging app shenanigans?
~ Ever since getting wind of this "wondrous" app from Patty, Dante decided to have this as a requirement for everyone who works ( or is related to ) at Devil May Cry! But, he could barely maintain his GCs due to the fact that his wifi connection is always getting cut off due to overdue bills. So, Nero or Nico takes over most of the time.
Q3: Character Profile ( s )?
1. (Y/N) (L/N)
User Name: SSSexy(Y/N)
Meaning Behind The User Name: (Y/N) thinks it's just cool and she feels confident whenever she sees it on her messaging app.
~ This chick joined Devil May Cry about a year after the Qliphoth incident.
Cellphone Model: Somesang J8, android, (F/C), 6 inches infinite display, with 64 internal gb ( her sd card's at 64 gb as well ), prepaid.
2. Vergil Sparda
User Name: Vergil Sparda ( yes, that's it )
Meaning Behind The User Name: "Do I have to provide a foolish name for myself?"
~ Vergil bought his very first phone a year after the Qliphoth incident, 2 days before SSSexy(Y/N) joined Devil May Cry. Oh, and should you decide to drop him a message or two, well, just don't. He will not reply, unless it's Devil May Cry business. And phone flirting? He will not appreciate that, no.
Cellphone Model: Pear Phone 11, ios, metallic blue, 5.80 inches, with 64 internal gb, prepaid
Ringtone: You know the sound of the bamboo fountain in a Japanese garden? That's it.
Message Notification Tone: Temple chime.
Wallpaper: William Blake's illustrated poem ( Infant Joy )
3. Dante Sparda
User Name: TheLegendarySavageDante
Meaning Begind The User Name: He wants to make a user name so badass that all his enemies would quake at the mere sound of it! He comes up with the name 3 days later after buying his very first cellphone, and actually, it only sounds something a teenage boy could come up with.
~ Dante, despite his wifi connection always being cut off, is, in fact, a social ( media ) butterfly! He may not always be online but, when he does, damn! Prepare for sleepless nights with this dude should you decide to have a chat with him.
Cellphone Model: Bokia 1 ( yep, Bokia's 1st ever smartphone ). Ever heard of the grand daddy of smart phones? An indestructible android ( one that you can smash on a Riot's face over and over again and it would not even get a single scratch ), hot rod red, 5 inches with 8 gb internal memory ( his sd card's at 4gb ), has "very useful" apps like flashlight, radio, snakes, bounce, bluetooth, and opera mini. Postpaid.
Ringtone: Subhuman ( like, seriously, there's nothing a Bokia 1 can't play )
Message Notification Tone: The good old Bokia 8 bit theme
Wallpaper: His lock screen may be a photo of a mouthwatering slice of pizza but, his home screen is a photo of his favorite Playboy Bunny!
4. Nero Sparda
User Name: BangBangBang007
Meaning Behind The User Name: He just loves James Bond.
~ Secretly wants to buy himself a phone. He got it a year before the twins got theirs. The only people on his contacts, then, were Kyrie and Nico. And he loves mobile games, omg!
Cellphone Model: Hiswei Nova 5T, android, 5 inches with 128 gb internal memory ( sd card at 64 gb ), midnight blue, has ten or so mobile games ( he plays PUBG version 8, Ragnarok Unlimited, NBA 3k, etc ), prepaid
Ringtone: James Bond Theme ( You can hear it, I know )
Message Notification Tone: The "Peeing" Ringtone ( it seriously unnerves Kyrie, the poor girl )
Wallpaper: A selfie of him and Kyrie ( Nico photobombed, lol )
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
CEO ! Jung Hoseok x  Married ! OC 
Summary : Tall Handsome CEO Hobi meets dainty delicate country girl, Elena and falls head over heels. Too bad she’s already taken. 
Genre : Infidelity, Morally ambiguous characters. 
Chapter 1
On Fridays, Jung Hoseok liked to unwind. 
After a whole entire week of heading Gwihan Inc., going over proposals, signing off on acquisitions and baby sitting his two younger siblings who were just entering the company business, Jung Hoseok liked to relax on Friday evenings, usually with a glass of wine, maybe some good food from the Chinese restaurant down the street and occasionally with some company of the feminine variety. 
As the CEO of one of the largest conglomerates in the country, Hoseok was pretty much a household name in Seoul. Not just because of his dashing good looks and his staggering business acumen, but also because of the incredibly humble, down to earth persona that he wore . 
Never in the history of Korea, had there been a more approachable and friendly multi billionaire Chaebol prince : the very personification of generosity and kindness. 
At the young age of 34, Jung Hoseok charmed reporters and celebrities and his fellow businessmen with alacrity . 
Affectionately nicknamed the Sunshine CEO, Hoseok’s dimpled smile was a staple and he was well known for being fair and even tempered, the first to extend his hand in friendship to anyone. 
Which was a wonderful reputation to carry of course but it also made people forget that for all his sunny disposition, Jung Hoseok was still very much human. 
And he did not build his company ( once on the verge of bankruptcy because of his unscrupulous father ) from scratch, by being a pushover. Which meant that Hoseok had to balance being a good guy and a firm guy and sometimes it was such a fucking pain in his ass. 
“Hyung, come on....it’s just for a few hours. It’s fun.... “ Kim Taehyung could whine like no other. Korea’s top model, Taehyung or V as he liked to be called had a deep voice which could also do a full 180, making Hoseok’s ears ring, when the younger wasn’t getting his way. 
Like right now.
“Tae, i’m so fucking tired, i need a drink and a shower and I’m crashing into my bed. I am  not  bar hopping with you morons. I’m too old for that shit. “ Hoseok groaned, watching Taehyung and his photographer husband slur and sway after one drink too many. It was already a little past eleven in the night and he had every intention of sleeping for the next thirteen hours at the least. 
“Awww hyung...its not a bar...it’s a strip club ... Come on , hyung live a little. “ Jeon Jungkook was adorable,  like a bunny,  but also a brat that never took no for an answer. Together , the couple were pretty much indestructible. 
Too tired to argue with the two of them, he groaned .
It was going to be a long, long night. 
The club was called Desire, nothing like the posh high end places Hoseok was used to. It wasn’t a dump or anything but the decor, the furnishings and the clientele all screamed middle class, which wasn’t Hoseok’s usual scene. 
At all. 
But apparently, Jungkook had stumbled on someone here during one of his photography stints. 
A dancer called the ‘ White Dove’. 
The White Dove was apparently, one of the most sought after dancers in the club, because she only performed twice a month. She didn’t do it for the money, no one knew why she did it. But according to Jungkook, she was the most sensuously arousing woman he had ever seen in his entire life. 
 she moves like water, Hyung, fluid and transient. ...like the laws of physics don’t apply to her body, it’s like magic. 
Which was high praise, coming from a gay man. 
A gay man who had actually majored in dance in college. 
And even Taehyung hadn’t even looked all that bothered, watching his husband sing praises about someone else’s body .
“Would love to have both of them in my bed at the same time hyung, how do i make that happen?” He’d asked, glassy eyed. 
Hoseok had gagged, elbowed him in the ribs and moved away. 
But his dongsaengs could be pretty darn insistent and so here he was, on a friday night, half asleep from exhaustion, stumbling behind Jungkook and Taehyung as they led him to a private room, at the back of the club. 
The room was wide, shaped like a semi circle, with an elevated stage up front. Just a couple of feet away from the stage, three sofas lines the curved edges of the wall. 
Taehyung and Jungkook lay wrapped around each other in the first one, closest to the door and Hoseok did not want to see them touching each other so he skipped the middle sofa, choosing to recline on the sofa in the farthest corner.
 A very dim light hung right over his head , offering very little by way of illumination but he supposed that was the point. The dancer would be distracted by a well lit audience. 
And while he had been quite opposed to the idea when the evening began, Hoseok couldn’t help but admit , that seated on the cheap maroon sofa, with tacky vinyl upholstery, in a dimly lit room, he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
Who  was  this woman?
“Hyung, you’ll love her!! She’s totally your type!” Jungkook called out excitedly . 
Hoseok threw an amused look at the pair, shaking his head before turning around to stare at the stage again. The lights in the low lying ceiling dimmed, the one on the stage turning on gradually and to his surprise, he felt his breath catch when the stage curtain moved, gentle ripples on the satin surface. 
Music began pouring in, smooth and sensual and intrigued and then a voice followed , feminine and soft.
“Good evening. I’m Elena .... or as they call me, the White Dove. Thank you for letting me entertain you tonight.” 
She sounded absolutely delectable and Hoseok felt his eyes widen, lips parting in shock at the voice.
Soft and sweet, dainty and almost elegant. 
Low and submissive, like she wanted nothing more than to make him happy. 
Like honey in his ears. 
It sounded so out of place , in this cheap dingy strip club. 
She sounded like a fucking princess. 
And then the curtains parted, revealing a petite, svelte figure.
 Hoseok sat up straighter, eyes wide as he stared at her. 
She wore a mask, covering the upper part of her face and leaving only her lush, plump lips on display. They were an alluring red, bright and radiant in the golden light. She was dressed in a small robe, full sleeved and falling to her knees , showing off her slim, curvy legs and her skin was honey tinted, smooth to his gaze. 
Hoseok swallowed and as he watched, she threw a smile, soft and gentle and absolutely serene. 
It was the smile that did it for him.
Innocent and altogether lovely, like the kind of smile you would give someone you had loved for a hundred thousand years and he felt himself aching for it, wanting more of that gentle voice, more of that dazzling smile. 
As he watched she stepped fully into the center, the light bathing her in gold as she lightly gripped the pole and stepped forwards fully, lips parted in a smile as she bowed. 
Hoseok had sat through enough strip shows to know that this was different. Elena took small, hesitant steps into the light, tugging on the belt around her waist, the short velvet robe sliding off her shoulder gently. 
Hoseok’s throat went dry when he saw what she was dressed in : A ruby red lingerie set, with satin bows along her neckline, applique orchids all across her torso , the hem of her dress stopping just an inch below her waist, revealing satin bikinis that hugged her ass so tight his finger itched . 
He wanted to touch so bad. 
She grabbed the fabric of the robe  and instead of tossing it away, she folded it, moving to place it on a chair in the corner of the stage, gently before tossing another smile, this time apologetic. 
“I’m sorry, i need to wear this again and I don’t want it to get dirty...” She giggled then , her voice like the tinkling of a bell and Hoseok was so gone , he couldn’t think straight anymore. 
He gripped the edge of the sofa, the last vestiges of sleep leaving his head. 
And then the music began, low and soothing and seductive and she began to move. 
Elena was a phenomenal dancer, that much was obvious in just the first minute. She moved easily, and perfectly, her long legs wrapping around the pole with ease, her hands gripping it with ease but it was her gaze that drew him in....
She clearly thought Tae and Jungkook were the only ones in the audience so she kept her gaze on them, hadn’t seen him at all and she looked at them with eyes that begged for approval. She smiled often, threw her hair back and jerked her shoulders in question, asking unsubtly if they liked it, and Jungkook and Taehyung responded with enthusiasm, cheerful shouts of “ so gorgeous, beautiful sweetheart....” filling the room.
Hoseok leaned back against the couch, his breath leaving him in a harsh exhale. 
This wasn’t the kind of woman he had been expecting.
 He had been prepared, for brash and bold and seductive and sensuous. A woman who knew how to use her body to get what she wanted.... The only kind of woman he had ever met in his entire life. 
But Elena.... 
She looked so desperate to please, so desperate to be good and it was evident in her eyes, the thirst for praise , for approval. She wanted to be good and she wanted someone to tell her that.... to tell her hat she was beautiful, that she was perfect , that she was absolutely scintillating and Hoseok wanted nothing more than to be that someone. 
To be the person who rained kissed all over her body, gentle touches all over her as he breathed praise into her ears, told her how perfect she was, how enchanting and how unreal she was. 
How she was the kind of woman he would never ever tire of......
The kind of woman who deserved to be worshipped on the satin sheets of his king sized bed. .
And he would. This wasn’t going to end like this, he thought , his heart pounding. It couldn’t. 
He felt his heart pound as the performance ended, as she stepped back into the limelight and bowed, all sweet smiles and gentle gratitude. 
Taehyung and Jungkook jumped to their feet applauding cheerfully and she laughed. 
“Thank you for coming today. I hope you enjoyed my little dance. I would love to see you again. “ She smiled, cheerful and bright. 
She finally turned to his side of the room, eyes widening when he finally pushed away from the shadows, moving into the pool of light in the middle of the room.
“You were absolutely gorgeous sweetheart.” He said gently.
Her eyes went wide, lips parting in surprise and e watched her eyes travel up and down his torso, catching on the lean width of his waist, tongue peeking out to lick her lips as her eyes stayed glued to the front of his crotch, where his rock hard dick was probably very poorly concealed. 
“You’re the one to blame for that, princess.” He said with smirk and her eyes jumped to his, a blush blooming on her cheeks so fast that it made his head swim. 
Fuck she was gorgeous. 
He glanced at his friends, both of who were looking between him and the dancer with knowing looks. 
“Dinners on me tomorrow if you two leave right now.” Hoseok said softly. 
Laughing, the pair waved good bye, closing the door behind them. 
Elena stood on the stage, still staring at him like he was a full course meal and he moved back to the middle sofa, lowering himself down before spreading his legs and patting his thighs. 
“How much for a private....conversation?” He asked quietly.
She hesitated.
“I.. i need to ask the manager.” She said hesitantly. 
Hoseok felt a grin creeping up his face.
He pulled his phone out and dialed quickly. Less than a minute later, the manager stumbled in, bowing almost ninety degrees. 
“Mr. Jung.. you called?” The man was breathless.
“Elena and I are going to be occupied for the next hour or so.... I don’t want us to be disturbed.” 
The manager looked very surprised, glancing at her with wide eyes. 
“You want to... ?” He asked quickly and Elena blushed. Hoseok was oddly impressed that he had asked for her consent. Well at least this place wasn't as sleazy as it looked.  
“Just a conversation.” She whispered. Hoseok felt his eyebrow raise in surprise. 
Wait, did she really think he wanted a conversation? Had he been too subtle? Was the hard dick and the invitation to sit on his lap not forward enough? 
The man gave her a  confused look but nodded. 
“Of course Mr. Jung. Anything you like.” he bowed again and left , locking the door behind him. Hoseok glanced at her, watching as she slowly climbed down the stairs 
Elena hesitated, before slowly moving to get her robe. 
“Leave that.” He said , a little more sharply than he intended and she startled a little at his tone. 
“Okay.” She whispered, scratching the back of her neck nervously and smiling a little.
“I’m sorry...I don’t usually do this... I... I’m married.” She said with a laugh. 
Hoseok froze .
It felt a little like someone had dumped a whole entire barrel of ice cold water all over his head. 
Of course she was fucking taken. 
Of fucking course.....
He was such a fucking fool....
“Oh..” He croaked, voice breaking and even that single syllable dripped with so much disappointment  that she noticed. 
Her eyes flashed with something and she carefully climbed off the stage, walking up to him. He held his breath as she came closer, standing right between his spread legs. He wanted to touch but he wasn’t sure if he was allowed. 
Her hand rose up and he felt his breath catch when she lightly touched his hair, patting the strands carefully. 
“you have really thick hair.” She giggled. 
“Does you husband know you’re here?” He said softly. 
Her gaze flitted to him. 
“No. “ She said softly. And then she pressed in closer, enough that her knee brushed his thighs and he gripped her waist with both hands, instinctively.
She bit her lips, eyes shifting away from him.
“He doesn’t... understand.” She sighed. 
Intrigued, Hoseok tugged her closer and she tumbled into his lap. He pulled her in till she was seated on his thighs, legs thrown over the couch as she nestled into his chest. 
He gripped her harder and God, she felt like a delicate bird in his hand. His arms stayed firm but inordinately gentle around her, and he swallowed scared to move because he was afraid he would break her . Scared to let go because he was afraid she would fly way. 
“What doesn’t he understand sweetheart?” He prompted. 
She turned to look right at him and he wanted to take that mask off so badly. To see her face in all its glory. 
“That I need this...” She whispered.
“To dance...?” He prompted and she sniffled a little.
“No.” She whispered. And then her eyes met his again, bright and somehow desperate. 
“What then baby? Why are you here?” He asked although he could already suspect it.
“To be desired. “ She smiled that same sweet smile of hers.
And really, not even a saint could resist that breathtaking smile.
And Jung Hoseok was so , so far from a saint. 
She was the one who owed loyalty to the unknown husband. Not him. So he was going to just take what he was being offered. 
He grabbed her chin, tilting her face to kiss her hard, his tongue forcing its way in before she could get her bearings. She didn’t protest, her body going limp in his arms a he looped her arms around his neck. 
He flipped them over , till she was flat on her back on the couch and he was on her, grabbing her thighs and spreading her legs, grinding his clothed erection down into the heated center of her body as he kissed her. 
She whimpered, hands scrambling to clutch at his shoulders. as she kissed him back. And he wondered if she lied, telling him that she was married. There was a world of inexperience in her kiss , absolutely no finesse in the way she spread her legs wider, hips jerking up to chase friction. 
But what she lacked in experience, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.
“Relax baby... We don’t have to rush...” He kissed her again, drawing back to stare at her and she looked a little out of it. 
“Please.. I just... i need...” 
Something about the look on her face made him pause. It was a familiar look. He’d seen this look before. 
Not in the last decade no, but ....that desperate, confused inexperience took him all the way back to his senior year in  high school when the Queen Bee , Kang Sejin had finally agreed to let him fuck her. 
For the first time. 
Hoseok stilled completely, refusing to believe it. 
How old was this girl underneath him? She couldn’t be younger than twenty five. 
“How old are you?” He demanded.
She stopped trying to yank him closer and went still, staring at him and licking her lips. 
“I’m twenty seven.” She said finally and he frowned.
“You’ve done this before right?” He asked stupidly. 
Of course she had...she said she was married for fuck’s sake. 
But her eyes widened and she looked away and oh. 
What the actual fuck....
Hoseok scrambled off her, his head swimming with disbelief. She choked out a sob and sat up, hugging herself and he felt his heart break when he saw the tears swell, spilling over her lashes and God, that pout on her face. 
“Elena.... “ He held his hand out, wanting to touch her again but she scrambled to her feet and backed away. 
“I’m so sorry... i don’t know what I was thinking...” She bowed, her tears flowing freely now. “ Please...forget this ever happened...” 
Hoseok stared at her as she ran up to stage, grabbing her robe and disappearing behind the curtain quickly. 
He stood there, still painfully aroused as he tried to process what he’d just learned. 
A virgin, he thought in sheer disbelief. 
The stripper I nearly fucked right now is a fucking virgin. 
His legs stopped working as he collapsed on the sofa. 
So much for unwinding on a Friday. 
“Listen, I know this is dumb but you really need to stop bringing this up so often.” My husband gave me an annoyed glare, his handsome face scrunched in impatience as he stuffed a couple of files into his leather briefcase. 
“Why ? We’re married... we’ve been married for four months now!! Why won’t you touch me?! “ i demanded, exhausted and tired and so guilty. 
Guilty because I’d come so close to cheating on him. 
“Because i don’t get a hard on when i look at you. Because I never wanted to fucking marry you in the first place.!!” He snarled and i bit my lips feeling my heart hurt at the familiar words, the pang still just as painful as the first time he’d said those words to me. 
“But you did...” I reminded him, following him to the door. He growled, throwing the shoe closet open and grabbing his work shoes. 
“Elena... I’m not in the mood for this.” He said sternly.” I’m running late and Hoseok ssi’s supposed to be inspecting our department today. Do you have any idea what an important man he is? I need this meeting to be perfect if I want to get that promotion.... I can’t let anything distract me.” 
“I’m your wife...not a distraction!!” I protested. 
He ignored me, tying his laces and giving me one last look of loathing. 
“if this doesn’t work for you, call your fucking parents and go back to that no good village of yours. We’ll get a fucking divorce and I’ll stop paying for your parents Hospital bills and then we’ll see how you survive.” 
I stared at him, hurt and upset. 
“I need to go. “ He stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. 
I let out a shaky breath, my hands trembling as I tried to get my bearings. It was so hard, doing this. Waking up day after day to cater to his every need and i wondered if it had even been worth it, agreeing to marry him just for the chance to pay for my parents. 
Surely, there could have been another way? 
Why had I agreed? 
My mind flashed to the gorgeous man in the club the previous night. 
 How much for a private conversation.....
 For a second i had been tempted. 
I had actually considered asking him to pay me in return for sex. Maybe if he wanted to do it more than once.... Maybe he could keep me with him. 
And then I could use the money to pay for my parents’ care and i could divorce Yesung. 
Surely that was better than being shunned in your own home? Being made to feel ugly and unappealing. 
I had been so close to doing it last night. So so close and then that man---he had somehow sensed it. Sensed that I hadn’t ever had sex before. 
How embarrassing that had been. He had guessed that I was a virgin and I couldn’t help but wonder how. 
What had i done wrong? i had hugged him, kissed him back and yet he had realized that i had no idea what i was doing or what i wanted. 
How humiliating that had been. 
I bit my lips.
I missed dancing. 
Twice a month in some sleazy club hardly made up for fifteen years of training to be a dancer.  
I missed the ballet school that I had to quit when my dad lost his job.
 I missed Busan. 
I missed my old life so bad. 
Sighing I went back to the kitchen to fix my breakfast when my eyes fell on the packed lunch and i groaned. 
Yesung’s company was easily the most luxurious building I’d ever been. Thankfully, I’d dressed well enough, a yellow summer dress with floral prints. I’d left my hair down, even put on makeup. I looked pretty and i wanted nothing more than for my husband to look at me with a little appreciation. 
Yesung was a tall, very handsome man and i had really genuinely liked him when his parents had offered to set us up for  a  seon.
 He had seemed genuinely interested and it was the only reason I’d agreed to marry him. But apparently, his parents had forced him into the whole thing and he felt nothing but deep resentment for me. 
It was so unfair but i wasn’t ready to give up yet. 
I had every intention of winning my husband over. 
The lady at the reception gave me a visitor’s Id and told me where I could find my husband and I quickly walked over to elevators, nervous because I was the only one in flashy summer colors, all the employees dressed in muted tones of brown and grey. Flushing, I kept my head low as the elevator climbed all the way to the seventeenth floor. When I stepped out of the elevator, I caught sight of Yesung at once. He was talking to a tall man, who had his back towards me . 
“Yesung!! “ i called out brightly. “ You forgot your lunch!!” I held the bag up and my husband’s eyes snapped to me widening in surprise. 
I smiled and kept walking until the man talking to my husband turned around. 
My smile froze on my face, my brain processing the very familiar features. 
I stopped walking , my legs stalling . 
Oh, God no.
“Yesung!  You forgot your lunch!!” 
Hoseok felt his entire heart turn over in his ribcage at the sound of  that  voice. 
No.. No way...it couldn’t  be.
 He turned around, stunned and his eyes caught a flash of lovely yellow, bright and incandescent in the dreary dullness of the office and oh god, it was her. 
It was Elena. 
She looked like sunshine.... Like one of those yellow tulips you saw in wall papers. Fresh and beautiful and even more breathtaking in the bright light of day and Hoseok felt like his brain had been fried. 
She had seen him too and the look on her face said it all. 
Guilt and horror flashed in rapid succession and those lips....those cherry red lips he’d tasted three days ago....they parted in shock. 
Hoseok felt his mouth go dry as she went completely still. 
“I’m so sorry sir... I don’t know why she came here!!” Kang Yesung’s voice drew him to the present and he frowned, watching as the man stalked over to her. His fists clenched as he saw the man grip her arm, hard. 
Elena winced, looking hurt and something in Hoseok just snapped.
Completely forgetting where he was , who he was.... he stalked over , hands coming up to shove Yesung hard. The man, completely taken by surprise, stumbled and fell , crashing into the filling cabinets with a loud noise. 
Everyone in the office went still, staring at him in sheer disbelief 
And he knew exactly what they were thinking?
Did the Sunshine  CEO just physically assault an employee? Was the world ending? 
Hoseok stared at Elena.
“Are you alright? “ He whispered. 
She was gawking at him, but also rubbing the skin where Yesung had grabbed her and before he could stop himself, he was reaching for her arm, brushing her own fingers away and stroking the skin with his. 
“That looks like its going to bruise.” He whispered. 
He whirled to glare at Yesung, who had pulled himself together and was now staring between Hoseok and Elena, shock written all over his features.
“Is this your code of conduct when it comes to women, Mr. Kang?” His voice came out loud and angry , almost a furious snarl. 
Yesung turned an ugly shade of red. 
“She’s my wife sir. She ...she knows she can’t visit me ...” Yesung was gaping at him. 
“So you’re going to assault her?” He demanded. 
Yesung closed his mouth quickly. 
“Are you alright, El-” He stopped himself , “ Mrs Kang.” 
She was looking at the floor.
“Yes , sir.” Her voice shook and he could see her hands trembling. The urge to draw her into his arms was so overwhelming he had to clench his fists to stop himself. 
“Jungkook! “ He called for his assistant. “ Please drop Mrs. Kang back home. Make sure she doesn’t need anything else.” 
Jungkook bowed and smiled wide at her.
“Please, this way, Mrs. Kang.” 
Hoseok stared at her and she glanced at him, one small fleeting glance heavy with guilt and confusion and worry. 
He closed his eyes, trying to get his palpitating heart under control.
Oh, God he was in so much trouble. 
Also please give this fic a lot of love!!!!! My baby never gets the love he deserves!!! 
author’s Note : 
Feedback is how you repay me so don’t be shy <3 
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