#doesn't feel very big girl of me to not even pay for my own transition
kulvefaggoth · 3 months
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Cherry Magic Thailand - Ep 6
When in the previous episode Karan decided to publicly declare his love and put Achi in an awkward situation, I was, I admit, very dissatisfied. Plus it was very out of character with the Karan we knew.
I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED THIS SERIES MORE. I hereby express my remorse for not believing that CM could maintain character fidelity and continuity, and for believing so easily that the series could hurt me and its characters
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In my defense, I will only say that all the series I watch now have disappointed me and betrayed their characters at some point, so there was no indication that CM would be any different in this respect.
Karan, my beloved, what a guy! He can even make his own declaration of love, not about a himself, his own feelings, but about his beloved and his comfort 🥺 He doesn't say that he loves Achi and expect a response from him. Karan treated his confession as informing Achi that his feelings could hurt him, which Karan doesn't want to let happen. Karan feels that he must be fair to Achi. His confession wasn't even romantic, it was… informative. And apologetic. Karan apologized that his affection might disturb Achi's comfort in any way 🥺🥺🥺 Just… I need a moment *takes deep breaths*
I have no words to express how much I was touched by how Karan arranged his life around Achi's life without expecting anything in return. I can't put into words how much it means to me that Karan helps and takes care of Achi in his daily life. There is no need for grand gestures, sacrificing one's life or big drama in their relationship. No, it's about... turning on the kettle. I'm not lying when I say that I have tears in my eyes while writing these words.. Karan (like Mhok), are those types of men who love and treat their love as their own business, their own problem to deal with (like Gao Shi De). Fortunately for Karan, his love interest has the same level of humility, kindness and empathy as him… 🙄
This series is about people: a bit pathetic, who consider themselves to be a bit of a loser, humble, with self-esteem problems. Who, despite everything, still maintain kindness and do so much good for others, without expecting any reward. Without expecting others to bend to them - no, they all, even Pai and Rock, go out of their way to help others, bend for others without treating it as a big deal. And everyone tries so hard not to harm anyone. (after watching Achi and Karan, how can I accept Day and Mhok's potential relationship? lol nope. Not after Achi and Karan decided to notice each other's efforts and kindness. CM clearly shows that they both CHOOSE to notice the other person and their kindness, it doesn't just happens, it's a choice. Day also choose to be cruel and make everything about himself 🤷‍♀️)
What I absolutely love about this series is that when Achi realizes how much Karan means to him, he takes action IMMEDIATELY. He knows what phones are for 😀 The series moves the action straight forward, leads its characters to immediate confrontation, without creating strange "transitions" between scenes that create plot holes, which make frustrated viewers constantly ask "but why don't they just talk?", "why didn't he tell him about it", "why didn't he call, why did he have the phone, for games??". Or without the worst - like, before the characters talk to each other, there are a lot of stupid obstacles and misunderstandings resulting from lack of communication. Achi wants to say something to Karan -> Achi does it. Fucking A, 10/10 💯💯💯
Running to your beloved - very Japanese BL style 😂
Oh gods, I love Pai. How she was all: I WILL HAVE MY FUJOSHI MOMENT EVEN IF IT WAS THE LAST THING IN MY LIFE. Girl, literally same 😆
I love this series because of how warm it is, because of how much kindness there is in it, such ordinary, everyday, helpful, invisible, ordinary kindness. And how being good pays off.
I love this series because, even though the characters are not even together, the series is ABOUT THEM, and their scenes together are perfect, high quality, beautiful, funny, touching. In this episode, Achi and Karan are sort of "passing each other in their lives", and yet they have so many wonderful scenes.
At the moment, it's the best series I am watching and the best series of 2024 (although it's not over yet, so I emphasize, for now). Cherry Magic simply gives me a high-quality product, a whole lot of FEELINGS and ZERO frustration.
Next week preview: "When a man buys you a shirt, it means he wants to be the one to take it off" - excuse me, I'll just spend every minute of this week thinking about it 🤩
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Tracking my Mars transits!
Notes are from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand.
Mars square Jupiter (Mar 31 - Apr 7)
Time of very successful and energetic activity
Low key disappointed by this bc I thought I would get a lot more done but that saturn trine mars transit had me deadddd. I still ended up doing more than usual like going to happy hour!
Keep close track of what you are doing
Real! bc why did my supervisor call me on the phone to ask me what I was working on lmao makes sense bc my jupiter is in my 10H.
You may be infected with an unjustified optimism that anything you do today "will turn to gold" but it will happen through intelligent planning and foresight
The day I went to happy hour (4/5) I told my friend I was good for 4pm bc I could just clock out when I got there bc i had no assignments and tell me why I'm getting ready and I get an email at 2pm like can you edit this brief? omgggg and I texted my friend "I've done more in less time it's whatever" like girl as if this isn't serious work and it went great and I was on time to happy hour! Things keep working out so I will keep acting accordingly lmao
Do not overextend yourself, if you go beyond your normal limits the time will come when you have to pay for this
Thissssssss fml bc at happy hour I had a mango mojito and it was good but too sweet so then I got the espresso martini flight and it was sooo cute and soooo yummy! Except....I barely ate that day and the food at the restaurant was meh so we just shared buffalo chicken dip and when I got home at like 8pm I felt fine and thennnn i could NOT go to sleep bc 3 espresso martinis!! So i had a dance party in my apt to burn off energy and all of a sudden it was 3am and I go to bed and i feel SICK to my fucking stomach I was so bloated I felt lightheaded I got up and not even alka seltzer could save me omg I started doing high knees at 4am bc in my head moving like that would move my intestines lol I went to sleep at 4:30 and then the whole next day I felt sooooo bad but I blamed the eclipse energy lmfaooo (narrator: she did that shit to herself!!")
Jupiter rules your desire to include more of the universe in your own experiences
I was seeing 333 everywhere including on the bar code of a cookie I was eating lol
Mars trine Mars (Apr 4 - Apr 11)
Time of vigorous self assertion, make it clear you are willing to work for what you want
I actually had assignments I liked at work and I wrote a motion from scratch for an attorney and he wanted me to add something in there and I was like the rule doesn't include that tho... so I didn't put it and he added it himself after I turned in my draft and when he sent it to the director for signature the director deleted it LMFAO i was on cloud 9 for dayssss
Energy level is high, physical labor releases it more effectively
Dance parties were my go to! I thought I might tackle my laundry but nope
Mars is an ego-oriented planet and you'll be strongly motivated toward tasks that bring you credit, might be better to work alone
yes! all the assignments I was doing at work were not group assignments and the other attorneys were like "this is so helpful!" My head was getting so big lmao
Greater effectiveness when resuming unfinished projects
One of my assignments was research and I realized I actually did it Aug 2023 and they were asking me the same question lol but then we expanded it and found something we didn't last year!
If you have been trying to do something but have lacked the right opportunity this transit should get it moving, greater self confidence, pushing your own interests is more successful
I had a meeting with my mentor on 4/11 and I told her to put me in contact with someone she knows who works in immigration so I could volunteer bc I'm trying to get experience! But then it was weird bc the person was like okay let's meet at your next mentor meeting.....June 14 like girl why are we waiting so long?? lmao maybe for the best who knows!
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everydaymamaof3 · 5 years
Am I Doing This Right?
It's been a little while since I blogged. I just didn't have the time, working on finishing my certification, kids, work, life. I felt a bit like I had a mental block or fog too. There was definitely a shift happening in my world. Couldn't really put a finger on it...but the fog started making sense recently. I am a mama to three girls. A young adult, a tween and a young child. My world is filled with their ups and downs, their transitions, their challenges...and right now, during these ages, it's a lot of transitions and growth. My oldest is about to graduate University, thinking about where they'll live, where she'll get hired as an RN. Where, benefits both of them, her and her fiance. So in the back of my mind, I'm thinking of places, I'm thinking of the move, how far away, the changes coming, picturing places they'll rent or maybe buy, imagining their future. A backyard maybe? All good positive, next steps of life thoughts....will we see them at Christmas? What kind of shifts will she have? All while also thinking of their wedding. Budgeting. Planning. Catering. Maybe that’s just my over excited thoughts? I am excited! My daughter is getting married and starting a career as a nurse. It makes the moments I felt like a complete failure as a mother, feel like an eternity ago, and so meaningless now.
So that's just one kiddo who's life is on my mind. My tween, well, she's only ten, but I'm starting to see a glimmer of a tweenager. I've really been paying close attention to her mood swings. Her frustrations, her attitude shifts. For awhile, I was so stressed about it, she was just easily irritated, easily frustrated, more emotional than normal, and the mother, Sherlock Holmes in me, was struggling to figure out what was going on. Well, I figured it out. It was her tablet. Now know this, I am not a person who judges, I don't care how much time other people's children spend on tablets, or what you use them for, these opinions are strictly my own, and behaviour I personally noticed in my own child.
She was on it for maybe an hour or so a day...sometimes not at all...I thought, meh, she's just watching craft videos, funny videos, but then we started noticing the attitude, the withdraw. I would notice her go from completely entranced by the screen, to pissed off at the world when she was told to put it away. Ok. I see what's happening here. So, we had a family meeting, and we eliminated tablets Monday to Friday. They're allowed to have them on Friday evenings, Saturdays on our hour long sport commute, and Sundays for an hour in the morning. I started looking at what they were watching. Kids doing stupid things. Kids lip syncing. 5 minute crafts was featuring how to turn your t shirt into a belly shirt. Or how to plump up your lips by sticking them in a plastic container??! Why are my children so interested in this. So I felt a bit like I wasn't doing my job as a parent, allowing them to watch these things. The headline 5 minute crafts. It just HAS to sneak in that useless garbage for our kids. Frustrating. I also took a look at myself. How much screen time I have. How I hear my kids say, "mom, you didn't hear me because you were on your phone", you’re right, and point taken.
We made changes. We’re back to seeing our kids actually make the crafts they watched now that the tablets are put away during the week. We’re usually on an adventure on the weekends so if there’s down time, they go on. They're back to being active and busy, and creative and the attitude has improved immensely. There's still days I'm pulling my hair out because I get "the tone" that puts us moms over the edge. Or stomping. Or fighting...I think for the most part, for having a four year age gap, they get along incredibly well. I remind myself, my middle daughter is entering some scary territory with hormones and puberty and boys, and mean girls, and body image....I remind myself that I have a really big job ahead, and it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging. I've raised one teenage girl. Two more to go. We got this. And in the meantime we’ll continue to embrace the innocence ❤️
My girls are growing up in a different society. Even one that is different from when my oldest was a teen. And that wasn’t that long ago...5 years. One I'm still learning how to navigate. What is right. What is wrong. What age is right for this or that? It seems so much harder than simpler times when we were growing up. Although I'm sure mama's of the past would disagree. It was probably just as hard, just a different world. Different challenges. Different ways to deal, but parenting is universal. Teach, help, protect, guide, comfort, observe, learn, none of that has changed..
My littlest is learning to be more independent. She's letting go of me bit by bit, but still just as cautious as always. She still wants to be picked up for hugs, which thankfully, I can still pick up 44 pounds..mind you, being the last baby, I'll probably still pick her up at 74 pounds. She is very much my shadow, and places another challenge on me, making sure I'm giving the same amount of time and attention to my ten year old. AND my twenty two year old. I'm just hanging on tight as long as I can. They’re growing up so fast, and wanting less and less of me. I know. This is good. This means you're doing your job as a good mom and raising independent kids. Still doesn't take away the desire to spend every minute with them before they say "bye mom" *gulp*
The greatest joy for me is watching them through these stages and phases. Even though it's hard sometimes, it's draining, it's also rewarding, and makes me so proud. But it can be terrifying. Hoping I'm doing what's best for them. Always. Everyday. But then feeling guilty when I want space from them. Doesn't that suck! You’re at the point of exhaustion, ready to tear everyone's head off in the house, give yourself a break, and feel bad about it.
I shake my head.
No matter what though, self care is crucial.
So on top of my mind being fully occupied by my children's lives, I also need room in there for my work, for my marriage, for my friendships, most importantly for my health and well being.
To be a fly in the brain of a modern day woman. It would be incredibly fascinating! Like a room full of computers, buzzing madly, spitting out information every second of every day....and then re inputting it back into the computer to re analyze it, go over it, and spit it back out!
I have to remember to try and quiet my mind though. Stay on top of my mental health with breaks. Me time. Quiet. Running. Yoga. Coffee Dates. Massages. Facials. Reading. Uninterrupted conversations with my husband. Date nights. It's part of being a good mom, wife, friend, teacher, running on a full cup, not an empty cup. Sometimes we need a reminder though. "Hey, you know that life cup...it's about to spill" Don't you wish there was a little alarm in our brains that beeped when it was time to reboot. Instead, our reminders come in a form of illness, breakdowns, or our inner Cruella Deville's emerge.
I'm doing my best to stay on top of life’s balance. Sometimes I fail miserably. Sometimes I'm the healthiest, happiest human being, living my best life! I love my life. And I love being a writer, so I can feel like a normal mom, a normal woman, in a hurry up, noisy, busy world ❤️
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