#don't worry tho i will definitely do a raph one too
luckycharms1701 · 4 months
💙 He wakes up slowly.
This is a surprise. Normally there is sleeping and then there is awakening, nothing in between. He lingers in the middle, confused but also… content.
It feels like meditating, he thinks, and without thought Leo’s breath slips into that familiar pattern. He allows his awareness to spread out.
Almost immediately he finds you. You are sprawled across his plastron, one arm flung across his waist and the other under your head over his heart. The softest snores are coming out of your mouth.
He has to remind himself to breathe, to slip back into his meditative state. It is harder than he thinks it should be.
At one point that had been a very sore subject for him, the way you disturbed his calm without even thinking about it. Now, though. Now he understands that some emotions are too strong to be fully curbed, that love is meant to disturb as often as it calms.
Now, he curves slightly into you even as he continues to meditate, breathing in your scent. There. That's the source of his contentment. You are the source of his contentment.
He meditates for some time, reflecting on you and on love. The highs and the lows, the agonies and the ecstasies. His quiet contemplation is interrupted by you, causing a smile to cross his face at the irony.
You nuzzle into his plastron slightly as you slowly start to wake. He opens his eyes and looks down to find that you've turned your head and opened your own eyes, a sleepy smile on your face.
He reaches out and brushes his thumb gently across your lips, cupping your cheek. You turn into his palm, giving it a small kiss as you stretch.
"Good morning princess," he whispers, and you mumble back as you curl farther into him.
His heart is full as the two of you prepare to begin your day together.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic
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regretisstoredintheme · 6 months
I don't know if this is technically a request or not, I just wanna put these thoughts somewhere
I'm just wondering on how the turtles (preferably Raph) would react to someone who was taller/larger than them
(I'm not trying to request anything since I saw that your requests were closed)
A/n: not me accidentally writing this WHOLE MF THING OUT— anyway.
—Raph x/& Reader who’s bigger than him—
For Raph? I can imagine bro being literally baffled. He looks up to you like “???? How????” And doesn’t know how to feel now whenever he says “I’m the biggest brother, the one who is the biggest.” Because no tf he’s not anymore!!??
Staring. Constantly.
if you work out he’s definitely asking for your routine
bro was made for war but he’s like “big guy!!!”
feels a little wary though
like it took him a while to be aware of his surroundings at his own size (he still isn’t) so he’s worried about you!
constantly worried you’ll bump into things, even more so around food or expensive items
so many hugs tho frfr
he’d try to pick you up Idc what you think bro would DEFINITELY try
whether he succeeds or not, he’s still gonna keep doing it.
he likes the idea of knowing he could carry you if you ended up going down.
But if you switch it around? he’s like a fish out of water
Doesn’t know what to do
A little uncomfortable at first cuz he’s never really had his feet LIFT OFF THE FLOOR LIKE THAT but eventually he’s cuddly.
this mf always wants cuddles, platonic or romantic.
He’s a little too nervous to introduce you to his stuffed animal collection, however once one his brothers (probably Leo LMAO) puts him for having teddy bears, he’s suddenly super defensive. all “HUH WHAT ABOUT IT??? Don’t insult Dr Huggenstien!”
please for the love of god don’t diss his stuffie collection 😭 he prolly won’t open up again after that.
A/N: sorry— I know it wasn’t meant to be a request, but I did it anyway ✋
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desceros · 3 months
Okay PLEASE I have to know your opinion-
So you know how sometimes you look at people and just like- yeah, they’d be a golden retriever for sure. Or a chihuahua.
If the Rise Turtles were a dog breed, what breed would you think they would be? I’m definitely seeing Donnie as a herding dog wanting everything to be organized his way, Leo as a guard dog, Raph would definitely be a giant ass clumsy dog breed that doesn’t realize how big he is. Mikey has got to be some type of hyper terrier of sorts.
fascinating question!!! behold the power of an autistic person who loves dogs and tmnt
donnie: dachshund
wow sam favorite breed for favorite turtle OK LISTEN THO!!! dachshunds are sooo smart but stubborn as hell and want to do things Their Way. picking up a new toy and instantly playing with it so hard it explodes into fluff. taking direction well but only if you have a good relationship with them and they trust you. sassy attitudes, a penchant to attach themselves to one or two people and be distant to others, looks great in cute clothes, a fragile back that needs protecting--DRINK THE KOOLAID!!!
leo: akita
so this one was actually also very easy for me. akita are very much Family Over Everyone Else, and i always see leo as being very protective of his brothers (to a self-destructive point even). they don't trust other dogs or animals (much like leo doesn't trust other mutants or yokai), but when it comes to their people, they're goofy little goobers that love to play and have fun and snuggle. they're super smart, but need good training in order to achieve their potential, otherwise they'll have a tendency to do their own thing and that never ends well. wow who put this picture of leonardo hamato in the akc handbook
raph: great dane
i was torn on this one thinking some kind of livestock guardian dog at first since he worries about his brothers so much and always puts their safety first. only problem is a lot of them are bred to have mild temperaments, and, uh, [gestures at raph]. for that reason, i settled on the great dane. they're guardian dogs who care intensely for their family and are very, very sweet. but their large size and caution against strangers is quite intimidating, and they need to be properly trained against being aggressive to strangers. also, yknow, big.
mikey: pumi
pumi are well-known small dogs that are work-hard, play-hard dogs with the CUTEST curly hair. sound familiar? they're pretty good at watching the family, but often times they're a bit too busy bouncing off in the corner because these dogs are like. adhd in canine form. always need stimulation. always need exercise. gotta bounce move play bark play run RAZZ MATAZZ. also they're cute and mikey is cute.
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bluepeachstudios · 9 months
GitS Asks!
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I mean--
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This is in chapter 24 of Part One!
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Yeah! He's very careful and aware of how Donnie fights, and he also has to help Raph fight slightly different as well, because he's got a big ol' tail. He tries to train them to their strengths.
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He doesn't as much as he used to, but his cloak has pockets! Otherwise he's usually out with Donnie, and Donnie has plenty. Recently he's been using Donnie's tech-bo that he made for Ghost, so Ghost has plenty of tools at his disposal.
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Yeah, Ghost actually makes parallels to him when they first meet in chapter 12!
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When I say the physics are different, there's nothing so different that it could be measured. It's just off. Ghost can feel it. It's hard to explain. Nothing is different on paper, but everything is just slightly not right. Ghost thinks it's just his own headspace of this not being home.
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There is a period of adjustment! Part of the reason Raph knocks everything over is because he's a teenager, and he doesn't worry about being as careful. Ghost, on the other hand, is an adult and has been taught from childhood to step lightly, so he makes an effort to keep his tail under control. He still knocks things over tho.
He has to relearn how to move! He's a lot stronger than he was before as well, which... throws some things off.
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They aren't exactly his clones, it's just that his DNA created a template that Draxum molded the mutagen from. If Ghost was just a different turtle from the same universe, their DNA would've been like. under 10% similar? But because of universal shenanigans, his DNA is VERY similar to Donnie's! Because they're the same person!!
But yeah Ghost has no idea Draxum got a hold of his blood.
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Not EVERY kid, he definitely has a turtle bias... But yeah I'm excited for you guys to see Ghost meet Casey as well :D
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Yes I wanted to make Ghost taller than Raph for another year or two before Raph keeps shooting up at ridiculous speeds <3 He'll be taller than Ghost again by the movie u.u
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I cannot talk about this because spoilers. But I will show everyone.
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Ghost SERIOUSLY got it from his dad. It's funny, because he considers himself nothing like his father, but he is very much a mirror of his love when it comes to the Rise kids. He'll get around to describing his father to them one day and they'll just be like "that just sounds like you???" and he will cry.
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Hehehehe I'm so excited for you guys to see Ghost in Part 2.
(the answer is yes)
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This is basically how I take notes for GitS fghkdjfgh
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Explosions don't bother Ghost so much! He's used to hearing them from Donnie's lab. He'll go to check on any loud noises like that of course, and he'll be worried/nervous until he has eyes on all the kids, but he's okay.
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(thank @crownedcrowrow for the art of Ghost)
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Nope, just because they simply don't do it! They found 'shell' too funny and started using it ironically but now it's not ironic anymore. They're also kinda afraid what happens if they cuss. Ghost doesn't really do it in front of them, so they don't want to risk it.
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Yup! It's actually got a pretty good grip once he gets used to using it. It basically becomes his tool-fetcher.
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leo is the most emotional stable, mostly bc half the time she's too focused on her siblings to worry abt her own emotions. (but it's okay bc she eventually learns that she can in fact process her emotions and worry about her brothers!)
she's gotta be huge for all the hugs and love she gives her brothers
i think i'm gonna give mikey a cat,, he deserves one
leopril is a thing that will eventually happen,, i'm not really planning anything for mikey or donnie tho
so first of all, raph decided to become the nightwatcher bc he wanted to get out of the lair and decided a disguise would keep the risk of people finding out he's a mutant to a minimum. following that i don't think he would be super interested in fighting crime? once meeting casey that interest would grow until eventually plot things happen which force mikey, leo, and donnie to get involved and start using the minimum training they have,, BUT THAT DIDN'T REALLY ANSWER THE QUESTION- uhh before meeting casey, probably a few months. as he and casey started doing vigilante stuff it went on for at least a couple more months. so in total, raph was probably the nightwatcher for abt 5-6 months
favorite foods!!
mikey: pizza, of course
leo: she likes baked goods!!! literally anything warm n cozy (also clear soup bc splinter made it a lot when they were younger bc it was easy and he was able to,,, also it's yummy)
donnie: grilled cheese, but it's gotta be made with mozzarella and has to be grilled just right (they just like me fr)
raph: extra spicy ramen- casey refuses to kiss him after bc it makes his mouth burn (everybody thank my bestie for giving me that idea)
okay so,, no one really likes casey at first (except for raph and mikey, mostly bc mikey thinks he's cool). THEY DON'T HATE HIM- they just don't care for them. donnie dislikes him bc their initial meeting was casey accidentally attacking donnie when sneaking around the sewers looking for raph. leo dislikes casey for that reason, because she thinks he's a bad influence, and bc casey was a jerk to april when both of them were younger. all of it's pretty valid, casey goes through some character development and gains a little more respect from everyone
splinter's death was caused by later complications due to the experiments he endured and it is essentially a turning point for all of them. for leo it's some sort of reality check, she just lost one of the most important people in her life and she will do anything to keep it from happening again. which brings me to the fact that it would definitely impact leo the most. she felt like she had to be strong for her siblings and was never truly able to process any of it.
uhhh sorry some of these got kinda rambly- but !!! thanks for the questions, i'm happy to answer more :D
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mooncalfe-art · 5 months
I got to read 146 and... well..it was quite the rollercoaster of emotions..to say the least. A lot of of very interesting ideas, that do intrigued me...tho...the one part that feelt like a very big question mark is....
If this is the same time line in which Lita gone back to at the end of her arc , but, much more ahead in the future ...where is Alopex???
We got very few times ( 2..at best ) in which we saw what happened to Alopex in the future later one. And..I was really hopeing that at least in this time line we might get that.
Instead, we have confirmation that Umeko and Raph were a thing and even that couldn't last. Like... I am very happy to hera about Umeko in a main IDW issue ,but...the worry about what happened to my child and the fact that Raph can't hold a relationship ,not even to save his life ( yet somehow Koya and Leo did ) is taken away from that set happiness.
I am intrigued...yet...the question about what happened to Alopex in this future, after seeing that she was there when Lita got back home and everything seemed ok, is very much killing me. Seeing that the only future we know what happened to her, was the one in which she becomes a assassin and an enemy of the turtles.
Like...I am happy Leo and Koya are a thing...but...what we saw for Raph...it was a like a kick and a blow at the same time.
Are we going to get some answers on this topic in the next issue?
Other then that ,this was such an awesome issue. Especially for how it make me feel about Armaggon.
Didn't see that one comeing. Ngl.
It's the same timeline, yeah, but a couple more decades in the future after that panel in #117 where everyone is together. Things have definitely fallen apart since then, people got old or left the clan and so forth, so Alopex could be anywhere at that point! A lot can happen in that span of time. I don't know if I'll ever get to detail what I envisoned happening to every character in the future, unfortunately. I really wanted to have grown-up adult Tokka and Rahzar show up, for example, but there was too much going on and I didn't have the page space for it. :(
And like I keep saying to people, who knows what future writers will do! You might get your wish one day! I love seeing the characters happy as much as anyone but I'm very much a Mirage TMNT person so my vision of the characters' distant futures is always going to be on the sad side. Life at best is bittersweet, as a great man once said.
Anyway, Alopex won't make any appearances before my run is over, unfortunately, but she'll be back before you know it. ;) Just sit tight.
Thank you again, as always, for reading and letting me hear your thoughts!!!
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lordfreg · 1 year
Helloooo :>
I saw your B&B dating headcanons and I was wondering if you could do hc’s for B&B Donnie? You totally don’t have to if you don’t want to though ❤️
Thank youuu!
Omgggg yesss sorry I have been meaning to post a lot of hcs but I am too eepy
taging some people who might want to see this: @hypocriticaltypwriter @sweaterrat @doodle88
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Good
-Don would literally do ANYTHING for you
-New tire? Don't worry about it. Something fixed? Already on top of it. Need emergency cuddles? On his way.
-He's also exactly 6" 1' so that has some ups and downs. If you're taller, he'd still INSIST on big big spoon.
-Once you break his icy exterior, he will 100% committed to you!
-He'll give you lots of gifts and things; mostly adhering to your needs, but the thought is still there
-He'll even cook for you! He may not be very good at it, but he'll try. Just for you.
-He'll try and participate in any and all sports you seemed intrested in. He'll take time to learn and game would want to play
-If you have something you want to learn, he'll find out EVERYTHING about it and explain it to you in a way that you can understand
-This dude is SUPER trustworthy; he values nothing higher then his family, and you're apart of that. He'll protect you at any cost, including his own life
-Although he's not one for a lot of physical attention, he'll definitely ignore his own needs for yours. If you need hugs and kisses he'll be right there!
-He'll do a lot of stuff for you too! Like, take you out on dates under the cover of darkness, he'll take you out to nice, romantic places and constantly flood you with praise and appreciation! Because, in all honesty, you deserve it💖
The Bad
-Donnie is a really busy dude, so he might not have a lot of time for you :(
-He's really blunt and might not phrase things so well. (He sucks at English too-)
-Between being the group's ONLY tech support, he's also stuck being a babysitter to Raph and Mikey. So there's a lot of stress.
-More prone to act out or yell at you. He'll apologize and say he was wrong but he still yelled and it still kinda hurt.
-Bro blames himself for everything (he gets it from leo istg) and is always emotionally a mess.
-He also really isn't the empathetic type, who when it comes down to a moral or emotional problem; he'll choose the most logical option
-Donnie doesn't get out much (i don't know why he would ever need too) so he's somewhat for a hermit. So if you like taking long walks and stuff like that, he's gonna ask "Can we do that virtually?"
-also, HE CANNOT SOCIALIZE. Like, he just can't. He doesn't know to to speak, and just talking to people has him as a nervous wreck. That's also why he doesn't have a lot of friends
-He'll definitely try and talk to you ONLY online, he hates how he looks and would actually die if you asked to video call or look at a picture of him
-Again, not a lot of time, so he'll try and make it up to you with some "appreciation time."
The Ugly
-Donnie will, unfortunately, cyberstalk you. You're his new hyperfixation! He needs to find everything out about you! (Note; he doesn't entirely realize how creepy that actually is-)
-He'll track your IP address if you ask/post something anonymously
-He'll always try and watch you somehow, either via your internet browser or your camera, he'll always be watching (it's out of love tho!!)
-He'll also ask to get a lot of pictures of you, even if you don't want too. He'll make a huge collage of just pictures of you and have it hanging in his lab.
-Don will gaslight and manipulate you, but he doesn't realize he's doing it until someone points it out. He'll say things like "If you love me, you'll do this." and "You wouldn't do that to me, that'll break my heart!"
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