#dont get it twisted i love other don bluth stuff
makeyoucxre · 5 years
(( fatphobia tw
god it’s been like 30 years but 
don bluth is kinda on my fucking shitlist. or whoever thought it was ok to animate a perfectly nice heavy lady but put her in skimpy clothing for the luls bc when you’re fat and wearing something sexually appealing it’s revolting!!!!! oh and she just immediately tries to fucking eat and fuck the PC because you know!!!! that’s all we are!!!!
it’s not like i was called ugly and a pig my whole life and dudes would tease me because they were quote ‘afraid i’d think their junk was a hot dog’
fuck you fuck you fuck you 
look. i can DEAL with some fat jokes w/ people. sometimes they can be amusing, or subtle enough or under the person’s own power enough that it’s not as offensive 
but i DESPISE the fucking trope where you a) have a fat lady that’s in purposefully “repulsive” skimpyclothing being played for a villain or a monster or an obstacle because not only that, but she just automatically wants to eat you, or is desperate for any kind of intimate companionship. this is the WORST one. at least disney fucking did characters like that slightly better. not much! at least ursula and the red queen were more than just lmao fat
that’s a whole other conversation but you know!!!!!!
thank you for reminding me why i have crippling fears about pursuing romantic partners! thank you for lumping women my shape and otherwise in with the idea that all we do is think about food and eating and it’s such a goddamn shame bc the character annoying me so bad is honestly quite beautiful and appealing but of COURSE that can’t last 
this shit pisses me off and breaks my fucking heart 
from uh. the dragon’s lair time warp sequel whatever the fuck. thanks for that. 
god i don’t fully believe in the “healthy at every size movement” as much as some other folks but god fucking damn it i want to be treated like a human, you know??? i’m a fucking person. not a joke, or a tragedy, or a repulsive punchline. fuck off. 
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