#drabble; melanie sinclair
fallroute · 1 year
Class 6, which meant Noise. It'd been years since she'd first fought them when she was seventeen. And this was supposed to be her vacation. A groan escaped her as she watched people's cars drive by or people just... running towards where the shelters were supposed to be.
Noise, the machines of humanity.
"Are you fucking serious...?" She'd wanted to avoid this, if possible. Given that the Noise were here, this meant that her own world had the Symphogear system on it. Walking in the opposite direction, she wondered if it had been evacuated for a reason. Or was someone using the Cane of Solomon to summon Noise?
If they were, did that mean she had to deal with Maria again? Taking her pendant off, she stowed it in her pocket as she walked towards where the people were running from. Did this mean that she'd have to deal with it? Were there no Wielders here?
It was clear why the evacuation notice was made, as soon as Melanie came across a scene of a few schoolgirls running from Noise. As she tried to make it to them, one of them ended up falling onto the ground.
And that was when she saw it, flying through the air. A converter pendant. As a car spun out of control nearby, Melanie ran and jumped, reaching out to grab the pendant from the air. Whoever owned it, she'd give it back.
Feeling the familiar song swell in her chest, she let the melody flow out of her like water.
"Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron ...!"
Within a couple seconds, the Symphogear had been easily donned. However, she realized something as she landed in front of the schoolgirls. One was that it was a different make from her own Gear. The second was that it was so godsdamned tight that it was hard to breathe in it, let alone move.
"The fuck? This thing's so tight, it's cutting off circulation. What kind of sadist designs this shit?" She asked, before shaking her head. No, for now she'd have to deal with the Noise ahead. Garie's visage was familiar enough that she remembered when Maria had taken Gungnir and had tried to defeat her, only for the Gear to reject her after a bit of use.
These Noise could dissect this Gear she wore easily. With the Symphogear providing the music, which wasn't of a genre she generally sang in, Melanie took a fighting stance and launched herself forward, to take out the Noise. And the song flowed out from between her lips as she fought.
"What is the purpose that I seek? A thousand layers deep within Am I doomed to learn it's for nothing?
Is it something that I dreamed? Or is it a damned nightmare?
In the end, I want to know what it is.
Can you hear my voice now? Are you reading me clear?
Is this interference what I want?
In the end, I've decided, that this is all I need. (Stand up!) I know now (Stand up!) That it is (Stand up!) Destiny (Stand up!) But know that I will Grasp it with my fist!
Don't stop, don't stop, no matter what it takes. Don't cry, don't cry, you'll be okay! With this chance that I have, I'll fight my desti-"
Garie's barrier stopped her song short, something she'd seen before. Though Garie then decided to break apart the barrier and say something about thanking for the meal, Melanie watched as she started to dart forward on ice.
Within the split second that she had to react, Melanie moved out of the way and kneed Garie in the gut as hard as she could, sending the Autoscorer flying backwards with a follow-up kick. Watching as she tumbled and came to a stop, it was with surprise that Garie left it at that, probably mumbling something about how she couldn't destroy Gungnir yet.
With a sigh, the sound of the Gear powering down filled her ears and the transformation popped off with a shower of magical girl-esque sparks. Catching the pendant before it fell, she turned around and walked over towards the schoolgirls before catching sight of who they were.
The one who had tripped was supposed to be in the hospital, in a coma... and yet, here she was. Was this her gear, then? Holding it out without a word, Melanie had the pendant practically snatched out of her hand.
"That's my Gungnir!" The girl said, holding it close. "This power is supposed to save people! I was the one who got it! It's my Gungnir!"
Power to... save people? Did she not think it worth it to use Gungnir to fight people? What sort of thinking got it to where she couldn't even don the Gear to fight to protect her friends? Herself?
Her name was... Hibiki. And she wasn't even thinking about protecting herself with the Gear. No, she had something wrong with her to think that it was only used to save people.
"I suggest re-evaluating why you have Gungnir in the first place, then." Melanie said. "If I hadn't of stepped in and used it in your place, you and your friends would be dead right now."
"Don't use that sort of talk with Bikky!" One of the girls said. Melanie's attention turned to them. "She's helping people with it!"
"By sacrificing herself to an Autoscorer?" Melanie put a hand on her hip. "What you're doing is stupid, plain and simple. Remember, you can't save anyone if you don't help yourself first. Re-evaluate why you have Gungnir. If you can't take the burden of the gear, I suggest you stop being a wielder and go play pretend elsewhere."
Turning away, Melanie walked off without a word. Though she knew that she was going to be dragged in to S.O.N.G's business here once they knew where she was staying here for vacation since she could use Gungnir, she couldn't understand why anyone would employ someone who didn't even want to use their "power" to save themselves.
It's foolish. When I was in that same situation, the only reason I didn't use it was because I thought we could get away. This girl.... thinks Gungnir is some power to save people when it has the power to protect everyone she cares about? And who the hell made it, anyway?
And, as she made it to the hotel she was staying at, she took a look behind her to see Shinji Ogawa standing there. He had probably followed her the entire way in the car.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." He said. Melanie shrugged, turning to face him and not giving any resistance as she walked to the car with him. She knew what would come next. Interrogation, potentially being held in a cell much like Miyuki had been and then having to explain that she was capable of wielding a Symphogear.
But she couldn't reveal that she had a Gungnir, too, or else they would take it from her. This was... going to really be interesting, wasn't it?
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iunctura-arch · 5 months
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"Oh wow, this place is great! Why didn't we come here before?!"
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"Probably because Melanie hadn't met us yet." Cassiopeia watched as March took photos of the landscape. "But we're here because of a mission, too. Don't forget it."
"I know! I just want some good photos so we remember this place before we go! So, Melanie, since you're the one who knows this place the best, where do you think we should start looking....?" March looked over to Melanie, who was talking to a... very small pink-haired girl near one of the... Were they shops or was it some weird storage area?
Both her and Cassiopeia walked over to Melanie, who looked over to them with a small smile.
"These are a couple of my new friends I've made on my journey. Cassiopeia, March, this is Tataru. She's a seamstress who set up a shop here in Sharlayan. Tataru, this is Cassiopeia and March. They're Trailblazers, world-hopping travellers on a mission."
March put her hands on her hips and beamed while Cassiopeia rubbed the back of her neck nervously.
"A pleasure to meet you!" March said cheerily. "So, little Tataru, do you know where the Stellaron is?"
"I'll have you know I'm a fully-grown adult!" Tataru said, a frown on her face as she did so. "But I don't know where this 'Stellaron' is. I heard that there'd been a new discovery, but it seems to have been taken by someone before the Forum could officially figure out what it was."
That took the other two by surprise, while Melanie folded her arms against her chest and thought for a few moments. So, the Stellaron had arrived here, which meant the Stellaron Hunters were here. Which meant that the Astral Express had the advantage with Melanie's knowledge of the world they were currently on.
"That may have been the Stellaron they took. I'm guessing they left Sharlayan as soon as possible. Thanks for the info, Tataru. It looks like the Scions have to get together again. We're gonna need all the help we can get on this one."
She looked back towards March and Cassiopeia, putting a hand on her hip. "If they left Sharlayan, that means they may be heading to Othard. The only other place they could've gone is Limsa Lominsa, and I doubt they'd take the Stellaron somewhere where it could easily get stolen."
March looked confused as Melanie said that. "But... what if they do take it to that Limsa place? Wouldn't we be better going there?"
Cassiopeia looked a little irritated at that. "Melanie told us that Limsa is where the pirates are. They steal from others that aren't their own people, so going there would be pointless. I think we should hurry to this Othard place. But how are we getting there?"
It took Melanie a moment to answer, a wide grin appearing on her face.
"I'm taking you two with me." She grabbed both March and Cassiopeia by the hands before the three of them disappeared one-by-one. Tataru stood there, staring at where they'd been previously, before chuckling a little to herself.
"I hope they can handle teleportation!" She said with a smile on her face.
Not a few seconds later, the three of them arrived in the Doman Enclave, with both March 7th and Cassiopeia reeling from the experience while Melanie pulled out a couple of waterskins. She handed them over to the two.
"This cures aether sickness. Forgot you guys weren't attuned to the aetherytes..." Which meant that going back to Sharlayan would cause this, too. Or wherever else they went because of teleportation. Man, she really needed to stock up on the Lassi for aether sickness before she did that again.
Either way, they were here now. Once the two were back in order thanks to the Lassi, the three of them headed towards the Kienkan. Holding a hand out to stop March and Cassiopeia, Melanie walked up to the guard standing at the front.
It seemed Hakuro was out at the moment, which meant it was just the guard today.
"I'm here to have an audience with Lord Hien about something important." Melanie stated. "Could you tell him that the Warrior of Light wishes to have an audience?"
"Certainly." The guard gave her a bow before heading inside.
"Warrior of Light? What's that?" March asked. Melanie looked behind her with a shrug.
"It's a title I got for being... well, the hero of Eorzea. I didn't come up with it." She said, before turning around. "I've saved practically every country-- this entire universe we're currently in-- with my own two hands." She'd had help on some of them, but most of them she'd fought by herself. All alone, with her own two fists.
"Woooow...." March's eyes shined when she heard all that.
"So that's why Mr. Yang was so hesitant on letting you come with us on the prior missions." Cassiopeia said, thinking. "You're practically too powerful."
"I know how to hold back." Melanie shrugged. "He wants you guys to gain experience, but sometimes having someone who knows a lot there with you can help. I'm surprised he let me come with you guys here... And that Dan Heng wanted to stay behind."
"Well, the track did shift..." March recalled, tapping her chin. "It's never done that, according to Pom-Pom, so he's staying onboard to analyze and categorize the data we get from here!"
"Sounds about right." Cassiopeia nodded in agreement. At that moment, the guard came back out.
"Lord Hien has granted your audience, Warrior of Light. Please, come inside."
"Of course." Melanie turned to the guard and bowed, gesturing for March and Cassiopeia to come with her. The three of them were guided by the guard to the meeting chambers, where Hien was sitting. There was a tray with a teapot and some cups, all filled with Doma's famous tea.
"Melanie, it's good to hear from you again." Hien said with a smile. "I've heard you've come for an audience. That's quite rare. Is there any reason why?"
Melanie walked over to one of the cushions, sitting down on it and taking a cup of tea. Taking a sip, she looked into the liquid that rested in the cup. "My friends here-- March and Cassiopeia, they're looking for an item called the Stellaron. According to what we gathered, it ended up here on Hydaelyn, which is why we're here."
"Friends?" Hien looked to March and Cassiopeia before smiling at them. "Friends of Melanie are welcome here in Doma. Please, have a seat."
"Um-- sure!" March hurried to sit on one of the cushions while Cassiopeia plopped herself on one and sat cross-legged on the floor.
"The Stellaron is dangerous to this place." Cassiopeia said. "It could change something. It hasn't been here long, probably about a few days, but we need to get it off the planet before it does irreparable damage."
Hien nodded, a serious look on his face. "So you assume it'd be here in Doma?"
"The only other place is Limsa, and it'd be stolen without a doubt. Whoever took it clearly knows what they're doing, because they took it before the Forum could determine what it was." Melanie stated. "They'd come to Othard, for sure. And I was going to request your assistance in this."
"Whatever you need, my friend." Hien took his tea from the tray, taking a sip. "I have been hearing that a man has taken residence in the Swallow's Compass. Perhaps that's the person you're looking for."
"....I haate that place." Melanie groaned. "Guess we have to go back. Come on, you two."
The three drained their teacups, thanked Hien and headed out. Melanie took them to the ferryman, who took them across to the One River. It was only about a mile away from the dock at One River to get to the dungeon area. At the door, the three of them saw a familiar face.
"Kafka?!" Cassiopeia brought out her bat while March got her bow ready. "What are you doing here?!"
"The same as you." Kafka turned to face the three of them. "I'm here for the Stellaron."
"I'm surprised you found your way here." Melanie said, having not immediately gone on the offensive. "I know you Hunters and us of the Express are usually at odds, but could we work together this once? It's going to be difficult getting through there."
Especially if the Stellaron buffed the monsters in there. Which meant that they'd have to fight really hard to defeat them.
"Melanie, she's-" March started, but was cut off.
"I know this world better than you do." Melanie retorted, looking back at March for a moment. "I know what lies inside. We need more than just the three of us, so I'm calling a truce with the Stellaron Hunters here. The Stellaron may have also augmented the man, as we've seen happen with Cocolia. We need to get through this place first. I'm not feeling up to summoning Mr. Yang or Himeko off the ship, either."
"You know this world?" Kafka asked, starting to walk down the steps. "Did you originally reside here?"
"For quite a few years. Seven, in fact." Melanie stated, folding her arms against her chest. "I'm not an original resident of this world, but I am the Warrior of Light. I'd rather not waste our time fighting you when we could work together."
Kafka seemed to contemplate it while both Cassiopeia and March were on guard still. But then...
"Alright. We'll call a truce here." Internally, Kafka knew her reason for being here. A Stellaron falling on this world hadn't been on the original script Elio had written out, so he'd sent her to investigate the world itself and the Stellaron had lead her here. There was no reason to fight the Astral Express when they both needed information.
"Glad you could join us, Kafka." Melanie said. Both March and Cassiopeia put their weapons away before walking up to the two.
"Uhh.. Guess it's nice to work with you?" March was confused.
"Nice to work with you." Cassiopeia said, her tune already changed. "But just so you know, we'll be watching you."
"Of course." Kafka said. Melanie smiled before walking around Kafka to head up the stairs.
The four of them soon stood at the doors to the Swallow's Compass. With a deep breath, Melanie pushed the doors open and they all walked inside.
It was time to see what the Stellaron had done to the Swallow's Compass.
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gllrimes · 9 months
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒐’𝒔 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈!
I will be writing smut, fluff, comfort, and angst. I'm not experienced with writing as much as other writers are, so don't expect the best.
No sa or rape of any sort because we don't tolerate that.
No piss/shit/fart kinks ya dirty fucks.
No pedophilia. Age gaps only can consist of five years apart in my story's when 18+
No human servitude.
I write for any sexuality and any gender.
I do write drabbles and hcs.
I don't write agere/little space on this blog, I'll set up another blog for that!!
I don't care how old you are I can't stop you from reading my stuff 😕🙏🏻
Requests are open!!
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𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔 & 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Ron Anderson
Enid Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Michonne Grimes
(Bonus: I might write for others too. Maybe Shane idk.)
The End Of The Fucking World:
Alyssa Foley
James (last name unknown)
Charlie Spring
Nick Nelson
Tao Xu
Elle Argent
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Sahar Zahid
Issac Henderson
13 Reasons Why:
Clay Jenson
Hannah Baker
Justin Foley
Alex Standall
Jessica Davis
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Beverly Marsh
Stanley Uris
Mike Hanlon
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
The Flash (IMDb):
Berry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Caitlin Snow
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Regulas Black
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Steve Harrington
Henry Creel
Eddie Munson
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Esme Cullen
Tracy Freeland
Evie Zamora
Mason Freeland
Melanie Freeland
Anne With An E:
Gilbert Blythe
Anne Shirley
Dianna Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
The Goldfinch:
Theodore Decker (older and younger)
Boris Pavlikovsky (older and younger)
The Turning:
Miles Fairchild
Kate Mandell
Flora Fairchild (NO SMUT)
When You Finish Saving The World:
Ziggy Katz
American Horror Story:
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Cordelia Goode
Fiona Goode
Jimmy Darling
James Patrick March
Elizabeth/The Countess
Kai Anderson
Winter Anderson
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Austin Sommers
Mr. Gallant
Edward Mott
Rory Monahan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Carl Gallagher
I Believe In Unicorns:
Tokio Hotel:
Bill Kaulitz
Tom Kaulitz
Georg Listing
Gustav Schäfer
Slashers/Halloween movies characters:
Max Dennison
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sydney Prescott
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Kruger
Michael Myers
Jason Dean
Patrick Bateman
Brahms Heelshire
BONUS singers/actors/youtubers:
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Jake Webber
Albert (flamingo)
The Sturniolo Triplets
Finn Wolfhard
Noah Schnapp
And finally... ALEX TURNER 😋😋 (he's so husband material)
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symphonicdream · 3 years
Call to Arms
Note: This drabble contains one instance of racism. In no way do I condone racism. So, here’s your warning against it. Read at your own risk.
For those involved, you are allowed to write your version of events that happen in this drabble.
There was no tear of paper to alert anyone of the portal’s presence. An alleyway was what greeted them as they exited through the portal. Kamijou Touma, Maira Espoir, Bowen Chuuno, Megumi Aino, the Hunter, Violent Violet and Melanie Sinclair all stood in the alleyway. The noise of people was considerably dampened, and she knew that they would probably be overwhelmed with the amount of people walking the streets at this time of day.
It was at least 8AM, Friday morning.
Melanie took the lead, taking them out of the alleyways and to the sidewalks. This was the shopping area of her town, and it was definitely something. Populated by various men, women and children of different sizes, colours and fashion tastes, some stopped to see watch the seven of them walk by. Touma’s misfortune manifested as him tripping over a cat and falling into a teenage girl. Said teenage girl punched him with the force of a scorned woman, causing him to shout aloud and draw more attention than they needed.
Of course, Melanie had to diffuse the situation and tell them that he was a foreign exchange student here to study English while ushering him away to the group. The remark the teenager said, though, had been something along the lines of a racist remark towards both her and Touma. She’d told them “You ching-chongs should just go back to China!” and stormed off.
Melanie ignored it and got Touma back to the group and continued their trek to the City Hall. It was where she’d been first summoned, and she would go back. To deny that spot entirely, and to face him down. It was quiet, save for some idle chatter from Megumi and Touma as well as Maira chiming in every so often. Bowen, the Hunter and Violet were quiet, which seemed different from what she knew of Bowen and Violet. The Hunter, though? She expected that from him.
But she didn’t expect that from everyone.
The trek to City Hall was waylaid by stoplights and crosswalks. Melanie had to drag Touma back onto the sidewalk before he got hit by a car, and then had to deal with the Hunter just crossing the street and holding up traffic. People angry honked while they crossed, and some cussed them out. All the Hunter had to do was look in their direction and they suddenly quieted down. The third time, the light somehow was green when it shouldn’t have been. Melanie pressed the light changing button but no sound emitted.
It was broken.
So, yet again, the Hunter crossed the street and held up traffic. There was even a Police Car. Melanie had to explain the situation and gesture to the light while traffic was stalled. It turned into the officer getting someone on the situation and letting them off scot-free.
However, the fourth time of street crossing got a bit dicey.
The light was green and it was okay for them to cross. Unfortunately, one of the cars almost hit Touma, screeching to a stop before they hit him and honking the horn.
“Get out of the road, asshole!” Came the voice of the driver.
“Right of way!” Melanie shouted back. “You’re running a red light!”
The driver got out of the car. A burly 6′0″ man with a shaved head and who looked like he got a chip on his shoulder. Immediately, he walked up to Melanie and shoved her, causing the group’s hackles to rise as they prepared for a fight. “You wanna go, you little whore?! Huh?!”
Melanie stumbled back from the shove, before gripping her fist tight and shouting, punching towards him but the fist never connected. In a near instant, the man’s body was blown backwards by the sheer force of the punch. Standing straight, she dusted her hands off and started walking again.
“Are you alright, Melanie?” Maira asked, concerned. Melanie nodded.
“That guy was a jerk.” Megumi commented.
“He nearly hit me with his car!” Touma was still a little shaken up by that.
At least the rest of the way there, which took an hour, was uneventful besides that. When they started to approach the City Hall, Melanie stopped walking for a few minutes. Staring at the building, looking at what it looked like. As if she’d never seen it before, but she had.
“This is it. This is where he resides. Let’s go... and stay close to me.”
They walked up the staircase leading to the automatic doors, with them sliding open and allowing them to walk inside. But Melanie knew where she was going, heading to the Administration Office. As requested, her friends did stay near her and watched as she opened the door.
The world around them faded away, replaced by the corridor she’d walked down not even a few days ago. She walked down it, and so did they. It was quiet, the sound of their footsteps the only thing they heard. The corridor seemed to stretch on, but Melanie gestured at Touma.
He reached out, touching the air in front of them with his right hand. Shattering it completely and forming the door only a few feet away. She walked forward, shoving it open and being greeted with the same greenery and waterfall that had been there when she last came here.
“I thought I’d cut off all avenues to this world. It seems I underestimated your pocket dimension.” Out of nowhere, a man clad in black appeared. His long pink hair was tied back in a ponytail and he seemed almost infuriated. “What is the meaning of this?”
“I’m here to reject your offer.” Melanie said.
“Nonsense. You’ll do as you’re told and take the seat. Become my bride as I have made you to be!” The man shouted.
“I’m not becoming anyone’s bride, shitface!” Melanie shouted back. “I’m not some doll you can pull around! I’m a human being, and I’m going to be free to choose what I want to do!”
“Melanie is not your toy!” Maira said, irritated.
“She’s our friend!” Megumi pulled out her PreChanMirror and Card.
The Hunter pulled out the red gun he usually wielded, training it on the man. As soon as he fired, the man vanished and appeared behind Melanie, kicking her in the back and sending her flying into the nearby clifface. She fell backwards onto her back, and turned over to get up but was covered by rocks except for her arms and head.
The battle began at that exact moment.
“Precure Rolling Mirror Change!” Megumi was surrounded by a pink light and changed into Cure Lovely. Immediately after, she called an attack, only to be grabbed in the face and tossed aside into the river nearby. Touma, too, was quickly taken out with a knee to the gut. The Hunter started to shoot at him again, firing with precision, but the man would disappear before any shot connected. Maira summoned a bright, glaring light, which stunned him for a few moments while Bowen also began to fire on the man.
It was clear, even with the help, they were outmatched. Violet went in to attack but he avoided it cleanly. “Hmm, even bringing a God Hunter...” The man seemed to already know about her, and that was shocking. “No matter, I am not a God, so your tricks will not work.”
The Hunter moved, sheathing the red gun and holding the golden, cylindrical casing to his chest. Melanie, who was struggling to get up from under the rocks on top of her, recognized what he was going to do. The familiar magic was starting up again.
“Soil is my power!” A circular part of the casing withdrew, extending out what seemed to be a drill. Long, black blades appeared shortly after and started to turn, creating a torrent of black wind. The Magun formed from the casing, from the blackened wind, and the man turned to face the Hunter. Unlike with the others, this was new. Noting his shocked expression, Melanie realized something.
Unlike the others, he couldn’t see to Wonderland. He knew nothing about the Hunter, nothing about what he could do. And that was their advantage. After the Magun had thawed, with the Hunter saying as such, he extended out a hand, pointing in the man’s direction. She remembered this clearly. He’d used it before during her tenure in Wonderland... The Magun.
“The Soil Charge Triad to use on you has been decided!” He reached into his belt, plucking a familiar Soil from its place.
“A bladestorm of bonds, Sword Viridian.” The bullet held a teal-ish green hue in its casing, and it was easily inserted into the Magun with a resounding Click.
Maira looked over, hazel eyes widened. “That magic-”
“The squall of fortitude, Kingdom Blue.” This bullet was a shining blue, as if torn from a kingom itself. It, too, was inserted into the Magun. Click.
“And finally... A prideful gale, Warrior Platinum.” The final bullet was a silvery-white colour, shining brightly as it was placed into the Magun. The final click resounded as the Hunter aimed at the man.
Melanie reached out a hand, finding a thread and gripping it tight. A tearing sound was heard and the man’s appearance faded away to show... a demon. With spiky, long horns and a muzzle for a mouth. It was as if the man was the Devil himself. A hellish roar echoed throughout the area, causing the ground to shake.
It was nothing short of horrific.
Cure Lovely pulled herself out of the river, getting to her feet. Despite being drenched, she yet again called forth an attack. The hellish monster opened its muzzle and shot out a stream of fire at her. It was quickly intercepted by Kamijou Touma, who blocked it with his right hand. The fire dispersed after a few seconds.
“Slaughter! I summon you, Knights of the Round!” With a bang, three colours flew from the barrels of the Magun, twirling and twisting as they flew. The Knights of the Round Summon the Hunter called forth seemed to materialize from the colours, and started their assault upon the hellish being.
Melanie finally got up, the rocks falling away as she did so. The being was avoiding the attacks everyone was trying to attempt on him. Even the summon’s attacks were being avoided. It was like a strange scenario in which the only winner would be the hellish being. She shuddered to think of what would’ve happened had she taken the offer.
But her friends were in trouble.
Melanie started to run towards the hellish being. There was no hesitation as she did so. Her skin started to glow.
“BALWYSIALL NESCELL GUNGNIR TRON!!!!!” She screamed, seemingly tearing her clothes off. But no, they only just vanished to be replaced by a quick transformation with Gungnir forming. She went to punch the hellish being but he avoided her as well. And then appeared in front of her, grabbing her by the throat and starting to choke her as he raised her up into the air.
Melanie couldn’t breathe, which meant she couldn’t sing.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The sound of a clock ticking filled their ears. The world around them grayed out, and even the hellish being was surprised enough to drop her. Footsteps echoed throughout the area, and Cure Lovely was the first to speak up.
“How did you escape my timelock?” A voice asked. It belonged to a young woman, who looked to be about twenty-two years old. She had short black hair tied back in a half-ponytail and teal eyes, wearing a long dark blue dress and black boots. But the odd thing was, she looked almost like an older version of Melanie. The hellish being roared, but soon turned gray himself. The young woman walked up to the group, and looked at all of them.
“They call me Azem, the Traveler.” She said. “Time magic is... somewhat of a pain to use, but I’m getting used to it. Anyways, it looks like you need more help. Fellow Traveler, who are the friends you hold close to your heart?” Azem looked to Melanie, who lowered her head and closed her eyes.
“Why are you here?” Touma asked.
“I’m here to help my counterpart, of course.” Azem said. “The one born from the orchestrations of a deluded demon. She and I are cut of the same cloth. I can see a shard of my own soul within her.” A chuckle came from her, and she inclined her head. “So, Traveler. Tell me who are your friends you hold close to your heart.”
“......” Melanie nodded. “Yukine Chris, Kazanari Tsubasa, Kohinata Miku, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Regal Bryant, Meteor Survivor and G’raha Tia.”
Azem laughed a little, before holding out an orange stone. “Here, Traveler. Use this and summon them forth to your side.”
Melanie took the stone, staring at it. She’d seen Meteor with this same stone once before. Hythlodaeus had given it to him, and he’d called them both New old friends. Was this because she, too, was a shard of Azem? The woman who called herself Azem smiled a bit.
“Call forth those you hold close and dear to your heart. Your allies of other worlds.”
Melanie closed her fist around the stone, holding it close to her. From where she stood, golden areas started to form. A glyph surrounded her, with eight circles that soon emitted light from them. Azem kicked the hellish being away, sending it sliding across the grayed floor. She stood straight again, looking at it before pulling out a claymore from what seemed to be thin air and assuming a fighting stance.
The lights dispersed one by one, revealing each person whose name Melanie had said before. But there was no time for introductions, as the world soon faded back to normal and the hellish being roared. Melanie handed the stone back to Azem, who pocketed it. The hellish being summoned forth demons of its own kind. There seemed to be many.
The song originating from Melanie’s Symphogear faded out, to be replaced with a different one. Chris, Tsubasa and Miku’s Symphogears did the same, once they summoned their Gears from the pendants they wore. A Unison.
One brings shadow, one brings the light Two toned echoes, tumbling through time Three score wasted, ten cast aside Fourfold knowing, no end in sight
“Let’s end this!” Melanie shouted.
The music gave way to the girls singing the song together. The hellish being roared and charged Melanie, who moved out of the way as fast as she could. Azem made a taunting gesture, causing the hellish being’s focus to be turned onto her instead. Provoking him to her. She pulled something dark out of her chest, letting it rise. A shadowy figure.
As the battle began, the sixteen of them split off into groups of four each, which meant each group had at least one Symphogear user with them. Swords swung, guns fired, magic was cast and punches thrown. Weapons were used without end, and the battle raged on without a seeming end. The Knights of the Round moved independently of the groups, helping decimate the demonic hoarde attacking them.
Melanie could feel power swelling up inside of her. She remembered this once before. Everyone could feel it. A swell of power from within them, from origins unknown. The groups fell back.
As if in the back of their minds, they all heard a shing sound. It was time to pull forth all their respective power and finish this off. Destroy this monster before it got any worse. It was like four Limit Break bars had filled up, and it was time to use them all.
A song resounded out, as if sung by all of them in their hearts. The Swan Song of the Valkyries, a song of Finé’s thoughts of causing the Curse of Babel. It resounded loud, though none of them were singing. The four Symphogear Users’ gears transformed into a different form of X-Drive. Their hair brightened with a gradient to it, and flared out. Wings made of fire expanded out, and they lost some of the clunkiness of the Gear.
Burning X-Drive. The one they’d used before, against Shem-Ha.
Glowing runes surrounded the group, and it was time.
The group rushed the hellish being, each one attacking with various weapons and spells. It was like a charge attack, with each person going after another. Each attack pushed the hellish being more and more towards the clifface that he’d thrown Melanie into. The Knights of the Round proceeded to pin him to it, and Melanie stepped forward.
She put both hands together, connecting the gauntlets and letting the spear form from it. She then pointed it towards the hellish being, in a form reminiscent of Elidibus during the fight at the Crystal Tower on the First. Her friends stood behind her, readying themselves for another attack.
“We are salvation given form!” Melanie shouted, and two ghostly hands placed themselves on hers. She knew who they were. Elidibus and Kanade, lending her a hand. How odd was it that an Ascian was helping her.
“Mankind’s heroes, and their final hope!” The words were foreign, coming out of her mouth, but this was true. The sixteen of them were the hope of this world. Even though they were from different worlds, they had all come together for this. Melanie delivered the final blow, empowered by her friends.
Piercing the hellish being with the cursed spear, Gungnir.
As if crumbling to dust, the hellish being lost form. Crumbled from his head to his feet, and was blown away by the wind. Melanie stood there after all was said and done, still holding the spear out. The ground rumbled and started to shake. The ceiling seemed to start to fall.
“We need to leave now!” Azem shouted. They all booked it to the door, leaving behind the battlefield they had fought on. Once outside and on the sidewalk away from City Hall, they watched as it crumbled to the ground. No one ever went there, but the people of the city stopped to watch the empty building crumble.
It was as if something changed. The world seemed to brighten up, and Melanie felt... lighter.
This was the beginning of a life orchestrated by herself alone.
Saying goodbye had never been her strong suit.
Melanie had opened fifteen portals, each pointing to different destinations. The worlds she’d brought them from.
One by one, they left. Each given a “see you later” by Melanie, who hoped to actually see them again. Once all fifteen portals closed after the respective person walked through it, Melanie was left with Azem. She looked to the Traveler and tilted her head to the left some.
“Do you need me to-”
“No. But before I go...” She held out the stone Melanie had given back. “I’ve learned all I can from the memories held in this stone. It’s time I passed it on to my counterpart, my fellow Traveler of the Stars.”
Melanie took the stone and put it in her pocket. “....Thank you, Azem.”
“See you again.” Azem turned away and walked off before seemingly vanishing into nothingness. Melanie was left alone, standing there on the sidewalk. She walked back towards the now-crumbled City Hall and felt no magic. It truly was over.
“So the imposter has been vanquished. Quite a feat.” The voice of the Overseer had Melanie on edge, immediately turning around to see-- a young man with long black hair and eyes that looked like they contained galaxies. Wearing just a plain graphic tee that had the Disney logo on it, slacks and velcro shoes. Nothing like the Overseer she’d seen before.
“I am the Overseer, Ryan.” The young man bowed. “The true Overseer. I assume this form is capable of being seen by you, as you addressed me.”
“Yeah, it is-- but why-- who--?”
“I am here to offer you the seat of God of this World. This will not change anything, though I will require you to come back every now and again. No staying away for years on end anymore.” He offered a smile. “And no, I will not be attempting to take you as my bride. You’ll find someone in your eternal lifetime, Melanie Sinclair.”
“....So, this means...” She didn’t know what it meant.
“If you take it, you will become a God. An immortal being, with powers unimaginable. And I would like you to take it, as you are the only mortal who can. The others ended up like...” He could only glance at the City Hall behind him. So, the false Overseer was a man who was once given said position? Melanie could barely believe it.
“What if I don’t?”
“Then I will wait until another few centuries. But I would like you to take it. You are compassionate, kind and do not kill without cause or reason. I did not orchestrate your birth like he did, but I have been watching. And you are currently the only one who can do this. I implore you-”
Melanie shrugged.
“At this point, I think it’s obvious if we leave it for someone else... That’ll happen. So yes. I’ll take it.”
Ryan chuckled just a bit and held out a hand. A pulse of energy emitted from it and went into her. For a few moments, nothing happened until Melanie suddenly clutched at her chest and groaned. It hurt. But she endured, and soon stood back upright. The Overseer smiled.
“Welcome to Godhood, Melanie Sinclair.”
Melanie gave a small smile. Nothing would change from here, she was just an ordinary girl with God powers now. It was just another Tuesday.
And things would remain as they were for her.
For the rest of her immortal life.
@project-rebirth @tetsuwan-atom @rosecoloredmuses @kazeofthemagun @lunar-mage-mare @xbloodsoakedx
Thank you for allowing me to use your characters for this drabble!
Final Word Count: 3,701 words
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fallroute · 1 year
"So unlovable, aren't you?" The voice was familiar-- too familiar. Melanie turned around to see Finé, standing there in the golden Nehushtan Armor. The same familiar face, familiar voice... familiar everything.
"Finé? But-- you're dead!"
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"And who was it that said I was?" She grinned, folding her arms against her chest until slowly, she turned into Melanie. But with golden eyes instead of silver. The uncharacteristically evil grin on her face was unnerving. "No one ever really loved you, did they?"
"You don't know that!" Melanie shook her head, stepping back. "You don't know who did or didn't!"
"But they never looked for you. All the time you were gone, in your abusive mother's hands, they didn't even look. They didn't care. You disappear, and everyone's lives are better. Why not just let go and let me take over from here?"
She stepped away from Finé, who just took a step forward. And then, she was in front of Melanie, hand on her face and pulling her up into the air. With a grin, she was about to destroy her entire soul when something stopped her from doing so.
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"Ah, someone's trying to pull you back, I see." She laughed a little, still holding onto Melanie's face. "But, I might as well be in control. After all, you have nothing to offer to the world anymore."
She threw her aside, turning around...
Esther's hand was on Melanie's arm, and she watched as the girl's silver eyes glanced over to her. "You were spacing out for a bit there, Mel. Everything okay?"
Melanie nodded, a smile on her face. "Of course, Esther! Nothing's wrong!"
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However, Esther narrowed her eyes slightly at that. "Mm, and I'm guessing you spacing out is 'nothing' too?"
"I was just thinking about all the friends I've made over the years. I'm pretty lucky, don't you think?"
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In the depths of her own mind, Melanie couldn't do anything as Finé pretended all was good and expertly evaded Esther's questioning. What... could she do? It may be best to let Finé take over, after all..
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fallroute · 1 year
Though they had interrogated her and Melanie had hidden the existence of her own Gear from them, there wasn't much they had on her beyond her records that Genjuro got from his connections. By all means, she was probably just lucky to use Gungnir in their eyes, and she was asked to be a part of S.O.N.G.
Having asked for a few days to think about it, she'd been present the next day as a sort of "shadow" to the Wielders while they were talking about Project Ignite. Elfnein stated that the Gears in S.O.N.G's possession beyond the active six would also go through Project Ignite, and Melanie was skeptical about this.
And then, the alarm for the Alca-Noise sounded, which had Melanie stepping out to open a portal. She needed to get to where they were, almost immediately.
And when she had opened the portal, she had thought of the girl. Hibiki.
Hibiki wouldn't be able to fight the Noise. She'd be a sitting duck, and that was how she found the two of them. In an abandoned building, with Hibiki grabbing at her throat trying to force herself to sing. Leaning against a pillar, she wondered if Hibiki would actually be able to sing.
If not, then this would be where she died.
And it was that bitch who said that Hibiki's songs didn't exist to hurt people that Hibiki was able to sing again, to rescue her. But it didn't last long at all, as Micha destroyed her Gungnir. She heard the girl scream like she'd gotten hit, even though it was only the pendant... and watched her fall to the ground without the Gear.
Pushing off the pillar as Hibiki's name was screamed out by that damned Miku, Melanie didn't know what came over her as she kicked Hibiki over, where the girl was facing the sky.
"Wake up. You weren't hurt, only your Gear was destroyed." With no response, Melanie pulled out the pendant in her pocket and looked over at the Autoscorers. A sigh escaped her as she turned to face them, with Miku coming running to Hibiki's side. Melanie was half-tempted to kick her, too, so she'd stop her whining.
"She's fine, she's being dramatic. Both of you are." Melanie said plainly, holding up her pendant. "But I think you Autoscorers missed a Gear. Want to take me on?"
"Another song to destroy?" Garie's voice drifted down towards her as the girl jumped down from where she stood, going to stand near Micha. "Then I'll be the one to destroy it."
"Wait, you're that girl from yesterday!" Miku said. "Please, you have to help! Hibiki is-"
"She's fine. All that happened was that her Gear was destroyed. She took a fall harder than that earlier." Melanie said. "Douse her in water if you have to, just wake her up and get the hell out of here."
"But Hibiki is-"
Melanie tuned her out, returning her attention to the Autoscorers and closing her eyes briefly. Putting the hand holding the pendant near her chest, she let the song flow out from between her lips.
"Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron ...!"
"We're detecting another Aufwachen Waveform!" Sakuya said as the familiar analyzation appeared on screen. The form started to change as both he and Aoi worked to analyze the waveform that had appeared.
"What?! But there's no more Gears that can be used!" Genjuro shouted.
And then, it appeared on screen once the analyzation was complete. A familiar waveform, that all of them had seen before. And, on a higher screen, the word 'Gungnir' appeared on it. Another Gungnir, a third one.
But from where?
"What?! Gungnir?!" All of those in the command bridge said in unison. Genjuro frowned. This shouldn't be possible. The fact there had been two was hard enough to believe, but three?
"Get me a visual on the location!" He commanded. Aoi and Sakuya both got to work on that, getting a visual of the same place where Miku and Hibiki were, with the 'I need a few days to think' girl with them. But, that was when they all noticed that the girl was wearing a Gear.
"Isn't that... Sinclair?" Tsubasa asked, frowning. "How does she have a Gear?"
Miku stared at the girl who had been rude towards her and Hibiki. Saying they were being dramatic, and then not answering her requests for help. It was like she'd already formed an opinion of them in her mind, and Hibiki didn't deserve it. Hibiki was kind, nice and all the things Miku loved about her.
Staring at Hibiki, she didn't know what to do. Who to call, who to get help from. Hibiki was hurt, so badly hurt. She wasn't even waking up, and that girl had the nerve to call her dramatic? Her beloved was hurt!
"This feels a lot better." Melanie rolled her left arm a little before rolling her shoulders back a bit. "Not as tight, and not as circulation-cutting as that other Gungnir. So, Garie, ready for round two?"
Garie grinned. "Your song will be destroyed here!"
Melanie launched herself forward, using the momentum to throw a spin kick at Garie, who blocked with a sword made of ice. Garie attempted to go for the pendant, which just made Melanie block using one of the gauntlets on her arms. Tossing the sword aside with an easy backhand, Melanie went for a snap kick, hitting Garie in the chin when she least expected it.
Garie retaliated by going to slash at Melanie, who dodged out of the way. Garie grit her teeth in anger, pulling out a couple crystals and tossing them forward, bringing out a couple of Alca-Noise that were easily dispatched by a couple of kicks from Melanie. She then tried to attack with another slash, which ended with her getting kicked in the face instead.
"Mm, I'm getting kind of bored." It wasn't underestimating her opponents, really. Years ago, Melanie would've lost immediately if she had tried going one-on-one against Garie. With the experience and training these past years, she had no problem seeing Garie's attack patterns.
This gave her the advantage, as Garie soon found out. Instead of her pendant being destroyed, she merely soundly beat Garie with little effort on her behalf. She knew, however, not to let it get to her head. That would be the end of her if she did.
"Go back and tell Carol she's going to have a lot more than just Ignite-boosted wielders on her hands," Melanie said after a moment of a standoff between herself and Garie. Garie let out a "hmph!" and both she and Micha left. Letting Gungnir shut off, Melanie turned and walked over to Hibiki.
"Oi, are you really just going to lay there and pretend to be severely hurt? Or are you going to get back up?" She asked, crouching down next to the 'unconscious' girl.
"Hibiki is really hurt! She need medical-" And Miku would find that Melanie put her hand over her mouth.
"Shhhhut up. Shut. it." Melanie said. "Hibiki's not hurt. Does she have any wounds? No. She had a worse tumble earlier when she fell through a damn metal railguard and still got back up. So, wake up already. All that happened was your Gear was destroyed."
It took a few minutes, but Hibiki blinked and her lightless eyes turned over to Melanie.
"....I'm hurt." Is what she said.
"No, you're not hurt as bad as you think. Get up and start acting like a saviour of the people. Or maybe that was all a lie? You don't really want to help people, do you?"
".....Who cares... Gungnir is.... destroyed, there's no point in helping people anymore." Hibiki said, voice lifeless.
"Uh-huh. Yup, okay. That's it." Melanie pulled her hand away from Miku and picked Hibiki up by throwing her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Snapping her fingers, not wanting to bother with an incantation, she easily put a modest-looking outfit on Hibiki before walking off, not giving time for Miku to follow.
She'd put this girl through a boot camp, whether she liked it or not.
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