#dream rambles about twst ♦️♠️
dreamkidddream · 2 years
Special Gift || Leona Kingscholar
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For my dear friend’s @nanamisflowerfield belated birthday- I hope you had an amazing day <33 reader is gender neutral!
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“Happy Birthday (Y/N)!”
“Happy Birthday prefect!”
“Enjoy your special day, Child of Man.”
Hearing so many birthday wishes from so many of your friends warmed you inside- despite not being from this world, they never failed to make you feel accepted. So you shouldn’t be so surprised when Grim let it slip to the others that it was your birthday. You planned on just doing something small and simple, but seeing the effort that your friends took to celebrate it anyway made you happy.
“Oi herbivore, what’s got you smiling so hard?”
“Hm? Oh, hey Leona.” You weren’t expecting to bump into him on the way back to the dorm- you’re honestly surprised he didn’t skip (again). “Ah, it’s nothing- it’s just been a pretty good day today.”
“What makes today so different from any other day?”
You quirked your eyebrow, and felt a tiny pit in your stomach. You don’t make your birthday a huge deal, but most of the people close to you knew- and you consider Leona one of them. But even if you didn’t tell him, Grim definitely did (he probably told the whole school honestly). So did he really not know or did he not care to know?
Either way, you didn’t want to cause a scene, even if it did dampen your mood a bit.
“Um…nothing actually. It is a crime to have a good day?” You tried to joke, even if your smile was a bit forced.
Leona scoffed and glance over at you, narrowing his emerald eyes. He began to say something when he was interrupted by approaching footsteps.
“Leona, there you are! Geez, the one time you decide not to be lazy and you still have me running around.” Ruggie grumbled, then shot you a smirk. “Ohhh, I see now! It’s cause you’re with-“
“What do you want Ruggie?”
He let out a laugh, “Just wanted to let you know that everything’s good to go.”
Good to go? For what?
You didn’t understand what Ruggie was hinting at as he winked at Leona, but whatever it was made him scowl even more. You wanted to ask what they were talking about but Ruggie already began to walk away waving.
“Anyway, see ya later- oh, and happy birthday (Y/N)! Save some cake for me!”
You waved back, and turned to Leona, still curious on what he was planning. Leona Kingscholar was putting effort into something? You had to know.
“Soooo…what was Ruggie talking about?”
Leona clicked his teeth, “Something annoying that won’t stop bugging me- like you.”
“Wh- hey! I didn’t even do anything this time- where are you going?!”
“I got stuff to take care of- don’t wait up.” And with that, Leona walked off, tail swaying and ears flickering. You felt disappointment well up inside- no matter how close you thought you were or tried to get to him, it felt that he was still shutting you down. You thought things got better after the overblot incident, but you guess you were proven wrong.
The walk back to your dorm was quiet, and the little excitement you felt was starting to dim-
Until you opened the door and confetti filled your view, with the air being filled with cheers and whistles from party horns. The smile that was once lost was back on your face once more.
And as you blew out the candles on your cake, you only wished that you could figure out Leona.
After the chaotic surprise party, you laid on the bed, a snoring Grim curled up next to you. Today was still a good day, and you were glad that you didn’t feel as alone as you thought you would. You missed your world, but your friends here were able to fill that void, even if it was temporary.
Yet your mind kept drifting to Leona.
It was a bit frustrating- how can you care for him so much when he seems to barely pay you the time of day? You thought you were making progress in building a bond with him, and he even seemed to be tolerating you more in return. Maybe you were reading things wrong? No- Leona started to come around more, even if he was acting like you were being bothersome. Maybe you were reading things too deep? But if you were, he wouldn’t let you be his “human pillow” like he does right?
You didn’t have time to mull over your thoughts as your phone went off. Checking it, you got a text message from the last person you expected.
“Come outside”
“What?” Sitting up and doing your best not to disturb Grim, you went to move the curtains, spotting a very impatient lion standing outside the door. The pettiness inside of you wanted to ignore him and give him a taste of his own medicine, but he already spotted you through the window. He even had the audacity to mouth hurry up!
Racing down the stairs and throwing open the door, you were met with a yawning Leona. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“Took you long enough.” Leona grumbled, then took something out of his pocket and held it in front of you. “Here.”
“You have the nerve to come bang on my door late at night and then you have the audacity to be rude too- wait, huh?”
Your rant was soon interrupted by his hand pushing a small box with a orange bow into your hand. You blinked up at Leona, who felt like he was staring at you in…anticipation?
…no way. Is this-
“Tch- you thought I forgot didn’t you?” His tail flickered, and you took it as a sign to untie the bow and lift the lid, gasping at the sight.
It was a bracelet filled with thick colorful beads, the golden ones sparkling and glittering underneath the moonlight. The jewelry looked so delicate, so expensive, that you cradled it close, avoiding any chance of accidentally dropping it.
“I guess being royal does count for something, huh?” He dryly chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, peering down at the bracelet. “It was a pain goin’ back home to have it made- even more to see my annoying folks and having them ask questions.”
He didn’t voice how it was worth it to see you smile.
“Here- hold still.” He grabbed at your wrist and took the bracelet out of your hand, fastening it on you. After he was done, you lifted it up to keep admiring it under the stars, and Leona felt a swell of pride inside of him at the sight.
He wasn’t able to grumble anything out as you rushed and threw your arms around him, causing him to stumble back. “-!”
“Thank you for this, Leona.” You softly smiled and moved back to gaze at him. “I love it!”
You expected him to complain about the close contact or even push him away, but what surprised you was the feeling of his own arms returning the favor- and you swear you felt something soft wrap around your ankle as well.
“Good- you better.” And his response just made you laugh- of course, he would say that.
Leona wouldn’t dare tell you, but the bracelet he had made for you, he kept a matching one locked into his drawer. He wasn’t planning on wearing it with you around (that’s a headache he wasn’t ready for), but he was whenever you would return back to your own world. Every time the thought passed, he felt a weird sensation of pain in his chest that even sleeping wouldn’t fix- but he pushes the thought into the back of his head.
You felt something ruffle your head and bring you in closer, feeling the warmth of his touch-
He’d rather focus on the time he has with you now.
“Happy birthday (Y/N).”
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
I think it'd be cool to write fluff with like the stoic characters?? Like Leona or Vil from TWST, or Barbatos and Lucifer from obey me! lol. At least, that helps me whenever I get writers block 😁😁
I like the way you think anon!! I literally just reached Book 5 so I’m not too familiar with Vil’s character yet :( but I am with Leona’s! :D reader is gender neutral!
Having pulled all nighters and missing out on your precious sleep to pass your exams, your body was ready to give out on you at any moment. Being a human with no magic meant you had to work harder to keep your place here, even if it was only temporary.
You were just so tired as late- the days began to blur together, your eyes felt heavier, and it was getting harder to hold your head up from crashing into the book. So as soon as you flopped on the bed, your body didn’t waste another second before shutting down, eyes closing and already drifting off.
But whatever you were snuggling into now was so soft and warm that you were ready to stay there forever. Feeling something brush your ankle, you muttered something out drowsily, “Sorry Grim, d’ya need some more room?”
“Tch- do I look that little runt?”
Then your eyes snapped open to meet narrowed emerald eyes glaring into your own.
You blinked a few times- maybe you were hallucinating? You sat up and rubbed at your eyes a few times and took a deep breath, yet Leona was still there, scowling. Uh oh.
“Let me guess- you forgot. Again.”
“…yes.” And you felt even worse because this wasn’t the first time you did either. It wasn’t a rare sight to see Leona laying in your bed waiting for you, whether he was napping or getting annoyed with how long you were taking. Despite how impatient he may get, it still warmed you knowing that he was willing to wait.
But with how scrambled your head has been with studying nonstop, keeping Grim and the others out of trouble, and a lack of sleep on top of that, it’s been easier to forget what day it is.
“I’m really sorry Leona, it’s just-“
“The same old, same old, I know- save it.”
Ouch, even you couldn’t stop wincing from his words. Sighing, you tried to untangle yourself out of his touch, promising to give all of your undivided attention to him when you felt yourself being pulled down, head colliding against his chest.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere.”
You couldn’t stop the squeak escaping your lips when you get his arms wrap around you. “W-what?”
“It’s obvious you’re not getting enough sleep- those assignments can wait.”
“But what about-“
“Forget it, MC. Besides, you’ve been messing with my sleep, so you owe me.” With that, Leona kept you caged in his arms, already nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
“How have I’ve been messing with your sleep-“
“Quit your yappin’ and go to sleep herbivore, it’s late.” Leona cut you off, turning to place his hand over your eyes. “Get some rest.”
You wanted to argue more, but the drowsiness from before came back, making it hard to stay awake. You’ll argue with him in the morning, but for now, your body craved his warmth and curled closer into his side. “We’re talking about this later.” You slurred.
“Fine with me.” He chuckled as his tail wrapped around your leg.
“Are you gonna be here in the morning?”
“Of course I am.” Leona softly answered, tentatively rubbing circles into your skin. He’s never felt so…vulnerable before. Not being able to feel your touch and seeing how you weren’t taking care of yourself really did get under his skin, let alone forget about any chance of him sleeping peacefully. Too many times had he fell asleep with a scowl, and his attitude seemed to be worse for the last few weeks.
But as he gazed down at you softly snoring in his arms, he finally felt a wave of relief wash over him. He should have been annoyed by how much you affected him, how much you changed him- but he didn’t. Whether that weakness would come back to bite him later is still to be determined, but he didn’t care if it meant that you stayed with him.
“Goodnight MC.”
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dreamkidddream · 1 year
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I officially have no keys left but it was so worth it 🥹🫶🏾🫶🏾
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
I blew over 50 keys trying to pull Cater’s halloween card and they keep GIVING ME JACK WHEN HES ALREADY MAXED OUT-
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
This gonna be stereotypical but movie nights where they take turns picking what to watch and the other doesn’t get to know until it’s playing !
LETS GOOOOOOO cause this is actually cute 🥹 might have to do this with the Octavinelle gang
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
What are some soft cute things to do together/with a partner
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
If you’re still taking TWST requests- can I get 👀 (forced proximity) with Floyd? thank you and love your work!!
Ah thank you!!! 💓 my first ever request for twst let’s gooo!! 🥳 super excited bc I downloaded the game a few months ago and I really love it!! Also thanks everyone for participating in the “Build-a-Blurb” ask game!! 💚 Reader is gender neutral!
Something in your gut told you not to go with Jade.
He may be more sophisticated than his twin, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t as sadistic as him. If anything, he was more sadistic than Floyd with the way he enjoyed seeing others squirm- his prey. But you did owe him a favor, and while he made it sound harmless enough, something still wasn’t sitting right with you.
It wasn’t until you reached the empty classroom that you wished you would have trusted your gut.
There was Floyd, clicking his pen and looking at his phone bored, until his eyes moved and lit up at the sight of you. His sharp-toothed grin stretched across his face, and he jumped up, arms spread and coming straight towards you.
“I just need you to give Floyd some motivation for his studies. It should be simple enough, but make sure to do your best.” Jade smiled, his own sharp grin matching his twin, and he closed the door shut. Your heart sank when you heard the lock click.
“Shrimpy! You came to see me!” You couldn’t run away fast enough as Floyd wrapped his own arms around you and gave a squeeze. “I was so bored, but Jade kept buggin’ me to stay until he got my surprise- I’m so happy it’s you Shrimpy!” This is not how you wanted to die, with Floyd giggling maniacally in your ear and squeezing you tighter by the second. There was no use in trying to pull away from him or push your arms- it was honestly a bit frightening at how strong Floyd is.
“Er- Floyd, please.” It was getting harder to breathe with each breath you take. Floyd released you, giving you a bit of freedom before he threw his arm around your shoulder, bringing you close once more.
“Let’s have some fun-“
“Ah first-“ You broke away and ran behind the desk. “We should study! That’s what I’m here for, to help you study.” You laughed, trying to control the shiver that went down your spine. “So why don’t we do that first and then we can do-“
“Don’t need to.” Floyd complained, trying to reach you around the table. But every step he took towards you, you moved just out of reach.
“I know Floyd, but we should still-“
“Don’t be so lame Shrimpy.” He was getting closer to grabbing you, the tip of fingers grazing your uniform, which made you walk ever faster. You were basically playing tag at this point, and you did not want to get caught. “I like this game we’re playin’ now! I can’t wait to catch you and give you a good squeeze-“ And he was getting faster?!
“Please don’t!” Now you were both running around the table, you for your life and Floyd for fun. You could tell he was holding back, especially with how much laughing he was doing. You don’t know how much longer you can keep doing this- but you didn’t have to make that decision when your foot caught the table leg and you found yourself falling backwards. Good news: the table caught you, your back not hurting as much as it would have on the floor. Bad news: you soon found yourself staring straight into the heterochromatic eyes of Floyd, who didn’t hesitate to pin you down by your wrists.
“Caught you.” The grin on his face was unnerving and you sucked in a breath at how much his voice lowered. You couldn’t get your thoughts together, at a loss for words at how close you both were. He only leaned closer, nose almost brushing together. Just what is he planning, and why do you feel warmth bubbling in your stomach?
“I really think we should study Floyd.” You sputtered out, mind still reeling from your current position.
“I don’t need to. I already know it and it’s boring.” You squeaked when Floyd poked at your stomach and sides, him finding your reactions addicting. So if he knew the material, why did Jade need you here? Just to see you suffer?
“So why did Jade say you need motivation?”
“Probably cause I don’t do any homework. But it doesn’t matter, I finally got Shrimpy all to myself!” He nuzzled into you, and you felt his grin against your neck. But it did matter to you- the faster you get this resolved, the faster you can get out of his grip. You swear that you will never be in Jade’s debt for as long as you live.
“Well how about this- if I help you do your homework,” You gulped, hoping that you weren’t about to make the wrong decision. “Then we can do anything you want afterwards.”
He blinked down at you, and you thought that maybe he was about to have one of his infamous mood swings. You saw him have that same gleam in his eyes whenever he was irritated and about to squeeze someone, and you didn’t want that someone to be you.
His tone scared you, but if you wanted to be let free, you just have to suck it up. “Anything- as long as it doesn't end up with me being squeezed to death. Or dying in general.”
Floyd stared at you for what felt like forever, scanning your face for any giveaway that you’re lying. He no longer had his playful aura, and he seemed to genuinely weigh his options. You held your breath until he released your wrists.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Really? Like- no tricks? You’ll actually do it?”
“Yeah. It won’t take me long, and I wanna get outta here so we can have some fun.”
“Fun?” You got up and your mouth dropped at how fast Floyd was actually doing his work. Why didn’t he just do that to begin with?!
“Because it’s boring and I didn’t feel like it. I already said that. You not listenin’ to me?”
“Ah- sorry Floyd, I just forgot!” You did not mean to say that out loud, and the last thing you wanted to do was anger the eel. You didn’t know what sort of “fun” he had in mind, but you didn’t want him to get any ideas if he was angry. You moved to sit down across from him where you could make sure he actually finished when he pulled you into his lap.
“Floyd what-what are you doing?!”
”I wanna keep you close. You don’t mind, do ya Shrimpy?”
It’s only temporary, it’s only temporary- you kept repeating that thought as you felt his breath hit your neck and you had to repress another shiver and tried to ignore the fluttery feeling in your stomach.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi!! So I’m still trying to get back into writing so prepare for some ✨self indulgence ✨ content with the Savanaclaw dorm. Reader is gender neutral!
CW: minor suggestiveness in Leona’s part, but it’s a blink and you miss it kind of thing
Savanaclaw Dorm with a Baker!MC
So the magic-less herbivore is good for something after all, huh?
He was taking one of his usual naps when something caught his nose- something that smelt good
He does a good job at hiding his surprise that you were the reason behind it. But that doesn’t stop him from demanding telling you to give him some- and he’s even more surprised at how good it tastes! You won’t get a real compliment out of him, but be prepared to be his main source of food now
You and Ruggie might as well be BFFs with how much he approaches you on behalf of Leona’s appetite
The grub you make doesn’t taste half bad actually, and he starts to expect it for his meals instead of the school lunch anymore. He starts to expect your food for every meal almost, and will send someone (Ruggie) to your doorstep if you’re late. Be ready for his snarky attitude either way
He doesn’t have as much of a sweet tooth and would prefer something savory (ie. something with meat), but it’s not a problem for you! You can bake some kind of meat pastry for him to eat
Don’t expect this lazy lion to join you in the kitchen- the closest you get is him dozing off on the counter or at the table waiting for you to get done so that you can finally feed him. He’s expecting the prince treatment from you now, so it’s only right that you give it to him. He’ll act like he’s doing you a favor with him eating your creations when it’s the other way around
If it’s just you two alone, he will try to get you to hand feed him- and he will use every opportunity to tease you while doing so (whether it be with his words or his tongue)
But don’t let him catch you if you’re baking for anyone else and he’s still hungry (especially that Horned Bastard). He would be growling and his tail lashing in seconds
You can be annoying to Leona and he’ll never admit this out loud, but he likes getting spoiled by you (again- he will never say it out loud). He knows that he can be a jerk, and he doesn’t get why you keep coming around him and being so caring but…he kinda doesn’t want you to stop
He’s nowhere near as friendly as you are (he’s not friendly at all) and he’s fine being alone, but it isn’t as dreadful like he thought it would be spending time with you. He’s trying to convince himself that it’s just because of the free food, but he just goes to sleep before he lets his mind wander too far on the subject
He may as well be in heaven honestly- he doesn’t know what he did to be blessed by the Great Seven with such an opportunity like this, but trust me he is not complaining
He thought this was the perfect opportunity to do his little runs for Leona while getting some sweets for himself on the side- shouldn’t be hard to sweet talk you right?
All he really did was join you in the kitchen barely lifting a finger, but you always smiled so much like he was the main one doing everything, and here you are handing him a bag of delicious goods as payment free of charge! Easy!
Which was…too easy. He wasn’t used to people being nice without any reason, so it’s only a matter of time until you approach him for something-
But you never did
And it was starting to throw him off his game and make him paranoid
Were you planning something? Trying to have him in a debt so big so you can work him like Leona does? You wanted something in return, that’s the only reason why you’re still doing this- why you’re still giving him stuff, why you’re still being so kind to him-
Until you tell him that you don’t want anything in return and that he wasn’t fooling you- you were baking for him because you wanted to, not because you needed something
It was a foreign feeling, and he still didn’t trust your words. No one helps anyone just for the sake of it. But all you did was smile at him and hand him a bag of donuts- huh, you actually remembered that they’re his favorites
Had this been anyone else, Ruggie wouldn’t trust them, and he would find a way to scam ‘em until he got bored. But he’s been around you long enough to know that you aren’t playing him like he thought. You may be the only person’s smile that he can trust
But he does have a way he can repay you: he’s no stranger around the kitchen, and he doesn’t mind teaching you some new recipes that his Granny taught him! He doesn’t remember having this much fun in the kitchen with anyone else before, and it feels good to make food just to make food, and not to survive. Leona starts to get a bit cranky when it starts to take him longer than usual to bring him his meals
Ruggie counts himself lucky that he gets to have some fun with you like this. What started as a benefiting opportunity for himself turned into a special moment that became exclusively your thing. He couldn’t ask for anything better honestly
Also he would try to take some of your food back home to give to his community, or at least want you to teach him some recipes that he could use to feed everyone. Which you make it your mission for you both to bake enough food to do so!
His hometown loves you
He’s honestly impressed by your tenacity and your skill. He knows that baking may not seem as serious to some like it is to you, but he recognizes passion when he sees it!
Just like how he’s passionate about Track, he knows that you’re the same as baking, so he’ll never belittle you for that. However, don’t expect him to be your taste-tester all the time! It won’t do him any good to eat too many sweets
However he may change his tune just a bit if you’re making some pear compote…but he’s still disciplined enough to not go overboard
He still wants you to make him some though even if it he doesn’t say it out loud you can definitely tell by his tail
Jack’s eyes can’t help but follow you as you move around the kitchen. You move so fluently, so graceful in your steps- he doesn’t know what’s catching his eye more: that or how happy you look. It’s really peaceful in a way, and you look…cute-
But he doesn’t want to come off as a creep (or let you see his blush), so he tries to not stare, but it’s a little hard not to when you try to pull him into your schemes
Please dot a bit of frosting on his nose and (try to) run away and he will chase you. He’ll be annoyed, but then he finds himself laughing with you, covered in flour and icing
All in all- Jack finds it calming and relaxing to see you bake, and it’s a bonus at how much he gets to see you smile. He finds it hard to fight his own smile at the sight
Don’t let his siblings hear that you’re a baker if he ever invites you to his home- they’re already energetic enough as it is, but even he doesn’t think he can handle them on a sugar rush
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
💓 for Jade!! I loved your Floyd fic btw!!!
Thank you so much!! It was super fun to write :) but now let’s talk about his twin who (might be) more sadistic but still a gentleman nonetheless <3
💓 How do they act when they realize they’re in love/have a crush?
When Jade starts to develop feelings for you, he’s surprised and honestly a bit skeptical at notion. It wouldn’t be his first time fancying someone, but it would be for how serious it’s becoming. He thought that maybe someone cursed him without his knowledge, but that came to be untrue. When he realizes how deep he’s in, he’s not scared or anxious about it- he comes to accepts it and starts to be around you (even) more. He even begins to genuinely smile more, which may or may not have unnerved people.
He was already nice and polite to you so that’s not changing- he does however begin to tease you more and also begins to do a lot of services for you for free. For example: Grim ate your lunch again? Don’t worry, he prepared one homemade. Still having a bit of trouble understanding the Potions homework? Just come to the lounge after class and he’ll give you some help firsthand with a drink on the house (or discounted if Azul is watching). Ended up forgetting something in the classroom? Well he already grabbed it for you and can walk you back to your dorm, just the two of you (he made sure that Floyd kept your band of friends “busy” in the meantime).
It’s amusing to see how both confused and wary you are of his kindness (and he doesn’t blame you), but he reassures you that there’s no ulterior motive or tricks- well, besides winning your heart, but he’s very confident that he won’t have any issues in doing so.
Send in a character and an emoji and I’ll answer! *closed*
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
so since you started playing TWST- who do you think would be the scariest Yandere? I played the JP version already so I think its Draconia imo 😩 but you can just go off of the chapters you already played!!
CW: yandere content, spoilers for Books 3 + 4
I know a little bit about Draconia (only bc I was too impatient and already read fics about them lol), but based off of the chapters I’ve played (and playing): Octavinelle might be the most concerning tbh, with Scarabia being a close second mainly cause of Jamil
With Octavinelle, all three of them can be scary. Azul is so determined and cunning that when he wants something, he’s going to get it- no matter how long it takes (an example being in his backstory where he worked on creating his own signature spell and getting back at the people that bullied him). But it won’t take him long to figure something out since he’s so intelligent, has deep pockets, and has people that owe him favors due to his contracts- people that he won’t be afraid to exploit once more to get his desired results (and to keep an eye on you).
And with the twins- it’s pretty much self explanatory 😵‍💫 Floyd would just want to squeeze you so much- humans are so fragile, and the tears welling up in your eyes just make you look so cute! And Jade would be in your ear with thinly veiled threats that sound so sickeningly sweet, but he does truly care about you- they both do. They just look at you like how it is back at their home- there are predators with easy prey. You’re prey to them, just one that they won’t devour like usual- doesn’t mean that they won’t toy with you like the others. You’re just so entertaining to them both- but they’ll grow tired and start getting bored with your temper tantrums eventually- and you don’t want to find out what happens when you make them bored, do you?
Jade and Floyd are horrifying yanderes on their own; add Azul to the mix and there’s no chance of escaping. It’s worse with them too because of how well they work together- and not a lot of yanderes can mesh well with one another.
With Scarabia- mainly because of Jamil based on what I’ve seen so far (and I have to wait till the ENG version releases the second half 😩). But with Jamil’s signature spell = a yandere’s dream come true. To know that someone can control you with just a few words and it’s not even a threat?? And can you imagine how sweet he makes it sound? Like how easy it just flows out of his mouth? You wouldn’t even know that you’re under his spell or remember it afterwards- that to me is terrifying. He seems like he would take good care of you, but if he feels like you get just an inch out of line, or that something small you said may be teetering on disobedience- he won’t hesitate to use his spell and there’s nothing you can do about it.
So yeah- both of them would be a nightmare 😅
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Would you guys be mad if I started writing for TWST before all the chapters released?? 👉🏾👈🏾
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
So let’s *hypothetically* say that I want to write the forehead kisses tiktok trend again
And let’s *hypothetically* say that it’s between the ADA from BSD, the undateables, or the Octavanille dorm from TWST
Which would you want to see first?
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Holy smokes I was not expecting that Floyd fic to blow up like that omg 😳😳 I’ll start working on the masterlist for Twisted this week!!
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
I want to wait until Twisted releases more chapters but I’m too impatient so…
Expect some headcanons coming soon 😌
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