#dreamties rambles
dreamties · 10 months
Sissy Slaughter General Headcanons
A/N- Been super mega obsessed with the new TCM game !! my gf and i are, like, head over heels for Sissy so . . . Reader insert headcanons will be next! Warnings for some references to cults and dead bodies!
taglist: @friedwormeater, @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
Prior to her initial run away from the farm, Sissy would put on live theater performances for her family, Nubbins & Bubba being her biggest supporters <333
She would still perform and entertain herself like this during her stint with cult culture, but it's not the same !! she loves the people she has met and surrounded herself with- but it is not her siblings ! and certainly not Granpa
When she returns to the farm, she'll often go down to the basement, where all the victims are strung up- she'll dance and monologue and sing to them, as if they were a crowd just for her
Sometimes, when she is most lonely, when her thoughts get the best of her- she grasps a victim's lifeless hand in hers and brings it about this way and that in this twisted, twirling slow dance!
She has danced with the corpses and she will dance again!
OHMYGOD Chop-Top and her would be the bestest of friends <3333 he used to play dolls with her when they were younger, he doesn't get to play like that with her until he's back from the war tho :(
Her nickname (in canon) is Sunshine! She really is a ray of it, she's so kind and sweet with the family. She tries her best to be caring- and the sinister beat of her heart is so innate to her as well. You cannot separate these two sides of her- you cannot have the good without the ugly (it's not ugly to me though !! I love her as she is hehe)
She's got a lot of guilt for leaving her family in favor for adventure! :( while she doesn't necessarily regret having these experiences (she has learned so much !! she feels so grateful, to be able to immortalize all these new memories within her- she would not change it for the world), she does wish there was a way that she could have done all that and not have abandoned her family
You wouldn't know it at first glance, but she's real polite! she puts a lot of respect into her elder(s) and older brothers
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
My entry for amare jam and also a very important game for me as it was the first project i ever started to draft ( back in 2022 ) and finaly finished it all fresh and new !
Starting university in a new country is always challenging, but thankfully, you've made some friends. Eating together,  playing games,  and venting about classes... What could possibly go wrong ?
21 questions is a queer slice of life / romance visual novel that focus on your relationship with the main character Clément, a students who struggle in their first year of university.
Features : 
20K Words
4 Endings ( 2 neutral, 1 platonic, 1 romantic )
4 CGs
1 Non binary love interest
Partial voicing
Custom pronouns
All my love and tears
Warning : the game contains  scenes with reference  to depression and self harm ( no explicit imagery  ) If you're sensible to this themes play with precautions. 
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finalcreacher · 3 years
i am going insane out here,,, my family minus my brother have been getting into these political discussions and it's all well and good until....my mom brings up some wacked up shit.
and it's like,,, we have to ask her every time WHERE she got this info from???
and then she'll say, "Well, I heard it from my sister, Noel."
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dreamties · 10 months
i didnt realize this till now but johnny is like,,, covered head to toe in scars???? i am so curious where he got them all honestly . . .
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dreamties · 9 months
Okay okay hear me out
Johnny with like a much shorter (I’m talking like 5’3) gf who’s also chubby
Just like a really soft sweet chubby gal, maybe she’s a lil insecure about her body type and it confuses him because he thought she was pretty either way if that makes sense??? Like he doesn’t get why she’s insecure he thinks she’s the prettiest person ever 😭
Okay so . . . I'm hearing you out on this SO HARD !!!! Ughhh I can totes imagine this !! ((also you sent in another ask like this?? sorry if i had originally interpreted this as a request and it wasn't?? 😭😭 idk hope you enjoy <3333))
Also also also... i would love to explore this prompt more in the future, if anyone has additional thoughts to spare <333 👉👈 apologies for any spelling errors
taglist: @friedwormeater @0ddmia @lambofjudgement @lizve @urfavsuh @rainbowcake1212 @sadsimp @marriedtoeddie @strawberry-moonpies
Johnny cares about his own appearance . . . In the sense if he doesn't upkeep his beauty, how else is he gonna pick up prey at the bar?
One of the other talented fic writers on this site, I don’t remember who <:O said he would have learned a lot about "how to act" through television. Now, I don't think he had much access to television, except when he was much younger and the slaughterhouse was still running. The one at the bar will also play old films or news stations that come in all funny. . . Anyways !! All of that absolutely applies to this too!! He's seen pretty boys on magazines that Drayton always glares at him for staring at them too long. He knows what girls are "supposed" to like and he feels confident in pulling it off. That's sort of where that desire begins and ends though. While I think the Slaughter family can care about looks- they each have personal, preferred taste- it's not high on their list of wants. It's always a delightful bonus when their partner is a cutie <3333
Johnny is such a little trickster !! Like what a little greaseball he's so annoying sometimes *sob emoji*
At the beginning of the relationship, he's gonna tease ya about your height. Not your body weight though, it's never polite to comment on a lady's weight.
He tends to pick on everyone though. It's like some demented love language, it seems.
Anytime you make a face or a disgruntled noise about it, he seems so confused??? Like what's up with you??? You never get like this. Why are you being weird around him . . .
Basically- gets annoyed that you're annoyed at him for "no reason"
If Johnny has had other partners before this, his handling of the situation would be different. I am in the camp of strongly believing you are his first partner tho <33333
So you're gonna have to spell it out for this mean ol guy cause he doesn't understand these "social cues" cause he's never quite seen it with his folks, and you can't really interpret gestures like yours in magazines and novellas and stuff. He's just a lil lost, why don’t ya give him a hand, huh?
You tell him your worries: that you feel inadequate to be his girlfriend. That you're small and chubby and he deserves someone who is just . . . more than that.
He's lookin at ya all bug eyed and funny the whole time Ya scared him half-to-death, darlin! He thought something was seriously wrong (side note: just because Johnny doesn't take it real seriously- at first- does not mean that it doesn't matter or isn't serious irl at all <333 stay safe out there folks)
She pouts, turning her head at her shoulders and swiveling her body- hands clenching her arms in a crisscross- away from him.
Johnny pulls a face. What had he done this time? He approaches her cautiously, as to not spook her- she had argued for him to leave her outside for right then. He wasn't having much of that.
"Darlin'?" His hand lands on her shoulder, not quite as gentle as he should be with his love. She turns her head the other way, hoping this will somehow make her able to evade any heated arguments. "Darlin', no no- c'mon."
He's not one to give up, though. Which- in this moment- she hates that was one of the qualities she fell in love with him over. The drive, compassion; the awful persistence he had.
She sniffles, not wanting to cry over some- dumb comment he made. A stupid inference of her body to something else. She had half the mind to be angry, instead. She couldn't be angry at Johnny, though. At least not so . . . forthright.
"S'just, you're always teasin me for my height, Johnny. And- and I know you're just holdin' your tongue about my body."
Johnny looks at her with an incredulous squint. "What?"
"I get it, Johnny. But it's no need to tease me for it." He's slow on the uptake. The gears finally turn and whirr into life. He sets his palm, steady and firm, to her shoulder. His fingers curling against her clothed body gently.
"Ah, sweet-cheeks. I think you're stunning. I haven't been teasin' ya." His lover interrupts him with a look. She returns her head strictly to its position.
"Yeah, yeah, I have been. I know. I love you, though. You're sweet, darlin. Hottest girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Now stop pouting." She's feeling much better already. She wants to pout more just to spite him, which makes her giggle audibly. "C'mon. Let me kiss you," he smiles when he hears her laugh. It's toothy, it's sharp. It's inviting, though. "Look at you, sweet thing. Smilin' already. C'mere."
She turns around, letting Johnny pull her into a tight embrace. Kissing the top of her head, her cheek, her pretty lips. Lips he hopes she'll let him kiss a dozen times over.
She still weeps in his arms, less from the residual sad feelings and more from just how sweet her man could be.
"Love you too, John."
(Is calling him john sacrilege . . . it nearly feels like it should be. but i couldnt help write this bit like that hehe <3333)
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dreamties · 10 months
Howdy there folks! Reminder, I've got a general taglist for folks that want to be mentioned whenever I post anything.
I also have a list for anyone waiting to see specific characters! If ya really like Johnny and you want to see more Johnny / Johnny&Reader content, consider asking to be added to the list. Two folks are already on it <3333
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dreamties · 10 months
urghhhhh johnny has SUCH a deeper voice than i expected he would have !!!!! its so sexy . . .
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dreamties · 10 months
Sissy Slaughter W/ an S/O Who Has Sleep Issues!
A/n- This feels like such a throwback?? I remember writing several sets like this at the start of the blog! <:O Like, all the way back to 2021 I think? Maybe earlier, actually! Hope you all enjoy! I love you all & please stay safe out there! 💗💗💗
Warning for: mentions of pot use, poisoning / knocking someone out??? but it's like. done for sweet nice purposes?, Drayton cameo at the end !!
taglist: @friedwormeater @0ddmia @royalsnowxoxo @lambofjudgement @lizve @urfavsuh @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
I swear I've said this somewhere before- but sissy grows & smokes her own pot <333
I'm not saying she'll suggest that as an option but I'm saying she'll suggest it as an option
If your sleep is more than just cumbersome for you- if it's affecting you physically (beyond exhaustion), affecting your ability to complete chores, etc - she may need to bring out the big guns
She knows what plants are toxic, what plants can kill and torture She also knows ones for healing !! (side thought: she uses this mostly on herself & bubba. She acts like a pain when anyone sides her youngest brother wants her for her useful abilities) And most important in this case- ones that can knock folks out !! <333 with minimal to no damage done to them She only uses plants to knock you out when you're at your worst point. When you haven't slept for days, and your eyes are irritated and red. When you're in pain all over and can barely stand up. You might not always appreciate this method- but it can work wonders <333
On some nights, when it's particularly rough for you, she'll stay up with ya <333 keep you company.
You don't deserve to go through this, especially not by yourself. Despite her poisoned personality, she can be a real sweetie around her favorite folks <33 (you bein one of em :3) Do you get nightmares? Is that the root of your sleepy time troubles? She'll sit up in bed and pull you close to her. Let you lay down with your head in her lap as she touches your hair and quietly sings. Lulls you into a safe, cozy slumber- or at the very least, calms your mind. A few times she's taken you outside to walk along the property . . . She shows you critters that come out at night, takes you closer to where she has the makeshift greenhouse set up- tells you about all the plants she's been caring for, what their uses are, let's you engage on the topic too, even if you don't know as much as her. Anything outdoorsy that she can do to tire you out, in hopes if you're sleepier you might sleep better.
Sissy has far more experience and knowledge than her siblings do, in regards to life outside the farm that is- but even she can be at a loss of ideas.
If she's really worried she might go to Drayton, ask if he knows what's wrong with you. (he grumbles throughout the entire process, things like "never should have taken them in", and "more trouble than they're worth" he mostly doesn't mean that <33 you're part of the family now so :) ) It's almost like you're a strange pet that she's keeping, because of how alien your issues can feel to her and the rest of the family. In general though !!!! All of the youngest siblings will ask Drayton about the things they don't understand, even if he isn't very knowledgeable on it either. Even if they don't get along with him much (which . . . Who does get along with him lmao)
"They seem sick," Sissy muses. She's sitting at the dining table, your body lying limp on the floor, propped up against her legs. Your head held safely in her lap. She had knocked you out with a non-lethal poison, despite your protests against it.
The poison could be helpful in getting you unconscious, but Sissy hated using it so frequently on you, especially since it doesn't appear to solve the root problem.
You're still having trouble falling or even staying asleep, she's worried about you.
"Should've gotten rid of it when we had the chance."
"C'mon, you've got to know something about this, Drayton. Ya better haven't given my little darlin' something they can't have."
Your head lolls against her lap, your ears slowly perking up with the noise. Your chest tickles with a funny, loving feeling. Your heart beats slow, quicker as you wake. Your girlfriend was so sweet to you.
She talks to her oldest brother like he's given the dog chocolate. She's concerned and trying to be patient, despite her immense dislike of him.
She runs her hands, soothingly, down your back. Noticing her sweetheart is beginning to wake.
"Oh, why don't we look at that. All this is waking up my poor thing." She glares at him, unintrigued, upset with him. She looks back to you, your head following the noise and your eyes unlocking, staring back at her with such an intensity. Lids hardly-half open. She pets your hair, hoping you'll just pass out or be quiet or something.
Sissy huffs. "Fine! We'll just figure it out on our own. You hear that, darlin'?"
She smiles at you, so sweetly. Looks at you like you're the only thing in the room. Like you're precious and irreplaceable- which you are, to her. Your smile gleams and your eyes sparkle when you look at her.
She whispers to you, helping you off the floor. "We'll figure this out, don't you worry."
Hey, I didn't say he would actually be helpful. just that they would ask lol
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dreamties · 3 months
i'm already having such a hard time writing and learning to be a creative person again like???? in general??? and then i have to deal with this midjourney ai tumblr BS. and constantly seeing articles and reels, and having conversations about AI THAT I WONDER IF I EVEN WANT TO POST MY WORK ANYMORE
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dreamties · 10 months
I know we like, all probably think of Johnny as this like. Really "cool" guy?? like badass yknow??? but i love the idea of him just being a total boyfaliure loser that doesn't know how to smoke pot
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dreamties · 10 months
I’m so glad I found another person who loves Johnny <3
Yessss <33 there's actually quite a lot of love for him so far !! which I am frankly not surprised by.
i think we might all have a Type . . . 💀😭
ANYWHO i am sooooo freaking excited to share johnny content with yall <3333 most of it's gonna be for sissy, maybe julie- but johnny is def a character i hope to be working with soon !!! :D (Requests are open if anyone wanted to.... request him)
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dreamties · 10 months
also i LOOOOOOVE Sissy so much !!! she was made for the homosexuals
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dreamties · 7 months
shoutout to spam likers. i adore you <333
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dreamties · 9 months
obviously since I have a new fixation I need to write regression fics for it soon !!!
i've been thinking a lot about Sissy as a caregiver <:O She would be really sweet and caring. she is one of the only family members I would trust with a little reader 😭 she'd be great with helping to keep ya out of trouble <333
or !!!! Johnny with a reader that pet regresses has my heart in a clutch hold
like i need to be able to curl up like a lil pup on Johnny's lap while he reads a book or sharpens his knife. or if we're outside on the porch maybe he's whittling and his lil pup is on the ground next to him, nuzzling at his leg. he keeps such a good eye on em !!!! <333
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dreamties · 10 months
Julie Crawford Headcanons !!!
A/n- These are like. 85% sports related lol. once more game content comes out / i play more / etc, then I am certain I will have more creative thoughts on her! <333
Warning for multiple mentions of pot! and like . . . mild angst? This is also over 1k words worth of thoughts so . . . you have been warned 😭
taglist: @friedwormeater, @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
(*)note: I know the Pacific ocean is not the cause of water temperatures . . . I just think it makes the sentence sound cool :(
I know Julie is a SoCal gal, but I'll be damned if I don't make her live in the San Fran Bay !!!!
PLUS . . . I think it goes well with the themes presented in the franchise? In the 1970s/80s my town was considered the murder capitol of the world (or at the least for our US nation- that's not really the whole world now is it💀 guess it didn’t have the same ring to it, huh?) She had always been aware of it- in the know, if you will, about the going ons of a budding serial killer haven. But knowing of is different than experiencing. No one could have predicted flesh-wearing cannibals . . . Especially not Julie :( It's safe to say she did not sign up for this crazy rollercoaster . . .
In lighter news !!! I also think it would be super badass of her to live in northern California!! One of her greatest loves is surfing ! What's cooler than a surfer in sunny, warm towns like LA, than the waters connected to the Pacific(*). Even in the summer, the ocean is never warm. It's not a cold plunge, but it still leaves you pretty chilly.
It takes guts to go out in the cold air like that! Not to mention the possible dangers of the rocky cliffs . . . Also imagine her all geared up to go surfing !!! And she's wearing a lil ol wetsuit <3333 I think she'd pull it off so well and look so cute and professional in it hehe <3333
She has 2 younger brothers !! Like real little. One's 7 and the other's 9. Her mama is carrying another child though, Julie's hoping it's a girl. Help balance out the house. It would be nice to have a girl she can care for besides her mama <3
She helps her mama mend old clothes <333
She lives with her mama, two younger brothers and her uncle.
Oh! and her parents are divorced!
Sports . . . Sports … sports …
She doesn't play football, nor is it a favorite, but she still holds quite the appreciation for the game! There isn't a sport she doesn't like. (Golfing though . . . Eughhh &lt;/3) Like. If a game is on, she'll catch it for a bit !! Besides surfing, her sport(s) of choice are softball & frisbee !! <3333 She played softball in school. Frisbee is more casual- even though she often plays with a strong, confident intensity. It's purely for fun, doesn't matter if she wins or loses. She plays that with her friends a lot !! On the beach or the grassy hills at the park. Sometimes other college/high school-aged folks, that they don't know, will join in as well. She's very social, lots of energy for events like this- frisbee is somewhat of a community thing for her. Brings all sorts of folks together <333 When her brothers ultimately find their interests piqued towards sports . . . They'll go to Julie for help getting into it. Even if it's not a sport she plays or knows so well! She's always happy to help them out, even though they can be pests sometimes lol She promises when they are older that she'll teach them surfing and take them to the ocean with her! Her brothers are late bloomers in regard to swimming, so she wants to make sure they're strong and confident in themselves enough to join her! She doesn't have lifeguard training . . .yet.
All the victims are bi unless I say otherwise . . . Also she uses she/they pronouns !!
She likes to wear perfume !! she already smells like the beach a lot, but i think she has an artificial one that's supposed to imitate like sea breeze <33
Julie smokes pot <3333
Helps her chill down through the weekend and get by when other stressors get to her :( Also like…. If I'm putting her into this snoozy little beach town, the least I can do is make her a stoner . . . Right? (part 212 of projecting my own experiences onto Julie . . . More coming soon lol) (she's actually. Not really a stoner? It's something she does so occasionally. But enough that the guy on the corner who sells to her remembers her name & what she needs.)
There is such a strong disconnect between who she is before Maria goes missing . . . And then after they play mystery gang and pretend they can actually do the job of a real detective . . .
Julie is confident in her abilities. She loves and laughs, often. She's caring! She is so . . . Giving. Always looking out for her friends and family. Sometimes she gets nervous. But it's fine! She's fine. It's nothing to worry . . . She's not . . . No. She's okay. Really . . . She is. She follows Ana and the rest of her friends in search of the missing girl . . . It's what she would always do. Give support. Help. What makes this so different? Besides the obvious. And the anxious, itchy feeling she gets in her body whenever she thinks about it. She's so confident and strong in Cali. With her brothers. Her mama. With the locals she excitedly engages with! She knows the bike routes and community struggles and redwoods like the back of her hand. But fuck . . . She doesn't think, even if they somehow came prepared, having known what they would find . . . She would not have left her town. A terrifying, potent sense of doom & gloom swallows her while on the farm. She's still herself. She's trying at least. She's . . . Really trying her best, okay? She's scared - but still finds a way to soothe her friends. She's fucking terrified and she's totally not equipped for this- this isn't true. She's a team-player. She needs the support of her friends to be able to keep putting energy into them and the situations at play!
i think it's canon that they all just like… die??? in the storyline. we are going to ignore that <33333 Julie is alive & well :D
She's finally training to be a lifeguard !! for one of the nearby state beaches <33 Whenever her friends are in town for long periods of time, they'll offer a hand with her brothers !! Sonny &/or maybe Connie would help Julie teach them to be stronger swimmers <3333 I wouldn't trust Leland to go more than like. ankle deep into the ocean tho lol like . . . i heart him soooo bad but his personality does not mesh well with that environment . . . that's okay !!! he can make sandcastles <333 (more beach related thoughts in the future . . . i have sooooooooo many)
Now that she's away from THE worst experience of her waking life . . . and after sufficiently trauma bonding with every single one of her friends &lt;333333
she can begin to move on with her life . . . more cautious than she once was- but hey, she's alive, right? She can be grateful about that. Now to her next struggle in life . . . how does she handle this cute girl in her econ class making eyes at / flirting with her??
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dreamties · 10 months
Julie's job is beach. just beach. like Ken hehe >:3
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