nekropsii · 3 months
More DubCanon, more Unreal Heir. Mituna writes poetry, by the way.
Is it funny to post this right after the "Retris is kind of a shitty boyfriend" upd8?
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humunanunga · 5 months
Making my own post cuz I don't want to attack them when I nitpick, but I saw a post comment that Vrissy blackrom-dating Tavvie and redrom-dating Harry is incest between cousins if you don't defend dismissing interspecies adoption as family. So let me just clear something up real fast. Before it was revealed she's not an only child, she wasn't either of their cousin.
Vrissy is Rose and Kanaya's. Tavvie is Jane and Jake's, and therefore John/June and Jade's baby brother. Harry is John/June and Roxy's, and is therefore Rose and Dave's baby half-brother.
At that point, Vrissy was dating her uncle and her great uncle.
But, like, this webcomic comes after the epilogues, so you'd have to have already read through the part where Tavvie was said to be conceived by assault, not to mention whatever the fuck is going on in Meat Route with Dirk and Rose and Terezi.
Which is why, and I cannot state this enough, we're well past that.
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wagestuck · 4 days
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fritos if they were 46
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tumblr exclusive dubcanon davejade child
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
I don’t care if the new hs stuff is crap I want more dubcanon stuff to talk about
It would probably would lead to more in-fighting and debate if people do analyze the dubious canon sequels. But at least it's better than kissing WP/HICU's ass and being distracted by the pretty art.
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This is genuinely the only part of dubcanon that I ever want to accept as fact
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scalematez · 2 years
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Trolls with tails dubcanon?
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What if I started being insane about the earth c people in the dubcanon snapchats
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villainvillain · 4 months
okay if i knew that davekat post was gonna pop off i wouldve put more effort and more of my thoughts into it LMAO but im glad other ppl feel the way i do abt davekat and the dubcanon/fandoms current treatment of it
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empatheticcoder · 11 months
this is old potatoes but i still do think there's this kind of darkly funny irony to the whole kw/te thing wherein he was accused by someone who was a huge 8th troll fan and was exposed for allegedly lying throughout his entire accusation to warp the scenario to make it seem like he was the one who was a victim when it now seems to be that allegedly kw/te was the one who was being manipulated by his accuser throughout their relationship
which more or less summarizes how one of the infamous 8th troll fans (who ended up working on dubcanon content) chose to reframe the relationship between the 8th troll & bull troll within the comic, presumably in order to feel less bad about making those "she did nothing wrong" jokes(?) and created an entire fanon narrative around it based on their own headcanons
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swimfuel · 2 years
thoughts on junebert
my juney my #1 juney. one of my friends has started reading hs for the first time recently and ive been popping in and rereading sections along with her and every time im hit in the guts like WOW... JUNE...
i am personally not a person who can really stand a hopeless ending. i think that characters can and at times should experience the absolute worst the world has to offer if it services the plot and their development and the overall story but i personally physically can't stand it when a story is left to spiral and spiral in its own hopelessness. it leaves a weird shivery dissatisfied feeling in my gut and that's why a lot of the time i just never watch the finale of a show that i know will end without a real Ending. and i mean Ending in that This Is The End Of This Journey, But There Still Remains New Journeys Ahead. the big questions of the plot/setting may not have been resolved (see: the tethered still running amok at the end of Us 2019) but that same lack of resolution ensures that These Characters Have A Future. This World Has A Future. Shit Isnt Stagnant
and i think that june as a character kind of embodies my feelings on that... that no matter how long it has been since one has taken an Action in their life that there is still a Future and that there are still Choices To Be Made you get me? she spends YEARS like fucking marinating in her own megadepression paralysis juices and she is in her mid twenties by the time that things start to click. and i think the reason i adore her so much even beyond the fact that i adore her in general is that june is a person with so many stories left to tell? and that’s why i personally could not care less about how any possible dubcanon post-canon stuff chooses to explore june’s self-discovery (i mean like aside from it being weird or a transmisogynistic portrayal but thats a whole different thing) because the very fact of june Being means that there’s a FUTURE!!!!!! and i think that that more than anything brings her arc as the heir of breath full circle because shes inherited the freedom to choose her way forward free of a narrative and free of the stagnancy that she shackled herself to... she can just Be
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nekropsii · 2 years
Yeah, no, I don’t think someone has to see themselves as a giga-brained higher-than-thou loremaster for being able to do something as simple as identifying major recurring themes, actually.
And I do not think it is rocket science or even off base to say that maybe “official sources” are wrong sometimes. Like… Have you… Ever played a lore-heavy video game franchise…? It happens literally all of the fucking time.
… Plus, this is Hussie and WhatPumpkin we’re talking about, do you really think those guys are still the bastions of Real And True Canon? Come on.
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humunanunga · 2 years
So now that I’m in a perpetual state of introducing friends to Yu-Gi-Oh, I’m gonna make another post to send all y’all. A lot of this will be a cleaned-up copypaste from a Discord dm, but to start with, if you’re reading this, chances are you grew up with the dub. But forget everything you know about Yu-Gi-Oh from the dub, it was cut and redacted and retconned to be Less Japanese, Less Dangerous, Less Emotional, More Comical/Theatrical and More “Family-Friendly.” They also replaced the entire perfectly-good-very-moving soundtrack to sound More Egyptian, and they cut out a lot of Yugi’s relationship with “Other Me” to be... not as... affectionate.
But if I’m sending you this, I probably already sent you the other post. It’s still pinned when I’m posting this one, so here I’ll just move on to continuity.
Chronologically, the early manga pre-dated the TCG, following more of a featured-game-or-sport-or-toy-of-the-day format, with The Card Game being just another one of them. Back then, it was a lot more feral, being more exclusively a horror series about getting supernatural retribution on bullies, abusers and criminal assailants. This manga got an anime adaptation by Toei widely called season zero, in which Magic & Wizards was renamed Duel Monsters and picked up enough popularity that the author (Takahashi Kazuki) was encouraged to polish the rest of the series to revolve more around it, securing the franchise’s success.
Which finally brings us to the subsequent TCG-era anime adaptation Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters produced by Konami. This one follows a separate timeline from season zero and would redact characters/events (save for homages here and there), give all the main cast some subtle redesigns (minus Nosaka Miho, who was cut out completely), make the Dark Yugi more ghostly than demonic, and tone down some of the violence but not censor it completely. This is the one that would then get heavily “adapted” by 4kidz for younger-than-intended audiences to watch.
...And then, presumably fitting between seasons three and four, 4kidz commissioned the Pyramid of Light movie and the short spin-off Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, the latter of which may or may not have written a continuity error into the backstory of another major character who was known for operating mostly behind the scenes, and whom was already getting more reveals in the very next canon season. This may be why it didn’t get localized back in Japan while the Pyramid of Light did, making it a 4kidz-exclusive canon.
“I didn’t realize how many canon-branches there were in YGO!”
Oh, but there’s more!
The fourth season is a filler arc (but it’s unironically my favorite, idc) and widely considered contradictory to earlier and later Duel Monsters lore, but I’d argue that there are ways for both to be true. This arc is also exclusively canon to the anime because in manga-canon, Pegasus J. Crawford was actually Killed Off at the end of the first season. In the anime’s fourth season, he’s involved in the plot again. He also makes a few cameos in GX, but only the first series is actually by the original author, just as with the dothack franchise.
And while that arc corresponds with the anime-exclusive continuity in which Pegasus wasn’t killed off, the manga also got a spin-off dubcanon arc by Ito Akira, called YuGiOh! R, and that one corresponds with the manga-exclusive canon in which Pegasus was killed off.
The fifth and final arc, meanwhile, never got the chance it needed to tie everything together in the way the author would have wanted to. At the time, he was recovering from Almost Dying of Blood Loss, from a Stress Ulcer, which production wouldn’t stop pressuring him to work through, so he wasn’t at mental or physical capacity to continue when he did and was in a rush to conclude the series just to take the break he needed. He’d been stated as having a poor recollection of what he was writing or drawing at the time, and also having a lot of regret over how it turned out. So anyone invested in YGO understands that the final arc needs to be treated as dubcanon too.
Bonds Beyond Time is a movie crossover with the later two series, GX and 5D’s, and that one’s also dubcanon cuz it’s unclear when in Yugi’s or Judai’s timelines they were plucked for this. It’s mostly just there as a nice feel-good movie with the level of art quality fans all envisioned to be uniform for the series.
The epilogue movie, the Dark Side of Dimensions, also follows the anime timeline; but that’s only confirmed by virtue of also acting as a teaser for the game. Duel Links involves multiverse shenanigans (as you do) to cross over all the YGOs, including later series set in AUs and a timeline representing manga canon.
YGO!GX technically follows anime-canon as well, since Pegasus is still alive, and none of the other subsequent series canonically descend from the season zero timeline either.
Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole is perpetually suspended in a quantum state of dubcanon, but season zero (the Toei series) and Duel Monsters (the Konami series) are as canon as YGO gets, and all other subsequent series effectively teeter further into dubcanon.
YGO exists as a concept.
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nekropsii · 2 years
What are some dubious details about Sov 👀
A good deal of information I've posted about the cast on this blog is Dubious by now, ironically!! Now, these changes were not made out of malice- we don't intend to bait people or anything, god forbid- it was more because of... Development happening. Sometimes you get better ideas, and that makes the previous ideas fall out of fashion.
Though I will say, I do know what this was originally in reference to, and... I don't intend to purposefully throw Dubious Information into my blog here in the same way I'd present... Well, Non-Dubious Information. That just seems a little confusing, and a little mean. When I made that post, I was more so referring to the concept of posting ficlets featuring the characters to keep things lively!! Official, but Dubiously Canon. Gives you a decent feel for the characters before anything even goes down!!
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nekropsii · 2 years
Crafting the Worldbuilding for Earth C is so fun, it’s one of the highlights of working on Sovereignstuck. Genuinely an absolute delight, I love thinking about all the little intricacies of all of these vastly different sapient species coexisting- How they shape their environment, how their environment shapes them… Cultural stuff, legal stuff, religious stuff, et cetera, et cetera. It’s genuinely been a blast to work with!!
… But it really does have the added consequence of getting so, so mad at what DubCanon did with that setting. They squandered countless absolutely incredible opportunities by building that world the way they did. I hate it. I’m deleting its existence in my minds eye. Sovereignstuck’s Earth C is the only Earth C that exists. There is no war in Ba Sing Se also.
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humunanunga · 2 years
I’m transcribing what I said on Discord here because I still have a lot of Feelings about this, as That Bitch who fully and unapologetically loves the fourth season the most:
Her: So... why does Atemu want to leave...? Like, genuinely curious as to why he needs to leave, or wants to leave. It is a classic case of I want to move on?
Me: It definitely feels more like something he’s supposed to do more than wants to do. I really think the way it was meant to go was that defeating Zorc and closing off his realm was supposed to incapacitate the Millennium Items from being used to invoke shadow games ever again (and judging by DSoD, it was only a partial success as long as the Items themselves were still intact). It definitely feels like one more kingly duty expected of him overruling his personal desires, hence why there are several postcanon fix-it fics/comics. Everyone understands that the final arc is dubcanon. Some would argue that the fourth season is also dubcanon, since it’s not manga-canon and doesn’t comply with Pegasus being killed off back in the Duelist Kingdom finale, but I stand by the Orichalcos arc.
Her: Yeah cuz like otherwise I didn’t see a reason for him to leave. He was happy, everyone was happy.
Me: The reason was cuz KT was forced to keep fucking producing through a stress ulcer he coulda died from and the subsequent physical recovery and he just needed to wrap it up already to give himself a fucking break!
Like, the fourth season was Technically Filler cuz it doesn’t comply with manga canon in which Pegasus was killed off back in the Duelist Kingdom finale, but each of the musketeers were designed to foil the excaliboys. Rafael was being strangled by what he was told was a destiny he had no right to resist. That would’ve been the perfect build-up to Atemu getting his own autonomy back-- It’d even fit in with his contrast against Seto! It’d put them on more even ground-- Seto could’ve been wrong about the past having no current importance, and Atemu could’ve been wrong about the future being a destiny he had to answer.
Atemu was still trapped in a fragile blood-money vessel that only Yugi could summon him from, Yugi who couldn’t live forever, but being set free from it could’ve been his price for winning the Memory World game, which was supposed to be the final and ultimate shadow game, the one Zorc was going to use to enter their world from the Shadow Realm. Perhaps he wouldn’t get a whole new body, but even just being able to reside with Yugi without the Puzzle, they would’ve been able to pass on together whenever Yugi’s time came!
Yugi didn’t need Atemu anymore, but he still wanted Atemu, and Atemu still wanted to be with Yugi even if he also wanted his memories and identity back, they just-- both of them respected each other enough to help each other get what they wanted, even at their own expense, and they both felt like they didn’t have the right to impose on the other, but they both wanted the same fucking thing! Staying together could’ve been a matter of moving on from the worry that they were only together out of necessity...
Fuck, Horakhty could’ve rewarded Atemu that freedom! Yugi’s implied to be a reincarnation of whatever was left of Atemu that wasn’t sealed away, and I was just reading that to pass on to Duat, all aspects of the soul-- Ba, Jb, Ka, Ren, Shut, they all need to be brought back together to pass on, they coulda stayed together!
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
It's fine for characters to be awful people via bender from futurama or Kratos. Retcon ,act 6, and the dubcanon sequel are a drag to get through.
I'm fine if characters are unlikeable , but they almost don't learn anything and kept being shitty people or they're shittiness is just unbearable to watch. It's even more painful when other characters don't call out their actions and it's treated like they're completely in the right. I wanted Terezi to grow as a character and I want to see more character develop and become better. Especially the way they treat some of the characters have little to no relevance in the plot whatsoever. feel free to correct me on this i have a lot to say but can't bring up much
Asshole and bitchy characters can be tough to execute and moderate if the creator/author wants them to still be likeable. Flanderization is the worst that people want to avoid. Status quo is fine every now and then, but if it contradicts something they had done before, then it's like they never learned or have forgotten. For Homestuck's case, Terezi never seemed to have learned much about how these pitch feelings are actually doing more harm to her. And when she tries to make others react to it, she gets more than what she bargained for. Especially when it comes to people like Vriska or Gamzee.
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