high-fantasy-sw · 8 hours
Worldbuilding Wednesdays: The Magic System PART ONE :D
There are two kinds of magic: Artificial Magic and True Magic. (There’s also what I call “Natural Magic”, but that is the kind of environmental magic that is the result of this being a fantasy setting- you know, the magic that is inherent to fantasy flora and fauna. It’s not a type of magic that can be used, per se, except in the casting of artificial magic.)
Artificial Magic: Also known as alchemy, this is the kind of commonplace enchantment that allows life to progress in the Galactic Archipelago. It is cast through the use of naturally magical resources, which are either used as raw materials to make an item itself (ex. hypersails, blaster arrows) or made into an elixir or like, battery (if that makes sense) which then enchants an object (ex. holograms, the enamel coating on Clone armor).
Hypersails are the equivalent of hyperdrives because spaceships are boats now. They are sails woven out of cloth sourced from the feathers of Varactyls, and provide a ship with extended speed, as though there was a perfect, strong wind in the sails (regardless of whether or not the wind is actually there), for up to an hour (they must then recharge). However, the enchantment on the sails is extremely fragile, and any damage to the sail itself will cause it to stop working (though it will work again as soon as the damage is mended). The original hypersails were infused with the baleen of Purrgil Whales, before they (supposedly) went extinct- in fact, due to overhunting for their baleen- and surviving Purrgil hypersails are prized for their durability and the longevity of their speed enchantment.
Weapons, especially ranged weapons, are often crafted with naturally magical resources. The best example of this are the arrows utilized in the Galactic Archipelago, which are made from a variety of materials that, in addition to granting them heightened speed and accuracy, cause them to glow a plethora of colors (the most common being blue or red). 
Hologram Mirrors, used for communication over long distances and, occasionally, for recording and storing information, are… okay. The best way to explain this would be to compare them to The Obsidian Mirror from the Wings of Fire books, but that might not be helpful if you haven’t read those books, so I’ll try to explain it for those who haven’t. Basically, holograms are small, hand-sized mirrors, coated with an elixir that causes them to establish a connection with each other (i haven’t exactly worked out how this works yet, so bear with me for now). The elixir, during communication, projects a three-dimensional figure of the opposite party onto the surface of the mirror, and will do so as long as the party in question is reflected in the mirror. 
Medicine is largely aided through the use of elixirs, used as healing potions or at the very least as painkillers. I think this is pretty self-explanatory and don’t feel the need to explain it more here; if you do happen to have more questions about this, don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask.
Practical Uses, such as household products and protective and archival preservers. For example, Clone armor is made of metal, but coated with an enamel layer that protects it from corrosion, especially since the Clones spend such extended periods of time on the Great Sea.
Stay Tuned for Part Two, which I will release as soon as I figure out how to explain The Force without getting confusingly theological :)
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high-fantasy-sw · 20 hours
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I have decided that Tech is an artificier
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high-fantasy-sw · 3 days
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All memes made by Me on sketch.io, using images I found on Pinterest
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high-fantasy-sw · 5 days
Official Character References Part Two
Unfortunately, Final Exams got in the way of me finishing this on time. BUT THEY'RE DONE NOW! MUAHAHAHA
Done in Micron ink pen, Koi watercolor paint, and Prismacolor colored pencils on watercolor paper.
In terms of how this turned out... none of their faces look right. I think I tried to do it with shaky hands, and Riyo especially makes me uncomfortable to look at. But I am very proud of how the designs ended up looking! My favorite I think is Bail's, although I also do really love Padme and the detailing I was able to put into her skirt.
Enjoy, and as always, feel free to send me any questions you might have! I love hearing from you :)
Tagging those who will Appreciate This: @whyoneartheven @majorproblems77 @anime-obsessed @spacefinch (this is why I needed that ref of Bail!)
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high-fantasy-sw · 18 days
Have Some OLD Memes
Like from when the AU was merely in its infancy. Like from back in February
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high-fantasy-sw · 19 days
Sketch Dump: 05-24-2024
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Barriss Offee concept sketches. I love my girl so much :)
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Happy Mermay from Kit Fisto. Yes I will paint him. No this is not his official reference.
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high-fantasy-sw · 19 days
Okay so it dawned on me that I have posted my official Clone Armor Ref but not anything else that the boys wear
So I fixed that. With doodles. (click for better quality please. i apologize that i am horrible at taking pictures with my phone)
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Young Cadets (middle, ages 2/4 to 7/14) wear dark red shirts and breeches made of linen, with a light blue wool over-tunic. They also wear light brown leather boots and a matching belt. Their ID rings are worn around the neck until they are 3/6 years old, so this little guy is about 2.5/5 in this picture. Also, remind me that sometime I have to talk about the ID rings.
Senior Cadets (left, ages 7/14 to 9/18) wear bright red linen shirts and white twill breeches, over which is a dark red wool over-tunic. Their shoes and belt are dark brown, and- like all Clones over the age of 3/6- they wear their ID ring on their right hand.
Adult Clones (age 9/18+) wear their blacks when not in service. (When in service, they wear their armor or the specialized uniform their job requires. I haven't drawn these yet. By the by, the blacks design was inspired by a design drawn by my dear friend @whyoneartheven. Everything about the design is hers except my color changes and the higher collar. She is a fantastic artist and you should really go check out her work!) The blacks consist of a dark grey linen under-tunic (BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME I JUST REALLY LIKE LINEN OKAY) and matching grey twill breeches (not seen because the under-tunic is so long and the boots are so tall), a black wool over-tunic with the Republic Crest emblazoned front and center, and tall black leather boots with a matching belt. Again, the ID ring is worn on the right hand.
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high-fantasy-sw · 20 days
Worldbuilding... Thursday? Sorry guys, it's the week before Finals and I am FRAZZLED. Anyway. Today we're talking about Togrutas :D
First of all, all cultural aspects of the Togruta that exist in the canonical Star Wars universe (both Disney canon and Legends) remain intact. I try to do this with all the races, and simply build upon what is already there, adapting it to fit the specifics of the AU.
Okie Dokie let's divide this into sections :D
Togrutas, on average, have dark skin, though the exact shade can vary between individuals (for example, Shaak Ti has much darker skin than Ahsoka), and tones can range from very light brown to almost black.
They also tend to have dark hair, though texture and exact color are fairly diverse. Some individual togrutas also naturally have colorful undertones in their hair, which make their hair look bluish or purplish or greenish or what have you in certain lighting. Not that that’s seen much, however, because of their Montral Headdresses.
The most distinguishing feature of Togruta clothing are their Montral headdresses. These consist of three parts: what I will call the Wimple, the Lekku Braid, and the Montral Horns.
The Wimple: Unlike Twi’leks’ lekku, this is not a wrapped headscarf as my old art used to show. Instead, they are more like a wimple? But also not? If that makes sense? (I’ll put a picture of a real-life wimple here.) For convenience, I just call it the Wimple. Basically, they’re sewn as almost a fitted garment for the head, and they fasten in the front under the chin. They can be in any color, however, they are *usually* unpatterned. You can see how they work (sort of) by looking at Ahsoka’s official reference.
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A real-life wimple. Not exactly how they look in the AU, but this is the closest image I could find online.
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Ahsoka's concept art (lineart version because it's easier to see); the wimple is colored in dark blue.
The Lekku Braid: The lekku braid is a length of braided rope, in white and at least one other color, that is pinned to the wimple in such a way that it frames the face and hangs down the sides of the head. It is braided very thick at the ends, but relatively thin in the middle so that it can sit comfortably as part of the headdress. Additionally, once a Togruta reaches maturity, he or she will braid additional braids to wrap around the horns of his or her montrals. 
Montral horns: When a Togruta adolescent comes of age (I haven’t decided what age this will be yet), he or she sets forth on a ritual hunt to obtain the horns for his or her montrals. The horns can be taken from any horned creature, and once it has been killed and the horns removed, they are mounted on a thin metal plate shaped to fit the head snugly, so as to hold the mount in place. On that note, as the horn mount goes under the wimple, there are several devices keeping it steady (because they have the potential to be at least moderately heavy and therefore run the risk of slipping off of the head): there are combs involved to keep it secured to the hair; the plate has ties at ear-level, which tie under the chin and then thread through the pins that keep the Lekku Braid framing the face. Thinner braids are then wrapped around the horns (this is for aesthetic reason, mostly- they hide the seams of the holes that must be cut out of the wimple for the horns to show through, and give the horns a prettier look overall). For convenience, some Togrutas glue them in place, but more traditional individuals prefer to wrap and unwrap them every morning.
Togruta clothing tends to be loose, made of natural fabrics like linen, cotton, and wool, and in rich, warm earth tones such as ochre and chocolate brown. It usually incorporates construction such as full skirts, puffy gathered sleeves, and lots of layers. Decoration tends to be simple on the main clothing pieces, however, Togruta sashes are highly ornate, and may include embroidery, beading, applique, and colorful dyed patterns. 
Facial markings are incredibly important to Togrutas, because- as a fiercely tribal people- they signify one’s ties to one’s family. While each individual has unique element combinations, most marking patterns are taken from at least one aspect of a relative’s markings (this can be a parent, a grandparent, an older sibling, et cetera). From the Marking Ceremony at age three (in which the child will first choose and be painted in their markings) to coming-of-age, the markings are painted; at one’s Coming-of-Age Ceremony, they become permanently tattooed on the face. Orphaned Togrutas, and/or Togrutas taken to be Jedi, usually base their markings on stylized or symbolic interpretations of features of the people who have become their family. Because I am a sucker for the found family trope. For example, Ahsoka’s cheek markings are stylistic interpretations of the horns on Plo Koon’s tribal helmet. (This will make more sense once I actually get around to talking about Kel Dor.)
In natural spaces, Togrutas often opt to go shoeless, especially on their native island of Shili. They have a great respect for the natural world and consider it sacred. (This is canon information but I’m putting it on here because I went on a Wookieepedia rabbit hole to learn these straight togruta FAX and i loved it so much. Spread awareness, y’all.)
Togrutas are also known for their distinctive blades, which they use in hunting and in self-defense. These are colloquially known as “The Fangs of the Togruta”. These knives, usually in the form of daggers- but, occasionally, as swords- are easily identified by their wavy blades. Many Togruta Jedi forge their lightsabers in the pattern of the Fangs.
This was FUN to write, I hope you enjoyed! I'd be glad to answer any questions :D
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high-fantasy-sw · 21 days
Hey guys, just a heads up that Worldbuilding Wednesday will probably be Worldbuilding Thursday or Friday this week, and next week- because I have finals >:( - probably won't have one at all. I am so sorry for the inconvenience.
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high-fantasy-sw · 23 days
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i saw your Ahsoka has the medieval equivalent of steel toed boots and anyways I think she deserves to kick someone in the face with them at some point
(This is Margin’s fabulous high fantasy AU design btw!)
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high-fantasy-sw · 24 days
Ya know. In light of the official character refs for the Disaster Trio I should probably post the official ref for my homegirl Satine huh
Done in Micron ink pens and Prismacolor colored pencils on sketchbook paper
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high-fantasy-sw · 24 days
Hey so you know how I promised my screenshot redraw warmups? Well here they are
I was only able to do two before I was pulled away to attend to ~duties~ but here they are
For context as to why there's so much Obi-Wan: I picked these episodes and frames at random. Because I have the entire series downloaded to my computer and thus I simply scrolled with my eyes closed until I landed on an episode, and then picked a random timestamp. So. There.
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S2E12: The Mandalore Plot
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S3E15: Overlords
ALSO! Have the lineart from Ahsoka's official ref
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high-fantasy-sw · 24 days
Official Character References
This took me. All night and day. BUT THEY'RE DONE!
I said I was going to finish these this weekend if it killed me, and I'm not dead yet, so I guess you suckers are stuck with me >:)
Done in Micron ink pen, Koi watercolor paint, and Prismacolor colored pencils on watercolor paper. Because I wanted to be fancy.
I included closeups; you'll want to click and zoom in to appreciate the details, especially on Ahsoka because her dark skin kind of obscured the inking details. Even in real life you have to look at her face and lekku closely, because the dark colors have a bad habit of blending together, and I'm sure my phone quality helped with that tons. (sarcasm)
Enjoy, and as always, feel free to send me any questions you might have! I love hearing from you :)
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@whyoneartheven @majorproblems77 @anime-obsessed @lilliesandlight
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high-fantasy-sw · 24 days
This gorgeous artwork was done by my amazing friend @whyoneartheven! She's so incredibly talented and I am so honored that she likes my silly AU :D
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Behold some very messy sketches of @margindoodles2407’s Star Wars High Fantasy AU Ahsoka design!!!!
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high-fantasy-sw · 25 days
I have more
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Mace Windu
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Fives during Umbara
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All the Clones. Really though I'm thinking Cody
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Blyla <333
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Obi-Wan (on an unrelated tangent i really wanna make stained-glass designs for the au)
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Hevy. Again. I am not sorry
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Yan Dooku, Count of Serenno
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HFSW as Random Things I Have Saved to My Pinterest
I will add on to this as I accumulate more
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Literally every clone who has ever lived but especially Hardcase
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high-fantasy-sw · 26 days
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created on inkarnate.com
It is my first actual map so no, it is not very professional looking. BUT I am proud of it
Of course there are many smaller island scattered around it than are shown here , and probably when I need a new island I'll just. Make it up. I mean look at all that room. Also, not sure if this is to scale, but when you look at the key down in the bottom right-hand corner, I'm gonna say each little box on the key is approximately ten miles.
I'm going to make individual maps too, probably of Coruscant, Naboo, Tatooine, Kamino, and such. Those will come when they come. These things are kind of time consuming though :)
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high-fantasy-sw · 27 days
On the subject of Lightsabers:
I have lightsaber references! All on heroforge obviously, because I cannot draw blades, and with notes that mark their most distinguishing trait. SOme of these are colors, others are blade type, it really just depends on the most interesting thing about the blade. I'll put notes on how they differ from how they look in the AU in the notes, because obviously Heroforge only has so many blade options and they don't all look exactly like I see them in my mind. Enjoy!
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The Disaster Trio
Obi has a sword and shield because Soresu is a defensive form. His shield and the crossbar of his sword are both based on the crest of the Jedi Order. In AU Canon, this is more obvious.
Ahsoka has twin daggers because her fighting style is highly acrobatic, and full length swords would make that... rather dangerous; to save space I only put one of the pair. In season 7, Anakin replaces the Kyber Crystals in her original daggers, so they are technically the same daggers but now they burn the same blue as his saber.
Anakin's sword is a dual-handed greatsword, because his form is very aggressive and relies a lot on hacking away at your opponent and physically overpowering them. Also something something dual-edged sword, something something foreshadowing.
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Male Jedi
Kit's flame is less a flame and more of watery magic. This is because he is of an aquatic race, and I thought it was cool :D
Yoda has a rapier because his form is very acrobatic and rapiers lend well to that.
Not going to lie, I struggled with Ki-Adi's saber, so I made his really unique in that his blade is darker than the flame that burns by a drastic amount.
MACE okay so. My guy has an executioner sword, because he is the Arbiter Of Justice (tm). Also, these kinds of swords have blunted ends and aren't meant to be used in combat, meaning that for Mace to actually use it as a weapon he needs incredible skill. Which he has. I love Mace Windu :D
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Lady Jedi
Shaak's blade is supposed to be wavy like Ahsoka's daggers; wavy blades are a symbol of the Togruta in this AU. However, Heroforge didn't have any good options for this >:(
Barriss's and Luminara's swords have hilts made of Mirialan metalwork- Mirialan metal is fired with special potions that turn it special shades of red and green and gold. It is almost as valued as Mandalorian stained glass in the Galactic Archipelago. If you look closely, the little you can see of Luminara's bracers is also made of Mirialan metalwork.
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Grievous's CoLlEcTiOn *cough hack whEEZE*
My favorite is the midnight blue one >:)
I have nothing else to add, I literally just designed sabers I thought looked freaking cool. If you want to make up lore for them, PLEASE do, I'd love to see it :D
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THE DARKSABER okay so it has lightning instead of a flame because I wanted to replicate those crackles that it has. Anyway I think it looks really cool :D Also the serrated edge? *chef's kiss*
Dooku's saber is a rapier because it's the Gentleman's Fire Sword. However it does not look exactly like this in AU canon; I have a Dooku drawing ref in the works and when I post that I can explain it better. Also it is modeled on Yoda's because I really want to play up that Fallen Jedi Angst >:)
Ventress's sickles (much like Ahsoka, I only put one here to save space) is highly based on her Nightsister heritage. Even when she was a Padawan, I think she had that inspiration in her Jedi blade. Their blades are shaped like moons, and even her force signature is tinged with Nightsister Green (because her dark side powers also incorporate Nightsister Magick; if they didn't, they'd be pure blood-red, because it's important to me for Lore Reasons (tm) that while Jedi can have this whole array of colors, Sith all have the same shade of red).
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Original Trilogy Bois
Luke's green force signature is tinged with blue because I will always associate Luke Skywalker with blue. Don't ask me why. But Luke is BLUE and I will DIE ON THIS HILL. FIGHT ME.
Vader's saber is based on his greatsword from when he was Anakin, because I think he got attatched to the design. Also because I want that visual motif of "Anakin is still buried in there" because I am a sucker for symbolism and metaphors. But you know that already ;)
I don't have Anakin's original (and by original i mean like his umpteenth) saber, AKA Luke's first saber, because it's basically the same as we saw earlier, and these swords were TIME CONSUMING to render. However, I will note that the very tips of the flames on that saber begin to be tinged with sith red because of the atrocities Anakin committed with it. Someday I'll have a picture of it for you and you'll see what I mean
I don't have Old Obi's either, because again, TIME. CONSUMING. TO. RENDER. But it's basically the same as it was in the Clone Wars, just more corroded because my man was living in the desert.
If I cared enough to make Palpatation's saber (see i call him that because he gives me heart palpitations of rage) it would be here. But I do not. So it is not
(Okay. Yes he has a Saber in this AU I just haven't made it yet because I am Mad At Him)
Tagging: @whyoneartheven @majorproblems77 @anime-obsessed @lilliesandlight
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