#eating is so exhausting and i get so angry at all these people demonising carbohydrates aka the most accessible calory for your body
riverofrainbows · 11 months
TW: i will be talking about food and nutrition and disordered eating, please keep scrolling of you are not up for that right now.
I somehow landed on the "healthy eating nutritionist" side of insta, and omg what fucking problem do these people have with sugar. "Wah wah there is juice concentrate in my baby snack that's so evil" it's a sweet baby snack with fruit what the hell did you expect.
And a lot of the "nutritionist advice" is generally not bad advice and probably helpful while on the journey of recovering from an eating disorder, but it's always only half way there while still incorporating ed motivations around eating. "If you want to eat the cookies you can pair them with addition filling snacks". Like this is probably good advice for people recovering from binging and i am glad if it's helpful for that, but it's still kind of disordered eating. You can just eat the cookies if you want what's bad about that. "You might quickly be hungry again" well then i eat more because evidently i didn't eat enough today. "This food doesn't have many nutrients but it can still be a part of a healthy diet" well sure but why are you still treating the muffin like it's a criminal. It also implies that there is an evil amount of muffin we need to moderate to avoid. "Here is a healthy snack" shows a low carb high fiber lowish fat snack. Why would healthy always involve a low caloric food every single goddamn meal. Also how the fuck is anyone supposed to take in enough calories if every meal is lentils and salad. It's the same logic as in other common diet tipps that's so utterly baffling to me, when people try to replace higher calory food with low calory substitutes. Because then i will just have to eat more to get enough calories???? It just means i ate a meal almost for nothing. Why are you disrespecting all the work your ancestors did to provide you with food options that give you enough calories in one meal instead of 1½ meals and a snack of zucchini pasta??? I'd have to spend double the amount of time eating.
I would love some nutritionist reels on how to make sure you get all your nutrients and enough of them more easily, but that's never the point. I have such trouble getting enough food in me because i barely have access to convenient ready made food nor energy to make myself food, and here are these people jumping through hoops to make sure they make nourishing themselves harder than necessary while claiming not to promote disordered eating (even if they are a lot better that full blown eating disorder promotion).
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