#eido muntro
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also hello there i’m patrick, but i more often go by patty!! i’m 22 and use he/him pronouns!! i play too many video games but i absolutely adore the kingdom hearts series along with the final fantasy series!! i also rp sora here @ eido and i’m super excited to rp zack for the first time!!
with that said, here comes a starter call!! i’ll try and get to these as soon as i can!! gonna cap it at 5 for now because i still have a ton of replies to get to on sora, but i may very well increase the cap later on!!
edit: i’ve changed the cap to 5 because i’ve lost control of my life, so!!
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
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and with muse introductions out of the way, i’ll say hi myself!! the name’s vapz, i’m 22 and use she/her pronouns! i’m just a little lesbian and i adopt a lot of fictional kids. i’m also nines and ophilia here, so i’m just giving a baby intro for now. if you wanna get to know me, feel free to follow me at @cruelarrogance on twitter!!
with that said, here’s a starter call for nils! i’ll cap at 5 for now, fire emblem muses exempt. as always, if you want to plot, dm me and you’re free from the cap as well!! ily!
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sivvang · 5 years
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Veloce Visrin
a young sorceress bearing a prestigious and infamous name
a carciphona; her human soul is infected with demon spirits
shunned by everyone and has lived in painful isolation for a while so excuse her poor people skillz
sarcastic and tired
a great friend, actually.
just trying to live fam
blackbird dont interact
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18+ | she/her
boba addict, kpop connoisseur ( stan loona ), 24/7 confused 
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decompking-blog · 5 years
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Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu || The World Ends With You
a pain in the ass
cryptic, doesn’t know how to give a straight answer
somehow hasn’t been punched in the mouth
questionable moral standings
will ask shit to give someone an existential crisis
doesn’t have friends [pretends to be shocked]
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Erika || Bandori Enthusiast
i like rhythm games, girls, and i have the tendency to get hit by nostalgia at the least expected moment
if you befriend me i will never stop talking
at college for creative writing
am just a little creachur
do ur best today!
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tempesse-blog · 5 years
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❧ weiss schnee // RWBY
✻ she might be called the “ ice queen ” but she’s soft and warm - hearted af!! 
✻ but she can also kick ur ass. in  HEELS  and in  STYLE
✻ would start a passionate “ i hate my shitty dad ” club in a heartbeat
✻ would also start a “ i love my friends, big sister, and dogs ” club
✻ please hug her
❧ the writer
✻ lexi, but some of u kno that already
✻ REALLY hecken gay for weiss schnee !!!
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kurietir-blog · 5 years
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momo yaoyozoru ; my hero academia.
✧ aspiring heroine in u.a.’s class 1-a
✧ top of her class in academics & vice president
✧ human gacha machine
✧ gets excited about studying & meeting her goals
✧ cares very much about people & being a good role model
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✧ 21 y/o
✧ she / her
✧ rps girls 90% of the time
✧ likes 2 fight
✧ i’ll probably have more muses later on that’s an unwilling promise
✧ very friendly!! just lazy
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happiment-blog · 5 years
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ayano tateyama // kagerou project
just a normal girl that went from living in a never ending world of eternal summer to being plopped right smack dab in the middle of uh. winter? has a liking for heroes and the color red! red’s the color of heroes, after all! oh, but she isn’t a hero. she tried to be, but it didn’t work out too well, unfortunately. she’s not the smartest person out there, you know?
although friendly, it seems hard to get close to her. it’s what happens when you’re alone for, uh. two years or so.
really just cares about the people she loves a lot. a little too much, actually. she just wants to see them again.
full of many regrets. a lot. very many. 
oh, did she mention she can kinda remember how many times she’s failed? yeah. 
she can also project her memories and thoughts onto other people— er, well. she should be able to. if she can’t do it, is she just like a zombie now? scary.
anyway, she’s open to talking to people. she just has trouble not being a cryptic.
she’s rather unoccupied and still attempting to get used to being around people again. her only actual company has been her thoughts for a long time, so she can mostly be found wandering the village or near the bunkhouses. on occasion, she can be found on the outskirts of eidolon, but never too far from the village itself.
also! please keep in mind ayano’s backstory has mentions of suicide. these will naturally be tagged, should they be mentioned or alluded to. 
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and hello! it’s me again, rika! 20, she/her and ur new friend uvu! i’m also the group’s xion ovo! feel free to ask me for my disc or chat with me on twitter! pls give either of my gals hugs ty
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astemoria-blog · 5 years
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xion | kingdom hearts
organization xiii's mysterious fourteenth member. she was an experimental replica used to "catch" roxas's memories and create a keyblade wielder for the organization. in the end, she was erased from existence and returned to sora where she belonged. ❞  — journal entry, dream drop distance
seems a little sad (is a little sad. she just wants to see her friends again).
currently in sora’s heart... or at least, she should be.
is having fun experiencing snow for the first time, despite her odd situation.
also would like some ice cream, actually.
enjoys making memories, but gets confused on which are hers (it’s a long story).
it’s really cold here but she’s weirdly used to extreme temperatures (example: wandering around a literal Desert in a black leather coat with black boots and black hair and black gloves and god help)
has a nagging sense that she shouldn’t be here (as in. existing. lol).
a little awkward, but friendly! will offer to buy you ice cream (it’s what friends do, isn’t it?)
may act distant at first bc she’s used to operating from the shadows, but if you’re nice, she’ll warm up pretty quickly.
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hey yo it’s me, yo gurl rika (again). as always, my proper intro can be found on kotone’s blog! uvu
as i’ve said in my app, xion is currently placed within DDD. anything kh3 related will be reflected at a later date let’s get this bread ladies and homies 
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mysterelle · 5 years
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blake belladonna // rwby
ninja, book reader, rebel
if it fits i sits
really doesn’t enjoy the cold so this is perfect for her!
loves her friends, tea and revolution
very cautious, but still here for a good time
has the power of canon bisexuality AND anime on her side
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me (?) // real life (?)
its me harls!
i like big dogs, women and caramel lattes
currently studying game development & design
im a libra please be nice to me
stay groovy!
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firestarter · 5 years
hewwo everyone! this blog is for axel from kingdom hearts. my name’s jamie. 
i’m 24 years old and genderfluid (they/them or she/her; i love masculine terms of affection like dude, lad, king, etc).
i live on an island in the caribbean and predictably love sunshine and the sea.
i also love video games. one might even call me….. a gamer. scandalous, i know.
and now for the lad of the hour: 
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“the name’s axel. got it memorized?”
former assassin / conniving traitor / oh, you know of organization xiii. 
sea-salt ice cream enthusiast. 
he’ll gladly eat ice cream while surrounded by snow tbh.
he’s still missing his heart... and actively wants to find it. somehow.
he did some wild things in the past. he’s looking to atone for these wild things. 
a changed guy thanks to the power of friendship™.
gay icon because i said so. 
might seem kind of rude but, y’know what? it’s all part of his charm.
seriously. he’s charming. really!!!
more information can be found on my app page... or, you know, you can also just send me a message or an im. hope we have a CHILL ( (☞゚ヮ゚)☞) time together!
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sembless · 5 years
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he’s just a boy and life is a nightmare
but he’s also a huge asshole, don’t let the pretty face fool you
he will stab as a warning and then stab you again just for fun
would give his dad the award for worst father ever, but he killed him--and he’s damn proud of it
he’s really good at fighting. and breakdancing
uses heelies to escape his feelies
he’s been in the same outfit for like 2 years, someone buy him clothes
when will he be redeemed? tune in to find out
hi hi i’m sid!
22 y/o dummy and professional sloth
catch me crying about mercury black 24/7 i love my son
i also love naps and coffee
i’m really dumb and tired
i’d love to be friends!
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adriftingdoctor · 5 years
//I really hate introduction. So I’ll make this super short.
I’m sleepy. You can call me Sleep or Nora or Aya. 
I do have a discord and would like to plan things on discord instead of messenger due to my shitty memory, so it’ll be easier for me to review, Just ask me about it. 
Also, I cannot flirt to save my life, but, I’ll be doing my best because Noel is a flirty type.
Please bear with me, as work takes a lot of energy out of me, so I’ll most likely only be on at 9pm or later PST to rp (maybe not everyday), but I’m up for plotting anytime via discord. Just shoot a message. I like to do detailed but they will take more time.
I should be free on most weekend to do some rp. 
Now about Noel. This trash is a thief. Who would be happiest having an entire place to himself. He likes the idea of using his bunk as a ‘treasure’ storage. (Wait until he finds out about lack of paintings,) And doesn’t want any witnesses around to see the evidence of his crimes. He is already distressed over losing his entire collection when he arrived to  Eidolon. 
Despite his criminal inclination, he’s very friendly. Although he can get very serious when working. He considered himself ‘retired’ from the crime of life, but it’s just a lie to tell himself until he see the next irresistable painting. 
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zettaration-blog · 5 years
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sho minamimoto | the world ends with you
loud, proud, and way better than you
obsessed with math. this bleeds a bit into physics and computer science.
seriously, just listen to him talk. you’ll hate it.
he’s ambitious and intelligent, which is a dangerous combination most of the time.
it’s fine though, he doesn’t have his powers here
wait, he has a gun?
oh god why does he have a gun
joshua you have to run
oh god he’s got his airpods in he can’t hear me-
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vi | oh, you know
she / her, 25, engineering major at college
also the one who loves the little blond thief
I swear to god I’m a serious rper
just a little chaotic.
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petitmafioso · 5 years
Hi hello, I’m Soma and sometimes I go back to this terrible and now off-blue site to write when I feel like it. Right now I’m RPing only Chuuya, but I plan to bring another character to the group soon!
I’m very slow at replying but I’ll try my best. I think otters are cute. I am bad at introductions. But that is not the point. 
I wrote this to double as a starter call. Two slots for now, maybe three? I’ll see how I feel about it. 
As for the character, here are some interesting points to know:
- Chuuya is one of the executives of an organized crime group called the Port Mafia, and he is known as their best martial artist. Characters tied to more shady stuff might roll well with him, if their objectives align.
- He’s very touchy about his hat, and proud of it. Fashion is important.
- Even if he is a mafioso, he follows his heart a lot. He decided to go down his way to protect the city he loved, after all. He will not hesitate to do what is right, but his loyalties will always take precedence over this kind of stuff. But most of the time he might seem almost nice. 
uuuuuuh what else
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- he is 160cm tall 
Characters who would probably click with him vary by a lot, but he will not turn down a request for help (more so in a new environment) or simply being friendly/collaborate with locals for intel. You might get in trouble if you try to manipulate him into something, but if that is how you’d rather play things that would be fine with me! 
If you have an idea or would like to talk it out, just send me an ask. 
And let’s have fun?????? I guess????????? whew
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vingarlla-blog · 5 years
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what is up everyone! the name’s gold, i’m 25 and use she/her pronouns. i go feral at least 3 times a day and would do anything for a cup of coffee 🤙
don’t ask me about r/w/b/y i’ll literally never shut up and you’ll be stuck with me and my 12901 dissertations on why yang deserves the world
the same applies to a/utomata. i love those depressed androids. same nihilism, bitch!
i like characters who are either sunshines with a tragic story or depressed basards with a heart of gold (haha)
i’m currently living my best life as a tattoo apprentice! soon enough i’ll be able to call myself a tattooist siri send the sadcat emoji
currently free from the clutches of college!! take that, capitalism
i enjoy drawing, editing & making graphics so lmk if you need help!
oh right! you may also know me as mod radiance
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susanoosx-blog · 5 years
Takeru Totsuka
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better known as the mythical japanese god, susanoo
basically an angry sea god
he yells a lot
the embodiment of AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
gods suck and he deserves so much better
he’s really good with using a sword
he likes to train a lot
befriend him please, he’s actually really nice
imagine angry puppy
Emil / he|they / 23
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i sit around drawing and playing fgo all day
please save me from uni
mun clearly has no idea what they’re doing half the time
i honestly only got into kamiaso recently please bear with me trying to write this sea boy
i also haven’t properly rped in a group in months so like really bear with me
i’m into other mobage but fgo has taken over my life
you can follow my twitter if you want more screaming from me
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