#elpida miniseries
zaffrenotes · 4 years
elpída: epilogue
Book: The Royal Heir, Future Rating/Warnings: PG (subject matter)  Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * OCs are my creation * Set roughly 20 years into the future of the TRH timeline. I was inspired to write this based on an ad I saw last November. This does not follow the full TRH timeline from the book * elpída is the Greek word for “hope” * Word Count: +/- 1500 
Perma/TRR/TRH Taglist: @ao719 @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @gibbles82 @innerpostmentality @loveellamae @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries // @aestheticartsx @aworldoffandoms @bascmve01 @bbrandy2002 @burnsoslow @custaroonie @darley1101 @dcbbw @gardeningourmet​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @iplaydrake​ @lodberg​ @lovemychoices​ @missevabean​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @superharriet​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kimmiedoo5​ @msjr0119​ @omgjasminesimone​ @princess-geek​ @queenjilian​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @texaskitten30​
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The new queen celebrates with friends and family alike within the palace. Her guests dare to smile and laugh amidst sparkling wine, music, and dancing. It’s only in the briefest of moments that Teddy’s heart aches, and she misses her parents. She remembers watching them work a room together at royal functions like this; the way their eyes sparkled for one another even across a vast ballroom, and the magical way they seemed to float across the floor when they danced. She hopes to find a love like that for herself one day.
Olivia seems to have found that in a duke, Teddy muses, noticing the way the corners of Olivia’s eyes soften as the duke dances with her. She knows Olivia refrained from marriage during her reign, knowing it was a risk that whomever she married could use their status as King Regent to try and overthrow her. Tonight is about Olivia’s happiness as much as it is about Teddy’s duty, and she says a silent prayer that Theía Liv will have a large emerald ring on her finger soon.
Teddy makes her rounds, chatting amicably with her cousins and the next generation of nobles that will become members of her court. She finds it odd, how seamlessly she steps into her role as queen; she stands straighter, her movements are more refined, and she smiles a little softer. She’d love nothing more than to kick off her heels and run around the ballroom, skirts gathered up in her hands, the way her mother used to unwind after functions.
When all their guests had departed, and only the royal family and their close friends remained, Maxwell would put on a playlist of their favorite songs and everyone would run around in their bare feet while the palace staff cleared tables. It was her favorite part of the evening; her mother and father would check on her, Amynta, or Liam, and one of them would inevitably be awake. They’d gather everyone in their pajamas for an impromptu dance party, before one of them would take Teddy and her siblings back to their private residence to settle down with another story.
“Darling, darling girl,” Liam whispered. Teddy pinched her eyes shut as she woke from sleep, hearing her father’s voice. “Would you like to have a dance party with us?”
“What time is it?” Teddy yawned. She sat up in bed and Liam laughed softly in response. She felt her father’s hand pat her head affectionately, smoothing down her hair in the process.
“Far past midnight,” he whispered. She climbed into his lap, wrapping herself around him like a baby koala, and Liam got up from the bed like she weighed nothing. “But we have to uphold one of our favorite family traditions, don’t we?”
“Mmhmm,” Teddy mumbled into his shoulder, feeling Liam walk with her down the hallway. His dress shoes clicked softly on the floor, until another set of clicks began to follow them along with tiny giggles. When she opened her eyes, Katrina winked at her, with Amynta and little Liam’s hands in both of hers. Her brother and sister were clad in their pajamas, Liam’s hair half raised from being smushed against the pillow.
As they approached the ballroom, she heard notes of a catchy song and raucous voices cheering someone on. When Liam pushed the ballroom doors open, they were met with energetic greetings from their uncles and aunts – Maxwell, Olivia, Hana, Drake; Leo and Katie when they were able to visit. Their cousins were in their pajamas and already sliding around the ballroom floor.
Teddy perked up as her father set her down, and she grabbed hold of Minty and little Liam’s hands, running to join their cousins. Theíos Maxwell started dancing around, feet flying wildly in some kind of routine only he knew, while Theíos Drake twirled Theía Hana.
Her parents stood off to the side as they removed their shoes, but quickly joined their friends for the spontaneous dance session. The evening staff smiled as they cleared the remaining tables of china and linens from the evening’s dinner.
A slow track would break up the high-energy mix;  languid love notes would flow through the speakers, and the same thing would always happen. Theíos Leo and Theía Katie would pair off, as would her mother and father; Theíos Maxwell would pick up an exhausted Minty in his arms, and little Liam was usually stretched out over a few chairs, having fallen asleep again.
“Have you got enough energy in you for one more dance, kiddo?” Drake held his hand open to Teddy, tired smile across his face. “You can stand on my feet, if you want.”
Teddy grinned and gingerly stood on Drake’s toes, and he danced around in slow circles as the song played. “Theíos?”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
Teddy looked over to her parents. Katrina’s head was tilted up towards Liam, having shrunk several inches without the aid of her heels. His head tilted down to her as they glided across the ballroom, moving in tandem. Her hair had fallen loose, long strands of it down the back of a shimmery, champagne colored gown; he’d left his tailcoat hanging off the back of a chair long ago, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and bowtie undone. Even with eyes heavy with sleep, Teddy could see a sparkle in their eyes as they looked at each other. Despite their disheveled appearance, the pair of them radiated elegance and adoration for one another.
“Will I ever get to fall in love with someone, the way Mama and Daddy love each other?”
Drake faltered in his steps around the floor, unprepared for such a weighted question from his niece, given the hour. He continued on, hoping she didn’t notice, and glanced over at his best friends as they danced. “I hope so, kiddo. I really hope you get to find someone special like that.”
After the song ended, Liam and Katrina gathered up their children and brought them back to their rooms, tucking them into Teddy’s large bed. She remembered drifting off to the sound of her father’s voice as he read them a story, feeling safe and happy and loved.
Teddy will have to wait until her guests depart, before she can celebrate with her family and fondly remember King Liam and Queen Katrina.
Off the coast of Cordonia, a sailboat drifts in the inky blue water. The palace sits atop a hill, lit up for everyone to see. A tall man with dark hair leans against the mast of his ship; his temples are peppered with a hint of grey. He looks up to the palace before shifting his gaze to his companion – a petite woman with dark hair twirled into a bun. They heard the bells ringing earlier, signifying the coronation and return of a Rys heir to the throne.
They smile softly to one another under the moonlight, and he wraps his arm across the back of her shoulders, pulling her to him. She lets out a contented sigh, pressing her temple to his broad chest. She breaks the silence with a question. “How long should we wait, you think?”
“Give her a week or two,” he replies, his voice having grown deeper with time. “Today was a big day, and I bet she’s exhausted.” A pinging sound comes from his pants, and he pulls out a cell phone with a set of keys attached to a time-worn replica of the Statue of Liberty.
He drops the keys back into his pocket and glances at the message on the screen, before opening a series of photos. His fingers grasp the phone a little tighter, trembling at the images of the newly crowned Queen Eleanor Rys, looking as beautiful and bewitching as her namesake – sitting on the throne in her coronation garb with her head held high, followed by a photo standing beside Olivia. A tear runs down his cheek at the more informal photos, taken after the official reception – familiar faces raising glasses to the photographer, and one where Teddy’s running around the ballroom in bare feet with Amynta and Liam while she tries to gather up the skirt of her full ballgown. The last photo shows the three Rys children, rosy-cheeked and smiling brightly for the camera – Teddy is holding up her wrist to show off a bracelet, Amynta’s dainty fingers are holding up a pendant around her neck, and Liam is tugging on his suspenders to show off a tasteful signet ring.
“Something important?”
He angles the screen to show his companion the images, gently squeezing her shoulder to steady themselves as the boat bobs in the water. She gasps softly at the photos of the Rys children at the end. Their children look happy.
“Leo gave the letters to Teddy before the ceremony, and the kids got our gifts.”
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
elpída: part iv
Book: The Royal Heir, Future Rating/Warnings: PG (subject matter) / Character death(s) will be mentioned Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * OCs are my creation * Set roughly 20 years into the future of the TRH timeline. I was inspired to write this based on an ad I saw last November. This does not follow the full TRH timeline from the book * elpída is the Greek word for “hope” * Word Count: +/- 1300 
Perma & TRR/TRH Taglist: @annekebbphotography​ @ao719​ @blackcatkita​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @desireepow-1986​ @gibbles82​ @innerpostmentality​ @loveellamae​ @smalltalk88​ @thecordoniandiaries​ // @aestheticartsx​ @aworldoffandoms​ @bascmve01​ @bbrandy2002​ @burnsoslow​ @custaroonie​ @darley1101​ @dcbbw​ @gardeningourmet​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @iplaydrake​ @lodberg​ @lovemychoices​ @missevabean​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @superharriet​ @the-soot-sprite​ // @kimmiedoo5​ @msjr0119​ @omgjasminesimone​ @princess-geek​ @queenjilian​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @texaskitten30​
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It’s a small gathering within the palace chapel. Heads of noble houses are in attendance, some with their children – the newest generation in a long line of nobility. They’re all loyal to the Crown and friends of King Liam and Queen Katrina. Royal Council members are there with their families, along with government officials. The space is peppered with Olivia’s Scarlet Sentinels – the reformed guards she trained during the war – standing guard for potential threats.
Eighteen year old Teddy cried out in frustration as she fell to the mat, the outside of her ankle stinging from where Olivia’s wooden staff struck her. As Olivia spun around to strike again, Teddy swung her legs over her head and back the other way, using the momentum to flip up off the ground. With her own staff out of reach, Teddy pulled the wooden daggers from her belt and blocked Olivia’s attempt to knock her down. She moved to sweep Olivia’s legs out from under her, only to double over in pain when her aunt struck her across the abdomen, and again across her back.
With the air knocked out of her, Teddy fell to the floor on her hands and knees, a dull pain at the base of her skull as Olivia pressed one end of the staff against her. “Ha!” Olivia exclaimed, pulling the staff away from Teddy’s head. “Get up, girl, let’s try again.”
Teddy sat back on her heels, trying to catch her breath. “Theía, this is insane,” she wheezed. “Do we really need to keep running these drills?”
Olivia sighed, extending a hand to help Teddy up from the mat. “I was training with real blades at thirteen, young lady.” They walked over to a bench, and sat down, before taking swigs of water from their water bottles. “We’ve got to make do with what we can right now, but if you were in Cordonia, I’d have you training with the finest steel Lythikos could offer. You know your parents fought with less in their day, right?”
Teddy began fixing her hair again, yanking the elastic free before working to pull her hair up in a high ponytail. “Mama told me about fighting Anton on their wedding day and beating him with a stick.”
Olivia’s hand moved to touch her side, remembering the day vividly in her mind, and the wound she sustained. “Yes. You’ve got to be able to work with whatever you have, to defend yourself and your family.” She took a long sip of water before continuing. “Be it a gun, a sword, or a chunk of wood, you need to know how to fight…how to stand up for yourself.”
Teddy let out a long sigh, staring ahead of her at nothing in particular. “Theía, how do you think people will react, when it comes time for me to return?”
Olivia dabbed at her temples with a small towel. “The people miss you, just as they missed your parents before this whole thing started,” she answered softly. “There may be some that will resist the change, but I only took the position because we needed a leader. I won’t lie and tell you I haven’t enjoyed parts of being queen.” Olivia laughed softly, seeing Teddy make a smug face. “The perks are great, you’ll see. But even with all my experience as a duchess, there was a massive learning curve. I don’t know how your parents handled it and still had so much time for you and your brother and sister.”
“A little bit of magic, a lot of help, and Mama’s ridiculous organizational skills,” Teddy chuckled.
“Gods, did your mother like to organize,” Olivia sighed. “Always full of surprises, that mother of yours. Barely any combat training, and she could swing a sword with finesse.”
Teddy took a long swig of water from her bottle. “How’re Liam and Minty doing with their training? You just saw them, right?”
“Liam’s doing well with hand-to-hand combat, much like your father,” Olivia surmised. “Amynta is showing some real prowess with a sword.”
“Minty’s training with swords already, and I’m still on bo staffs?!”
“I’m training you with everything, you need to learn how to stay on your feet and adapt!”
“Not so easy when you’re always knocking me off my feet,” Teddy taunted.
“You’re still breathing, aren’t you?” Olivia huffed playfully.
“And if you can breathe, you can stand, right?”
Olivia turned her head to look at her honorary niece, who looked more like Katrina with each passing year. She pursed her lips into a satisfied grin. “Finish the sentence.”
“If you can stand, you can fight,” Teddy replied. The Nevrakis family motto was one she and her siblings memorized at a young age, as soon as Olivia started training all of them how to fight.
“Damn right,” Olivia grinned, standing up. “Since you’re still breathing, how about one more round?”
Teddy nodded her head and stood up. “Show me the sweep combo again?”
Teddy came out of hiding not long after her twenty-first birthday; the age at which a Cordonian monarch could rule without need for an appointed regent. In a surprising move, the Council overlooked the marriage clause, as they did when Olivia was crowned Queen, given the unprecedented state of affairs.
The news of Teddy’s return was mostly positive – the Cordonian people were thankful to know the Rys heirs were alive – but there were many questions concerning Teddy’s intention to resume her place as rightful heir to the throne, when Olivia spent the better part of the decade defending the country and working to restore it to its former glory.
There were numerous appearances and interviews of the reigning queen and queen-to-be together; stories confirming that Olivia, of course, had always known Princess Eleanor was alive and well. There were records of Liam and Katrina’s approval to have Olivia Nevrakis rule the country in their absence, having become a trusted friend and ally to the Crown. She painted a new side of the Nevrakis name – one that could be regarded to rule without unnecessary bloodshed.
Teddy stands behind the chapel doors, hearing processional music on the other side. The whole thing feels like a marriage ceremony, and she wishes her parents were there to reassure her. Instead, she glances down to the bracelet dangling from her wrist, and her heart aches lightly in her chest. She takes in a deep breath, a pair of Sentinels swing the chapel doors open – and she begins the long walk to the altar on her own.
The crown is heavy on Teddy’s head, much heavier than when she practiced wearing a replica weeks ago. Her hands begin to sweat, holding the scepter and orb, and the weight of the robe on her shoulders tugs at her back, threatening to slip off at any moment. The priest continues on in Greek, reciting prayers, and she smiles to herself, realizing that her father was in a similar position during his own coronation so many years ago.
She repeats the words addressed to her, pledging her loyalty to the Cordonia, followed by more prayers. Once she’s seated on the throne, clergymen swear their fealty to her. Family follows, led by none other than her Theía Olivia, paying homage to their new queen. Leo bows before her, along with her sister and brother, and their Theíos Drake. Theía Hana pays homage on behalf of her house, followed by her uncles Maxwell and Bertrand Beaumont. The rest of Cordonia’s major noble families pay their respects, and there’s a procession out of the chapel.
Church bells toll throughout the capital, signifying the coronation of Cordonia’s newest monarch, Queen Eleanor Theodora Bailey Rys. Cries of celebration and joy carry through the streets long into the night, and there’s an air of optimism that hovers between pleasant conversations. It’s a moment the people have anticipated for many years, knowing that Queen Olivia was a good ruler, but they have renewed hope for Queen Eleanor to lead them into a long and peaceful reign.
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
Elpida Masterlist
MINISERIES: ON HIATUS; last updated August 2020
Summary: Set roughly 20 years after the events of The Royal Heir (Book 1), following the birth of Crown Princess Eleanor Theodora Bailey Rys, aka Teddy.
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WARNING(S): Language referencing major character death(s); do not read if character deaths are a trigger for you.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Epilogue: I
Epilogue: II
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
Tag List Update
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It’s that time again - it’s been almost a year since I updated my lists, and seeing as I’m wrapping up one series (Kairos), prepping for RODAW, picking up old series, and deciding what new thing I want to work on next, I want you to be able to read the things you want to 💙
Comments and/or reblogs are good (and I appreciate every single one of them!), but I've made up a form that will hopefully make things easier. Listing perma/book tags below the cut; to avoid repeating names by listing every series, I'm mentioning everyone that's been tagged for at least one book/series to opt in on what you want.
If you're seeing this post but you weren't tagged and you want to be on a taglist, hello! and click the link below 😊
If you've been tagged but you're no longer into my writing, ignore this post and the form; I'll remove you from tags once I close submissions. There won't be any hard feelings - I know tastes change over time, and I don't want to annoy you with a story you no longer wish to read
You can always hop on or off a list later, this is just my attempt to stay organized
Form will stay open until Sunday, 25 July, 11:59 EDT. After that time, I'll update lists accordingly.
These are included on the form, but here are 50 words or less "snapshots" of my WIPs and upcoming series:
(last updated November 2020) The Exchange: Daniel Henney x Reader thing where you meet Daniel Henney at an informal gathering
(last updated June 2021) To Ruined Friendships: Logan Delos x Reader potential miniseries where you set aside years of friendship with Logan to see the side of himself he rarely shows the world
Ride or Die
(last updated July 2019) Mixtapes & Milkshakes, Side A: through a series of flashbacks via mixtape, Jin recounts her time with the Mercy Park Crew and the two boys she fell for (Logan x MC, Colt x MC)
(TBD) Mixtapes & Milkshakes, Side B: AU where Logan recounts his summer with MC (Lana) while he listens to an album
(last updated February 2020) Mixtapes Hidden Track: open series of one shots between Logan and Jin as they repair their relationship
(last updated July 2019) Prologue to Breathe Hope Love Live: 3-part introduction to an AU where Ellie tries to start a new life on the East Coast, but she’s still in love with Logan and Colt
(TBD, August 2021) RODAW 3.0: fic, edits, crafts, and other submissions for ROD Appreciation Week
(TBD, August 2021) Untitled AU: series adjacent to Mixtapes (Hidden Track) where Logan learns how to love & be loved as he and Jin rebuild their relationship and start a family
The Royal Romance/Royal Heir
(last updated November 2018) Crimson Snow: gangster AU where Liam is part of the Yakuza. IDK when this series will actually begin
(last updated February 2020) Deja Brew: prologue posted; coffeeshop-esque AU that will incorporate Friends quotes/prompts that will loosely follow events from TRR Book 1, if everything had taken place in New York
(last updated August 2020) Elpida: TRH AU set 20+ years in the future, where Eleanor “Teddy” Rys returns to Cordonia to be crowned Queen. Technically complete but I've been asked to write more
(last updated July 2021) Kairos: nearly completed Wacky Drabbles series/AU where Riley asked Liam about the one that got away. Liam recalls his time with a woman named Elia, and their time together one summer
(last updated July 2021) Love is Patient: possible Wacky Drabble AU/miniseries where Liam and Trina had a chance meeting as kids and pretended to get married. 20 years later, Trina’s summoned to Cordonia because Liam can’t be crowned king without a wife. Can two relative strangers fall in love and prove their love is real in time?
(last updated October 2020) Morpheus Dreams: snippet posted; soulmate AU set in a post-apocalyptic world where dreams only occur when you fall asleep in the arms of your soulmate. burnsoslow’s Alyssa Devereaux from Remember Two Things will be on loan
(last updated October 2019) Morsels: miscellaneous one shots following You Are the Reason series, where Liam and Trina navigate married life in between ruling as monarchs, raising kids, and finding moments of time for themselves
(last updated September 2019) Serendipity: college AU where TRR characters exist, but Cordonia doesn’t and they don’t have noble titles. Liam shares a kiss with Trina within minutes of meeting her, and spends the rest of the semester getting to know her
(last updated December 2020) Sojourn: AU comprised of one shots after TRR Book 2 events, where Trina accepted Liam’s proposal on the condition that she goes to law school before they marry. Drake becomes her roommate/extension of the Kings Guard for protection while he also finishes his degree. Chaos sometimes ensues; precursor to You Are the Reason
(last updated April 2019) You Are the Reason: series occurs after Sojourn, where recent graduates Trina and Drake officially return to Cordonia. However, unknown forces try to keep Trina from marrying Liam. Some parts of TRR Book 3 will be included
(TBD 2021) Untitled Summer Love/Wacky Drabbles series: AU where Cordonia doesn’t exist/no one has noble titles. Liam and Drake take a long overdue summer vacation, where they meet an interesting pair of ladies, under odd circumstances. Will there be more than one summertime spark?
FYI I don't post anything on a schedule 🙈also tags max out in a post so I'll reblog in a minute. Thanks for reading this mess, and reading in general 💙
Permatag All Stories: @ao719 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @neotericthemis @ofpixelsandscribbles @smalltalk88 @the-soot-sprite
BLADES: @choicesarehard @princess-geek @saivilo @storyofmychoices @walkerswhiskeygirl
MOTY: @justbeingmyself21 @pirateofprose /princess-geek /saivilo @siegrrun
ROD: @burnsoslow /choicesarehard /pirateofprose
TRR/TRH: @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 /burnsoslow @choiceskatie @darley1101 @dcbbw @gardeningourmet @iplaydrake @kingliam2019 @liamxs-world @rainbowsinthestorm @riseandshinelittleblossom @superharriet @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter
melee tag for anyone that was tagged for a ROD or TRR series but I have too many to post lists one by one so you need to check off what you wanna read *points to snapshot descriptions above*: @alexpottrechoices @blznbaby @brightpinkpeppercorn @choices97 @clairexoxo100 @client-327 @cocomaxley @cordonianroyalty @cordonian-literature @everythingchoices @forallthatitsworth @gibbles82 @gkittylove99 @gnatbrain @h3llostrang3r @hustacks
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
2020 End of the Year Faves
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
My Notes: Thank you @the-soot-sprite, @ao719, @queenrileyrose, and @cocomaxley for tagging me 💙 I had to take a minute and look at what I’d written this year in list view (62 posts so far this year, even with an unplanned hiatus) and...a lot of my faves are actually things I never planned to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TRH - Elpida: an AU miniseries where Eleanor Rys is about to be crowned as Cordonia’s Queen, and she reflects over what had to happen for her to be standing in her father’s place, years after leaving the country. 
TRH - Kairos: an AU/miniseries where Riley asks about Liam’s previous relationship, and she finds out more than she asked for when he decides to tell her about his “almost”
ROD - Adventures in Babysitting: A one-shot from an anonymous ask post-RODAW where the MPC looks after Logan & Jin’s kid. Ridiculous fluff and soft!Colt
The Dating Game: a semi-Choices related birthday fic for my Wonder Twin Anya, featuring guest appearances from our mutual friends and some of Anya’s favorite fellas
TRR - Extra Rice & Alibis: another birthday fic (this time for Ella) where all kinds of chaos pops up for fictional Ella’s birthday. Easter eggs and inside jokes everywhere - it was a collaborative effort with Anya and we laughed so many times coming up with the story
TRR - Morpheus Dreams: a dystopian Soulmate AU that was a one shot that will turn into a series in 2021, where people don’t dream until they fall asleep in the arms of their soulmate 
BLADES - Drabble Series, Fireside / Starlight / Afternoon Sun / Mal Moon Rising: technically these are 4 separate pieces, but they are true drabbles at 100 words each, conveying a brief moment of reflection within canon Blades events, told from the POV of Mal or MC (female elf)
Non-Choices - The Exchange: my first official non-Choices piece of fanfic, where female!reader finds herself at one of Daniel Henney’s backyard barbecues, and she catches his eye
Tagging these talented folks because I’m curious to know what would top your lists: @plumeriavibes @burnsoslow @ofpixelsandscribbles @troublemakerinspace @lovehugsandcandy If you're a writer, content creator, aesthetic editor, or artist and you happen to see this and want to play along, consider yourself tagged!
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
I need THE SCENE from elpida, please!!
ohhh my friend... a few things made me want to write elpida...
wondering what things would look like, if, after playing the end of TRH (1? I’m still somewhere in Book 2 even though I’m caught up from watching everyone else play) Liam and Trina would be all “HELL NO IS OUR BABY BEING BETROTHED”
The not-an-epilogue-anymore cutaway scene at the very end was the first thing to pop into my head
yeah I’m brainstorming what else and how to include more in the second half maybe it’s the actual epilogue maybe it’s a jumping off point maaaaybe things will go off on a tangent for a miniseries within the minseries because I like to complicate my life
followed by the opening scene of Teddy getting ready
and then filling in everything else in between
from this ask game
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
💎- What was your favorite part? ⛰️- What was the hardest part?: for elpida, please!!!
my babies babiessssssss 🥺🥺🥺
💎 - favorite part was the not-an-epilogue epilogue because all you bitches won’t let things be 😂...it was the first scene I saw clearly in my head when I got the idea to write about Liam and Trina’s kids and that mess that is TRH
⛰️ - hardest part to write about elpida was... everything? It’s a toss up between Trina’s letter and the flashback scene where Liam talks to Teddy about being nervous 🎈🎈🎈
PS - still working on more for this miniseries for extra closure, but with AU ideas popping up like gremlins I’m not sure when it’ll get posted 😬 thanks for the asks, @burnsoslow
fanfic writing asks 
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
The Royal Heir
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Friendship and Fries
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(MINI)SERIES: INCOMPLETE; Last updated January 2020
SUMMARY: An AU that will be mostly canon compliant, where King Liam and Queen Katrina have to deal with the fallout of betrothing their newborn daughter to one of Auvernal’s children.
Under Duress
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MINISERIES: ON HIATUS; Last updated August 2020
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STATUS: On hiatus; it took a lot of effort to write these recaps on a weekly basis and given the current plot of Book 2, I have little interest in exerting the same amount of effort for a book/series that’s not enticing me to play chapters right away.  
Recaps and analysis of The Royal Heir: Book 1
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
D, E, I, L for fanfic writers ask!
thanks for the asks @dcbbw ❤️ Answering below the cut to keep the post neat...
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D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
They’re all personal on some level, since I love the characters so much and sprinkle things about me in everything I write, but I think the one that resonates with me is Mauvais. Who hasn’t been in a relationship where they felt a moment (or several) of doubt and let it run rampant in their head?
E: What character do you identify with most? Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
RoD MC, as it were. I was the sheltered, straight A high school student with a small core group of friends, who wasn’t that popular (but didn’t care about social status) and spent more Friday nights having sleepovers with my bestie rather than going to a party. I also had the mega overprotective parent(s) + not getting a license in high school + fell for a “bad” boy senior year 🙈
In terms of reflecting “me” in Jin fics, I guess Forever and Yeah, Yeah come close. I’d totally plan a movie night with themed snacks for a first-time viewing of something (minus the petty theft, lol), or going out of the way to make an ordinary event memorable for someone I care about.
I: How many fandoms have you written in? Do you have a favorite?
I’m sort of up to 3, I guess - 98% Choices fandom, 1% Henney fandom, and 1% Logan Delos/Westworld fandom. Choices is my fave b/c most of my close friends and mutuals are here, though there's definite overlap in the fandoms.
L: Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Toss up between Mauvais as a one shot, and elpida as a miniseries. Mauvais for remembering the self-doubt and needing reassurance in a romantic relationship, and elpida for having to imagine a world where Liam & Trina’s kids had to grow up separated from their parents.
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