#em plays genshin
emirrea · 4 months
I really love this years Lantern Rite in Genshin!
More thoughts, screenshots and spoilers under the cut!
I don't know what it is with the new area they released, but I have been in no rush to explore it. And that's not a bad thing. Somehow I just find myself going through the area as if I was hiking around it myself, a.k.a stopping every ten minutes to take a bunch of pictures of the scenery. I guess I feel no rush to explore the area because I want to enjoy everything it has to offer. It also helps that I don't need to gather any of the materials from that area for any characters atm.
I mean, just look at this place, it's so pretty
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I've known Gaming for like a week and I love him already. He is precious, he deserves nothing but the best, he's great. 10 out of 10. The best boi ever.
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I definitely teared up after his performance and when he had the talk with his dad. I didn't think I would tear up, but yup, it happened. Gaming is wonderful. Also Xianyun is great, and the fact that she even made Zhongli go along with her plan to help Gaming was fantastic.
(also confession. I've played genshin for 2,5 years by now and this Lantern Rite was the first time I did any co-op lmao. it was super fun tho)
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I didn't expect to see the Fontaine characters, but I absolutely loved the whole last sequence of the Lantern Rite story. It's great, it's everything I ever hoped for.
(I love how the implication was at first that Furina, having just turned mortal again, is immediately reaching out to Hu Tao for her services askfdghkd, even though that wasn't the actual reason)
I also can't believe that Neuvi and Zhongli almost met offscreen. I knew Neuvi would go back on his word of "I'm not leaving Fontaine for a long time" the moment Furina started travelling lmao. I'm surprised that he didn't notice Zhongli's presence even from a distance. I feel like that would have come up during the last conversation with Neuvi if he had noticed Zhongli. But Zhongli noticed Neuvi and ran away asdfkjghl. What a Lantern Rite it would have been if suddenly there was a massive fight between two dragons in the middle of it.
(a part of me is wondering if Neuvi was being an overprotective dragon and went to Liyue ahead of Furina and the others to show his presence to Zhongli on purpose, but maybe he just wanted to get the tea and taste the spring water lmao)
It's a shame Furina didn't recognize Zhongli or that they didn't get to talk freely about being Archons, but at the same time, seeing Zhongli try to dodge anything in relation to Neuvi was hilarious. Especially with Hu Tao throwing shade at him lmao
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Girl, you don't even know how much you are stirring atm and I love you for it askdjgfhd. Her calling out Neuvi too with the "your friend... he doesn't go out much, does he?"
But I'm gonna end this whole post with this, because seeing this gives me so much joy
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garoujo · 8 months
don’t get me wrong i love my best friend but i am literally so excited for alone time when i get home
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Playing Genshin. The first Bounty I've done in nine months or so, and I get this:
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They're being so nice to me!
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I miss genshin I wanna hang out with my team and chill at my teapot and make everyone cookies and stuff TT
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sukunasstarlight · 13 days
guys i’m finally leveling freedom sworn after it stole my 50/50 do we put it on kuki or alhaitham u think
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snowshinobi · 8 months
sooo the Harbinger of Dawn is a pretty banger 3-star sword huh
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ktsumu · 1 month
everyone build gaming rn btw
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hydrachea · 1 year
God I want to use Kaveh especially with how much it took to bring him home but I do NOT know HOW TO.
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emirrea · 7 months
Spoilers for Genshin Archon Quest 4.2 & Focalors' design bc I felt the need to tweak her design a bit:
I can't get this out of my head, so I had to do an edit of Focalors' design. Wouldn't she look a lot better with the chest area of her dress covered up? Or am I just going crazy?
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Because I can't see any reason why she has to be showing so much skin in her design, and I'm not even saying that to be prude, it just genuinely does not make sense to me. If she had the tall model I could probably see how the design choice makes sense, but tbh with this model it just looks to me like she has abs that are way too high up lmao.
I only covered up her skin area without touching the decorations, which could be made more detailed and intricate if she didn't have to be showing so much skin. Also, I love basically everything else abt this design, it's just the front that baffles me.
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saetoru · 10 months
i think im enjoying writing this fic bc i feel like most fics talk about the lore and world building in genshin but very few of the ones i have read have ever rly talked about the actual elements and reactions and the fighting mechanics and its fun in a story setting vs a play setting
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Got a new flower for Alhaitham today and decided to put it + the also new C3 to the test against Raiden. He shreds, I'm proud (and he is very spoiled...) 💪🏻
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Also, livestream in an hour?? Fontaine crumbs pls! I'm at home as well so I'll make an update post again like I tend to do sometimes.
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garoujo · 1 year
literally like 95% of my problems can be solved by masturbation or money <3
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c6jpg · 1 year
the al haitham situation is kinda funny bc honestly if he started with his current multipliers nobody would be batting much of an eye. they'd just see another not busted (dare I use the term not T0) male dps, groan and roll their eyes a bit, and then move on.
but hyv gave the people a taste of what could have been and now we have this circus so personally I'm
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happy birthday to Kaeya the skrunkly <33 perhaps one day i will muster up the braincells to give you the good build you deserve :))
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medi-melancholy · 1 year
“hey medi how’s C6 baizhu doing?”
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 7 months
Had enough items to speedrun and read both parts to Silvio's, then found more items and was able to read the sweet end for both Clavis & Jin.... aw hell yeah, triple epilogues baby 👀
I still feel very torn about how they're running things lately though, Ikepri is starting to feel much more cash cow-y with the high point requirements, the premium ends requiring BOTH readthroughs, and no more bday stories but instead grinding through events... love the characters & the storylines but like.. damn. i'm getting genshin ptsd ngl💀
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