#endangered species in estonia
afeelgoodblog · 11 months
The Best News of Last Week - June 26, 2023
1. California's Lake Oroville now at 100% capacity following megadrought; 1st time since 2019
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Once a stark example of the drastic effects of California's yearslong megadrought, Lake Oroville has rebounded and is once again filled to capacity, data from the state's Department of Water Resources shows.
Lake Oroville, the state's most beleaguered and second-largest reservoir, is at 100% of its total capacity and 127% of where it should be around this time of year - a huge boost after the climate-change-fueled megadrought sucked away nearly all its water supply.
2. Blue whales are thriving in California waters – the story of their amazing comeback
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If you’ve recently taken a Southern California whale-watching tour, you may have been lucky enough to come across earth’s largest animal. Pacific blue whales grow up to 110 feet long and can reach a weight of 200 tons. Decades ago, blue whales were nearly hunted to extinction, and although still listed as protected under the Endangered Species Act, marine biologists and researchers are heralding a “conservation success story,” unlike any other.
According to a study published in 2014 by researchers at the University of Washington, the West Coast blue whale population has bounced back at tremendous levels, recouping 97% of its pre-whaling population
3. Newborn left in Florida Safe Haven Baby Box adopted by the firefighter who found her
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Zoey is now 5 months old. Courtesy Zoey's family
A firefighter in Ocala, Florida, was pulling an overnight shift at the station in January when he was awakened at 2 a.m. by an alarm. He recognized the sound immediately. A newborn had been placed in the building’s Safe Haven Baby Box, a device that allows someone to safely and anonymously surrender a child — no questions asked.
“To be honest, I thought it was a false alarm,” said the firefighter, who wished to remain anonymous to protect his family’s privacy. But when he opened the box, he discovered a healthy infant wrapped in a pink blanket.
That baby would become his daughter, Zoey.
4. Iceland suspends whale hunt on animal welfare concerns
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Iceland's government said Tuesday it was suspending this year's whale hunt until the end of August due to animal welfare concerns, likely bringing the controversial practice to a historic end.
"I have taken the decision to suspend whaling" until August 31, Food Minister Svandis Svavarsdottir said in a statement. The country's last remaining whaling company, Hvalur, had previously said this would be its final season as the hunt has become less profitable.
5. He wanted to pet dogs for his 100th birthday. Hundreds lined up.
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Alison Moore had a unique idea to celebrate her father's 100th birthday: a pet parade filled with as many dogs as possible. Her father, Robert Moore, has always adored dogs and wanted to pet every one he saw. So, Alison took to social media and invited the community to join in the festivities. Little did she know that over 200 dogs and their owners would gather for the heartwarming event.
The parade brought immense joy not only to Robert but also to attendees like Rodger, who has Alzheimer's disease, and his daughter Denise, who hadn't seen her father smile so much in a long time. It was a day filled with wagging tails, smiling faces, and love that made Robert's milestone birthday an unforgettable celebration.
6. Historic decision: Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage
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Tuesday, the Estonian government has survived a vote of no confidence in the Riigikogu tied to amendments to the Family Law Act and related legislation, which is granting same-sex couples the legal right to wed. 55 members of the Riigikogu voted in favor of the measure, while 34 voted against.
It is proposed that the institution of marriage, as defined by family law, be modified so that  any two natural persons of legal age, regardless of gender, may marry. The words "man and woman" will be replaced with the words "two natural persons."
7. US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first 'lab-grown' meat
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For the first time, U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.
The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.
That's it for this week :)
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Monkey Day 
Spend a day at the zoo with these cheeky creatures, throw a monkey-themed fancy dress party or fundraise to protect these precious primates.
Monkeys are interesting creatures – cute, mischievous, and sometimes downright obnoxious (anyone who disagrees has obviously never had their laundry torn down by a family of primates when it’s hanging to dry). Many species of primates are also endangered, and then there are questions of animal rights and the usage of primates in medical research. That’s why there’s Monkey Day, a day that’s been dedicated to raising awareness about non-human primates.
Learn about Monkey Day
Monkey Day has been created to celebrate monkeys, as well as “all things simian,” which includes lemurs, tarsiers, apes, and other non-human primates. It is a great day when it comes to raising awareness about different types of monkeys and primates around the world, as well as the issues they face and how we can help them.
Environmental activists and animal rights activities are especially vocal and passionate about this date. The same goes for art institutions and visual artists. Supporters and celebrates of this date include the Smithsonian Institution, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre Museum, London’s National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic, Greenpeace, and Jane Goodall.
History of Monkey Day
Back in 2000, Casey Sorrow was an art student at Michigan State University, and he ended up writing “Monkey Day” on his friend’s calendar as a prank. But then they actually celebrated the occasion with other art students at MSU, and Sorrow later started collaborating with fellow MSU student on the Fetus-X comic strip, where the holiday was mentioned and popularized. Since then, Monkey Day has been observed internationally as a day to celebrate primates (including monkeys, but also apes, lemurs, and tarsiers).
Sorrow himself still does much to promote the holiday and the cause of primate welfare, and in addition to the Monkey Day website, he also maintains a “Monkeys in the News” blog which discusses primate-related news around the world and comes out with a list of the top ten primate-related news stories from the past year every Monkey Day.
Since Monkey Day was created, it really has gone from strength-to-strength. It is now celebrated in many different corners of the world. This includes Scotland, Turkey, Thailand, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Pakistan, India, Germany, and Canada. It has been described by the Washington Post as a day to do the following:
“Learn something about these adorable and highly intelligent primates. Or you could use this day to act like a monkey.”
Monkey Day Timeline
2nd Century AD Claudius Galenus studies monkeys
In the early days of pioneering medicine Galenus (known as Galen) studied monkeys through dissection, noticing their similarities to humans.
1939 Flying monkeys are featured in film Wizard of Oz
In a strange and frightening portion of the plot, monkeys with wings act as minions released by the Wicked Witch of the West to scare off Dorothy and her friends.
1941 Curious George makes debut in books
As monkeys begin appearing in films and books, one of the most endearing monkeys will last in popularity for at least 80 years–Curious George. Although there are only 7 books in the original series by H. A. Ray, the character lives on through an animated television show, videos and even a 2006 feature film.
1959 First monkey in space
A squirrel monkey, Miss Baker, and a rhesus macaque, Able, were the first monkeys who made a successful launch and return to space. They were sent by the United States Air Force on a Jupiter rocket.
2000 Monkey Day begins
As a little joke, Casey Sorrow, a Michigan State University art student, wrote “Monkey Day” on a friend’s calendar just to be silly. Then, in more silliness, they decided to go ahead and celebrate the day with other art students. Later, Casey Sorrow became the co-creator of the weekly Fetus-X comic strip, which was used to promote the day.
How to celebrate Monkey Day
You could simply dress up in a monkey costume and play the part, because there are some people who do just that for Monkey Day and even hold competitions for it. Or you could spend the day at the zoo, because many zoos around the world do hold special celebrations for Monkey Day. Some of these events focus on educational events about monkeys, while others do things like auction off artwork created by chimps and performing intelligence tests on primates.
Even if a local zoo in your area is not hosting an event on this date, we would definitely recommend taking a trip to your nearby zoo and spending some time with the animals. Make sure you do take a look at their calendar beforehand, as zoos all around the world have special activities and talks going on. For example, at Australia’s National Zoo & Aquarium, they hold a number of educational talks and activities that are designed to raise money for endangered species, such as Cotton-top Tamarins in Columbia, as well as increasing awareness.
In Scotland, at the famous Edinburgh Zoo, they raise awareness about the different dangers that primates face by using monkey storytelling. Monkey Day events are also held at The Faruk Yalçın Zoo and Botanical Park in Darıca, Turkey to raise awareness. In India, the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park holds a number of different programs so that children can become educated about issues facing wildlife and so that people are encouraged to adopt monkeys. The list doesn’t end there either. In Pakistan, the Lahore Zoo really goes the extra mile. They hold educational events and art competitions about monkeys, including performances to highlight the threats they face, poetry readings about monkeys, and much more.
Even if you don’t have a monkey at your house, you might consider throwing a monkey day party, inviting all of your friends over (keep in mind that humans are in fact primates too, even without gorilla costumes), and common activities at such celebrations involve films such as King Kong, Planet of the Apes, and Lady Iron Monkey, as well as monkey-themed music (The Monkees, anyone?).
Often, celebrations involve fundraising for primate-related causes and charities, and many organizations around the world dedicated to primates hold Monkey Day events of various sorts. So when Monkey Day comes around, get out there and do it proper, by monkeying around!
Finally, another way that you can celebrate Monkey Day is by watching a film based on this primate! There are so many different types of monkey films. Of course, the Planet of the Apes series of films is the most well-known, but there are many others. Disney’s Monkey Kingdom comes highly recommended. Other famous monkeys on our screens include the Chain-Smoking Capuchin in The Hangover Part II, Clyde in Every Which Way But Loose, Cheeta in Tarzan the Ape Man, George in Curious George, Joe in Mighty Joe Young, and King Louie in The Jungle Book. 
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 12.28
BiCreators Day
Brobdingnagian Proboscis Day
Call a Friend Day
Congress Foundation Day (India)
Cross Day (Ireland)
Dysemas Day (Northhamptonshire, UK)
Eat a Vegetarian Day
Els Enfarinats (Flour Fight; Ibi & Valencia, Spain)
Endangered Species Act Day
End-of-Year Days (EU)
Fourth Day of Christmas
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Holiday Breather Day
International Cinema Day
Kashmiri Homestead Day
King Taskin Memorial Day (Thailand)
Kullubi (Ethiopia)
Manure Day (French Republic)
National Call a Friend Day
National Card Playing Day
National Download Day
National Short Film Day
National Stan Lee Day
National Tim Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Republic Day (South Sudan)
Return a Gift for Cold Hard Cash Day
Shaheed Sabha (Punjab, India)
Stanley Races begin (Falkland Islands)
Take a Drive and Enjoy the Christmas Lights Day
Throw Away Your Subliminal Motivation Tapes Today Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Yule Log Day (UK)
National Box of Chocolates Day
National Chocolate Candy Day
National Eat Chocolate Day
4th & Last Thursday in December
National Betty Day [4th Thursday]
Independence Days
Iowa Statehood Day (#29; 1846)
Lundenwic (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Recognized, 1821)
Republic of Ut Pace (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yusienia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abel (Coptic Church)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Caterina Volpicelli (Christian; Saint)
Childermas (a.k.a. Feast of the Holy Innocents; Christian)
Day of the Holy Innocents (Spain)
Excelsior Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Fools, Day 3 (Holy Innocent's Day)
Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. Childermas; Christian)
Félix Vallotton (Artology)
Fool’s Day (Dis de los Inocentes; Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela)
Inocentes (Mexican December Fool’s Day)
Kwanzaa, Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)
Lamarck (Positivist; Saint)
Mike ’The Bike’ Hailwood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Only 4 Pasta-eating Days Left This Year Day (Pastafarian)
Simon the Athonite (Christian; Saint)
Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna (Christian; Saint)
Twelve Holy Days #3 (Gemini, the hands; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #4; Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
The Whispering Log (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bairns' Day (Unluckiest Day of the Year; Scotland)
Dyzymas (Medieval Unlucky Day; Bad Day to Start Anything)
The Sexiest Day of All the Days (in Ted Lasso)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 60 of 60)
Unluckiest Day of the Year
Black Hawk Down (Film; 2001)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (TV Special; 2018)
Bright Eyes (Film; 1934)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Play; 1897)
The Deep Six or It’s Tough to Fathom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 331; 1964)
1st Commercial Film Screening (Lumber Brothers; 1895)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (Film; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Book; 1973)
I Am Sam (Film; 2001)
Match Point (Film; 2005)
Mother, by John Lennon (Song; 1970)
The New Delhi-Cateseen or Judgment at Bloombergs (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 332; 1964)
On the Town (Broadway Musical; 1944)
Poor Richard’s Almanack, by Benjamin Franklin (Magazine; 1732)
Portrait in Jazz, by Bill Evans (Album recorded; 1959)
Saint Joan, by George Bernard Shaw (Play; 1923)
To Beep or Not to Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy, by Samael Aun Weor (Spiritual Book; 1953)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1960)
Today’s Name Days
Donna, Mattea, Unschuldige Kinder (Austria)
Mladen, Nevenka (Croatia)
Bohumila (Czech Republic)
Piia, Piiu (Estonia)
Piia (Finland)
Gaspard (France)
John, Unschuldige Kinder (Germany)
Domna, Mygdonios, Theofili (Greece)
Kamilla (Hungary)
Donna, Dorma, Innocenti Martiri (Italy)
Inga, Ivita, Jonatans, Mierins (Latvia)
Ema, Kamilė, Kantvilas, Vaidilutė (Lithuania)
Une, Unn, Unni (Norway)
Antoni, Dobrowiest, Emma, Godzisław, Teofila (Poland)
Ivana, Ivona (Slovakia)
Abel (Spain)
Benjamin (Sweden)
Aspen, Caspar, Gaspar, Innocent, Jasper, Kasper, Woodrow, Woody (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 362 of 2024; 3 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 16 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 2 Fest; Twosday [2 of 5]
Julian: 15 December 2023
Moon: 97%: Warning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Bichat (13th Month) [Lamarck]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 12.28
BiCreators Day
Brobdingnagian Proboscis Day
Call a Friend Day
Congress Foundation Day (India)
Cross Day (Ireland)
Dysemas Day (Northhamptonshire, UK)
Eat a Vegetarian Day
Els Enfarinats (Flour Fight; Ibi & Valencia, Spain)
Endangered Species Act Day
End-of-Year Days (EU)
Fourth Day of Christmas
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Holiday Breather Day
International Cinema Day
Kashmiri Homestead Day
King Taskin Memorial Day (Thailand)
Kullubi (Ethiopia)
Manure Day (French Republic)
National Call a Friend Day
National Card Playing Day
National Download Day
National Short Film Day
National Stan Lee Day
National Tim Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Republic Day (South Sudan)
Return a Gift for Cold Hard Cash Day
Shaheed Sabha (Punjab, India)
Stanley Races begin (Falkland Islands)
Take a Drive and Enjoy the Christmas Lights Day
Throw Away Your Subliminal Motivation Tapes Today Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Yule Log Day (UK)
National Box of Chocolates Day
National Chocolate Candy Day
National Eat Chocolate Day
4th & Last Thursday in December
National Betty Day [4th Thursday]
Independence Days
Iowa Statehood Day (#29; 1846)
Lundenwic (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Recognized, 1821)
Republic of Ut Pace (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yusienia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abel (Coptic Church)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Caterina Volpicelli (Christian; Saint)
Childermas (a.k.a. Feast of the Holy Innocents; Christian)
Day of the Holy Innocents (Spain)
Excelsior Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Fools, Day 3 (Holy Innocent's Day)
Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. Childermas; Christian)
Félix Vallotton (Artology)
Fool’s Day (Dis de los Inocentes; Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela)
Inocentes (Mexican December Fool’s Day)
Kwanzaa, Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)
Lamarck (Positivist; Saint)
Mike ’The Bike’ Hailwood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Only 4 Pasta-eating Days Left This Year Day (Pastafarian)
Simon the Athonite (Christian; Saint)
Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna (Christian; Saint)
Twelve Holy Days #3 (Gemini, the hands; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #4; Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
The Whispering Log (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bairns' Day (Unluckiest Day of the Year; Scotland)
Dyzymas (Medieval Unlucky Day; Bad Day to Start Anything)
The Sexiest Day of All the Days (in Ted Lasso)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 60 of 60)
Unluckiest Day of the Year
Black Hawk Down (Film; 2001)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (TV Special; 2018)
Bright Eyes (Film; 1934)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Play; 1897)
The Deep Six or It’s Tough to Fathom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 331; 1964)
1st Commercial Film Screening (Lumber Brothers; 1895)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (Film; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Book; 1973)
I Am Sam (Film; 2001)
Match Point (Film; 2005)
Mother, by John Lennon (Song; 1970)
The New Delhi-Cateseen or Judgment at Bloombergs (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 332; 1964)
On the Town (Broadway Musical; 1944)
Poor Richard’s Almanack, by Benjamin Franklin (Magazine; 1732)
Portrait in Jazz, by Bill Evans (Album recorded; 1959)
Saint Joan, by George Bernard Shaw (Play; 1923)
To Beep or Not to Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy, by Samael Aun Weor (Spiritual Book; 1953)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1960)
Today’s Name Days
Donna, Mattea, Unschuldige Kinder (Austria)
Mladen, Nevenka (Croatia)
Bohumila (Czech Republic)
Piia, Piiu (Estonia)
Piia (Finland)
Gaspard (France)
John, Unschuldige Kinder (Germany)
Domna, Mygdonios, Theofili (Greece)
Kamilla (Hungary)
Donna, Dorma, Innocenti Martiri (Italy)
Inga, Ivita, Jonatans, Mierins (Latvia)
Ema, Kamilė, Kantvilas, Vaidilutė (Lithuania)
Une, Unn, Unni (Norway)
Antoni, Dobrowiest, Emma, Godzisław, Teofila (Poland)
Ivana, Ivona (Slovakia)
Abel (Spain)
Benjamin (Sweden)
Aspen, Caspar, Gaspar, Innocent, Jasper, Kasper, Woodrow, Woody (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 362 of 2024; 3 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 16 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 2 Fest; Twosday [2 of 5]
Julian: 15 December 2023
Moon: 97%: Warning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Bichat (13th Month) [Lamarck]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 31)
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ainews · 1 year
The River Võhandu in Estonia is one of the most iconic rivers in the country. It is known for its historical significance, breathtaking scenery, and its captivating mystique.
For centuries, the Võhandu River has been an integral part of Estonian culture and history. In fact, the river was named after a legendary Estonian hero, Võhandu, who slew a giant bear and a dragon that lived in the river. According to legend, Võhandu was able to defeat the creatures by using his incredible strength and bravery.
Today, the Võhandu River is a popular spot for kayakers and rafters, who come from all over the world to experience its beauty. The river is also known for its unique rapids and eddies, which can be dangerous but also provide an adrenaline rush for those brave enough to tackle them.
The Võhandu River is also home to several endangered species, including the European otter, the Eurasian beaver, and the European mink. Conservationists have worked hard to protect these species, and the river's delicate ecology.
The Võhandu River is a symbol of Estonian pride, and it provides a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the country's history and culture. Its beauty and mystique are sure to leave a lasting impression on any traveller.
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unofficial-estonia · 7 years
Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) is the only species of flying squirrel found in Europe. It is under first category protection in Estonia.
The squirrel is pretty small (weighs around 150 grams). Its coat is grey and it has black eyes. A distinctive feature of flying squirrels is the furry glide membrane – a flap of skin that stretches between the front and rear legs. This allows the squirrel to glide from one tree to another.
In Estonia, the squirrels can most often be found from the forests surrounding the bogs of Virumaa and in Soomaa national park.
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Yes, these are meant to be cringy, no, I’m not sorry.
America: Don’t worry if you’re only wearing stripes, ‘cause I’ll make you see stars tonight! Canada: Are you a maple tree? ‘Cause I’d tap that. China: Pick up line? No idea. Want to go out tonight? (he’s an old man okay give him a break) France: Would you like to see my Eiffel Tower tonight? England: Is your name Alice? Because I’m lost in your wonderland. Russia: Hey comrade, quit Stalin’, let's share the means of reproduction.
Germany: Are you going to kiss me, or am I going to have to lie to my journal? Italy: Are you spaghetti because I want you to meat my balls Japan: Forget about foreplay and filler rice, let's get straight to sashimi.
Estonia: You make my software turn into hardware! Lithuania: Life without you is like a pencil... pointless! Latvia: I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice.
Romania: I'm like a vampire, but I am not hungry for your love and instead, I want your beautiful heart. Bulgaria: You must be frozen yogurt, because I want to spoon you. Ukraine: Did you work at Chernobyl? Because I feel my control rod moving. Belarus: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have a knife. Get in the car. Moldova: Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
Spain: Do you like fruit because I love you from my head tomatoes Romano: Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living? Greece: I have a cat, she would like to meet you. Turkey: You know…if your other boyfriend doesn’t show, I’ll be sitting over there looking all tall, dark, and handsome. Portugal: Do I know you from somewhere? And wow…you’re even more adorable up close. Vatican City: God said it is not good for man to be alone. So how about it? Monaco: Did I tell you I'm filthy rich and my mother's dead?
Denmark: I always thought happiness started with H. But, why does mine start with U? Sweden: If you’d like to come with me to IKEA, I can get you a one night stand Finland: Do you like heavy metal, ‘cause I can teach you how to scream Norway: Are you a magician? Because every time I look into your eyes, everyone else suddenly disappears. Iceland: I lost my scarf, can I wrap you around me instead?
Belgium: I’d take you to a chocolate shop, but you’re already so sweet. Netherlands: You must be debt because my interest in you is definitely growing. Luxembourg:  I’m letting girls take body shots off my amazing torso for 5 euro’s. How many can I count you in for?
Austria: Would you like to borrow my tuner? You're looking pretty sharp to me. Slovakia: Are you religious, because you’re the answer to all my prayers Czechia: I like my men like I like my books---well read and in leather. Switzerland: You must be bleu cheese, because I like the way you’re dressing. Hungary: Boy are you a frying pan? Cause you are sizzling hot. Liechtenstein: Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again? Poland: You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree, but the best place to fall... is in love with me! Prussia: Nothing’s as awesome as me - except the thought of us together!
Hong Kong: Hey, feel my sweater. You know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material Macau: Do you mind if I walk home with you? My mother always told me to follow my dreams. South Korea: Are you from Korea, because you could be my Seoul mate! Taiwan: Roses are red, my face is too, but that only happens when I’m around you. Thailand: If you stood in front of a mirror and held up eleven roses, you’d see the twelve most beautiful things in the world Vietnam: My ability to speak was taken away by your beauty, please take this card as a substitute India: I’m placing you on the endangered species list, because you’re one of a kind.
Egypt: Are you a camel, because I’d hump you Seychelles: I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran my boat into yours. So, I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes. Cameroon: There are 30 million grains of sand on this beach, but there's only one you.
Australia: You want an Aussie kiss? It's like french but down under. New Zealand: I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder Cuba: Are you a cigar, because you’re smoking hot!
Let me know if I’m missing anyone (or if there’s someone you want to see, or someone you’ve got a better line for), just reply to this post or send an ask!
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justingrxnt · 3 years
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    Alliance for the Safety & Rescue of Magical Creatures                                                              aka                                                   The Rangers
A non-government affiliated coalition of all wizard folk who work together to end the illegal selling, breeding, and poaching of magical creatures across the world. With Outposts London, San Francisco, Montreal, Rio de Janeiro, Manilla, Kabul, Jakarta, Nuuk. They are a network of allied witches and wizards of all backgrounds, all of whom are bound by a love for magical creatures.
Founded in Mexico City in 1959, by a man known as Flavio Ibarra, he was a pioneer in humane magical habitats and was appalled by the treatment of magical creatures by the magical government in South America, especially for illegal pet breeding for their northern wealthier neighbors. Initially starting as a more militant group nearly 60 years have gone by to become a worldwide network of magical creature enthusiasts and protectors who work together to fight off poachers by creating magical preserves, fighting (and occasionally) killing poachers or imprisoning them, establishing squadrons to of people to travel highly endangered areas of magical creatures to protect, as well as transporting magical creatures from both illegal sellers and from illegal owners.
They are fondly known as the Rangers across the world, and are non-government affiliated, but often work together with larger magical creature reserves and their magical creature control departments. They are largely unpaid, volunteer work is a must, not everyone however does the same work. There are researchers who work to reestablish destroyed magical creature habitat, those who go to fight and fend off poachers, magical veterinarians as well as people who spring magical creatures who are being poached and those who retake illegal pets from owners and sellers alike. They have many ‘camps’ across the world now most notably, San Francisco, Montreal, Rio de Janeiro, Prague, Aberdeen, Yukon, St. Petersburg, Manilla, Kabul, Jakarta, and Nuuk. They are fondly called ‘camps’ by the Rangers and are the large meeting places for Rangers to get supplies, trade information and contact each other. Due to their occasional illegal work many countries have attempted to ban the Rangers despite their good deeds, citing them as anarchist environmentalists who wish to interfere with their economy. However, the Rangers have friends all over the world, and have become notorious for slipping out from government law enforcement and spiriting magical creatures from even the highest of places. Most notably they are banned from the United States but have a prominent camp on Mt. Tam near San Francisco and have re-acquired many illegal pets from large pureblood families from right under their noses including pygmy dragons and thunderbirds spells small for captivity purposes and entertainment.
They are also known for taking anyone of any background as long as they are wizard folk, including hedge wix, squibs, merfolk, trolls, goblins, elves, Veela, werewolves and vampires. Literally anyone if they are dedicated to the cause of aiding magical creatures they can join.
There are rules for being a Ranger, and joining them is a long process, you must first go to one of the Camp Requirement meetings, get sponsored by a Ranger, join on several missions until they are approved by their local Camp and can go solo or join missions. Justin is part of the London Camp and is a regular across all the Camps across the world and with his family’s circus he uses them to transport some magical creatures as well as smuggle Rangers through countries they aren’t welcome. He is an active member who does both solo missions and joins on larger collaborative ones.
                                                    R A N G E R S
Dimitri Kuznetsova | Matthew Daddario
 Durmstrang Alumni circa 1922
A Vampire turned during a trip to America during the Roaring 20’s Dimitri has a lifetime of experience as a veterinarian, he goes on missions where magical creatures are often wounded or injured, he is usually found in the European countries, and thus has a lot of contact with Camp Aberdeen, Camp St. Petersburg and Camp Prague. He goes mostly on solo missions, preferring to be unbothered by people, and hates the idea of scaring anyone with his vampirism. When not doing missions, he works on a Griffin reserve in the foothills of Estonia as he has for the last 50 years. He has ties with several large pureblood families in Durmstrang and has been instrumental in bringing in new revenue into the Rangers with these connections.
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Hayoon Ryu | Arden Cho
Mahoutokoro Alumni
A native of South Korea Hayoon Ryu is a master duelist but also the heir to an apothecary empire. Exposed to the dirty underground of illegal magical creature breeding and killing for parts Hayoon sought out the Rangers and with the money from the apothecary helped set up a new camp in Busun which is extremely small. She goes on mission to capture and confront poachers, against her parent’s wishes and has a soft spot for taking back illegally breed pets especially from the rich. She gets along with almost everyone but should never be underestimated.
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Violet Alder | Kathryn Prescott
Beauxbatons Alumni
Violet is an expert in Mermish and excels with Charmwork. She works mostly out of a large magical traveling boat, scouring the Pacific and Atlantic coast with her best friend Ariadne, a merperson, as they search for illegal water poachers and help protect the migration of protected animal species. She is well-known for sea-shanties and her sarcasm, she is fluent in 4 languages and rarely found on land. She usually finds port in Camp San Francisco and Camp St. Petersburg. 
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Ariadne | Astrid Berges-Frisbey
The merfolk has been a magical community that has remained in relative silence for years. Ariadne was no different, her life spent with her family wandering the ocean was met with only with a single bump in the road – Violet. Having rescued her during a hurricane, and with Violet an expert in mermish they became fast friends. Leaving her family for long breaks she goes along with The Serpent helping aquatic creatures all over the Pacific edge, their base is usually Camp San Francisco or Camp Manilla.
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Orenda Youngblood | Blu Hunt
Illvermorny Alumni
One of many Native American students who go to Illvermorny, Orenda is a nature magic user, she can communicate with anything with fur is how she calls it, and has a specacial affinity for predators. One of the few who actually vocalize themselves with wild magic, she is a source of pride for family. However she is a bit rebellious, always off getting into scraps with poachers and causing mischief, Duke doesn’t help things either. She roams the states, checking into several different Camps, but prefers the smaller ones like Camp Yosemite and Camp Boseman.
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Duke Rait | Joe Dempsie
Hedge Wix
One of Orenda’s friends he is a bit of an oddball, a hedge wizard he can manipulate plants on an organtic level, lovingly called Poison Oak by Orenda. He uses his power most often to grow his own weed which he partakes in often, the pair met while he was trying to restore some grasslands and he was recruited quickly to the Rangers for his ability to regrow areas of forestland and waterways with his hedge power after natural disaster. He’s also very good at destroying invasive species but really doesn’t like to do that at all.
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monabela · 4 years
aaaand one more for eeweek, because the more I think about this pairing, the more I think it’s really cute & good! don’t let that whole bunch of characters scare you, they’re all just mentioned, and this is just a fun little thought process I had.
rules of engagement
characters/pairings: Estonia (Eduard)/Monaco (Olympe), and a bunch of mentioned characters - Hungary (Erzsébet), Romania (Dragos), Finland (Tuomi), France (Francis), Switzerland (Basch), Seychelles (Angélique), Lithuania (Tolys), Belarus (Nadzeya), Russia (Ivan), Romano (Lovino), Portugal (Simão), Greece (Herakles)
word count: 2277 summary: Eduard was prepared for many things while organizing his wedding to Olympe. He had not counted on seating arrangements being the most difficult part.
Really, Eduard had been prepared for many things when he proposed to Olympe. Up to and including a rejection, because you never know, with her. Olympe always seems to have a plan ready, and it wasn’t unthinkable that marriage just wasn’t in that plan, or wasn’t yet. He took the chance anyway, and she said yes, which is amazing.
So, he was prepared to have a stressful time organizing the wedding, because both he and Olympe are perfectionists, and Olympe’s family is… Something. Old money that they are, he expected a million traditions he’d need to adhere to, expected to need to learn how to actually dance a waltz instead of just hoping not to step on any feet during their first dance, expected meddling from all sides.
What he had not prepared for, was seating arrangements. Because he has a small family, and most of their gatherings are informal, even the weddings, and he also didn’t think the friends he wanted to invite would cause trouble.
Apparently, he thought wrong.
“We absolutely cannot seat them near each other,” Olympe is saying, tiredly, sliding the name cards for his sister and her umpteenth distant cousin to opposite ends of the table. “They shouldn’t even be in each other’s sight if we can help it. They have this feud.”
“Why don’t I know about this?” Eduard asks, scrunching his nose enough that he dislodges his glasses. He takes them off to rub the bridge of his nose.
“Because Erzsébet possesses some semblance of common sense, which my terrible cousin unfortunately lacks, so he’s very proud of having an enemy.” She gently picks up his glasses and pushes them back on his face. “I need your brain for this, love.”
“How about we just don’t invite this—” he looks at the card— “Dragos?”
“Oh, no. I’d love to, but I’m not convinced he won’t show up and curse my firstborn.”
“That’s…” He blinks. It never ceases to amaze him how odd her mother’s side of the family is. Olympe quirks a small smile, lips glittering in the sunlight streaming into their kitchen, the table of which they’ve temporarily transformed into a seating chart.
Or, well, temporarily. It has been there for two days now, being shuffled occasionally between work and the other things they have to take care of.
“Don’t worry about him,” Olympe is saying. “He’s alright, just… A little strange.”
“You said that about your brother as well.”
“So did you, about yours, and he asked me if I wanted to see his rifle collection the first time we met. Which reminds me…” She hovers an elegant hand over the table until she spots the card she’s looking for. “If we put Tuomi near Basch, we will have a shootout on our hands by the end of dinner.”
Eduard frowns. “Who even is—”
“He’s not related to me, strictly speaking, that’s my stepfather’s side of the family, but he loves weddings, so he’ll be there.” She considers this, tapping the name card against her chin. “He loves free food, and Francis loves weddings, so he told him about it. There hasn’t been one for a while.”
With that big of an extended family, that seems unlikely, but then, Eduard wouldn’t know the first thing about that. It’s always just been him and his siblings at home, and any cousins he has are so far removed, either in relation or age, that he barely knows them.
“Well, there was Angélique,” she continues in an absent tone of voice, “but she, of course, eloped.”
“Can’t we do that?” he asks, only mostly joking, and she smiles up at him, eyebrows furrowing. On the table, she puts one of her small hand over one of his, tucking her fingers between his knuckles. Her engagement ring catches the light and glitters at him. Eduard hadn’t planned on getting her one—it’s, again, not something his family has ever done—but her half-brother Francis caught wind of his plan to propose somehow, and strong-armed him into using a family heirloom to do so.
Olympe immediately recognized her brother’s hand in it, of course, but she’d been charmed by it, even if she did have to have the beautiful ring sized down to have it fit on her dainty fingers. Every time Eduard catches sight of it, his heart skips a beat. He can’t even imagine what it will be like when she is wearing a wedding ring. He foresees a lot of flubbed keystrokes whenever they play the piano quatre-mains. Olympe probably won’t have that problem. She is always more composed than he is.
“Well, no eloping then,” he sighs, and she laughs softly, tucking a strand of blond hair behind her ear and tapping the side of her glasses in thought.
“I still don’t have an RSVP from Angélique, actually. They’re still traveling, trying to save an endangered shark species or whatnot. I do hope she comes. She’s a delight to have around.”
Having met Angélique, the cousin in question, once, Eduard thinks he might agree. She seemed nice and upbeat. This was a bit of a problem, since they did meet at a funeral, but it would be appreciated at a wedding.
“Oh, wait, there’s another problem,” he remembers.
“Oh, dear.”
“Yeah. Tolys is afraid of Nadzeya.”
Now, it’s her turn to blink owlishly up at him.
“Tolys is— Your best friend is afraid of my maid of honor?” She taps her fingers on the back of his hand. “Well, I suppose she can be intimidating when you first meet her, but…”
“He tried to ask her out. Twice. She said no.”
“Well, surely that isn’t so bad—”
“He also said she had a knife?”
“Oh. Oh, Nadzeya, no…” Olympe clasps a hand over her mouth, expression caught between amused and horrified. “She does have… A fondness.”
“Keep both Tolys and Tuomi away from her, then. Erzsébet should love her.”
“Good. They can still be at the same table, then, so long as we don’t put Nadz across from Tolys…” She begins shuffling the name cards around, leaving only their parents in the same place. “How is this?”
“Yes, that… Hold on, no. Your brother’s husband can’t be next to Tuomi.” He shudders. His brother had tried to fight Ivan Braginsky-Bonnefoy the first and only time they met. Eduard has never asked why and has no intention of ever doing so, certain that he is better off left in the dark about this.
Quickly, he switches Tuomi’s card with his mother’s. It’s the best option, he thinks, even if it does mean Tuomi is now between their sets of parents. Maybe they can keep an eye on him. Olympe hums, then moves him again, switching her mother out this time.
“There we go. Unless he’s tried to fight your sister too.”
Eduard laughs. “Tried, and succeeded, but it’ll be okay.”
Although Tuomi is now very close to Nadzeya, only Erzsébet separating them, he thinks that’s a risk he’s willing to take. Erzsébet can talk a lot. Finally, it’s beginning to look acceptable…
“No! Fuck, Olympe, we forgot ourselves!”
She throws her hands up helplessly. “Give me strength. Do you want to be next to your parents or not?” She scribbles their names on extra pieces of paper, writing Eduard Mets-Castil on his and Olympe Castil-Mets on her own. It makes Eduard smile. She isn’t the sort of woman who is very affectionate most of the time, or very obvious about her feelings in other ways—nor is he that sort of man—but it’s little things like this that make it clear every time how much this means to her.
How much he means to her.
Shuffling the cards until they finally make sense, she smiles down at their completed work. Well, completed table. The only table that makes sense.
“The rest of this is literally all your family.” Eduard squints at several names he has never heard before.
“I know,” Olympe says, long-suffering.
“Don’t tell me there’s more feuds.”
“Well, Lovino doesn’t like Francis, but that is already taken care of this way, so he should be happy… I don’t think anyone actually likes Dragos, not since they all had that fight about how he doesn’t like garlic—oh, I just remembered, he and Nadzeya tried to summon a demon at my birthday once, so we mustn’t have any candles.”
“I think I see why no one likes him.”
“Right, and then Simão mustn’t be near Angélique, should she come, because he saw fit to marry her foster father…”
“Excuse me?”
“They are close in age, should it help, but it has made everything rather awkward.”
“Is that why she eloped?” he asks faintly.
Biting her lip, Olympe shrugs at him in that measured way that she has.
“Right, of course. Simão and his husband can go with Dragos.”
“Oh, no, they actually aren’t married anymore.” She shakes her head when he pulls a face at her, a hint of amusement peeking through in the twitching corner of her lips. “It didn’t help the awkwardness. But Simão can certainly sit with Dragos, that will be fine.”
Eduard shuffles the cards, trying to keep that table out of his sister’s line of sight. It’s a good thing he likes puzzles. Next to him, Olympe sighs, ruffling the cards already in position.
“I’m sorry my family is such a burden. I hardly know many of them, but if I don’t invite them…”
“They’ll curse us and our hypothetical children?”
She shrugs again, uncharacteristically, and Eduard turns to her in his chair, reaching for her hands. He folds them both between his own, the ring on her finger warm against his palm. Olympe looks up at him, dark blue eyes still apologetic behind her gold-rimmed glasses. There is a small smudge of mascara on her eyelid. She wouldn’t go out with that, perfectionist that she is, and he is somehow honored that he can look at it.
For a quiet moment, he searches for the right words for what he wants to say. Olympe waits patiently, steadily holding his gaze like she’s so good at. He used to find it unnerving.
“You know why I want to marry you?” he asks, after a long moment.
“Certainly not because of my family.”
“Well, I do like Herakles. He’s very nice, and smart.”
“Not the other side of the family, then.” She draws her eyebrows together, smiling ruefully.
“No, of course. I want to marry you because I think… You understand me.” He strokes his fingers over the outside of her slender wrist, where her skin is slightly paler because she’s usually wearing her watch, busy as she is. “Because, somehow, we managed to find a reason not to work ourselves to exhaustion every day in each other, and that is a tall order. We both know that.”
She laughs a little, shaking her head so that her long hair tumbles over her shoulders. That is another one of these things that Eduard is aware she rarely shows to anyone else. Her hair out of its usual stylish but practical braids and updos. He lets go of her hands to lean forward, resting one hand on her thigh and using the other to touch her jaw softly, pushing her hair away.
“And, you know, maybe I’m a romantic deep down,” he continues, “so I want to make that official.”
“Eduard, I know you’re a romantic. You’ve composed no less than five songs for me.”
He grins, and she smiles in return. He is still working on the piece for their opening dance—it has to be perfect. More than perfect.
“What I’m saying is, I want to marry you for you, and you’re worth putting up with your cousins… Summoning a demon, or having a shootout with my brother, or whatever they come up with. All that matters is I walk out of there able to call you my wife, and they can’t ruin that.”
“I don’t know how you do this, sometimes,” Olympe says, wonderingly, briefly touching the hand lingering on her jaw.
She puts her hand on top of his on her thigh, long nails tapping a brief rhythm on his wrist.
“Know what to say to me.”
“Practice,” he replies. “I’m sure you remember how often I put my foot in my mouth when we’d just met. I was very intimidated by you. Tuomi will bring it up at the wedding.”
At that, she laughs a light, happy laugh, then leans up and gently presses her glossy lips to the corner of his mouth.
“Thank you, then, for sticking with me. I know it isn’t my strongest suit to say things… Things like this, at least, but for what it’s worth, of course I feel the same.” Now, she puts a hand on his chest briefly, a small warm point mirroring the sunlight on his back. There are flecks of gold in her eyes in this light, and Eduard thinks about how those colors might sound on a piano.
“That’s worth a lot, Olympe.”
Because she’s a woman of action first and foremost—and sometimes that action is diplomatic speech, but there is a world of difference between that and this—so he knows she sometimes forgets to say things.
“Good.” She swipes some hair away from his forehead, tutting. He laughs, captures her hand, and kisses the inside of her wrist before letting go.
Olympe nods, and they both turn back to the table, because if there is anything they’re good at, it’s getting work done, and they have a hell of a task to finish.
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
Excerpt from this article from The Hill:
Conservationists are planning a legal challenge to the Trump administration’s decision to allow a company to build transmission lines and pipelines on federal lands in Utah.
The Center for Biological Diversity, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club and five other environmental groups on Tuesday filed an intent to sue, challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s September decision to allow an Estonia based company to start construction of the pipelines in Utah’s Uintah Basin.
The Trump administration’s green-lit plan would let Enefit American Oil construct the U.S.’s first commercial-scale oil shale development if it were to become operational.
Part of the operations would include constructing three pipelines and two transmission lines across federal public lands to move processed oil from the shale facility to various utilities.
The environmental groups argue that the plan near the Colorado border would drain billions of gallons of water from the Green River and could threaten endangered wildlife as well as contribute a large amount to greenhouse gas emissions.
The groups argue in their filing that the decision would violate the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and that BLM did not “adequately analyze how BLM’s approval of the rights-of-way — including indirect effects, the effects of interrelated or interdependent actions, and cumulative effects — would affect four endangered fish species, two rare plant species, and their critical habitat.”
This map shows the location of the Uintah Basin relative to the rest of Utah.
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adalidda · 3 years
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Illustration Photo: Ring-tailed lemur (credits: Mathias Appel / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0))
Disney Conservation Fund - Grants for Wildlife studies, Habitat protection, and Community conservation
For Angola, Botswana, Congo DRC, Egypt, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Antigua, Argentina, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Castaway Cay, Cayman Islands, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador,Galapagos Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, The Bahamas, Uruguay, Venezuela, Albania, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanese Republic, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Russia & CIS, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sultanate of Oman, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Alaska, Antarctica, Antigua, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, California, Castaway Cay, Cayman Islands, China, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, Indo-Pacific, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, The Bahamas and Western Atlantic, Canada, USA
The Disney Conservation Fund gives priority consideration to holistic programs that address a significant and urgent conservation need (or projects that are part of a program) which reflect all of the following:
• Alignment with Disney’s priority regions/species, as defined below.
• Contribution to the conservation of endangered, threatened or vulnerable species and their habitats in the wild
• Applied scientific field studies on species and habitats that demonstrate scientific rigor, directly inform/advance conservation strategies, and evaluate impact.
o The Disney Conservation Fund does not fund ex-situ projects/project components.
o Although the fund recognizes that basic science is a critical first step in conservation initiatives, preference is given to projects that include specific conservation action components.
• Engagement of relevant communities/stakeholders through community-based education programs or support of sustainable community development projects directly connected to protecting species and habitats, including measurement of impact on attitudes and behaviors (see below for additional information on expectations for education components).
• Proposal of feasible activities to advance conservation outcomes for wildlife/habitats over the next two years, including evidence of adequate support through cooperative efforts with relevant partners (other nonprofit organizations, government agencies, communities, etc.), additional funding sources, relevant permits, etc.
• Expansion of previous work including an established commitment to a conservation program OR demonstration that proposed project is well suited to become or contribute to a long-term conservation program.
• Consideration for welfare of the animals involved in the study. Specifically, the principal investigator affirms:
o Capture/restraint techniques minimize stress and the potential for physical injury or psychological harm o Immobilization/anesthesia is done under the direct supervision of a veterinarian or other trained professional
o Exposure to noxious stimuli and presumptive negative effects are minimized with administration of anesthetic and/or analgesic agents where appropriate
Application Deadline: October 15, 2021 11:59pm EDT
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/YKjuuuxuQSBcCHmG5/disney-conservation-fund-grants-for-wildlife-studies-habitat
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earaercircular · 3 years
Dutch biomass causes deforestation in Estonia
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A new study finds that energy from biomass harms old-growth forest and animal life. The result is that environmental organisations collectively walk away from national consultations about energy from biomass.
After eight years of discussions with all stakeholders about environmental rules for the pieces of wood that go into the furnaces of Dutch power stations, the entire environmental movement is walking away from the national consultation table. Greenpeace, WWF, Natuur & Milieu, Milieudefensie, and the Nature and Environmental Federations will together demonstratively leave the “Biomass sustainability covenant”[1] on Wednesday 7/07/2021. The aim of this consultation was to ensure that biomass, a controversial energy source, is only produced in the Netherlands from residual wood or sustainable biomass harvest, without clear-cutting of forest.
A new study shows that this goal is not being met. In it, the renowned Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) [2]explains in detail how the harvest of wood pellets, made from chopping branches and tree stumps, is progressing in Estonia. This is very relevant, because Estonia is the most important supplier of wood to power plants in the Netherlands, next to Canada and the US – the Netherlands only has a limited amount of its own wood.
Primary Forest in Estonia
The harvest of biomass wood in Estonia is an attack on the local nature and animal life, concludes SOMO. The study, commissioned by Greenpeace, cites numerous cases of harmful tree felling by the company Graanul Invest,[3] which is the market leader in the export of wood chips. According to SOMO, virgin forest of hundreds of years old pine trees was cut down. Important memorial trees were also felled. There were already numerous warnings about this, but they lacked scientific status. Now that SOMO has thoroughly listed the adverse environmental effects of biomass production in Estonia – the study is full of local research and photographic material – the Dutch environmental movement believes that enough is enough. Clearing cases, where endangered bird species such as the hazel grouse, the red-necked flycatcher and the three-toed woodpecker are losing habitat, are proof that continuing to consult with the energy sector is futile, according to the environmental movement.
Collective appeal
Their appeal is: stop burning biomass, because the aim to limit its activities to a justified use of wood is failing. Energy companies maintain that environmentally friendly use of biomass is possible, with the right agreements and controls. By collectively walking away from the discussion table, the environmental organisations send a signal to politicians. As one front, including organisations Nature & Environment, of which discussion in order to arrive at a collective agreement with all stakeholders is in their DNA, they are now announcing that they have lost confidence in the sustainable use of biomass wood. According to the front, the 3.5 billion euros government subsidy that energy companies have been promised to produce green electricity by burning pieces of wood should be stopped. A majority in the House of Representatives wants to phase out wood combustion, but the timeline for this remains uncertain.
Interlocutory proceedings
Because the environmental movement agreed to the Biomass sustainability covenant in 2013, the environmental movement deprived itself of the space to challenge wood burning. Greenpeace noticed this when the environmental club filed fast-track proceedings in 2019 to end biomass combustion by coal-fired power stations, that join imported wood chips on a large scale to the furnace for the production of electricity. The judge referred Greenpeace back to the consultation table. Because the Covenant stated that the environmental movement and the energy sector must consult a disputes committee in the event of a dispute. The judge did not prejudice Greenpeace's complaint. By now emphatically distancing itself from the covenant, Greenpeace hopes to break free from the stakeholders’ discussions agreement, which the climate organisation reluctantly agreed to in 2019. Especially after the consultancy DNV GL[4] calculated in 2019 that burning wood pellets in the short term leads to higher emissions of greenhouse gas (CO2) than burning coal or natural gas, the environmental movement started to regret the stakeholders’ discussions agreements for biomass firing.
Frank Straver, Onderzoek: Nederlandse biomassa zorgt voor een kaalslag van bos in Estland, in: Trouw, 7 July 2021, https://www.trouw.nl/duurzaamheid-natuur/onderzoek-nederlandse-biomassa-zorgt-voor-een-kaalslag-van-bos-in-estland~be9d0179/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210707%7Cdaily&utm_content=Nederlandse%20biomassa%20zorgt%20voor%20een%20kaalslag%20van%20bos%20in%20Estland&utm_term=175713&ctm_ctid=05fe42c1f7ae088fb078fe7a6472d8ae
[1] https://ce.nl/publicaties/convenant-duurzaamheid-biomassa-jaarrapportage-2019-en-mid-term-evaluatie/In 2015, energy companies and environmental organizations concluded the Biomass Sustainability Covenant. The Covenant also requires an independent party to report annually on the efforts made and the results achieved. This report describes the efforts made and the results achieved in 2019 regarding the use of biomass, compliance with the sustainability requirements, the progress of the incentive program agreed in the Covenant and the feasibility of the minimum growth path and ambition path. [2] https://www.somo.nl/about-somo/ The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) is a critical, independent, not-for-profit knowledge centre on multinationals. Since 1973 it has investigated multinational corporations and the impact of their activities on people and the environment. It provides custom-made services (research, consulting and training) to non-profit organisations and the public sector. It strengthens collaboration between civil society organisations through our worldwide network. [3] https://graanulinvest.com/about/ Graanul Invest group is an Estonian company, headquartered in Tallinn, that operates in the fields of forestry, development of bioenergy and production of renewable energy. Graanul Invest group is the biggest producer of wood pellets in Europe. Graanul Invest group includes 11 large and modern pellet factories, two sales organisations, six combined heat and power plants (CHP plants) and three companies engaged in forest management and harvesting. [4] https://www.dnv.com/about/index.html DNV delivers world-renowned testing, certification and technical advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables, oil and gas, and energy management.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Monkey Day 
Monkeys are interesting creatures – cute, mischievous, and sometimes downright obnoxious (anyone who disagrees has obviously never had their laundry torn down by a family of primates when it’s hanging to dry). Many species of primates are also endangered, and then there are questions of animal rights and the usage of primates in medical research. That’s why there’s Monkey Day, a day that’s been dedicated to raising awareness about non-human primates.
Learn about Monkey Day
Monkey Day has been created to celebrate monkeys, as well as “all things simian,” which includes lemurs, tarsiers, apes, and other non-human primates. It is a great day when it comes to raising awareness about different types of monkeys and primates around the world, as well as the issues they face and how we can help them.
Environmental activists and animal rights activities are especially vocal and passionate about this date. The same goes for art institutions and visual artists. Supporters and celebrates of this date include the Smithsonian Institution, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre Museum, London’s National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic, Greenpeace, and Jane Goodall.
History of Monkey Day
Back in 2000, Casey Sorrow was an art student at Michigan State University, and he ended up writing “Monkey Day” on his friend’s calendar as a prank. But then they actually celebrated the occasion with other art students at MSU, and Sorrow later started collaborating with fellow MSU student on the Fetus-X comic strip, where the holiday was mentioned and popularized. Since then, Monkey Day has been observed internationally as a day to celebrate primates (including monkeys, but also apes, lemurs, and tarsiers).
Sorrow himself still does much to promote the holiday and the cause of primate welfare, and in addition to the Monkey Day website, he also maintains a “Monkeys in the News” blog which discusses primate-related news around the world and comes out with a list of the top ten primate-related news stories from the past year every Monkey Day.
Since Monkey Day was created, it really has gone from strength-to-strength. It is now celebrated in many different corners of the world. This includes Scotland, Turkey, Thailand, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Pakistan, India, Germany, and Canada. It has been described by the Washington Post as a day to do the following:
“Learn something about these adorable and highly intelligent primates. Or you could use this day to act like a monkey.”
Monkey Day Timeline
2nd Century AD Claudius Galenus studies monkeys
In the early days of pioneering medicine Galenus (known as Galen) studied monkeys through dissection, noticing their similarities to humans.
1939 Flying monkeys are featured in film Wizard of Oz
In a strange and frightening portion of the plot, monkeys with wings act as minions released by the Wicked Witch of the West to scare off Dorothy and her friends.
1941 Curious George makes debut in books
As monkeys begin appearing in films and books, one of the most endearing monkeys will last in popularity for at least 80 years–Curious George. Although there are only 7 books in the original series by H. A. Ray, the character lives on through an animated television show, videos and even a 2006 feature film.
1959 First monkey in space
A squirrel monkey, Miss Baker, and a rhesus macaque, Able, were the first monkeys who made a successful launch and return to space. They were sent by the United States Air Force on a Jupiter rocket
2000 Monkey Day beginw
As a little joke, Casey Sorrow, a Michigan State University art student, wrote “Monkey Day” on a friend’s calendar just to be silly. Then, in more silliness, they decided to go ahead and celebrate the day with other art students. Later, Casey Sorrow became the co-creator of the weekly Fetus-X comic strip, which was used to promote the day.
How to celebrate Monkey Day
You could simply dress up in a monkey costume and play the part, because there are some people who do just that for Monkey Day and even hold competitions for it. Or you could spend the day at the zoo, because many zoos around the world do hold special celebrations for Monkey Day. Some of these events focus on educational events about monkeys, while others do things like auction off artwork created by chimps and performing intelligence tests on primates.
Even if a local zoo in your area is not hosting an event on this date, we would definitely recommend taking a trip to your nearby zoo and spending some time with the animals. Make sure you do take a look at their calendar beforehand, as zoos all around the world have special activities and talks going on. For example, at Australia’s National Zoo & Aquarium, they hold a number of educational talks and activities that are designed to raise money for endangered species, such as Cotton-top Tamarins in Columbia, as well as increasing awareness.
In Scotland, at the famous Edinburgh Zoo, they raise awareness about the different dangers that primates face by using monkey storytelling. Monkey Day events are also held at The Faruk Yalçın Zoo and Botanical Park in Darıca, Turkey to raise awareness. In India, the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park holds a number of different programs so that children can become educated about issues facing wildlife and so that people are encouraged to adopt monkeys. The list doesn’t end there either. In Pakistan, the Lahore Zoo really goes the extra mile. They hold educational events and art competitions about monkeys, including performances to highlight the threats they face, poetry readings about monkeys, and much more.
Even if you don’t have a monkey at your house, you might consider throwing a monkey day party, inviting all of your friends over (keep in mind that humans are in fact primates too, even without gorilla costumes), and common activities at such celebrations involve films such as King Kong, Planet of the Apes, and Lady Iron Monkey, as well as monkey-themed music (The Monkees, anyone?).
Often, celebrations involve fundraising for primate-related causes and charities, and many organizations around the world dedicated to primates hold Monkey Day events of various sorts. So when Monkey Day comes around, get out there and do it proper, by monkeying around!
Finally, another way that you can celebrate Monkey Day is by watching a film based on this primate! There are so many different types of monkey films. Of course, the Planet of the Apes series of films is the most well-known, but there are many others. Disney’s Monkey Kingdom comes highly recommended. Other famous monkeys on our screens include the Chain-Smoking Capuchin in The Hangover Part II, Clyde in Every Which Way But Loose, Cheeta in Tarzan the Ape Man, George in Curious George, Joe in Mighty Joe Young, and King Louie in The Jungle Book.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 2.3
American Painters Day
Artist Appreciation Day
Battle of San Lorenzo Day (Argentina)
Blessing of Throats Day (St. Blaise’s Day)
Booty Pic Day
Bowling Green Massacre Day (Kellyanne Conway Fictional Event)
Communist Party Foundation Day (Vietnam)
Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Day of the Virgin of Suyapa (Honduras)
Doggy Date Night
The Day the Music Died (according to Don McLean)
Elmo’s Day
Endangered Species Act Day
Feed the Birds Day
Four Chaplains Memorial Day
Halfway Point of Winter
Heroes' Day (Mozambique)
International Golden Retriever Day
International Lawyers Day
International Straw Free Day
John Lewis Day (Alabama)
Martyrs' Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Meaka Bochea Day (Cambodia)
National Cordova Ice Worm Day
National Honey Badger Day
National Missing Persons Day
National Patient Recognition Day
National Trevor Day
National Women Physicians Day
National Women’s Heart Day
Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras)
Number Day
Take a Cruise Day
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
Veterinary Pharmacists Day
Wedding Ring Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Carrot Cake Day
National Carrot Day
1st Friday in February
Bubble Gum Day [1st Friday]
Give Kids a Smile Day [1st Friday]
International Clash Day [1st Friday]
National Black Nurses Day [1st Friday]
National Wear Red Day (a.k.a. Wear It Beat It) [1st Friday]
NSPCC Number Day (UK) [1st Friday]
Pi Mod Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day (Florida) [1st Friday]
Working Naked Day [1st Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day [1st Friday] (Postponed to March 24 in 2023)
Independence Days
Danielland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Keep Watch (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Ansgar (a.k.a. Anskar; Christian; Saint)
Auscharius (Christian; Saint)
Berlinda of Meerbeke (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Christian; Saint) [Blessing of Throats]
Celsa and Nona (Christian; Saint)
Claudine Thévenet (Christian; Saint)
Dom Justo Takayama (Christian; Saint) [Japan, Philippines]
Ewok Day (Pastafarian)
Fiesta de San Blas (Protector of the Harvest; Puerto Rico)
Fukuju no mai (Jimai; Dance of the Seven Gods of Fortune; Japan)
Hadelin (Christian; Saint)
Hickety Pickety (Muppetism)
Margaret of England (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Suyapa (Honduras)
Pagerwesi (Festival to Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe; Bali)
Pokémon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Setsubun (Bean-Throwing Festival; Shinto/Japan)
Theocritus (Positivist; Saint)
Werburgh (a.k.a. Werburghe; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [3 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 57]
Air Force (Film; 1943)
Amapola, by Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (Song; 1941)
Boys on the Side (Film; 1995)
Chronicle (Film; 2012)
Dead Man’s Curve (TV movie; 1978)
Earthling, by David Bowie (Album; 1997)
Fun, Fun, Fun, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Hanna (TV Series; 2019)
The IT Crowd (UK TV Series; 2006)
Jane Eyre (Film; 1944)
La Dolce Vita (Film; 1960)
Santa Clarita Diet (TV Series; 2017)
Society Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (Documentary Film; 2006)
Yield, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Ansgar, Blasius, Oskar (Austria)
Simeon (Bulgaria)
Blaž, Tripun, Vlaho (Croatia)
Blažej (Czech Republic)
Blasius (Denmark)
Hubert, Hugo, Huko (Estonia)
Hugo, Valo (Finland)
Blaise, Nelson, Oscar (France)
Ansgar, Blasius, Michael, Oskar (Germany)
Asimakis, Asimina, Malamati, Simeon, Stamatia, Stamatis (Greece)
Balázs (Hungary)
Biagio (Italy)
Aīda, Ansgars, Ida, Laida (Latvia)
Blažiejus, Oskaras, Radvilas, Radvilė (Lithuania)
Ansgar, Asgeir (Norway)
Błażej, Hipolit, Hipolita, Laurencjusz, Maksym, Oskar, Stefan, Telimena, Uniemysł, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Ana, Simeon (Romania)
Blažej (Slovakia)
Blas, Olivia, Óscar (Spain)
Disa, Hjördis (Sweden)
Simon (Ukraine)
Ansgar, Barclay, Baxter, Blaise,, Blase, Blasia, Blaze, Norma, Norman, Norris (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 34 of 2023; 331 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 13 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 12 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 4 Xin; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 January 2023
Moon: 96%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 6 Homer (2nd Month) [Theocritus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 14 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 2.3
American Painters Day
Artist Appreciation Day
Battle of San Lorenzo Day (Argentina)
Blessing of Throats Day (St. Blaise’s Day)
Booty Pic Day
Bowling Green Massacre Day (Kellyanne Conway Fictional Event)
Communist Party Foundation Day (Vietnam)
Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Day of the Virgin of Suyapa (Honduras)
Doggy Date Night
The Day the Music Died (according to Don McLean)
Elmo’s Day
Endangered Species Act Day
Feed the Birds Day
Four Chaplains Memorial Day
Halfway Point of Winter
Heroes' Day (Mozambique)
International Golden Retriever Day
International Lawyers Day
International Straw Free Day
John Lewis Day (Alabama)
Martyrs' Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Meaka Bochea Day (Cambodia)
National Cordova Ice Worm Day
National Honey Badger Day
National Missing Persons Day
National Patient Recognition Day
National Trevor Day
National Women Physicians Day
National Women’s Heart Day
Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras)
Number Day
Take a Cruise Day
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
Veterinary Pharmacists Day
Wedding Ring Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Carrot Cake Day
National Carrot Day
1st Friday in February
Bubble Gum Day [1st Friday]
Give Kids a Smile Day [1st Friday]
International Clash Day [1st Friday]
National Black Nurses Day [1st Friday]
National Wear Red Day (a.k.a. Wear It Beat It) [1st Friday]
NSPCC Number Day (UK) [1st Friday]
Pi Mod Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day (Florida) [1st Friday]
Working Naked Day [1st Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day [1st Friday] (Postponed to March 24 in 2023)
Independence Days
Danielland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Keep Watch (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Ansgar (a.k.a. Anskar; Christian; Saint)
Auscharius (Christian; Saint)
Berlinda of Meerbeke (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Christian; Saint) [Blessing of Throats]
Celsa and Nona (Christian; Saint)
Claudine Thévenet (Christian; Saint)
Dom Justo Takayama (Christian; Saint) [Japan, Philippines]
Ewok Day (Pastafarian)
Fiesta de San Blas (Protector of the Harvest; Puerto Rico)
Fukuju no mai (Jimai; Dance of the Seven Gods of Fortune; Japan)
Hadelin (Christian; Saint)
Hickety Pickety (Muppetism)
Margaret of England (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Suyapa (Honduras)
Pagerwesi (Festival to Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe; Bali)
Pokémon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Setsubun (Bean-Throwing Festival; Shinto/Japan)
Theocritus (Positivist; Saint)
Werburgh (a.k.a. Werburghe; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [3 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 57]
Air Force (Film; 1943)
Amapola, by Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (Song; 1941)
Boys on the Side (Film; 1995)
Chronicle (Film; 2012)
Dead Man’s Curve (TV movie; 1978)
Earthling, by David Bowie (Album; 1997)
Fun, Fun, Fun, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Hanna (TV Series; 2019)
The IT Crowd (UK TV Series; 2006)
Jane Eyre (Film; 1944)
La Dolce Vita (Film; 1960)
Santa Clarita Diet (TV Series; 2017)
Society Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (Documentary Film; 2006)
Yield, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Ansgar, Blasius, Oskar (Austria)
Simeon (Bulgaria)
Blaž, Tripun, Vlaho (Croatia)
Blažej (Czech Republic)
Blasius (Denmark)
Hubert, Hugo, Huko (Estonia)
Hugo, Valo (Finland)
Blaise, Nelson, Oscar (France)
Ansgar, Blasius, Michael, Oskar (Germany)
Asimakis, Asimina, Malamati, Simeon, Stamatia, Stamatis (Greece)
Balázs (Hungary)
Biagio (Italy)
Aīda, Ansgars, Ida, Laida (Latvia)
Blažiejus, Oskaras, Radvilas, Radvilė (Lithuania)
Ansgar, Asgeir (Norway)
Błażej, Hipolit, Hipolita, Laurencjusz, Maksym, Oskar, Stefan, Telimena, Uniemysł, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Ana, Simeon (Romania)
Blažej (Slovakia)
Blas, Olivia, Óscar (Spain)
Disa, Hjördis (Sweden)
Simon (Ukraine)
Ansgar, Barclay, Baxter, Blaise,, Blase, Blasia, Blaze, Norma, Norman, Norris (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 34 of 2023; 331 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 13 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 12 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 4 Xin; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 January 2023
Moon: 96%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 6 Homer (2nd Month) [Theocritus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 14 of 30)
0 notes
Hetalia Kindergarten Masterpost
I like these kinds of masterposts because they’re nice and short for each character. Hope ya enjoy!
America: runs around the playground  s c r e a m i n g Canada: The one kindergartener who’s reading age-appropriate books, the teachers forget about him ‘cause he’s a good kid. China: Has bad eyesight, doesn’t have glasses, and runs into a tree. France: Somehow is dating??? in kindergarten??? England: trying to summon the demons on the circular lunch table Russia: That kid who found razors on the playground and is quietly making something with them
Germany: OMG GET OFF THE BIG KID PLAY STRUCTURE BEFORE THE TEACHER COMES YOURE GONNA GET US ALL IN TROUBLE Italy: 🎵 its alllllwayyyys snacktime 🎵 Japan: sits on the bench doing *ahem* anatomy practice
Estonia: Snuck an old calculator in and thinks he’s the coolest with it Lithuania: Hiding from Kindergarten!Russia and his razors (like a reasonable kid smh) Latvia: *sobbing* RUSSIAS SO MEAN TO ME HE IS DUMB AND MEAN
Romania: In the process of biting Bulgaria’s arm Bulgaria: Romania stop that its yogurt time and I cant eat if youre eating me Ukraine: Is digging around in the dirt happily and trying to drag Estonia to play with her (he doesn’t want to, girls are lame when you can have a calculator) Belarus: Guess who else also has razors?? And also a swiss army knife?? Best advice: r u n. Moldova: Trying to get Romania’s attention
Spain: Tomatooooo tomatooooo Roma let me give you a hug Romano: Don’t touch me you tomato JERK BASTARD~! (damn already swearing) Greece: Has found a cat from somewhere? Hes petting it and it’s probably a stray.  Turkey: Greece... do you like my... MASK?? (made out of crepe papier) Portugal: I want someone to do my hair for me!!  Vatican City: Snuck in a little bible and is reading it - or rather, scribbling kindergarten(tm) sketches of Jesus everywhere on it with red crayon. Monaco: Found eye liner at home and is putting it on her lips
Denmark: NORGE NORGE NOREG THERES A SPIDER HELP HELP HELP SAVE ME IM GONNA DIE HES GONNA EAT ME  Sweden: Is building a little furniture or something out of paper that he stole from the classroom. Finland: Planting flowers which are actually the torn-off petals of other flowers, and hes humming Norway: Go away Den im trying to summon satan ur so annoying Iceland: Sitting in the corner feeding some birds with the remainders of his lunch
Belgium: C o n s u m i n g    chocolate Netherlands: He’s making bank off the other little kids by selling nice looking flowers he’s found - probably tulips too. Luxembourg:  Flirting. In kindergarten. He takes after France too much smh.
Austria: Trying to play music and crying when it doesn’t sound nice. It’s mostly just him banging on sticks too Slovakia: Drawing with fingerpaint and Czechia. He’s the only one painting but two people are covered in fingerpaint. Czechia: Trying to read and keep her book away from the disaster which is Slovakia Hungary: Glaring over at Prussia ‘cause he might be the one bothering Austria and she has a little crush. Switzerland: Punching anyone who seems to bother his sister. The sandbox is his. Liechtenstein: Playing quietly with her dolls in the sandbox with Switzerland. Poland: Running over to Lithuania to give him a big-ass hug Prussia: He’s the one Germany is yelling at, because he’s totally going to get them in trouble with any powers that be.
Hong Kong: Climbing a tree ‘cause he wants to see what everyone looks like from so high up. Macau: Writing. Well, not really writing, but scrawling with some thick orange marker, but like all little ones work, it looks like he’s trying. South Korea: Climbing up after Hong Kong to give him a hug.  Taiwan: Trying to make conversation with Vietnam, mostly because she’s lonely and wants friends. Thailand: Running up the slide with this little devilish sparkle in his eyes. Vietnam: "Studying” a “book” which is thicker than War and Peace and she can’t understand a word of.  India: Playing around with frogs he’s found in the swamp by the weeping willow.
Egypt: Building a pile of sticks which he’s trying to make look like a pyramid. Seychelles: There are noooooo fishhhhh here -sobbing Cameroon: Trying to get someone to join him for a game of soccer.
Australia: Wants to play soccer, but also thinks it’s a little weak so he’s trying to convince Cameroon to do something more... interesting New Zealand: Swing set! He likes the feel of the wind in his hair Cuba: Trying to sell other kids stuff. Failing, because the only person with money is Netherlands, and he’s being a jerk with his.
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