#enjoy! plus i dont wanna support the crab trade if i dont have to bc its fucked up how they get taken and treated like if it gets down to
bunnyb34r · 2 years
Today Gurkle is officially 7 years old! I didnt get to make a post like this for Scupa bc I thought he died when his bday rolled around but he too is 7!!! When I got them I didn't really know what the fuck I was doing but I did so much research into how to take care of these dudes and I'm still just amazed that they've made it this far 😭
(The Party Boys lore under the cut)
Kermit only lived a week with me but he was living in VERY shitty conditions before me and I think the stress of everything just was too much
But I like to think that he had a good last week and that I was able to provide him a place where he felt comfortable enough to pass. Like a crab hospice sgdgdggdgd
Speedy passed on last year during a molt, but he was with me for 6 whole years! He was so little when he came to me and we got him so that Kermit would have a buddy since hermit crabs, despite the name, do not like solitary and need companions
We got Scupa a couple days after Kermit passed, so that Speedy wouldn't be alone. He was SO tiny when I got him and hes grown so much! I like to think that he and Speedy were friends bc they liked to be by each other a lot sgdgdg
Gurkle came to me by suprise! My aunt remembered I had lost Kermit and a whoooole month later was at the pet store and remembered that and picked me up one dggdgdg I was like "oh um... okay... thanks"
Gurkle did NOT like living here at first and he broke out of his tank twice within his first couple weeks. First time he got all the way to our front door! The second my mom found him in our bathroom closet, I think he was like "okay let's try THIS direction" and headed that way. I'm honestly just suprised he made it past the cats and three people sgdgdgdg I didnt even know he was out of the tank!
He since has calmed down and settled. He's been a pretty chill crab, still anxious and afraid of my hand/me coming close to the tank, but he does have moments I call bastard mode™️ where he just gets very energetic and active set on destroying the tank. Most days he just sits there head empty no thoughts (which I call Gurkling when I myself feel like that sgdgdgd)
He and Scupa get along better than they have but they do still have that sibling rivalry and will fight/argue over territory (usually the cup or the front of the tank)
It's been such a joy to watch them grow up and develop personalities, and I'm so lucky that they came into my life and that I've been able to help them get this far in their own lives! Heres to another 7 and many more after that!
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