#enjoy your good pal Limeys shit ty ty
limey-writes · 2 years
Hey hey could I request Headcanons for the merc from you this idea just popped into my head. Okey so do to some issues the base base to sleep in a room together and because of to little space the mercs have to share a mattress with their crush (preferably female). I hope it's okey and all in your guide lines! Have a nice day!
I really am a sucker for this idea and I'm so glad I've received it <3 I'll do 4 of my personal favorites (:
(I, again, went overboard with this idea so please enjoy I worked very hard lol)
The base was completely trashed. Demo and Engie's little experiments together didn't exactly work as planned and more than half the base had to have some repairs done. Half the mercs had to bunk with the others, some of them (Spy) refusing to share his room with anyone else ended up taking your temporary room you were assigned to, leaving you stuck trying to find a bunk mate. You usually would try going to Pyro, since they had the most cozy room, but unfortunately for you they had already decided to hang out with their best pal Engie. At this point you were already set on just sleeping on the couch, grabbing your blankets and pillows to make your way to the couch calling your name to rest upon it. A hand gently places itself on your shoulder, causing you to pause and look behind at whoever came up to you. You were met with the sunglasses-covered eyes looking down at you with a shy look on his face as he clears his throat. seemingly trying to find the words to talk to you.
"I heard you need a bunkmate sheila.." His voice finally rings out, seeming unsure of what he wanted to ask. He watches you nod a bit, a smile now apparent on his face as he now places his hands in his pockets, trying to calm himself from the excitement he was holding in as he mumbles out his next question.
"Well how about you come bunk with me instead? You 'n me in the camper, just like those sleepovers you do with Pyro." He barely manages to make a coherent sentence, making it look like such a struggle as you raise an eyebrow, a little giggle from you while you gently pat his arm.
"I'd love to bunk with you Mundy!" You say gratefully, lowering your voice saying his name, knowing you shouldn't be saying it so loud with the others being so close now. You loop your arm around his, making him stiffen and pull your arm closer to him. You smile as he tries making his way to the camper parked outside, you following along with your arms linked together, him opening the door for you, letting you come inside before walking in behind you before shutting the door after walking in himself.
You take a second to look around, not having had exactly spent that much time in here and the rare occasions you had usually were very short-lived. Now taking in the new scenery you couldn't help but appreciate the tidiness that was inside, lived in but still comforting. You spot the bed, it looked so comfy right about now, practically calling you to come lay on it. Immediately making a beeline to the bed, you sat down on its edge, patting the spot next to you for Sniper to come and sit down next to you, which of course he did without hesitance, the bed dipping now with the two of you on it, so close to each other might I add.
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you yawn, a small smile spreading on your face. "Thanks for letting me bunk with you, I wouldn't know what I'd do if I got stuck with Scout or something." You chuckled, already imagining you and Scout arguing over who had top bunk and smacking him with the pillow when he snores too loud. You felt him shake as he laughs to himself, his tenseness seemingly melting as he relaxed around you, before shifting to get comfortable with you leaning on him.
"Yeah well, I bet he really regrets getting stuck with Heavy, those two always end up butting heads with Scout being the way he is." He falls back onto the bed, leaving you sitting up and huffing, falling back along side him as your conversation continues on, the night going by until you both found yourselves in the deep quiet hours of the night, a few comments here and there keeping the two of you awake, your eyes started to shut after the clock turned 3 am, listening to Sniper answer what type of bread he enjoys the most for his sandwich and with his soup. Once he finally started to question why you haven't answered him back after that, he realizes that you've finally fallen asleep. A tender smile appears on his face as he slowly gets up, shifting you so you can be much more comfortable before scooting in beside you. The thick blanket weighed on you both, his eyes starting to shut as he pressed a kiss onto the top of your head gently, right before letting sleep steal him as well.
You had just woken up from a surgery that Medic had administered on you, your tired eyes spy him on the other side of the room writing on a clipboard, his usual blood stained attire now changed into his tidy vest and button down, not noticing that you had already woken up from your heavy slumber. You clear your throat, catching his attention as you make your attempt to sit up, causing him to rush over and gently push you back down.
"No no lieb, you mustn't get up, you haven't even fully gotten the anesthetic out of you." He scolds you, his warm hands gently patting your arm and holding one of your own as he stares at you worriedly. Your small smile easily melted away his worry, his gaze softening as you try again to sit up, using his hands for support while you lean against him.
"I'm fine really, I just don't want to be stuck lying down all day, you know I rather just be productive or something.." Your voice strains out, his hands holding you like a delicate piece of porcelain, his usual loud and confident demeanor was now cooled to a sweet, relaxed man, you were a bit confused but chalked it up to him being worried for your health (ya rite lol). He helps you get steady, taking a seat next to you on the small chair that you just how realized wasn't there when you first went under. Did he wait long for you to wake up or something?
As if reading your mind, he smiles sheepishly and answers what your face was portraying. "You had slept for much longer than expected, I had gotten worried for you since usually you wake much faster than now. Have you been resting well?" You think about the question, you couldn't deny that you haven't been sleeping as well as you'd like, sleep just refused to come to you, as hard as you tried. Of course your hesitance to answer the question only confirmed his suspicions.
He turns back to his clipboard, writing a few notes on it that you presumed was about your sleeping habits. Turning back to you a few moments later, he pats the top of your hand gently as he gives you another warm smile. "No worries, we just need to give you a better way to sleep rather than resting under medication when you visit me." You rub the back of your neck, a shy look on your face as you turn your gaze away, his eyes still lingering on you as he took in how adorable you looked acting like that. He comes to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder delicately as you start to shift to get off of the table you were on, getting back on your feet and thanking him quietly for the help.
"Do you think..you can help me to my room?" You say quietly, already wanting to be back in your room and finish your rest that you had been pulled out of. A smile brightens his face as he nods, carefully leading you out of the room, holding you gently by his side. The halls were quiet tonight, you hadn't realized how late it had gotten, wondering how long you were under for. By the time you had reached your room, you were still stuck in your head, Medic giving you a curious look as he looks down at you, watching your face and how your expressions change.
"Are you alright? I know you haven't had much rest but don't worry we'll get you right to bed and sleeping away!" he says joyfully, his hands leaving your form as he gives you a slightly saddened look. "Well I suppose I'll leave you be and let you get comfortable.." Trailing off, his gaze falls to the ground as he turns to get back to his work. A pull to his sleeve stopped him as he turns back to face you, a hint of surprise and joy that you stopped him in his face, waiting for your next words.
"Actually, I think I would rather have you come in with me." You say confidently, instead of waiting for his response you had started to slowly pull him into your room, him following in suit without even trying to stop you. He realized already too late about the bedding situation, already tucked in beside you as you had both squeezed into the small bed. He tried leaving space between you but with how little wiggle room he had you instead were both side by side, him much more anxious now than before as he felt you even wiggle close, an arm wrapping around him as best as you could manage with his large frame. His arms hesitantly wrapped around you as well, sealing the spot between you as he sighed happily, about to say something before stopping himself, seeing you were already so easily asleep. He chuckles as he brings you closer, getting comfortable for the night, mumbling against the top of your head gently
"Sleep well Liebling~"
The knock to your door had startled you awake, a groan escaping you as you got out of your warm comfortable bed, your heavy steps coming to the door and finally opening it, ready to fight whoever had dared wake you from your slumber. Your tired eyes threatened to close on you, but you fought the urge to at least see who was outside your room. And before you could react, your best pal Scout enveloped you in a hug, snapping you out of your tired state. You pat his back, confused as you start to ask him what happened, getting interrupted by the sound of his quiet whimpers, immediately giving you the sign that he was not doing well at all.
You brought him inside your room silently, letting him mumble his worries away as you held him in the dark room, sitting him on the bed as you continued to hug him. He grips your night shirt tightly in his hands, burying his head against you as you gently run your hand through his hair, whispering words of affirmation to him to try and calm him down. His small whimpers continue, but instead he pops his head up to stare up at you the best he could in the darkened room.
"Thanks..I know you've been sleepin' but I really needed to talk to you.." He says between his little whimpers, worrying you even more as you wait for him to continue. "I just..got really worried ya know? I had a real bad dream and you didn't wanna hang around me no more." He trembles in your arms, his hands tightening a little around your shirt, loosening now to instead hug you tightly against him.
"Oh Jeremy, you're my best friend, you know I wouldn't ever leave you after everything we've been through together." You say to try and calm him, holding his face with one of your hands as the other continues to gently rake through his hair, seemingly helping his trembling form. "You mean so much to me, I'd love to be your friend forever." He continues to look at you, one of his hands letting you go and mimicking your actions as he places his hand on your face.
"Ya really mean that? Even if I end up being a jerk to you on accident?" He asks wearily, his eyes half lidded as his thumb gently rubs against your cheek. His usual wrapped hands were free from the bandages tonight and the calloused feel somehow felt calming as you smiled at him, nodding as you sit down next to him while holding the hand that was once on your face in both of yours. "Besides," You started, a mischievous look in your eyes. "You already are being a little bit mean waking me up like that."
His eyes crinkle at the edges as he smiles back at you, chuckling himself as he takes a deep breath, the last of his worries leaving him for now as he looks down at your bed, deciding to take the spot you had been in not too long ago. He snuggles into your spot, wrapping himself in your entire blanket for comfort. You giggle, hugging the now Scout-burrito that look over majority of your bed. He sighs contently, turning to look at you as he smiles happily, so glad you're still by his side, and how much longer he should wait before finally asking you out.
And last, but not least,
You had caught him hanging in his workshop, tinkering with one of his sentries and trying to fix the one that was damaged in battle. You sigh as you check your watch, a flashing number of 12:27 blinked back at you. Quietly making your way inside, you hear him curse under his breath after something seemingly went wrong with his attempts at fixing things. Placing your hands on his shoulders gently, you feel him tense, but ease up only slightly as he realized who was holding him. He places the screwdriver down, tilting his head back to smile up at you, his hand moving up to take off his goggles.
"Well howdy honeybee, what brings you round these parts? Ain't it late for you?" He asks merrily, not fully recognizing the fact that you were giving him a displeased look, exhaustion clear in his face as your eyes scan his multiple coffee mugs, looking like they've been drank at least 3 times each. You shake your head and sigh, Dell's face still smiling at you happily, waiting for your answer. "So when's the last time you've slept since you've started this?"
His smile faltered slightly, a look of concern on his face now. "Oh honey, is that why you made your way over here? I don't mean to worry you if that's what you're thinking, just lose track of time sometimes." His voice rumbled out, making your stern look melting as you decide to take a seat beside him and yawning as you look over his work. His eyes watch you, confused as you take a look over his blueprints, peering over his notes that were barely legible, chicken scratch as he always called it. Your voice rang out and snapped him out of his heavy trance.
"You have really nice handwriting Dell, out of everyone here yours is always my favorite to see.." Your eyes dances across the pages, the letters neat and evenly spaced, grammar is absolutely perfect the more you looked through it. As you did so you didn't notice Engie's face as he watched you, a smile on his face from the praise and enjoying the fact you could enjoy his work. You were one of the few he shared most of his work with, he loved your comments and additional feedback, he felt less alone in his workshop whenever you visited. The usual sounds of work and metal scraping against each other was normal to him, that's until you waltzed in and decided to make your space in his workshop, and somehow even wiggled your way into his heart.
You finally look up from his work, catching his gaze on you and blushing slightly under the amount of focus he was giving you, seemingly catching his attention when you turned back away and immediately apologizing to you. "Sorry about that darl', I guess I must be much more tired than I thought." He says as he reaches for his cup of coffee, the steam slowly dissipating the longer it lingered on the table. Your hand stops his as you hold it, your stern look back as strong as ever as his breath catches in his throat as you held his hand tightly. "Oh no, no more coffee for you, you have to head to bed before it gets too late and Solder wakes us up at the crack of dawn." Your eyebrows furrow as you continue to stare him down, hoping that it'll at least convince him that you were very serious about this.
He head nods absently, his eyes trained on yours holding his and the longer you held it the more he could feel the blood rushing to his face and his ears. You both stand and you lead him to the couch that was in the corner of the room, knowing he's rather be sleeping in the comfort of his workshop rather than his normal room. Feeling that this will do, you point to the couch as he takes a seat, his hand still in yours as he smiles up at you, a quiet "thank you" coming from him.
Your face returns to its small smile that you couldn't help whenever he gave you that sweet grin, you didn't even realize in time his hand gripping yours a bit tighter before he pulls you down onto the couch with him, hugging you tight as he laughs heartily while you wiggled in his arms, giggling after the shock subsides. "Well gee Dell, I didnt realize that you needed a teddy bear to sleep." You teased him, taking off his helmet as he adjusted himself so you'd both be comfortable. "I think the only teddy bear I'd be sleepin' with would be you sweetheart." He ruffles up your hair, causing you to pout as you lay against him, your face turning pink at the remark. "I guess I'm glad I don't have to worry about a new bear taking my place huh?" You sit up a bit, looking down at him. "Though really, I think you should definitely be asleep by now, no working for you until tomorrow."
"Will you at least stay with me till I fall asleep then?"
"That's IF you fall asleep, silly!"
Even after he did, you never did leave the couch and ended up sleeping next to your own teddy bear
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