#epithed erased au
alexandersimpleton · 9 months
In case you haven't read Epithet Erased (go read it it's amazing) the show exists in a world where 1 in 5 people are inscribed, which means they have a single word entwined with their soul that let's them do magic. For example, Molly Blyndeff, the protagonist of the museum arc of the first season and the book, has the epithet dumb, which let's her dumb things down and reduce them, like muting the noise within a small bubble, or reducing damage when you take a hit. Everyone else is a mundie
Now, I am also a massive fan of the series Cursed Princess Club on Webtoon. So, I've thought of Epithets for some of them.
(before the list, I'd like to make some things clear. In Epithet Erased, each Epithet has three scores: stamina, proficiency, and creativity. Stamina is how much they can use their epithet or take a hit, proficiency is how experienced they are with their epithet, creativity is how creative they are in using their epithet. As such I will be grading each and giving reasons for why each is graded as they are. As well as that, there are three classes of ranking. Star is level one, ring is level two, nova is level three. Most of these guys will just be stars, but still)
So, onto the epithets
Frederick: Imagine
Let's the user bring anything they imagine into reality.
Stamina: three stars (Freddy can use this one to his heart's content without so much as a sweat, but he'd probably be knocked out by a pillow hitting him in the face, so it evens out)
Proficiency: one ring, four stars (Freddy uses his epithet to escape reality like, several times per day, and has been for years. He's also taken to using it to impress Gwen on occasion. Only when they're alone because Frederick finds some of them embarrassing)
Creativity: five stars (Frederick is the type of person to imagine a solution to most things. Don't have enough hands? Cute spider people with 8 hands can carry your things! The room is to quiet? A boyband of anthropomorphic mice (that has since gotten a new member: the main singer's cute rat girlfriend))
Other stuff: Frederick does have a habit of accidently using his epithet when he gets strong emotions. When he gets flustered around Gwen he grows little cat ears (which he always gets incredibly embarrassed about, which makes the cat ears harder to un-summon), and whenever he has panic attacks sunflowers start growing on the walls floor and ceiling in whatever room he's in. (Just thought of this as I was writing, note to self: write an au where Frederick is just cursed with cat ears and other cat attributes. His personality and character really went from wet cat to dry cat)
Blaine: charm
Allows the user to convince any person animal or thing to do anything.
Stamina: four stars (he uses it often, but still gets tired of using it by the end of the day)
Proficiency: five stars (he uses it often, but doesn't rely on it like Frederick does)
Creativity: two stars (Blaine only gets that because he sometimes uses it for magic tricks. He just uses his epithet only in the least creative way possible)
Other stuff: He used his epithet to tame a bear once, I guess. If these guys were actually Epithet Erased characters, than I feel like Blaine being the least creative epithet user on the planet would be a running gag.
Maria: Melody
Allows the user to create music with a variety of effects. Most effective while singing, but can be applied to any other form of music
Stamina: two stars (how much energy it takes to use her epithet depends on the effects of the music, but doing anything important takes a good bit of energy)
Proficiency: three stars (she doesn't really practice her epithet. She just casts the same spell over and over again.)
Creativity: one ring, five stars (she doesn't really do it, but she can use her music to pretty much do literally anything. It is very abusable.)
Other stuff: If she leveled up her proficiency to rings, than she could gain a bonus on her epithet by teaming up with people, either with both using their epithets, or working together to create music. The songs she sings on balconies are magic songs. They make music notes appear in the air that disappear when she stops singing. That's it.
Gwen: terror
Allows the user to create a sense of terror in anyone or anything, but inanimate objects aren't as effective
Stamina: one star (any substantial use of it for more than a couple of seconds knocks her out cold)
Proficiency: one star (she doesn't use her epithet. Like at all)
Creativity: one star (again, she doesn't use it. But even if she did, it wouldn't really be lenient to creativity until:)
Other stuff: if she upgraded to rings, she could bring people's fears to life, like an even better Nightmare Fuel. But she won't get to rings any time soon. She still thinks she's a mundie. She has used her epithet on accident on many, MANY occasions. She is very oblivious to emotions. Because of her underleveling, people that trust her enough are almost completely immune to her epithet.
Nell: foresight
Allows the user to occasionally and sporadically predict negative events, with great pain from the user.
Stamina: one star (she basically dies whenever her epithet goes off)
Proficiency: two stars (it's hard to practice it, but how often it goes off got her out of one star)
Creativity: five stars (as much as the pain sucks, her epithet is actually quite useful)
Other stuff: This epithet pretty much works exactly how Nell's curse does in cannon, with the only exception being that Nell can set off a prediction if she tries hard enough. If she upgraded to rings than she could start seeing positive events too. If she upgraded to nova than she could pick any point in the future to see at will. It'd still hurt though, and her accidental prophesies would still happen.
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In this house we love and respect all forms of Sylvie
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sentistrange · 2 years
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i just think they’re similar
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nyarsenic · 4 years
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Neo Trio Time!!!
Designed the outfits for the Neo Trio in the Cinderella AU!! Feenie looks so fancy :’3
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nostalgiaknight · 4 years
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The Other Child Giovanni adopted but comes and goes when she pleases
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speyerboot · 4 years
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Ya’ll out here making me wanna put everything else on hold and make this prequel comic to “one man and a baby” AU (I’m calling Mountain Arc) especially since I have a very basic time line and plot figured out. 😭😭😭
but at the same time, not sure if that’s something anyone would wanna be put through and is extremely ambitious for my schedule...🙃 we’ll see...
So I Made some alternative outfits from tracing a few character sprites for the base because I needed to make a quick outfit reference. (so please don’t credit me for the art, this isn’t a style i can replicate...yet) 
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snowball3235 · 4 years
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I drew flame dragon for @fawnabon’s mythical au @mythical-ee-au
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Ehehe I'm weak have some Epithet kiddos
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Live footage of the siblings using their epithets
(Also, have an epithet explanation)
Jinx's epithet is "Music." (I mean, he's a rockstar, it only makes sense.) Whenever he sings he can bring whatever he's singing about to reality. For example he can sing about cats and cats will appear. But there are tons of fucking loopholes to this and you can bet he uses all of them. Another example: He can sing about people doing what he says, and those people will obey him without question. Or, he could sing about someone liking him and they'll like him. Thing is though, this stuff will only last as long as his song lasts, and if he's interrupted the thing will only stay for a limited amount of time before it stops existing or until Jinx starts singing again.
Magic's epithet is "Puppy." As long as she has a name that her target responds to and she can pat her thighs for hype sound, she can get anyone to want to listen to her and do what she says. Only problem is that they'll do it with the intelligence and extreme loyalty of a puppy dog. Puppy dogs are problematic when you need them to do complex tasks and they take everything literally because puppies don't know what metaphors are. Patting her thighs is a requirement for everything to work also. Have you ever tried to get a baby puppy's attention without hype noise? It's very difficult. If Magic's hands aren't loose then her epithet is pretty much useless.
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Twins born in the same body must be problematic when your brother wants to be evil
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nyarsenic · 4 years
!!!! THANK YOU!! Im very gay for zora, shes so pretty jsjdksskls
Too bad she doesnt show up much in the AU
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So heres a quick sketch instead >:D!!
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nyarsenic · 4 years
So how are you going to introduce Percy in your AU?
OOF sorry for the late reply buuuttt- (っowo)っ
As I briefly mentioned in this post, Percy is a guard for the party!!
Percy in this AU is a Private Investigator as well as a Guard for the Fleecity family!! She totally uses her detective brain to try and locate the Bell and locate the criminal who stole it!!
So in terms of when she shows up in the story its kinda like this.
- Molly arrives at the party. She has fun with her friends for a bit the Feenie notes that the Bell is gone.
- Molly volunteers to help find it. She stumbles on Giovanni stealing some forks and then assumes asks him about the bell. Surprisely he did not steal "a stupid bell or whatever" but offers to help Molly find the bell if she wont rat on him for sneaking into the party to steal food and cutlery.
- At this point theyve found a few things out with the help of Feenie and Mollys toy friends (Red and Pin). But they are quickly approached by Percy. Percy acknowledges that they are trying to solve the mystery and asks if they could assist her!
- Giovanni wanting to get on Percys good side agrees and Molly knowing that Percy could be very useful also agrees.
- They now start their fun journey >:D!!!
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