maxemilianverstappen · 7 months
but why “Charles, can you come in?” sounds so hooot😳and Charles immediately went to him like have some shame
The way Charles giggles when Max says that.
If Max is cat coded, then Charles is certainly a dog coded guy. He is just happy to please 😏
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 months
i saw a man who looked just like your michael langdon at work today 🥺 he had this gorgeous flowing blond hair and he made me think of you 🤎
First thought: oh my godddddd Michael Langdon🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 eri.exe has melted 🥺🥺🥺
Second thought: ... Wait MY Michael Langdon?????😭😭😭😭😭
Third thought: oh my goddddd Michael Langdon🥺🥺🥺🥺
I love it when men have long hair like that, there's just something almost... Elegant about it??? Like the illustrations of Greek gods I grew up reading about hasddfghhjkll I'm so oddly happy it made you think of me??? You associate me with Michael Langdon and I just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
This is so sweet 🥺💖
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quietestmelody · 3 years
me:im proud of my work!
someone:oh that's good!! can you show me your work?
me:* stops working *
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makimcdcsu · 4 years
@manifestedsun​ || response from here
"Very adorable."
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byounggi · 4 years
I SEE SEVENTEEN TODAY WITH @seungwooki AND @kcrap !!!!!! I'm gonna cRY
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eriann-n · 6 years
First thing you did
So this is the first thing he did that made my heart stop working
It was at the beginning of 9th grade. PE class didn't start yet so I was hanging around in the gym with some friends. Tea was there because he had some free time and liked to hang around with my class.
So, friend A thought it would be funny to make fun of my height if he push himself up using me (kinda difficult to explain?? He pushed me down so he could jump higher) so he could touch the basketball ring.
I stepped back to avoid that but friend B was there so I ended up hitting her in the face with my head. She made a big deal about it ,in a playful way, making friend C start teasing me for being a bully and hitting people.
I played along acting scared and saying "I'm sorry!!!". But then I made eye contact with Tea and playfully said heeeelp meeeee.
Looks like he didn't understand this was a game.....
He came and stood between me and friend c, putting me on his back and said " Mate, if you hit her, you hit me!"
Eri.exe stopped working
Like why is he so protective about me??? ;w;
I honestly thought I dreamed this or something but friend c remembers it very well at teases me about it....
At the moment I ,of course, didn't knowhow to react so I just... started laughing? Friend c was like woah woah woah woah and I thiink Tea was mildy embarrassed?
Luckily then the PE's teacher called us so we started classes ahahaha ;;;;;
I was hesitant about posting this because I'm sure you won't believe me, and honestly I wouldn't believe me either but here it is!! Because I need to vent!!!
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yuichiroisms-blog · 7 years
selfxloathingxvamp replied to your photo: //Happy late Munday.
Oh my gooddd. Aahhh eri. You’re soo beautiful. Ohh my goodness I just wanna nuzzle this adorable face
Eri.exe has stopped working. Okay but tbh I’m smiling like a dork over here.
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velinde-blog · 8 years
is nobody on or are people just ignoring me: a novel
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maxemilianverstappen · 7 months
you think Charles interaction with Max lately comes from PR reasons?
Charles might be genuinely enjoying the attention coming from Max. Which is what I am choosing to believe, because I want to hold onto the beautiful idea that people can be pure about some relationships even in this kind of highly stressful political and competitive areas of life.
Another thing can be that Charles might be enjoying the Redbull team's attention because he can use it against Ferrari in his contract talks. Which is fair, he wants to be seen in high demand so that he can make a more solid contract.
I don't think there is anything else.
They are right at the front, so we see them being dudes/mates/bros much more closely. That's why it might feel like some oversaturation. Other guys can be even closer, and fruity, but we have no idea as they don't have that much public exposure.
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koiikaze-blog · 8 years
the only good thing about the homestuck fandom is sugoi quest for kokoro
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glitchnurse-blog · 9 years
im gonna go on my blog
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maxemilianverstappen · 6 months
Well, at least they beat the “pr friendship” allegations I guess….( a lot of people were saying that Lestappen seems so forced and PR bc almost every driver plays padel yet they announce and recording only Lestappen one). I don’t even want to talk the usual “poor Charles, forced to interact with Max again((((“ conversation on Twitter which happens every two weeks
PR bromance???
The anti Lestappen/Max people emulate George Russell, the soap opera villain of my delulu imaginations. Like this:
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"PR? I will show you two what true PR is, you losers."
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"Watch me steal your man, you French baguette."
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"Feel my breath on your nape, bitch, I will drive into you and call it an iNcHiDEnT, too."
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"Look, your man loves Maxplaining to me, too. You aren't a speshul snowflake, Charlie."
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"I'll fuck with your PR bromance so hard, you'll finally be straight as a rod, you stale baguette 😘."
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maxemilianverstappen · 6 months
Chal just need to be a full time model and stay at home wife for Max. No way Ferrari could provide him anything that more than his face does😇
🤣🤣 He really looks like he is a top Hollywood actor or a super model or something with that face and body in a parallel universe.
Imagine Max simping for the actor Charles who has a strange fixation with racing cars but especially with Ferrari and liking his social media posts and adding awkward flirty comments under everything until Charles recognizes him and be the adult and visits a GP just to meet and flirt with him, rattle him because he gives Max mixed signals on purpose little manipulative asshole 🤣. But his visit and show of interest spark other beautiful people's interest in Max, and he finds his game backfired when every celeb and their mother start trying to get into Max's pants, lol.
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maxemilianverstappen · 6 months
apparently some people have been saying max didn’t turn up to the padel match because of the lestappen shipping
Some people think that the grandmaster of playing gaychicken will see a few romantically inclined shippy lestappen posts and shy away from meeting up with Chal? He would have been sluttier than ever just to make a point, but alas, sleep proved to be even sluttier.
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maxemilianverstappen · 8 months
as a max Stan( but you also seem like a very objective also), you thoughts about CL in RBR? I know it’s probably the most common discussion on twitter but I don’t remember your take on it.
Okay. I am completely leaving aside how Max said it would be a disservice to Charles' talent and how Charles always says he wants his WDC to be in Ferrari.
I am not y'alls favourite dilf Christian Horner, but let's think from a TP's point of view:
Having two equally talented guys in the team seems like a great idea, right? You have the two alpha wolves of the pack and your car suits to both their driving styles and you expect all the p1-p2s there can ever be, yes? Everything will be great, because your drivers won't have to adapt themselves to the car, since both Max and Charles seem to prefer a pointy front and a looser/flexible rear..... Until you find yourself with a civil war and a hellish amd toxic work environment for everyone involved, a divided garage and political shit which will tear up the morale and the motivation day by day.
There is a reason why you don't get two top dogs of similar age. Toto experienced it first hand. The current demographic of the fans is very young, so they possibly haven't witnessed how Nico and Lewis literally tore each other a new one every race weekend both in front of the cameras and behind closed doors. Even to the point of Lewis blaming the engineers at the factory with developing the car more towards to Nico's liking and insuniating that they sabotaged his car somehow.
Would Christian want to deal with shit like this every day? Of course, he wouldn't. Why should a team lose precious time and energy on intra team shenanigans (and also fight other teams in the meanwhile, thus dividing all resources and patience and morale) instead of standing united and fighting against other teams?
I am a shipper, but I am not stupid. I have watched both their career for a long time and I know how they treat their team mates. In the first wiff of blood, I am pretty sure Charles will turn cold and political while maintaining a PR look. Max is more open and gets going by seeing good faith in people, but if you play dirty with him, I doubt even Charles can take it. Max has a cruel and merciless side that he chooses to not show much, which is very clinical and unfeeling. He also has the psychological edge of having multiple WDCs and also knowing the car and the team much more intimately. Charles can be quite detached and cold, too, when he wants and also can be very sassy with a forked tongue. But he has a lot to prove and is also getting very desperate as years go by and has to sway the team to his favor. He is much more mistake prone and he will be measured up against a 3x WDC even if he jumps ship next year. It is a lot to shoulder. It is a huge task. And RedBull will not politically sway to his side in the way he'd want until he'd beat Max tooth and nail and within an inch of his life. Which will also be within an inch of his own life, too.
And this process.... It is ugly to watch and manage for both the TP and all the team from the mechanics to the media personnel to the pitwall.
Nobody would want to deal with it.
Getting a strong and consistent second driver who will accept their role and be there when the first driver can't deliver for whatever reason and can get all the points they can for the WCC is much more manageable, peaceful, and ideal.
I can completely understand Charles fans wanting to see their boy in the top team, but that's neither feasible nor possible. What we should all need to understand is how the team mentalities should change, not just the car.
2022 Ferrari challenger seriously could have been a WDC car. But we all saw how having a good car doesn't mean shit when you aren't a team that has cleared its head about what it wants in what way and how. Indecisiveness, being divided, saying you don't have a 1st/2nd driver, saying the team is over everyone (Ferrari should really think of their priorities they aren't a football team) and team success is much more important than a driver's and thus you can sacrifice your wdc contenders race just because otherwise you can get more points as a team.....
Michael, Seb, Lewis, Max all had their teams wholly supporting and accommodating them. Sure they all had problems with their 2nd drivers, but it was all managable. Unless Charles feels like they did/do, unless the team takes its head out of its ass and starts to act more rationally, Charles won't win for them ever. I don't think anyone can, tbh. Because this team literally fears another Michael level ownage. Michael had them by the throat and no matter how much glory songs they sing about him, I think the top brass fears giving up the reins to a driver to that extent again. Shit always has to be done their way. I remember reading an article about how Seb seemed to be disillusioned by the way the team and development kept him at bay from involving himself too much into how shit was done unlike the way he was accustomed to in Redbull. A driver is just an instrument for this team, not a focus. I wonder if Charles understands this.
Realistically speaking, he doesn't have anywhere else to go. But continuing like this also seems like a career ending choice. Man, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
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maxemilianverstappen · 7 months
Max is such a simp on main rn it’s amusing to watch. and honestly, I respect it. You want it-you got it😌🙌🏻
I mean pursuing whatever he wants relentlessly is one of Max's top qualities. He has been consistently wearing down Charles' defenses since last year and now that he knows his actions are bearing their fruits, he won't stop.
Anon, I want them to be caught having dinner together somewhere, just the two of them.
I want a channel persuading their teams and getting them to do a joint interview in which they are made to play stupid dating games against each other while talking about each other.
I want FIA to bring them together for a charity or social awareness project and get them do stuff with kids, for example.
I want EA Sports to use them together in an Advertisement.
I want Max to get Charles at the Secret Santa and gift him padel equipment with unlimited reservation for more matches or gift him something piano and music related.
More opportunities and valid reasons for Max and Charles to be completely unhinged arojnd each other and for them to reenact To His Coy Mistress 🤣
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