#esmp musings
Oli, seeing his base gone: My base has been eroded and lost to time and the elements of nature entirely! Woe is me!
Pix, having uprooted the entire damn thing from the beach and moved it to the Museum because he was scared Oli would tear it down:
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daydreamdoodles · 2 years
So with Ollie now on Empires, I don't think we as a society have quite considered the fact that Empires! Pearl(?) Is now a goddess
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
it's nearly 3am have some magical girl Cub brainrot fic
In many ways, it seemed like nothing had changed. But of course everything had changed. He wasn't on Hermitcraft anymore. And he had been given new magic that thrummed in his heart at night and made his skin tingle and heightened his senses. He felt he had, maybe not full night vision, but he was sure he could see a little better at night.
He was used to magical transformations as a Vex. He knew what that felt like, and how his body changed, and what instincts it awoke inside him. This was different, or was it? This transformation happened every night whether he wanted it to or not. Vex transformations happened whenever the Vex had need of his body. So he was used to not having control over what his body did. The question now was whether that was actually a problem.
Was it also a secret now? It seemed so, though Katherine blurting out her secrets to strangers did seem ... less than ideal in terms of keeping her secret safe. Cub would never tell, of course. When he told her he could keep a secret, he meant it. Maybe he'd talk to them later.
Then again, if he was now a monster slayer, well, who defines what a monster is? Could be anyone, really. Katherine never said there were any strict guidelines around this kind of thing. Maybe it could be another player, someone who needed slaying. Cub was fine with that if that was the case. Murder was always good for his Vex soul.
Cub sat back on the hill overlooking his new home. The moon was reaching its peak in the sky. Full moon, too. Lots of power in the air. He liked the way his battle axe felt in his hands, too. Felt just as right as the way an iron sword felt when he was in full Vex form. Like it was rightfully his. Which was a strange thought.
Then again, Katherine did have a Vex head in her monster museum. He'd seen it there. She'd said it was her favourite one. Perhaps whatever curse she was dealing with might be alleviated by some Vex magic. Why else would the Vex seemingly lead him here?
Maybe that was a problem for another night. It's not like Scar was here though. No, it was him, Impulse, and Pearl, and only one of them was a Vex.
He closed his eyes as moonlight touched his skin as the clouds passed by. Magic sung throughout his body. He felt powerful. Not in the kind of necessarily evil way the Vexes felt. Powerful enough to kill, but kind enough to only go after monsters. It was kind of like the Pharaoh's magic, now that he thought about it, but like, the opposite. Pharaoh's magic peaked during the day, and this seemed to peak at night. There was something in that too. Ra descending into the underworld at night to fight off demons who wished to stop his path and rise again in the morning. Joining with Osiris too as the Midnight Sun. Perhaps he would get to know that magic this time around, of the nighttime Ra who sails the night barque as opposed to the blazing fire of Ra who illuminated the Two Lands with his rays during the day.
He heard phantoms in the distance. Someone was in trouble. His eyes scanned for mobs, his hands itching to kill anything that might cause harm. He'd go help, of course. That's what a good monster slayer does, after all.
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words-with-wren · 2 years
The candles were pretty. She stood at the edge of the fountain, staring at the flickering lights. There were thousands of them, wax sealing them in place on the edge of the fountain, climbing up the sides, some floating - held by some kind of magic.
They sparkled different colours, vibrant and bright in the deepness of the desert. She wasn’t entirely sure what they meant, but the way the people passed them by, bowing their heads and muttering softly to themselves, she expected it was something solemn. Which probably meant she should be solemn as well.
Around the edge of the fountain, in what seemed to be the most important place, there were larger candles. These ones seemed more permanent, settled on brightly coloured holders. They were all differently coloured, and all were brightly lit, flames slowly eating through the wax - many of them were nearly eaten entirely.
She sat on a bench at the edge of the square, watching the flames dance. More and more, she found herself drawn to one of the larger candles - the light blue one.
Beside it burned a green candle. She wasn’t sure if she liked that, but she didn’t know why she wouldn’t. They were just candles, right?
There was a lot she didn’t know.
The coolness of the desert night began to make a show, and she shivered slightly. The streets were emptying as the night grew deeper and she wondered if she should find a place to spend the night. But she had no money, and she didn’t know where she would go.
As the last few people vanished into their houses, she made out a hooded figure, moving quietly through the houses. He carried a small bag, slung over his shoulder and he stopped in front of the burning candles.
For a moment, he stood, head bowed as if saying a prayer. She watched him for a moment, breath held, unsure if she should say something.
Then, as she watched, he laid the bag on the ground and knelt to withdraw something from it. A candle - tall, fresh, new. She watched as he stepped forward to the fountain and softly pressed the wick of the candle to one of the burning ones, lighting the new one. The cyan candle, almost burnt to its end.
With practised ease, he blew out the almost used candle and pressed the new, already burning one onto the still wet wax, gently moulding it so the new candle would stay. Then he stepped back, bowed his head again for a moment, and moved around the circle.
She watched him in silence as he repeated the action all the way around the circle, replacing each candle in such a way that they never stopped burning. Clearly, these candles were important. She thought she should know why, but she couldn’t quite figure it out.
So, as he replaced the final one - the green one, that made her heart ache slightly, though she wasn’t sure why - she stepped forward, hood up. Her hair was very pink, and she had noticed that no one else in this Empire had such colourful hair. She didn’t want to stand out.
“Excuse me,” she asked, stopping a few paces behind him. He started, turning to face her as he picked up his now empty bag. His own hood fell back, and she recognised a small circlet, placed upon his head.
He was familiar.
“What are the candles for?” she asked. A lot of things seemed familiar, but strange at the same time. She didn’t like trying to figure out why they were familiar, that was too much work, too much hurt. So she tended to ignore that sensation.
He studied her for a long moment, seeming to be looking for something. She wasn’t sure if he had found it or not when he smiled gently.
“The Vigil,” he said in answer. “People light candles for their lost loved ones, to remember them.”
“Oh,” she said softly. The dancing light of the square felt more serious now, a heavier light than it had been a moment before. That made sense though. Candles to remember the dead.
She stared at the blue and green candles, flames burning away the new wax. The blue one was taller, and that felt right for some reason.
“What are those ones for?” she asked, gesturing. To the candles behind them, the candles he had just replaced. He was silent for a long moment, turning to stare at them.
“For the fallen Emperors,” he said finally, his voice heavy, soft.
“Oh,” she repeated. “That’s a lot,” she said. He chuckled heavily.
“Not all of them are dead,” he said. “Some of them are, like Scott.” And he gestured to the cyan candle, steadily burning. “But some of them… they’re just missing. I figured I’d light a candle for them anyway. In case they were dead, and someone needed to remember them. Or maybe, the light would be enough to call them home again.”
He fixed her with a long, searching look. Again, she felt like he was looking for something in particular. Again, he seemed familiar in that aching way she didn’t like. The same, aching familiarity she had run from when she woke, dazed and confused, in a strange Empire.
“Do I know you,” she asked softly. He smiled, a sadness in his eyes that she could tell ran deep.
“Maybe,” he said. “My name is Pix. Some people call me the Copper King.”
“Oh. You’re the ruler of this city,” she said quietly, suddenly aware she was speaking to an Emperor who had the power over life and death here. Hesitantly, she dropped into an awkward bow that felt unnatural, ducking her head.
“There’s no need for that,” he said softly, stepping forward and holding out a hand. She looked up and took it, hesitantly, standing. “When I light the candles, I’m just Pix.” He turned to look back at the fountain. “Just another man, remembering his friends.”
“There are a lot to remember,” she said softly. She wondered if there were people she should light a candle for.
“That is part of life,” Pix said. He stepped forward, back towards the candles and picked up his bag, fixing her with another uncomfortable look.
“It seems unfair,” she said softly, watching the fire burn. “That we lose people. That we… forget people.”
Whispers seemed to toss at her brain like wind in her hair. Sand underfoot. Fish, swimming past her. A ring on her finger. She wanted to remember, but it hurt too much to try. It was easier to not.
“Life moves on,” Pix said softly. “We light a candle, and we remember as long as we can. What else can we do.”
“Can I light one?” she asked, suddenly. “I… I’m not sure what for. But I feel like I should be remembering someone.”
“Of course,” he said, lowering his bag again and pulling out a candle. It was pink - magenta - smaller than the ones he had just replaced. She held it in her hands for a long moment, staring at the small wax item.
Then she stepped forward, lighting it from the flame that leapt from the blue candle. For a moment, she held the burning stick, staring at the fire, trying to remember. Then she knelt, gently pressing the warm wax onto the edge of the fountain until she was sure it would stay.
When she stepped back, her face was wet. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was crying, or what the ache in her chest meant.
“I don’t know what I’ve forgotten,” she said quietly. “I don’t know who… the candle is for.”
Pix was silent for a moment, looking at her.
“You might find your answers in Mezalea,” he said finally. “East of here, you won’t miss it.”
“That name feels familiar,” she said softly. Her hood had fallen, she realized. When, she wasn’t entirely sure, but she pulled it over her head again.
“The Emperor there can help you more than I can,” Pix said.
“Thank you,” she said quietly. She stared at the magenta candle again for a long time, watching the small flame flicker. Then she took a deep breath and turned to leave.
“Candlelight with you,” he called after her softly.
She wanted to say something. A farewell leapt unbidden to her lips, but it didn’t quite feel right. There was no ocean near this desert land, and no blessings left to give.
“And with you,” she said instead, vanishing into the paths of Pixandria.
Pixlriffs watched her go, a small, sad smile dancing on his lips. For a moment, he stood there, the fire burning behind him.
Then he turned and faced the light blue candle that burned cheerfully. Perhaps it had worked, perhaps it had served the purpose he had lit it for.
So he leaned forward and blew the flame out, extinguishing the light. There was no reason to mourn the living.
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airshipsinking · 2 years
Rotating in my mind the concept of a shared Crystal Cliffs/Grimmlands legend about these dragons locked in eternal race to try and devour the whole universe, and how it's said they had this big battle where one of the dragons killed the other, but because the victor knew the other dragon would come back some day, instead of moving on in its endeavour of devouring everything, it settled on the planet in which the body of the dead dragon crashed into. As years passed, the dead dragon's remains turned into a huge mountain range, as did the horn it lost in the heat of the battle. The winning dragon spent its life studying how to destroy an immortal soul as it awaited its counterpart's return so it could enssure a definite advantage in their race, but it died before that ever happened.
There are many interpretations of the story, which range form it being a metaphor for knowledge and a cautionary tale of greed, a tale made up to explain the conflict between the old Grimmlands and Crystal Cliffs, or a history from times long gone talking about two of Exor's followers
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scott showing up as bo peep of all toy story characters at the surprise party might just be the most roundabout way of giving us flower husbands crumbs ever
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Things We Have Learnt About Llamas and Llama Culture
Do not know How to Human
Can be lured by wheat and sugar, but not bread
Do not understand the concept of doors or crafting unless taught otherwise
Spitting is a tonal language and some form of it can mean please/thank you
Most likely cannot pass the mirror test
Tasting is a form of investigation (sensory differences?)
Can teleport
Have zero qualms about stealing from others (or is it just an Owen thing?)
Eat carpets
Llamas in human form cannot be leashed, most likely due to their human form, regardless of their thought processes and mentalities
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and here we have the ever-elusive desert duo, also known as the grian and the goodtimeswithscar, rummaging through the caskets in the catacombs as though they were not in a crypt for long-dead people of the lore...
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Shelby's Empires S2 finale (Ep. 23) confirming WCSMP as a sequel series to Empires:
Post-corruption Shelby has white hair and amber/gold eyes – she had the latter trait earlier in the season too
Shelby asks Katherine out for coffee, and she accepts – possibly lines up with w!Shelby having a partner back home during the tournament in WCSMP
Witch society is no longer corrupt because the old headmaster was secretly part of an underground dark witch society and got killed in the demon attack
Barnabus succeeds the dead and evil Nowls/Knowls – note that the character shares a name with w!Shelby's trader
There exists "the Supreme", who is powerful enough to bump into alternate dimensions
Shelby chooses her specialty, asks Joel for advice on how to make thunder, and her new outfit looks very, very familiar!
Ten years later, Shelby has moved out of the Evermoore into a familar-looking house with a blue roof, with the ability to control the weather, and seems to have received a letter…
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“i’m gonna cash in that IOU for something special.”
five bucks on it being ANOTHER date episode?
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guys... i think empires season 2 is going to end soon. or at the very least least, big changes are coming.
katherine’s latest episode has wrapped up her character arc
the evil king knows where sausage is, according to his latest episode
cc!scott has commented a while ago about the geography of chromia and how it can be destroyed in a natural disaster (as far as i can remember)
this is probably a stretch, but fwhip has the crown again and got it by killing katherine, which was basically what happened in season 1
the season has been ongoing for almost a year by now...
i just have a Bad Feeling About This after katherine and sausage’s latest episodes, okay?
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a sincere question to the empires s1 fwhimmy shippers out there: is there any canonical basis for the ship? as in, are there any canonical moments that there is something Deep going on? and not just the classic rivals-to-lovers trope? /gen
for context, i have not watched fwhip's pov of s1 and have not completed jimmy's pov (watched most but have not started the ending reconcilation arc yet), so i have no idea and am very curious because content occasionally pops up on my dash
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ARENA DUO *breaks down crying*
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there is a timeline inconsistency between esmp s2 and wcsmp
so we know they take place in the same universe, with wcsmp being the sequel to esmp s2 chronologically – confirmed in both joey's wcsmp ep. 3 and shelby's esmp s2 finale
but the timeline just doesn't add up between the two povs
shelby's pov of wcsmp posits herself to be the Same Character as her esmp s2 character. according to her esmp s2 epilogue, wcsmp takes place 10 years after the events of esmp s2
joey's pov of wcsmp outright mentions he was a pirate In a Past Life, essentially saying there is at least a lifetime between the two series
and even Then, pirate joe's canonical age is afaik unstated but since he missed out on his coming of age, i would presume he's in his 20s
meanwhile, if w!joey is around the same age as w!tiff, who is old enough to have gone to art school, and since he is canonically older than w!pris, then he should be at least in his late teens if not 20s
so even if pirate joe were to die not long after the events of esmp s2, it would likely be More than 10 years before anything happens on the wcsmp end of the timeline
unless, of course, you are arguing that w!joey is ~9-10 years old. now throwing a kid out of your house is just shitty. and making pregnancy jokes at that age would be just plain Weird.
and that's not even going into any potential connection between e2!scott and w!scott because scott's esmp s2 finale hasn't even dropped yet and we can't confirm or deny anything
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“this sheriff is lucky i like him... and i have a thing for a man in a uniform” *smirking emoji*
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why do all the women on this server have their own respective deep, dark secrets?
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