01zfan · 1 month
the thought of a big strong man ejaculating prematurely during a makeout sesh 😞
oh you know i had to do this for the cloudz….WALK WITH ME
with eunseok it would would early in the morning. your body draped lazily over his. your hands are pressed to his face, nearly squishing his cheeks as you keep bringing his face up to meet yours. both of you would barely be awake, just focused on kissing. eunseok’s hands eventually go to your waist, bringing your body completely over his. 
his hands move from your waist to your thighs, guiding you bring them up. your ass ends up perking up a little bit more, and you two just start going through the motions, not thinking anything of it. one moment your just swiveling your hips against eunseoks’ and kissing him, the next he’s basically panting your name into your mouth and his grip on your thighs is almost bruising. you don’t even realize what’s happening so you keep kissing him, not knowing he is cumming in his pants underneath you.
when you finally pull away eunseok’s face is sooooo red, and he’s laughing from how surreal the situation is. he blames it on the fact that he’s so tired and didn’t have his guard up and you absolutely tease him for it the next couple of days.
with sungchan it would happen at a party. you two flirting all night eventually led to you pulling him away, maybe outside or tucked away in a dark corner on top of the sofa. you two would be side by side, thighs pressing against eachother while you made out. he would be so caught up in you, how soft your lips are and how you kiss him just right. you two found the perfect rhythm so fast, and you grip his hair with just the right amount of force. 
he thought he had it all under control, but when you move your arm to the end of the sofa beside him, basically caging sungchan between you and the couch he didn’t stand a chance. having you hover over him, tilting your head to take control of your makeout session while pulling at his hair a little tighter caused his mind to short circuit. 
i think also sungchan wouldn’t say anything, he would probably try to distract you as he embarrassed himself. all of his self control would go into keeping up with your kisses, and bringing his hands to your face so you couldn’t pull away. all you knew was that when you two stopped kissing he avoided eye contact with you as he got up from his spot quickly to go to the restroom.
with anton it would be on his couch during a movie night. it had been awhile since the two of you had seen eachother, and he prepared a little movie night for the two of you to hangout again. now though, the movie long forgotten as you two were just busy sucking on eachother’s faces. you had moved from your spot on the couch to straddle anton, and his hands rested comfortable on your ass. you were no better, feeling him up and touching whatever part of his body you could get your hands on. 
i think out of the three of them anton would be the most aware of what’s going to happen. he would be taking breaks in between your kisses, murmuring “babe slow down.” while laughing shyly as you continued to kiss his moving lips. but both of you were too desperate to stop, trying to make up for lost time. so you didn’t slow down as you kissed anton fervently, and you didn’t slow down as you purposely settled your hips deeper against his.
when you moved to anton’s neck, he let his head lean back to rest on the couch. he had to focus on the ceiling to keep everything at bay, he even tried to focus on the dialogue of the movie to try and distract himself. but you started sucking on the most sensitive part of his neck, and you moved his hands from your ass to your chest. when anton felt the vibrations of your moans against his neck in between the sucking and the feeling of your teeth pressing into his skin no amount of self control or distraction could help him. 
it hit anton like a freight train, he was holding onto you with all of his might, eyes screwed shut as little ah ah ah’s slipped past his lips. you knew what was happening, grinding your hips against his to give him some friction. anton was whimpering pathetically by the time he was done, hands moving to his face as he shook his head.
“i can’t believe that just happened.”
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01zfan · 4 months
Can you please write something about like when reader and riize members are having fun and someone walks on them !!! Please :) I love your work so much>>
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close enough | riize
boyfriend!riize x reader | 4.1k words
contains: sneaking around and unfortunately getting caught, semi public, members walking in, blowjobs (m. receiving), hand stuff, shower sex
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i talked about shotaro here
more under the cut
it would be on the couch in the shared living room. everyone else had retired to their dorms after a movie night, leaving you and eunseok alone underneath a blanket. you two have been so well behaved the whole day, not subjecting anyone to your public displays of affection. neither of you let it go beyond hand holding or sharing a drink. now that it was just the two of you, you were both able to let it all out.
when eunseok heard the door to all the rooms close he instantly started kissing your knuckles and pulling your legs to rest across his lap. he still kept his eyes on the television, acting like he was paying attention to what was playing. eunseok is always a tease and this was no different, working his lips from your hand to your bicep to your shoulder and your neck. a century seemed to pass by before eunseok finally started kissing your lips. 
eunseok and you would both be as quiet as possible, silently kissing while you moved closer to him. it would eventually be eunseok with his hand behind your back, his finger dipping underneath the waistband of your pants while the other rested on your calf. the pressure of his hand on your leg would change constantly, going from a grip to him lightly tracing shapes on your skin.
his hand on your calf slowly creeped up your leg and anticipation started bubbling over you. you casted one more glance to all the closed doors of the rooms in the dorm. the fact that there was only a wooden door separating the boys from seeing you like this excited you. it made you spread your legs on eunseok’s lap and further settle into him. he pulled away only for a second to reposition you, moving your body so he could kiss you without you having to strain your neck too much. 
after readjusting he went right back to kissing you smiling against your lips when you pushed deeper into his mouth.
“what do you need?” eunseok whispered against your lips.
eunseok smiled when he pulled away from your lips, looking at you think about how you wanted him. you leaned back in, barely grazing your lips against his before casting your eyes upward at him.
“your fingers.” you whispered.
you were afraid your voice was too quiet, lost over the sound of eunseok taking off your pants underneath the blanket. eunseok heard you loud and clear though, his fingers instantly going to your clit. even though you two should be in a hurry just in case someone comes out of their room eunseok can’t stop himself from taking his time with you. he works you up by caressing your thighs and running the pad of his finger up and down your slit. he enjoyed making you high strung to the point that you couldn’t even focus on kissing him anymore. you’ve been reduced down to a whimpering mess, holding onto eunseok’s arm while he teases every part of you. 
when he finally starts fingering you, he does it slowly too. eunseok likes to focus on the way you lean your head against his shoulder as your whines had turned into just sharp intakes of air. this only provokes eunseok further, using a knee to separate your legs. he picks up the pace and looks at you in his shoulder.
“i’m close.” you say to him.
eunseok nods and goes a little faster, feeling your body actively start to tense up as you subconsciously spread your legs further. you’re huffing beside him leaving cresent moon shapes in his arm when wonbin’s door opens.
you instantly close you hands on eunseok’s and he snaps his head backwards to see who it is. eunseok remains nonchalant, his eyes shifting to the television as if nothing happened. you are a different story, failing miserably at trying to hide your uneven breaths and the way your eyes are glazed over.
wonbin for a moment contemplates coming down to sit next to you guys but when he sees your lips and eunseok’s hand underneath the blanket he changes his mind, making a beeline for his room again.
when the door shuts you look at eunseok with wide eyes.
“do you think he saw?” you ask.
“should i go ask him?” eunseok jokes.
with sungchan it would be late at night in the teams car. you guys were just coming back from a date and sungchan was able to convince staff to let him drive it for the night. the mood was set from the moment you left the restaurant. something about sungchan was just a little more touchy that usual, telling you how pretty you looked every other sentence. 
he would be driving you to the dorms because he begged you to stay the night, saying how bad he wants to “cuddle”. this was a dance you two always did, both of you pretending like you wouldn’t be crammed in the backseat of the car the moment you got to the dorms. too many times you would come into the dorms after your car shenanigans, barely being able to hide what you were doing. no one really caught on, both of you were lucky that the lights in the apartment were usually off by the time you guys would get back.
sungchan would put the car in park and take the keys out of the ignition before turning to look at you. no words had to be said, all sungchan had to do was spread out his legs in the driver seat. the moment he flicked his head to tell you to come over you let him use his hands to guide your hips over the center console onto his lap. 
sungchan would waste no time, helping your arms out of your dress as he kissed your lips slowly. each kiss was like he had never done it before, licking your lips and tilting your head so he could take you all in. sungchan had mastered getting your clothes off while kissing you, leaving the bottom half of your dress folded down while he moved to sucking on your neck. you had barely been able to undo the buttons on his dress shirt, leaving sungchan in his white a-shirt.
“so pretty” sungchan said looking at your chest.
“me or my bra?” you asked.
sungchan immediately snapped his head up to look at you, smiling once he saw the playful look on your face. he answered you by using his soft hands to bring you in for another kiss.
it would be you who pulled away the second time, looking down at sungchan. seeing your boyfriend from this angle above him made you feel heady, it made you feel in control. sungchan’s desperate hands on your hips also made you feel unstoppable.
“let’s go to the backseat?” you ask.
you couldn’t even finish your sentence before sungchan was helping you climb over the center console to get situated in the back. you took your time to get undressed, taking off your heels and pulling your dress down the rest of the way. sungchan got out of the car to walk to the backdoor, opening it impatiently.
time always felt like it was going quickly when you two could finally get alone time in this context, but sungchan would still take off your bra and panties with such care. he definitely also doesn’t even try to be sneaky about putting your crumpled pair of panties in the center conole for when you’re not with him.
“you little freak.” you said.
sungchan wouldn’t be bothered at all by your comment, he actually found himself smiling and getting a harder at the playful lift to your voice.
“you’re the one that wants me to fuck you in the backseat.” sungchan said matter-of-factly.
sungchan pushed your body down gently across the leather seats before taking off his belt. he’s so impatient he doesn’t even take the time to fully get undressed, his slacks and underwear resting mid-thigh as he slotted himself between your legs. 
now it was sungchan looking down at you, watching clasp your hand over your mouth to stifle your whines. sungchan’s fingers you quickly, loving how the acoustics of the staff car amplify your whimpers.
“you ready?” sungchan asked you.
you were be reduced to only actions, nodding your head to let him know you need him. sungchan would bring his body all the way down until he was touching your chest, his undershirt sticking to your body as the temperature went up in the car.
while sungchan was fucking you in the company car, sohee remembered that he left something inside of it after their schedule. it truthfully wasn’t something he needed in the moment, but just the thought of not having it would’ve kept him up at night. so he asked anton to come outside with him so he could get it.
while the pair were making their way to the car, sungchan was thrusting into you with a force that shook the car. it brought him an insane amount of pride, looking up and seeing the windows of the car fog, seeing your hair stick to your forehead, the smell of sex filling his nose. you wish sungchan didn’t have his shirt on, so you could dig your nails into his skin, watch his face contort the same way yours was. instead you just opted to bringing sungchan’s chest to yours as close as possible, uncovering your mouth to moan and lick his ear.
“keep going,” you said. sungchan didn’t stop “i’m so close.”
“mhm” sungchan said. 
his grip on your hips put bruises into your skin as a hand moved to your lower thigh to push it up. you were letting your head sway due to the pleasure when you caught a glimpse of the car window that was previously blocked by sungchan’s body. when you saw sohee and anton mouths agape you instantly seized around sungchan.
“oh my god!” you gasped.
sungchan who was lose in you came back to reality, eyes snapping wide thinking he might’ve hurt you.
“sohee and anton are out there!” you were practically screaming now, looking at the pairs shocked expression.
you pushed sungchan away while he whipped his body around, also caught off guard by the presence of his younger members. he would rush to pull up his pants, and give you his dress shirt to cover yourself up. 
when sungchan would get out of the car he’d have to ironically scold the two for interrupting a private moment and staring. sohee and anton would look at eachother like “???” as if he’s not the one fucking in company property.
anton and sohee would get even the next day when the three of them are in the car on the way to a schedule. it would start with sohee sniffing aggressively and anton doing the same and they’re look to their managers before looking back at sungchan.
“does it smell kinda weird in here or is that just me?” anton would say with a gigantic smile on his face.
wonbin had just come back from the gym when you were in the shower. you had complete free reign over the dorms, treating it like your playground when no one else was around. wonbin followed the sound of running water, giving you his secret knock so you knew it was him.
“come in.” you yelled over the running water.
wonbin came in and closed the door behind him. you peaked your head out from behind the open sliding door of the tub, motioning at the unlocked knob.
“it’s just me and you.” wonbin said.
you debated on telling him to lock the door again, not even wanting to risk it. but none of the guys were the type to come through without knocking anyways. so you let your body go underneath the water again, feeling the scalding hot water on your skin. the best part about the shower in the dorms is that it was hotter than the one at your apartment. you let your skin nearly burn underneath the hot water as you heard wonbin’s clothes hit the floor. you lathered your hair up with shampoo before putting yourself underneath the water.
you smiled hearing the sliding door of the shower open, and hearing wonbin step inside with you.
you heard the bottle of something open and close, then the feeling of wonbin rubbing his soapy hands over your body. you giggled while you finished washing the shampoo out of your hair.
“you just came in here to feel me up?” you asked.
you came out from under the shower head and wiped the water from your eyes. you looked at wonbin and reached past him to grab the shampoo bottle.
wonbin helped lather your body in soap while you tended to his hair, massaging the shampoo deep into his scalp. you had already been in there for quite some time, the pads of your fingers felt like prunes on the nap of wonbin’s neck. he didn’t care as you backed him underneath the shower head, helping the shampoo rinse from his hair.
it was usually playful when you and wonbin showered together, you guys helping eachother with your hair. it was like a mini spa day, turning around so wonbin could put conditioner in your head and then him turning around so you could do the same. most of the time it was strictly business, the two of you just focusing on getting clean and getting out. but there was something different in the way wonbin looked at your chest, watching the water run between the valley of your breast downwards. he couldn’t stop himself from bringing his lips to your nipple, sucking lighting on the skin. your hand instantly went to his hair, tugging on a handful of his conditioned strands.
wonbin felt the hot water run on him too, and he felt the palm of your hand press on his chest. wonbin let go of your nipple, letting the sound of him detaching bounce off the walls of the shower. he wasted no time going to the other one. water went into his mouth as he continued to suck on your doughy skin. he would rather drown than stop. 
“keep going.” you said. 
wonbin kept going, his hands traveling to your ass to slightly lift you. you arched your back more into his chest, and one of your hands pressed against the glass window to stabilize yourself.
it was you who pulled away from wonbin this time. you kissed him roughly, guiding him to stand behind you. you pressed both of your hands against the fogging glass of the door as wonbin understood what you needed. he grabbed his dick in his hand and pumped his length, guiding himself to your pussy. he leaned his body over to press his back against yours, biting on the skin of your shoulder.
when the door opened again, sohee came through the door. you instantly took your hands away from the glass of the door, moving backwards so sohee couldn’t see your naked figure. sohee was clearly out of it, under the impression that it was just wonbin in the shower and not you. he was lifted up his arms as he yawned, raising the toilet seat to pee.
inside the shower, you and wonbin exchanged a look of astonishment at sohee’s terrible observational skills. 
“sohee” wonbin said over the sound of the shower.
sohee hummed as he continued with his morning routine. he even had to step over your discarded clothes to get to the toilet, you don’t know how he didn’t notice two different piles of clothes.
“can we have some privacy?” wonbin said.
the moment sohee heard ’we’ you could see his posture suddenly straighten and his eyes shoot wide open. his eyes went to the floor, finally seeing the two pairs of clothes laid out. sohee was out in such a rush he didn’t even both to wash his hands. when the door closed you and wonbin laughed, recounting the way sohee reacted.
sohee was with you in his room, laying on his bed. you guys were supposed to be taking a nap, you both agreed to it. but when you two somehow ended up alone one thing led to another. you decided to exercise all the self control you had left in your body to only gently peck sohee’s cheek. sohee escalated the quick pecks to chaste kisses on the lips, but then that turned into you sucking on his neck. you couldn’t help yourself when it came to sohee telling you breathlessly how good you were making him feel. you didn’t want to let your hand rest over the tent in his pants. you knew that if you touched him it would be game over, and you didn’t know how long you two would be alone. but when sohee guided you hand to rest on the tent in his pajama pants the little restraint you had left was out the window.
“we will be quick.” you said to sohee.
he nodded as you let your hand trail down his body, giving him enough space to push down his pants. that was one of the best parts about being with sohee, he was always ready to go in an instant.
you wanted to waste no time, grabbing sohee’s length in your hands and gently pumping him. he let his hands dip down the front of your shorts, going straight for your pussy. neither of you wanted to waste time, desperation driving both of your hands to go faster and deeper. it isn’t long before both of you are getting lost in eachother. sohee sticks his finger in your mouth and you suck on his digits. you see his eyes get all wide and he bends his fingers inside of you. both of you are laying side by side on his bed, almost like you two are in a race to see who can get the other off first. when you clench your hand, sohee knows he’s gonna lose.
“close.” sohee whispers to you.
you can barely say anything, just nodding and picking up the speed. 
both of you are grateful you were only doing things with your hands. because if sohee had gotten you undressed like he really wanted to, neither of you would’ve been able to act like you were doing nothing when sungchan came through the door. immediately when light started peaking through the door frame and the door sohee took his hand out of your pants and pulled your hand out of his pants by your wrist.
sungchan looked at both of you, laying next to eachother on the bed with your chests heaving. sungchan would narrow his eyes and look to both of you, knowing that you know that he knows. 
“there’s food outside if you want to join us.” sungchan would say suspiciously.
once the door closed you both would be letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. both of you would be pent up like crazy until you got the chance to be alone again.
sneaking around with anton was equal parts exciting and terrifying. i can see anton being so nervous to the point that he wouldn’t even want to try anything if there was even a little chance of you two getting caught. but he was alone in a practice room late at night and you were on your way to come see him
anton instantly turned in his chair when he heard the door open. you came into the room and got settled immediately, setting down your bag and coat.
“missed me?” you asked.
your boyfriend would nod his head and smile, standing up to give you a big hug. seeing you come to him while in his hoodie did something to anton, causing a problem he knew only you would be able to fix. he was always sheepish to ask for anything pertaining to sex, only compunded further with the idea of getting caught. more often than not, anton would be relying on you to lead him through the motions and for you to initiate the intimacy. he would silently lead you to the couch and sit next to you. whatever music he was working on was completely forgotten as he gently squeezed your hand.
you started making a point to make anton ask for it. too often he would rely on actions, hoping you would catch his drift if he squeezed your hand enough or let his eyes stay on your lips. you had snuck through the building to come see him so the least he could do is tell you what he wants. so you let him continue to squeeze your hand and you just smiled at him coyly.
“we rarely get time alone…” anton’s voice trailed off as he motioned around the empty room.
“yeah,” you said “it’s nice.”
more silence. anton thought he would crumble from embarrassment if he had to drop another hint. you refused to give in, hand going to his leg to pinch the material of his gray sweatpants. anton watched you focus on the fabric, not looking at him until he used a large hand to tilt your head upwards.
anton kissed you first, to show you how desperate he truly was. he wasted no time pushing his tongue past your lips. anton paused kissing you only for a moment, just to see if you would kiss him back. it only took you a second to take the charge in kissing, like anton passed a figurative baton to you. a hand went to the nape of his neck to play with his hair while you led anton’s hand to rest over his crotch. you pulled away to watch him palm himself through his gray sweats, head leaning back to rest on the couch.
“what’d you call me here for?” you asked breathlessly.
anton kept his eyes closed while he continued to palm his hand. you watched his lips part in ecstasy before he licked his lips.
“i need you.” anton moaned.
he was so sensitive and pent up you’re sure that he would get off from just palming himself. you wanted to watch him cum in his pants, see his adam’s apple bob while he pressed his hand harder against his straining dick. your eyes went to the tent in his sweats, imagining his dick twitching in and trying to chase any stimulation. you wondered if it felt good feeling the cotton fabrics of his pants pressed against his length, if it felt better than your hand. you quickly felt yourself getting jealous of anton’s hand, that it was the one bringing him pleasure instead of you. he grabbed his dick over his pants, showing you the outline as he let out a tiny whimper. you took his hand off of his pants and put it on your shoulder while you got off the couch.
anton raised his head from the back of the couch to see you lowering yourself to slot between his legs. his face was already so flushed, lips red and plump from him biting them.
“you don’t have to.” anton said.
anton’s hand dug into your shoulder as you continued to situate yourself between his legs.
“i want to,” you said “just lift your hips for me a little bit.” 
anton was such a good listener, lifting up his hips and pushing down his sweats just enough to free his dick. it slapped heavy against his lower stomach, the sight making you both suck in a breath. 
you wrapped your hand around his length, loving how he pulsed in your hand. when you squeezed a little harder anton gasped a little louder, bucking his hips into your fist.
“fuck.” anton sighed. 
he wanted to look at you but he couldn’t stop his head from leaning back against the couch again. he let his head sway to the side, so he could get a view of your hand pumping his length. you looked so small from this angle, the way you let his tip rest on your bottom lip.
“need it.” anton whispered.
before you could take him into your mouth, the door opened. anton was too caught up in you, not being able to pull himself out of your hand or pull his pants up before the person made their way in. anton’s reaction was a beat behind, the same dazed eyes he had looking at you made direct eye contact with shotaro as he came through the door. it took shotaro a moment to take the positions you and anton were in. both of their eyes widened at the same time and anton’s hand that was on your shoulder tapped you.
“please get out.” anton said once he came to.
you turned around to seeing the door shut, hearing shotaro apologize profusely on the other side while buried his face in his hands.
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01zfan · 6 months
hii could u write about eunseok and reader secretly dating in college ; like hes the cool boy who’s always helping us and when we do a joke he says its not funny just to see the reader smile ! and the reader is literally the sweetest girl + shes funny BUT one day reader go to college with a hickey from eunseok and their friend group (who doesn’t know about them dating) make suppositions about who she’s fucking behind her back (not in a mean way ofc !!!) and eunseok just happened to be with them at this moment ! soo he could get jealous and hint that she’s dating him etcetc till reader join her friends and sits right next to eunseok or wtvvv you can make wtv you want for the endung haha
hi anon! i hope you like what i did with your request, thanks for sending one in heh
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hot girl semester | s. es
secret!bf!eunseok x reader | 2.6k words
mainly fluff and a little suggestive. basically the reader is supposed to be in her hot girl era but that is impossible when she’s immediately locked down by eunseok (she’s just like me). not proofread.
contains: making out. a lil bit of jealousy. random idols mentioned for worldbuilding
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eunseok met you through a mutual friend. he had you in introduction to psychology but could never bring himself to say a word to you. you on the other hand, said hello to eunseok every time you passed by him on campus. whether it was in the quad or in a testing hall, whether you were alone or with your friends you never hesitated to wave your hand at him and say “hi eunseok!”. your chipper voice and cute smile had become engrained in his head. eunseok just couldn’t figure out why you wanted to say hello to him so badly. 
he was eating with his friends at the dining hall when he saw you before you saw him. you were browsing the different food they had available for the day.
“that’s the girl i was talking about earlier.” eunseok points to you. the whole table turned their head in unison.
“don’t all look at once!” eunseok wastes his breath, because they all stay staring at you across the dining hall.
“oh, that’s who you were talking about?” sohee finished his food a long time ago. he pauses whatever he’s watching on his phone to look at you. 
slowly, everyone at the table figures out it’s you who eunseok is talking about.
“she’s like the sweetest person ever.” sungchan says in between a bite of food.
“she’s always like…hi shotaro.” shotaro says copying the infliction in your voice.
sungchan laughs and points at shotaro. 
“that’s exactly what she sounds like. she’s adorable.” seunghan says.
“me and her are pretty close.” anton looks up from his assignment just for a moment to add to the conversation.
everyone else at the table was indifferent to what anton said. eunseok found himself taking an interest, turning to anton.
“how so?” eunseok tried not to pry. one thing his friends were good at was giving him a hard time.
“well we were in the same orientation group and we just stayed in contact. she’s probably the sweetest person i’ve ever met. she’s really smart too.” anton said casually.
“outta your league.” sohee says, not looking up from his phone.
“womp womp.” seunghan gave eunseok a thumbs down.
“i can’t ask questions?” eunseok said.
“she’s coming over here.” sungchan’s teasing voice was about five octaves higher than his normal one.
when you made eye contact with eunseok, sungchan elbowed him playfully. you came towards his table with a group of your own, girls eunseok did not recognize.
“hey guys!” you waved at everyone at the table individually. eunseok watched as all his friends smiled and waved back at you. your kindness had that effect of people. eunseok tries to recall seeing wonbin smile as big as he did when you playfully pulled at his beanie.
“you know it’s summer right?” everyone at the table laughed. eunseok felt himself holding back a smile.
eunseok watched as you intermingled friend groups. you introduced your girls to his friends, some of them already knowing eachother.
“now we are all acquainted, can we sit here?” giselle, one of your friends asked.
“yeah the dining hall is packed and you guys are taking up alot of the seating.” you said.
everyone at the table looked towards eunseok. eunseok was too busy looking at you looking at him to notice all eyes on him.
“eunseok is thinking.” shotaro laughed looking up at you from the table.
“of course you can sit here.” eunseok started moving everyones things to the side “move over guys.”
“wahh.” sungchan moved to the other side of the table to sit next to wonbin.
“our cool guy eunseok.” anton smiled. anton didn’t move, giving you space to squeeze in next to eunseok. 
your friends quickly chose seats. giselle and winter sat inbetween to shotaro and sungchan, bahiyyih sat next to anton, and sullyoon went by seunghan.
you squeezed in by anton, sitting next to eunseok. everyone went into chatting amongst themselves, many of them sharing the same classes. you watched bahiyyih and anton talk about their sociology class, helping eachother sign into the classes groupchat for study groups. you and eunseok were the only ones completely silent at the table.
“hey eunseok.” you couldn’t stop smiling. eunseok’s ear started becoming red. were you teasing him? he didn’t know anything except for the fact that he was smiling hard for no reason.
you and eunseok eventually started a conversation, but eunseok couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. he couldn’t wipe it away when you touched his arm, or when you snuck him your number underneath the table. you and your girls left eventually to get to class, while the boys stayed a little longer. eunseok had to remain neutral, trying to not bring any attention to himself. he kept your number safely in his pocket until he made it back to his dorm room.
eunseok texted you first. he was the one who took the leap to ask you to come over and hang out while shotaro was gone. of course, you knew what this hangout was going to be. within ten minutes of walking through the door, eunseok’s lips were on yours. before you knew it, you were waking up the next morning in eunseok’s bed. he had his arm wrapped around you and pulled you in close. you unwrapped his arm from yours, successfully not waking him up. you left just in time, turning the corner to see shotaro knock on the door before going in. you cursed yourself for leaving behind your bra. you made the trek back to your apartment, thinking about the night before.
giselle eyed you when you came through the door of your shared apartment. 
“i thought you’d be at class by now?” you said. you didn’t look too disheveled, but still it was obvious you had a night of fun.
“i don’t have class on tuesdays.” giselle laughed. she was sitting on the couch and pointed at your shared calendar “did someone fuck your memory away?”
“giselle!” you grumble.
“i’m not the one to judge. hot girl semester, right?” giselle said looking at you from the couch. 
you forgot about the goal you and giselle set for this semester. focusing on school, not making time for men besides the occasional booty call. 
“no catching feelings.” giselle pointed at you mockingly. 
“it was a one time thing, giselle.” 
you went into your room and shut the door. you made a promise to yourself to not see eunseok again. this lasted only a few minutes after eunseok texted you saying how badly he wants to see you again. and that you left your bra, that shotaro almost found. it’s no surprise you were at his house the next night. and the night after that. anytime shotaro would be gone you were there. giselle never questioned it, but you believed she was bringing people over as well.
casual hookup turned to dates, and friends turned into dating. you had your reservations though, dating someone so close to the school year starting. so eunseok also ended up being the one to make the compromise.
“we don’t have to tell anyone we are seeing eachother.” eunseok had his hands in yours, gripping them tight.
“i’m not ashamed of us. i want you to know that.” you said, rubbing his hand. 
“i know. i get it.” eunseok hated the secrecy. he understood the privacy, but secrecy was too much.
“lets just keep this between us, for now.” you patted his head, making eunseok smile.
that was three months ago.
eunseok now sat next to you on the couch, breath hot on your neck. your book was long forgotten, the notes you were taking on it probably being wrinkled underneath your bodies. his laptop with his twelve paged paper (that was due tonight) sat open on the coffee table in front of him. all that mattered was trying to pull little whimpers from you, and to get as close to you as possible.
eunseok sat on the couch and pulled you to straddle his lap. you let out a little sound, probably surprised by how fast he grabbed you. 
eunseok wasted no time bringing you closer with one hand on your ass and his other pressing on the small of your back. you kissed him like you were in a rush or distracted.
“we have all day baby.” eunseok pulling away from you. you brushed hair away from his face, looking him in the eyes. eunseok smiled when you brought him in for a slow kiss.
it was yearning kiss. not only did sneaking around take a toll on you, but the course load was tiring as well. you often found yourself sleeping on eunseok’s couch sitting up, him moving you to the bed. you were losing time, always thinking about how badly you wanted to be with him.
eunseok must have felt the same, because he never let you out of his hands when he got a hold of you. at parties he would always stick close to you, keeping an eye on you at all times. he respected that you wanted to be with your girls, and that no one knew you were dating, so he kept to his group. he would be lying if he said he wasn’t watching you the whole night. 
you were both interrupted by a phone call. instantly your eyes shot wide open and eunseok almost laughed at the cartoonish expression you had. you reached for your phone on the coffee table behind you and eunseok kept his hands on you to give you balance.
you grabbed your phone and looked at eunseok in panic. you showed him the caller ID before answering it.
“hey giselle! what’s up?”
eunseok looked at you as you gave giselle all of your attention. you mindlessly grabbed on one of eunseok’s hands, tracing patterns on his hand.
“i completely forgot about the study group with everyone. i’m at the library right now, so i’m pretty close.”
giselle says something eunseok can’t hear, but he sees your eyes get wide.
“i don’t know where eunseok is, you’d have to call and ask him.” you try so hard to not sound suspicious, but a nervous twinge to your voice makes it go up an octave.
almost immediately, eunseok feels his phone ringing in his back pocket. he moves forward, still holding you in place to grab his phone. eunseok giggles before showing you the caller ID.
eunseok declines the call and puts the phone back in his pocket. eunseok goes back to kissing any part of your body he can get to, light and feathery.
“he declined? maybe he’s busy i’m not sure. but i’m coming. i’ll be there in like fifteen minutes.”
eunseok’s lips find his favorite part of your neck. he starts sucking lightly, careful not to leave a mark.
“giselle, no i’m alone right now.”
“no i’m not with jake!”
eunseok considered himself to be very level headed. he approached everything with an attitude that helped him shed negative emotions. but he couldn’t stop that jealousy from bubbling in his chest at the mentioning of jake, someone who had been doting on you since the start of the semester. so eunseok started to suck a little harder than usual. a hand also creeped its way up your shirt, squeezing your breast.
“i’m serious! okay bye i’ll see you soon.”
you hang up the phone and lean into eunseok’s lips. his hand grips you a little tighter.
“eunseok i have to go.” you say without moving. eunseok murmurs “mhm” into your skin.
you snap out of your reverie when eunseok lightly bites your neck. you break apart from him quickly and look down at eunseok. his hair is pushed back, his lips slightly parted in a pout.
“did you leave a mark?” you say bewildered. eunseok wordlessly nods his head.
“eunseok! all of my makeup is at my apartment across campus.” you punch him in the shoulder lightly, but he dramatically rubs his arm for effect.
“wanna leave one on me too?” eunseok bent his neck. you were tempted, but you were the one who wanted to have study group, you had to go.
you gathered all your stuff, putting your things in a backpack. you quickly walk over to his door. eunseok follows behind you, pulling at your clothes a little. before you open the door you turn around to face him. 
“show up ten minutes before me. say you were sleeping.” 
you take a detour before going to the study group. you make it to the bathroom to inspect your hickey. it’s unsalvageable. you take out a sweatshirt, from you bag. too warm for the weather. you pull it up all the way, covering up a majority of your hickey. you realize looking in the mirror you have eunseoks’ sweater on.
eunseok beats you to the study room. he walks in to see his friend group have a heated discussion. they are not talking about work, instead they have bahiyyih and sullyoon on each side of the whiteboard. on the board there’s “WHO IS SHE FUCKING?” im big bold letters. the entire room is laughing writing random names of every man you have interacted with this semester. eunseok sees jake, sunghoon, mark, jaehyun. with each name eunseok feels himself get more and more jealous. he remembers seeing some of these men approach you at parties, trying to get you to go home with them. eunseok had no reason to be jealous, each time you went home with him. sometimes you would even slip in declarations of your devotion to him while you were together.
but when eunseok sat down at the table, there was a silence that settled in the room. 
eunseok pointed at the name that pissed him off the most. sunghoon was the one you spent the most time with, especially because you two were in the same group for a project.
“he’s not really her type.” eunseok says simply.
“oh here he goes.” sungchan laughs.
“what’s her type then eunseok?” shotaro looks to giselle. giselle looks at shotaro.
when you enter the private study group room, instantly everyone is digging into you. you try not to look at eunseok, even though he’s staring at you intensely.
“what the hell is that on your neck?” sungchan points at the blooming bruise peeking underneath your collar.
“i thought you were in the library, you little minx.” giselle elbows shotaro next to her. you see those two are sitting pretty close together. 
“she was not reading books.” anton emphases the not causing the table to laugh.
“y’all need to mind your business.” you can’t stop smiling though. you know the teasing is lighthearted and comes from a good place. knowing that they don’t know it’s eunseok who left those marks made you want to laugh as well.
“we are trying to figure out who you’re fucking and you’re laughing?” wonbin looks over to you from the other side of the table. 
“i thought we came here to study?” you say pulling out your books.
eventually, you see sullyoon write an “e” everyone in the room goes dead silent. shotaro rips through the silence with a loud laugh. now your face is really hot, looking at eunseok’s name slowly be spelled out by sullyoon. 
you stare at eunseok’s name being written on the whiteboard. 
“if you guys bring that type of energy into exams you will ace them.” you smile looking to eunseok.
the study room erupts into cheers and laughs. you hear several “i knew it’s” and “i told you’s” as you take out your books and papers.
“now that’s out of the way can we study now?”
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01zfan · 4 months
Could you perhaps write something about waking up with RIIZE the morning after they take your v-card? Love your work <3
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next to you | riize
waking up next to shotaro the night after would be so sweet. i would describe it like waking up on a saturday when you know you have nothing to do. just very comforting, and shotaro definitely tucked you in the night before. i can see him being the one to wake up first and he'd be admiring you while you slept, trying to snuggle as closely to you as possible without waking you up. he'd move the covers away from your face and kiss your forehead lightly. he'd want to spend the day doing nothing else but laying with you. when you woke up shotaro would be dying to bring up what happened last night. i can see him being very reassuring and sweet, talking about how fun it was. shotaro would also get so red in the face if you told him you didn't know how pent up you had him.
more under the cut!
eunseok i think would be out like a light honestly-he was putting in the WORK the night prior. he'd probably wake up once he felt you stirring in the bed. he wouldn't let go of you the whole night no matter how much you moved, having you almost trapped as his little spoon. eunseok also probably made it his mission to make you cum multiple times, so once you guys were done for the night your body was so drained you went right to sleep without putting your pajamas back on. eunseok took it upon himself to put your undergarments back on you. it was the least he could do for you after fucking all your energy out of you. you slept soundly through the whole thing and when you woke up the following morning you would definitely be a little sore, not used to the exertion your body went through last night. eunseok would look at you with sleepy eyes before smiling after seeing how you let out a tiny hiss as you try to get yourself out of bed. he’d also cook for you and bring you breakfast in bed.
sungchan would be waiting for you to wake up. he probably didn't even go to sleep to begin with. he had to hold himself back from fucking you senseless for your first time, it made him restless and he couldn't sleep. so after you dozed off in his arms sungchan carefully untangled you from him and he was probably trying to work off all his tension. he tidied up the clothes that were thrown around your room, did the dishes from last night and probably even considered cooking you breakfast, too. sungchan would crawl back in bed with you and pull you into him. he'd be sitting against the headboard as he flexed his hand around your smaller ones, thinking about how lucky he was to be with you. he would kiss the back of your hand a million times, trying to gently wake you up. sungchan would also be going through every possible scenario in his head, trying to figure out how to tell you he wants to do more with you when you are ready. he’d also ask you how you felt like a million times too.
now the night after you and wonbin would sleep in FOR SURE im talking until like mid afternoon and i think you guys would end up staying in bed for the rest of the day. you both would still be naked from the night before but it wouldn’t be sexual as you guys cuddled underneath the sheets. he would be so shy to bring up the night before you’d have to do it. you guys would be holding eachother all day and he would say you’re the best over and over. i think wonbin would also cook for you but he’d want you to go into the kitchen with him so he didn’t have to leave his side :( you guys are attached at the hip and wonbin would look at you with so much adoration and love when you tell him how much fun you had.
sohee i think would try to act as nonchalant as possible but i think he would wake up first and look at you too. he also passed right out after sex and when you’d wake up he would probably fall back asleep to pretend like he wasn’t watching you all morning LMFAO. he’d bring up the night before as casual as possible but mind sentence he would realize he didn’t even know what to say… “so about last night..” *stares at you*
sohee would wanna leave the house i think and go get breakfast somewhere. i can see him asking if it was good for you like it was for him and being super sweet and tender with you.
anton i can see going one of two ways. either he’s super shy about it to the point that his face gets all red when you bring up the night before and he’s hiding underneath the covers or he is super inquisitive about it. if you got super shy anton i think he would wake up long before you and try to clean up a little like sungchan, maybe order in some breakfast so you don’t have to get up. ehen you wake up he’d be blushing like crazy and all smiles if you brought up the night before. i think he’d wanna ask you what parts you liked and didn’t like. if you got inquisitive anton i think he’d still be a little bashful, but he would be on a mission to make your next time even better. you guys would end up laying in bed together all day watching tv and talking :(
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01zfan · 5 months
who in riize gives big dick energy but can’t use it well?
okay so i personally think all of the tallz (sungchan, eunseok, and anton) all have big dicks. it’s kind of like a science like once you reach a certain height you just are Endowed. HOWEVER i think they all have different alignments on the big dick energy chart…walk with me for a second.
i think sungchan has big dick energy and knows how to use it well. let’s be real we all know this. he’s a multi sport athlete, works out, is giant as fuck, and his confidence just makes me think he knows what to do with it. if you’re into being manhandled sungchan is your guy. he will have you folded like a lawn chair, in positions you didn’t even know existed. all you know it that you feel good.
i can see sungchan knowing when to change positions, how to make himself hit that spot inside of you. he definitely uses his stamina to his advantage, and uses that to push your limits as well. for sure a “i think you got one more in you.” type of guy. also unfortunately sungchan knows he has a big dick and would be teasing you the whole time. he’d be cooing at you too, occasionally slipping in how you’re such a good girl for taking all of him
anton thinks he can’t use his dick well but he does. this may be a hot take, but i think anton’s recent confidence boost has been changing the way i see him a little bit. he’s also a former athlete, works out, and is a fast learner likeeeee lets do the math. i can see anton being able to go for another round pretty quickly too. if he cums he is ready for another round just tell him about how good he made you feel and all the things you want to still do to him. he will be ready to go. i can see anton also being really sweet the whole time but it kinda plays off as mocking you a little. “i’m sorry if i’m too big, it still feels good though, right? :(“ i can also see anton getting better with time especially if you guys talk about what was good and what wasn’t good after sex (he calls it an after sex strategy session). give him some time and he will have you wondering why he thinks his dick game isn’t crazy. watch out for the quiet ones y’all.
okay now eunseok…LMFAOOO this guy has no energy on the big dick energy alignment chart but you just know he can lay it down. he seems like the type to know your ins and outs purely off of how you are outside of bed. he completely has you pegged knowing what you like and don’t like. you’re shook because you didn’t even know what to expect of him. how did he know you liked this position? he’s hitting all of your spots, i can see him being kind of thick too.
he is the sweetest in bed but afterwards he will be bragging about it. ESPECIALLY if you tell him you didn’t know he had that in him. overtime he will get riskier and riskier with positions and angles. each time he will leave you with a dumb smile on your face.
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01zfan · 5 months
hii is it possible if you could do smth like meeting sungchan or eunseok at a frat party and hitting it off really well? ur work is literally incredible btw :)
thank you anon! i like your request, wasn’t sure if you wanted a sfw or nsfw thing so i did both…i also did both of the members because i miss my frat party era too much
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frat row | s. es & j. sc
frat boy!eunseok x fem. reader | 1k words
contains: alcohol consumption, (implied) hookup
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the shitty music from the fraternity pumped through the speakers. you could barely hear your own thoughts as you drank from a cup with cheap vodka. you were unprepared for this party to say the least, unable to sneak in your favorite mixers that made the alcohol go down easier. you had to tough through it if you wanted to drink tonight. each sip was met with a grimace as you looked for the friend you came with. you guys had a pact to stay together, or to atleast be within yelling distance. you see her talking to her on again off again boyfriend and you smile at the pair. you have never told her but you think they’ll end up getting married the way they keep coming back to one another.
you canvas the party, saying hello to people you’ve seen in class and find your way to the makeshift bar. you sit at a stool, waiting for a good song to come on when you see eunseok on the other side. he smiles at you and you smile back.
“do you want a drink?” he says into your ear. even though he has to yell over the music, his voice is still gentle and laid back.
“no i already have one.” you yell to him.
he nods and you thank him for asking. although the conversation is over you still catch his glance towards you, as if he’s waiting for you to say something. you don’t know if it’s the terrible tasting alcohol having an effect on your system but you lean over the bar again to talk to him.
“do you know who’s controlling the music?” you ask. you want to make sure it’s not him before you shit on the dj’s song selection.
“no, but it’s awful right?” eunseok asks. 
you nod your head and you both laugh at how terribly loud and awful the music is. eunseok assures you that it’s usually not this bad and you tell him you’re just gonna have to take his word for it.
you both find out that you two share some classes together. the problem with your school is that the campus is massive, sometimes you’re in a lecture hall with fifty other people. you two talk about an assignment that’s due tonight, bonding over the fact that it is not getting turned until tomorrow. eunseok learns your name and repeats it back to you, to make sure he is saying in properly. you do the same thing when he gives you his name. 
eunseok tells you jokes all night and it makes you laugh, the fact that he has to practically yell it in your ear makes him find everything humorous as well. he introduces you to some people who come up to him. they compliment you, saying you’re pretty and you accept all the compliments with a smile. you see eunseok nod in agreement and that is what makes you flustered to the point of near silence.
“can i get your number. you know, just in case i have any questions about class.” eunseok says. he shrugs his shoulders, trying to make you laugh at how nonchalant he’s trying to be. you stick out your hand and he gives you his phone. you put your number in and text yourself from his phone. you both save the contact. it’s nerve wracking putting away your phone to look back at him, but eunseok’s smile and easygoing personality keeps the conversation flowing the rest of the night.
as the night is coming to an end, more and more people leave the frat house. you end up staying through loud song after loud song. over the course of the night, eunseok had gotten more touchy with you. he put his hand on the small of your back a little more often, brushed his hand over yours and gave you some of his soda to help mix with the rest of your alcohol. eunseok looks over your body don’t go unnoticed. you make an effort to look at him with eyes that tells him what you want. when he does a once over of your body you can no longer handle the subtle looks to try and get what you want. you lean over to whisper in his ear. eunseok places a hand on the arch of your back to bring you in and tilts his ear towards you.
“can we go somewhere else?” you ask. ”this music is too loud.” 
eunseok nods and puts his drink down. he takes you by the hand and walks you over to the stairs. as you walk up the stairs you send a text to your friend telling her you’re going with a man named eunseok. 
he leads you past several rooms, filled with couples doing what you two are about to do. he takes you his private room, making sure no one is there. 
within a few minutes of him closing the door his lips are on your neck. you expose more of your neck to him and feel the expanse of his shoulders. he sucks a patch of skin underneath your ear and takes your earlobe into his mouth. you guys make out standing up, both to greedy to pull away. eunseok slowly walks backwards, pulling you by the belt loop of your jeans to follow his lead. the kiss is only broken for a second while he positions himself on the bed, and you lay down on top of him. 
you have your hands on his shoulder as you continue to kiss him, tongue touching his. eunseok’s hands move from the belt loop of your jeans to your ass, pressing you down on him so he can grind on you. you break apart from the kiss, panting heavily as he smiles up at you. he looks even better underneath you than he did downstairs. his delicate hands trace up and down your body. he plays with the hem of your shirt and you reach your hands underneath his shirt to feel his stomach. eunseok brings a hand to push hair behind your ear. he uses his thumb to wipe the spit off your glossy lips. he slowly prods his thumb into your mouth and you part your lips just enough to take his thumb inside. eunseok smiles as he lightly shakes his head to move hair out of his face.
“can i fuck you baby?” 
stranger!sungchan x fem. reader | 1.3k words
contains: (implied) hookup
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you hated frat parties. you hated the perpetually sticky floors, you hated the awful music selection, you hated how loud and dirty it was. but on a friday night in a college town, going to a frat house was one of the few things you could do. so you put on your beaters and put on a simple outfit to make the trek to fraternity row. 
you and your friends decided on going to a frat you hadn’t been to before. the man at the door let you in and instantly you were overwhelmed with everything you hated. there was already a spill on the floor immediately when you walked in. you saw a very intense game of beer pong happening on a table. you recognized some of the boys from around campus, but you were drawn to a boy you hadn’t seen before. you would’ve known if you had seen him before, his height above everyone else in the room. you watched him skillfully land the ball into the cup each time it was his. turn. he cleared three cups at once, you were embarrassed to say you were impressed with his talent of cup pong.
the night went along and you constantly were stealing glances his way. you thought it was going unnoticed until he came up to you and your friends huddled on a couch you refused to sit all the way on.
“hey sungchan.’ your friend said to him.
“hey, how are you?” he asked.
“i’m good. this is a good friend of mine by the way.” your friend said pointing at you. you look at sungchan and awkwardly reached to shake his hand. he laughs as he gives you a handshake. he doesn’t have a weak grip, shaking your hand with confidence.
“it’s nice to meet you. i’m sungchan.” he says. after realizing he has already been introduced he rubs the back of his neck. it’s funny seeing someone so tall get flustered. your friend group is nice to him and he hangs around you guys for some time, joinging the conversation and laughing along with your group.
“im going to get some chips downstairs. do you guys want anything?” sungchan asks getting up from the couch. your friends tell him to bring up a few things, and you offer to help with carrying things up the stairs.
sungchan leads the way down the stairs to the basement. there is another gathering going on down there, with some of the other people in the frat playing games on the switch. the music booms from the first floor, and they yell at eachother while playing a very intense game of mario kart.
“you’re trash. you’re trash.” one of the boys say. sungchan laughs as he watches them play, all of them fluctuate and exchange first place.
“sungchan we do not want you to join, by the way.” another one of them say. all of the boys playing mario kart laugh. you’re not sure why they are opposed to sungchan playing mario kart, but you can assume he is naturally too good at the game and they don’t want to lose. sungchan hands you a bag of chips and you open them, eating and watching the intense game of mario kart unfold. 
“do you play?” sungchan asks you.
“a little bit. i’m pretty crazy on my motorcycle.” you say. sungchan laughs at you as he takes some chips from your bag.
“we will have to play together in the future then.” sungchan says, smiling.
you sit on the washer machine as sungchan leans on the dryer next to you. you tell him about your interests and he listens intently. he asks you how you met your friends and you tell him you just kind of gravitated towards her. sungchan understands as he explains that’s kind of how he found his way to the fraternity, hanging out with some of the members turned into him getting an official invitation but he declined. you were surprised he didn’t join the fratenity, but sungchan told you he didn’t want to rush or be a part of the organization. he just enjoyed being with his friends and hanging out sometimes at parties. but he mostly enjoyed sleeping in his bed, something he would not be able to do if he had joined.
you guys finish a bag of chips together before moving onto another one. you go through what seems like half the variety pack as you guys talk about a little bit of everything. you unfortunately share no classes together, but sungchan tells you he is more than happy to hang out with you on days you both don’t have classes to continue to talk. you talk even after his friends finish their game and go upstairs to join the party. you continue talking about your future career paths and why you chose your major as the music upstairs stops. 
your friends come down, confused as to why they never got the chips sungchan offered to grab. he rubs the back of his neck again as he apologizes. you are able to give him your number as you leave the frat with your friends, content with how you spent your friday.
you don’t even make it off the lawn of the fraternity before sungchan is texting you.
is it too presumptuous to ask you which dorm you stay at? 
you smile as you type in the large co-ed dorm on campus.
what a coincidence. i also live in that dorm. 
i live on the sixth floor in a double. you text him. you try not to be too desperate with dropping the hints. you see the three dots appear.
i live on the eighth floor in a single.
is it too presumptuous if i ask to come over? you text back.
no not at all :) give me twenty minutes.
you try not to laugh as you see sungchan nearly sprint out the fraternity on a different path—the shortcut to your dorm. you also found yourself moving a little faster towards the dorm, trying to herd your group of tipsy friends back to their separate dorms.
you didn’t bother going to your room. you knew your dormmate was knocked out around this time and you didn’t want to disturb her just to be in and out. you instead took the elevator to the eighth floor. sungchan was waiting outside his newly cleaned dorm, closing and locking the door behind you. he was in a different sweater and only his boxers. you could see the faint outline of his dick as he handed you his sweater to change into.
you went into his bathroom to change. you kept the panties off, putting them in his hand as he stood outside the bathroom waiting for you. he shamelessly felt your boobs over his sweater, looking down at you as you slipped your hands under his shirt. he tapped on your ass and you jumped up. he held you with ease while carrying you to his bed. he sat against the headboard as you swivel your hips against his hardening erection.
“saw you looking at me all night.” sungchan says. his hair looks fluffy and his eyes are soft, contradicting the knowing tone in his voice.
“can you blame me?” you say, pressing your hips a little harder into him.
“should’ve just told me you wanted me baby, we could’ve been doing this way earlier.” sungchan smiles as he kisses your collarbone, then your neck. he puts his hands on your back and pulls you into him, helping you grind you bare pussy on his clothed dick.
“i’m here now. that’s what matters.” you say simply. you pull your arms into his sweater, getting ready to take it off. he moves his hand to grip the bottom of the sweater, holding it in place.
“keep this on for me, yeah?” sungchan says before resuming his kisses on your neck.
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01zfan · 4 months
BRO BRO BRO BRO BRO I need something, SOMETHING with this in it. Which member would praise you during sex with something like "come on mama's, finish it mama's, need help mama's?" It's giving eunseok,sungchan, and anton
Sungchan just bc I see him calling his s/o mama's in a sexual and romantic way
And anton, it's just the jersey boy in him that I hear saying it
i am a sungchan calling his s/o mama ENTHUSIAST. i think i’ve written something where he says it but yup i can totally see it. he’ll use it as a term of endearment outside of bed like if he sees you eyeing some of his food he’ll say “you want some mama?” before offering you basically all of it. now in the bed…it would be sexual and kind of teasing! like if he sees you struggling to take his dick or if you’re squirming from being teased he’ll hit you with the “can you take it mama’s?” or “what’s wrong mama’s?” while being completely unfazed by the nickname sungchan’s personality is naturally teasing but also really attentive so i feel like mama is the perfect middle ground for him. it’s not too kinky like mommy is although he’s probably working up to that. but calling you mamas kinda gives you a little more authority in bed? it’s not as subby as being called baby so sungchan probably calls you that to give you some control in bed too. if you’re three rounds deep in the night and you seem absolutely drained sungchan will touch you gently and ask you “you got another in you mama?”…suddenly you got three more rounds left in you!
more under the cut!
i feel like eunseok says it purely to tease. he knows the proximity of the word to mommy and absolutely uses that to his advantage. when he calls you mamas you do your best to ignore it but you can stop the heat from blossoming across your face every time he calls you that. eunseok who smiles into the kiss after calling you mamas because he sees how shy it makes you…asks you ”does it feel good mamas?” as he has you laid out on the bed taking his fingers. eunseok sees that you hear him and you nod meekly while whimpering. if sungchan calls you mamas to give you authority eunseok uses it to be even more dominant in bed. like an ironic, ‘you can’t even handle being called mamas how can you handle being a dom?’ sort of way. debate!eunseok starts calling you that after seeing how you react to him telling you “good job mamas” at a competition. anything that’ll make you go mute and look at him bewildered he’ll do it because he’s an absolute menace.
now idk if i can see anton saying mamas…i can hear it in his really soft and sweet voice but i don’t know what situation he’d say it in. maybe when it finally did slip out of his mouth you both would be a little shocked you would just smile and move on, silently letting anton know you like the little nickname. in bed you would moan just a little louder when anton would whisper the nickname in your ear and nod your head eagerly if he asked you a question.
i can see shotaro calling his significant other mamas too! like idk y’all maybe im extra delusional when it comes to shotaro but he definitely called you mamas from the jump. very much a term of endearment but with shotaro everything sounds like he’s flirting and the worst part is that he knows it too. LOVES to call you mama’s when you’re all fucked out underneath him. he will absolutely play coy being like “everything alright mama’s?” while you are obviously NOT alright. i can see him using mama’s teasingly but also as encouragement like if you’re throwing it back on him or riding him. he’d LOVE calling you that while you’re the one on top. “you got it mama’s” or “feels good mama.” he wants to make you feel like you got it and of course it goes straight to your head because he’s just so good at motivating you to keep taking it.
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01zfan · 5 months
Who in riize to fuck u on that bed
oh i absolutely have to say eunseok. he would be tease you the whole time too, pointing out which plushies he bought for you. he’d taunt you, asking if your plushies are allowed to watch what he’s about to do to you i just see him as someone who would find it so cute/funny fucking you hard on your hello kitty bed. he’d even use one of them to put underneath your back for support while he fucked you into the mattress. you’d be so distraught afterwards because now your favorite hello kitty plushie smells like sex.
you would definitely get him back afterwards though when he’s knocked out on your bed underneath your hello kitty blanket surrounding by all your hello kitty plushies. you’d take a million pictures while he’s sleeping and set it as your homescreen because he just looks so cozy.
i think sungchan would be the same way as eunseok, except all your plushies would be on the floor by the time you two are done. in the heat of the moment sungchan would just fling them off the bed especially if they’re in his way. he’s massive and takes up so much space he needs all the possible room he can get. he’d let out a little groan each time he had to stop fucking you to clear your bed and you would scold him a little each time to be careful with your little hello kitty’s. he’d laugh and say they can’t feel it and continue fucking you asking if you can feel him.
by the time you guys are down your bed is completely bare and you make him pick up every single one of your plushies and apologize for being mean to them, kissing every single one of them. you have a secret video of him gently patting every singe one as evidence of what a big softie he is. he would look so pretty underneath your sheets and i can see sungchan being such a cuddler that he ends up holding one of your plushies as you guys fall asleep.
anton, sohee, and shotaro would make it routine part of the night before sex to take the plushies off the bed. anton would be so worried, laughing in between kisses saying he feels like they’re staring at him. so you guys would take the extra step to face them the other way and anton would tell you that’s much better before he goes back to sucking your face. anton would be so careful with you too, something about being on your bed makes him so gentle with you. shotaro would be so apologetic, apologizing to each kitty individually while he put them on the floor. while you have shotaro inside of you it’s the last thing on your mind. sohee and shotaro would love playing with the plushies, throwing all of them on the bed afterwards so you guys can have all your little babies with you.
okay so wonbin i can see him going either way. either he’d be so into it, not being able to describe how he feels seeing you surrounding by all your hello kitty memorabilia as he undresses you. he’d have you on the edge of your bed looking up at him before he lays you down on your plushies and kisses you breathless. the panties would definitely stay on too while he fingers you. your plushies would end up falling off the bed purely from how much you two move the mattress, by the time you’re done you both are so exhausted. you took a picture of him snuggling up to hellos kitty and he laughs so hard at it. the other version of wonbin is that he would just push all of them off, saying they’re in the way. regardless wonbin would look so freaking pretty underneath the pink sheets omgee.
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01zfan · 3 months
QUICK!!!! thoughts on situationship!eunseok ... i feel like im gonna start crying every time i think of him sighs...
situationship eunseok could go one of two ways i think…he’d either be borderline dating you or absolutely putting you through the wringer…
hmmm first of all i think a situationship with eunseok would probably start because of lack of communication? maybe a you guys were talking for awhile romantically but one of you kinda pulled back because of some shitty reason but you still wanna see eachother? so it’d be calm lil outings (NOT A DATE!!! one of you would have specify) and end with you guys in bed.
eunseok has a reputation of being very stoic and i think that might end up coming into play. also i don’t think he’s as possessive as everyone thinks he is. like he’d of course hate sharing but he also has the “she knows where home is” mindset…that’s why i think being in a situationship with him would be the actual pits of HELLLLL. imagine trying to go on a date and telling eunseok about it to try and get him jealous but he’d be very unbothered bc he knows when the date inevitably goes to shit (he’s the only man you wanna have fun with) you’ll end up at his door.
of course though he’d make you feel good and make you regret even the thought of entertaining another guy. eunseok strikes me as the type to be very attentive and giving no matter the circumstances of your relationship. he’d probably know you order at a food place and bring it to you or have your favorite snacks ready for you in his fridge. you’d be so confused because situationships are NAWT meant to be this domestic…little do you know eunseok has been doting on you think whole time…hiding behind his nonchalantness…please hit him with the what are we question so he can lock tf in
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01zfan · 4 months
song eunseok | s. es
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safe for work . . . . . . not safe for work
bad idea, right?
in the middle (feat. jung sungchan)
your birthday
miss you more
argue with you: part one | part two | part three
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©01zfan 2024 . . . . . . back to main masterlist . . . . . . click 'eunseokz' for his blurbz and reactionz
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01zfan · 4 months
hi ... ninona ... there is a discourse that blow up on the internet about eunseok who smiles in between kisses ... it made me crazy and ... uhm ... can you please make something about it ... you're my favorite riize writer and I that's why I wrote this request
oh absolutely and i see eunseok as the type to look into your eyes first. he can see how badly you want him to kiss you and THATS when he first smiles. then he just lets his eyes fall to your lips before bringing you in…STILL SMILING…hes absolutely straight cheesing when he tilts your head up to bring your lips to his.
eunseok is the type to smile while giving you little pecks and only smiles harder realizing how bad you wanna deepen the kiss. just the image of him smiling while letting his eyes close to bring you in for another series of pecks legit is sending me up a wall and him sliding his hand from under your chin to hold your cheek
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01zfan · 3 months
Ong situationship Eunseok when you start texting him that the blind date guy u just met seems creepy. he's actually quite normal but you're being dramatic and you're really getting bored. him trying to play it off cool and being like "told you so" but he ends up waiting for you outside the restaurant all overprotective when you're done and you're like?? ok bro maybe you're not that cool after all with me seeing another guy
he’d tell u he was in the area…damn near a town over…waiting outside the restaurant like he just happened to be there. hed try to be all cool about it the whole way back to your place trying not to pry but also trying to get the most info out as possible. DO NOT tell eunseok yall kissed because he fr might start tweaking in his head💔
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01zfan · 2 months
argue with you pt4 where they just completed 1 year of relationship and eunseok likes to make fun of that one time reader broke his heart at a night after the debate session and she frown at him everytime apologizing. he knows she's sorry and never doubted her love even once so everything just ends with laughing and teasing
I can really see them as one of those toothache couples 😫 they never thought they could happen to each other like that
OMG STAWPPPP i was thinking about this so much today. SO MUCH apologizing but eunseok would just smile and say it’s okay.
they would be so sweet with eachother like i can see them being weary at first but then when they realize there’s no time to waste they go ALL IN. like notes tucked in books and hand holding all the timeeee everyone would be sick of them for real. no one knows this sweet innocent couple literally budded from an fwb situationship where they both hated eachother.
everyone on the team loves to tease them by pretending they made it obvious and everyone knew the whole time they were together. i can definitely see one of the members on the debate team accidentally bringing up that they caught them sneaking around and both of them having to profusely deny it djdjfkjf
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