#evernote pls sponsor me
always-andromeda · 1 year
hi Meda it’s the journal anon again lol, just wanted to say tysm for the suggestion for Evernote! I actually found a notebook lying around that I never used so I decided to use it for my journal but Evernote seems like a good app so I’ll keep that in mind! :)
on a side note: you mentioned that you used it for writing? like writing your fics right? I might use it for that then since I usually write on a Google doc and I feel like Evernote will keep it more organized than on docs
Hey again!! Good luck with the journaling!! 💖✨
And on Evernote: I still occasionally use Google docs since it does like grammar and spelling checks and I am garbage at proofreading my own work. But Evernote is how I keep everything organized.
For example, you can create individual notes and then organize them together into notebooks, which you can then organize into stacks. And since I use Evernote for a range of stuff, it really helps me keeps everything separate. So for fanfic writing, I literally have a stack titled “Fanfics” and the notebooks underneath it are all compilations of fics for different characters or events I’ve done. It’s been super helpful for keeping all of my stuff together and basically everyone I’ve recommended it to has really found it useful too!!
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