#everybody in the office loves x-2-15. she is very well behaved and will beg for food if she thinks you have snacks in your pocket
2hoothoots · 2 years
WAIT if evelyn has a mutated rat with its brain exposed perched on her shoulder, what are lili’s thoughts about that 👀
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they exchange a lot of husbandry tips, actually! Lili isn't super keen on the whole "semi-ethical genetic experimentation" angle, but hey, it's not like Evelyn's making any more of them these days (especially after they all turned out to be absolutely useless for getting anything villainous done). but she didn't have the heart to get rid of them either so now she just has, like, a bunch of them that live in her house and they're all old and fat and crochety and Lili adores them all.
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