#everyone fucking defaults to problem solving for me or explaining how their dumb executive functioning brains would go about solving things
kittykatinabag · 9 months
A short list of the things I desperately miss from the US:
Antiperspirant that actually works as intended
Good Asian food
Good American BBQ
Cheap shipping
The United States Postal Service
Good Mexican food
Good Asian grocery stores
American candy brands
Cheap energy bills
Not immediately being out grouped because I have an American accent
3rd places not reliant on drinking culture
Good breweries and craft beer
Good craft stores
My normal skincare products
Ben and Jerry's pints under $7/pint
My favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor Milk and Cookies
Good takeout places
Smoking being uncommon
Normal sized fridges
Good vegetables
Good fruit
Screens on windows in the summer time to keep the bugs out
Parks/Green spaces that are open 24/7
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