#except it's not a crackpot theory because you got it lmao
14dayswithyou · 1 year
This is probably very far-fetched and a result of me overthinking it but i have a theory that Leon is secretly a yandere. So here's my little investigation :3
Piece of evidence number 1: I vaguely remember you saying something like "who said Ren is the only yandere in the game?" Or something along those lines, in an older post.
Piece of evidence number 2: In a post from june with some Leon crumbs you said: "When he was younger, Leon almost got into a fight because the weird kid in the grade below him tried to give you a ring on the playground. But Leon shut the whole ordeal down really quick because you promised to marry him first. Did you forget?" And that's just giving me yandere vibes
(Moving onto crackpot theories cause this is just me over analyzing jokes you made)
Piece of evidence number 3: You mentioned Leon, Theo and Jae would wear matching among us costumes for halloween, and Leon would be the imposter. Which made me think he might actually be an imposter lol
Piece of evidence number 4: This post was all non-canon and a joke but i'm still going to mention it. That one ask about Ren messing around with Angel's bedsheets, your response was "Who's gonna tell em about what Leon does in the bathroom during your sleepovers?? ^^"
Okay that's all i have ! Hope you have a good day !!
✦゜ANSWERED: I'm gonna need you to be a bit more quiet.................
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geoffrard · 2 years
God hi sorry geoff and gerards comic?
yeah! so the story goes that geoff got to know mikey first from all of the eyeball etc parties that they'd both be at, and geoff, who was an undercover comics nerd, had heard that mikey had this reclusive and cool older brother who was a talented comic book artist. he kept bugging mikey to get gerard out to shows and parties, but mikey was basically just like give it a rest dude lmao.
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here's gerard and geoff talking about that in 2015 when no devotion was opening for gerard in the uk leg of the hesitant alien tour. geoff is kind of simplifying things here though, which we know because he's talked extensively about meeting gerard elsewhere. here, for example.
basically, though, gerard and geoff became friends (aside from gerard designing some merch for thursday) because they were going to write a comic book together. geoff would write the storyline, and gerard would draw it.
here's geoff talking about that:
“Gerard Way was a kid who came to a bunch Thursday shows. Comic book artist, amazing comic book artist. And I was like, great, we’re gonna make comics together. He was like, awesome. I was like, I’ll write and you draw and this is gonna be awesome, we’re gonna collaborate. We talked about it forever. And then, of course, he’s like, so, dude, I can’t do a comic book right now, here’s my band’s demo. And I was like, aw, bait and switch, you bastard motherfucker! And he was like, well the band’s called My Chemical Romance. And I was like, well that’s a cool name. Like, that’s a good name. Like, if you didn’t know the band already, you’d just be like, cool name, My Chemical Romance, yeah. And, so, I ended up producing that record and it came out on Eyeball.”
they had apparently been talking about it for a while. sometimes when geoff recounts his early friendship with gerard he makes it seem like he hadn't known gerard that well prior to gerard approaching him for mcr, but they had known each other probably since (my guess) 2000/early 2001. and they already had planned a lot of the comic before they both got too busy with their music careers (thursday took off in 2001, literally around the same month that mcr got together) to continue it further.
also i know this probably isn't true and it's not based in fact at all except that geoff and gerard were on the same tour around the time that ua was starting to be developed but my conspiracy theory is that geoff is behind some of the ua. everyone on mcrblr gets to have their little crackpot beliefs and this is mine.
tl;dr geoff and gerard were supposed to write a comic together but they didn't because of 9/11 :/
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