#eye doctor in patna
asgeyecareindia · 8 months
Expert Eye Hospital in Patna Rajendra Nagar | ASG Eye Hospital
Discover top-notch eye care services at ASG Eye Hospital in Patna Rajendra Nagar. We specialize in cataract and LASIK surgeries, glaucoma treatment, and more.
Book an Appointment Now!
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credihealth01 · 2 years
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brightsight123 · 2 years
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BrightSight Eye Hospital is for any eye problem. Best eye treatment and cataract surgery (phaco) at very affordable price by specialist eye surgeon. - Best Eye Doctor (DR. Abhishek Ranjan and Dr. Ranjana Kumar).
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Cataract Surgery in khagaria | Preheal - India Ka total Health
Preheal stands as a beacon of Cataract Surgery in Khagaria, where finding the best doctor isn’t just a promise, but a reality. Renowned for its commitment to patient-centric care and cutting-edge medical practices, Preheal boasts a team of top-tier doctors who embody expertise, empathy, and dedication. The best doctor at Preheal in Khagaria isn’t merely defined by credentials, but by their ability to forge meaningful connections with patients, listening attentively to their concerns, and tailoring treatment plans with precision and compassion.
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shreebalajinetralaya · 9 months
Best-eye-hospital-in-Bihar-74 by shreebalaji netralaya Via Flickr: Eye Hospital in Patna | Best eye Hospital in Nala road | Best eye hospital In bihar, Dr. Shashi Mohanka has had a very successful career with tons of experience. He has worked with leading eye hospitals like Dr. Agarwal eye hospital, Vasan eye care hospital, Salem for over 10 years,Eye hospital in patna, eye hospital in bihar, Best eye hospital in bihar, Best eye hospital in Patna Best eye Hospital in Nala road, Best retina doctor in patna, Best Phaco specialist in patna, Best eye clinic In patna Best eye clinic In bihar shreebalajinetralaya.com/
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Motiyabind ka Ilaaj & operational cost!!
Motiyabind, also known as cataract, is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the clear lens inside the eye becomes cloudy, causing blurred vision and other visual disturbances. While cataracts can be treated with medication or eyeglasses in the early stages, surgery is often required in advanced cases.
Cataract surgery is a safe and effective procedure that involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial one. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia and takes around 20-30 minutes to complete. Patients are usually able to go home the same day and can resume normal activities within a few days.
The cost of cataract surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and the location. However, in general, the cost of cataract surgery in India ranges from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 1,00,000. Some factors that can influence the cost include the type of lens used, the experience of the surgeon, and the facilities provided by the hospital.
It is important to choose an experienced and qualified ophthalmologist for cataract surgery. The surgeon should be able to explain the procedure, risks, and benefits of the surgery, and answer any questions that the patient may have.
After the surgery, it is important to follow proper hygiene practices to prevent infection. Patients are usually given eye drops to use for several weeks to prevent infection and reduce inflammation.
While cataract surgery is generally safe, there are some risks associated with the procedure, such as infection, bleeding, and vision loss. It is important to discuss any concerns with the ophthalmologist before undergoing the surgery.
In summary, cataract surgery is a safe and effective treatment for motiyabind ka ilaaj or cataract. The cost of the surgery can vary, and it is important to choose a qualified surgeon and follow proper hygiene practices after the surgery. With proper care and attention, most patients can achieve good results and improve their vision.
Sankalp Eye Hospital in Ambikapur is one of the best eye hospitals for the treatment of cataract or motiyabind ka ilaaj. The hospital has a team of experienced ophthalmologists who use advanced technology and techniques to provide the best possible care for their patients.
Motiyabind ka ilaaj or cataract is a common eye condition that affects people as they age. It is caused by the clouding of the natural lens in the eye, leading to blurry vision and eventually blindness if left untreated. The most effective treatment for cataract is surgery, which involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one.
At Sankalp Eye Hospital, cataract surgery is performed using the latest techniques such as phacoemulsification, which is a quick and painless procedure with minimal recovery time. The hospital also offers a range of lenses, including multifocal and toric lenses, to meet the specific needs of each patient.
The cost of cataract surgery at Sankalp Eye Hospital is reasonable and affordable for patients from all walks of life. The hospital also offers financing options and accepts insurance to help make the procedure more accessible to those in need.
Sankalp Eye Hospital is a renowned eye hospital located in Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced ophthalmologists who provide the best possible care and treatment to their patients. The hospital specializes in a wide range of eye treatments, including cataract surgery, LASIK surgery, glaucoma treatment, corneal transplantation, and more.
At Sankalp Eye Hospital, patients are provided with personalized care and attention. The hospital has a patient-centric approach and aims to provide the highest level of care to its patients. The hospital uses advanced diagnostic equipment and surgical techniques to ensure that its patients receive the best possible treatment.
The hospital also emphasizes the importance of regular eye checkups. It is essential to have regular eye checkups to detect any eye problems at an early stage. This can help prevent the progression of the disease and ensure that the patient receives timely treatment.
Therefore, it is recommended that individuals have an eye checkup at least once a year. This is especially important for individuals above the age of 40, as they are more prone to developing age-related eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
In conclusion, Sankalp Eye Hospital is an excellent choice for anyone looking for high-quality eye care and treatment. The hospital's team of experienced ophthalmologists, advanced facilities, and patient-centric approach make it a top choice for patients in Ambikapur and surrounding areas. It is important to prioritize regular eye checkups to maintain good eye health and prevent any potential eye problems from progressing.
In addition to surgery, the hospital also provides medical management of cataract through regular checkups and medications. Patients are educated about the importance of good hygiene practices to prevent further damage to their eyes.
Overall, Sankalp Eye Hospital is a reliable and trusted choice for anyone seeking treatment for cataract or motiyabind. Their team of expert ophthalmologists and state-of-the-art facilities make them a leader in eye care in Ambikapur and the surrounding areas.
Our eyes are one of the most precious gifts we have. They allow us to see the world around us, appreciate its beauty, and experience life to the fullest. Yet, most of us take our eyes for granted and fail to give them the care and attention they deserve.
Regular eye checkups are crucial for maintaining good eye health. They can help detect early signs of eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration, which can cause irreversible damage to your vision if left untreated.
By getting your eyes checked regularly, you can ensure that any eye problems are detected and treated early on, before they can cause permanent damage. This can help preserve your vision and improve your quality of life.
So, I urge you to take the time to schedule regular eye checkups with your eye doctor. Don't wait until you notice symptoms or changes in your vision. Prevention is always better than cure, and taking care of your eyes now can help ensure that they will serve you well for years to come.
Remember, your eyes are precious, and they deserve the best care possible. So, let's make a commitment to prioritize our eye health and get regular eye checkups.
Stay healthy and take care of your eyes!
For a better understanding of motiyabind ka ilaaj, and operational costs or make your appointment at sankalp hospital. The website link is here: https://eye.sankalphospital.com
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asgeyehospitals · 2 years
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LASIK Eye Surgery | Q-LASIK | ASG Eye Hospitals
LASIK eye surgery is the best known and most commonly performed laser refractive surgery to correct vision problems. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. Lasik eye surgery or Q-LASIK eye surgery is performed to treat various eye conditions. LASIK specialists recommend this procedure in case of nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia), and astigmatism. It is also undertaken as a subsequent surgery when treating one or the other eye condition. 
During LASIK surgery, a special type of cutting laser is used to precisely change the shape of the dome-shaped clear tissue at the front of your eye (cornea) to improve vision. In eyes with normal vision, the cornea bends (refracts) light precisely onto the retina at the back of the eye. But with nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism, the light is bent incorrectly, resulting in blurred vision. Glasses or contact lenses can correct vision, but reshaping the cornea itself also will provide the necessary refraction. 
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In medical terms, Q-LASIK eye surgery is used when the images of the outside world don’t fall exactly on the retina, thereby causing the refractive error. This procedure reshapes the cornea, which fixes or corrects vision. It is performed to cure different kinds of eye diseases which include Nearsightedness (Myopia), Farsightedness ( Hypermetropia), and Astigmatism. If you're considering LASIK surgery, you probably already wear glasses or contact lenses. Your eye doctor will talk with you about whether LASIK surgery or another similar refractive procedure is an option that will work for you. 
 At ASG Eye Hospitals, we take pride in providing the best eye solutions to people. The top-notch team of doctors at ASG is highly experienced to perform LASIK eye surgery to treat various visual disorders.
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aiimspatna · 2 years
The department of Ophthalmology at AIIMS Patna was established on 18 Feb 2018. AIIMS Patna provides OPD services to all their patients on all working days.
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patnaneuro · 2 months
How to Support a Child with Autism?
Caring for a child with autism is challenging but important. It requires patience, understanding, and knowing what to do. We need to learn the signs of autism early and use helpful strategies that fit each child. This blog will show you how to calm a child when they're upset and how to interact with them in a positive way.
Meeting their specific needs is very important for their growth and happiness. We'll also learn how to handle stubborn behaviors and help them succeed in school.
There are many myths about autism, but we'll learn the truth and how to support these children to live fulfilling lives. With the right knowledge and tools, we can create a supportive Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna where children with autism can do their best. Let's work together to understand and help children with autism.
Understanding Early Signs and Meeting the Needs of Children with Autism
Recognizing the signs of autism, such as signs of an autistic child at age 2, is really important for helping children who have it. Finding it early and getting help quickly can really make a big difference in how they grow and feel. Usually, by the time kids are 2 years old, there are some behaviors that might show they could have autism.
These behaviors can be different for each child, like having trouble talking or making friends, or doing the same things over and over again. Parents and caregivers are the ones who notice these things first. It's super important for them to pay attention and act if they see anything worrying.
If they do notice something, they should talk to a doctor or specialist right away. Finding out early means kids can get the help they need sooner, which can make life better for them. So, it's really important for parents and caregivers to keep an eye out and act fast if they think something might be up with their child.
To help children with autism, we need to understand what they need really well. This means looking at different parts of their development, like how they socialize, communicate, deal with their senses, and behave. These kids do well when they have a regular routine and when people talk to them clearly and keep things predictable.
They also need help with social stuff, so it's important to give them support and encouragement to be with others. Sometimes, they might get bothered by things like noise or bright lights, so it's helpful to make sure their environment is comfortable.
Each child with autism is different, so it's important to find what works best for them. Meeting the needs of a child with autism means giving them the right kind of help and support.
Caregivers, teachers, and others can make sure they feel good and can do their best. This way, they can have a happy and fulfilling life, just like anyone else.
Supporting Children with Autism in School and Understanding Stubborn Behavior
Helping children with autism in school requires understanding what they need, including how to help them by calming down and what actions to avoid that could worsen their feelings. When a child with autism is upset, providing them with a quiet and safe space can help them feel better.
Calming activities like deep breathing or sensory play can also help them relax. Visual schedules or emotion cards can make it easier for them to communicate their feelings.
In the classroom, it's crucial to ensure that everything suits the child with autism. This might involve using visual schedules to help them understand what's happening, providing tools like stress balls or headphones if needed, and ensuring they have opportunities for social interaction. When teachers and staff implement these strategies, it creates a supportive classroom environment where children with autism feel valued and understood. It's also important to avoid actions that could make things harder for them, such as creating excessive noise or expecting too much from them.
By incorporating these approaches and considering the needs of each child, teachers can ensure that children with autism thrive in school. When children with autism succeed, it benefits the entire class, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for all.
Dealing with a stubborn autistic child requires patience and understanding. Instead of using discipline, it's important to encourage good behavior through positive reinforcement and clear communication. Giving them choices and independence can help them feel more empowered and less resistant. It's also important to figure out why they're being stubborn, like if they're bothered by certain sounds or feeling anxious, and help them with that.
As for whether autistic kids can become "normal," it's important to remember that autism is different for everyone. Some kids might get better with help early on, but being "normal" isn't the goal. What matters is accepting them for who they are, helping them grow, and giving them the support they need to succeed. With the right help and understanding, autistic kids can lead happy lives and make a difference in their communities.
In conclusion, it's really important to stress how crucial patience, understanding, and commitment are in helping children with autism. Spotting the signs early and acting quickly makes a big difference in how well they grow and feel. Also, creating a caring and supportive environment, both at home and in school, is key to help them develop fully and do their best.
This means using personalized strategies that fit each child's needs in areas like social skills, communication, dealing with senses, and behavior. When we embrace acceptance, understanding, and inclusion, we make sure kids with autism feel valued and encouraged to do well. It's only when we all come together - parents, teachers, and community members - that we can truly make a positive impact in their lives.
So, let's keep standing up for their rights, supporting them along the way, and celebrating their successes. This way, every child with autism gets the chance to thrive and shine.
If you are looking for support in understanding and helping your child with autism, you may consider consulting a child psychiatrist in Patna. For the best psychiatric services in Kankarbagh, Patna, you can reach out to the top-rated psychiatrist in the area. They can provide valuable guidance and support tailored to your child's specific needs, helping them navigate their unique journey with autism.
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drashishkumar · 4 months
Can Lasik surgery in Patna correct presbyopia?
Peering Clearly in Patna: Debunking Myths about Lasik and Presbyopia
Hey everyone, Dr. Ashish Kumar here, your friendly Contoura Vision specialist at Laxmi Netralaya. Ever heard about Lasik curing presbyopia? While this surgery can be life-changing for many, it's crucial to understand its limitations. Let's debunk some myths and explore other options!
What is Presbyopia?
Presbyopia is a natural, age-related condition where the lens in your eye stiffens, making it harder to focus on near objects. Imagine holding a book farther and farther away to see it clearly – that's presbyopia in action!
Can Lasik Fix It?
Unfortunately, traditional Lasik is not designed to correct presbyopia. It primarily reshapes the cornea to improve distant vision, not the near focusing ability affected by presbyopia.
So, what are your options?
Don't worry! Several vision correction solutions exist for presbyopia, including:
Reading glasses: The classic solution, offering magnification for near tasks.
Multifocal glasses: Contain different zones for near, intermediate, and distant vision.
Monovision: One eye corrected for distance, the other for near, requiring brain adaptation.
Presbyopia-correcting IOLs: Implants replacing your natural lens for multifocal or near vision.
LASIK procedures like PresbyLASIK: Emerging options with limited information, requiring thorough research and discussion with your eye doctor.
Individualized Consultations: Every case is unique! Schedule a consultation with your ophthalmologist to discuss your specific needs and explore the best options for your presbyopia and lifestyle.
Manage Expectations: Don't expect a "one-size-fits-all" solution. Each option has its pros and cons, and understanding them empowers you to make informed decisions.
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Ready to see clearly, near and far? Contact Laxmi Netralaya today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Ashish Kumar. We'll guide you through every step, ensuring you achieve optimal vision comfort and clarity for your individual needs.
Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your ophthalmologist for personalized guidance and evaluation of your specific presbyopia and vision correction options.
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drskkedia · 4 months
What are the different types of cataract surgery available
Are you considering cataract treatment in Patna? If so, you may be wondering about the different types of cataract surgery available. At Laxmi Netralaya, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive information to our patients. Dr. S K Kedia, our cataract specialist, has written this article to help those who are suffering from cataracts make informed decisions about their treatment options.
Understanding Cataracts
Cataracts are a common condition that affects the lens of the eye, causing it to become cloudy and affecting vision. This can make it difficult to perform daily activities such as reading, driving, or watching television. Cataract treatment in Patna is essential for restoring clear vision and improving quality of life.
Types of Cataract Surgery
Phacoemulsification: This is the most common type of cataract surgery performed today. During this procedure, the cloudy lens is broken up using ultrasound technology and removed through a small incision in the eye. Phacoemulsification is known for its quick recovery time and minimal discomfort.
Extracapsular Cataract Surgery: In cases where the cataract is more advanced and cannot be removed using phacoemulsification, extracapsular cataract surgery may be performed. During this procedure, the surgeon removes the cloudy lens in one piece through a larger incision.
Intraocular Lens Implantation: After the natural lens is removed during cataract surgery, an artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted in its place. This restores clear vision and can often reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
Choosing the Right Procedure
When determining the best cataract treatment in Patna for you, several factors will be taken into consideration, including the severity of your cataracts, your overall eye health, and your lifestyle and visual needs. Dr. S K Kedia, our cataract specialist at Laxmi Netralaya, will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.
Why Choose Laxmi Netralaya?
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At Laxmi Netralaya, we are committed to providing our patients the highest quality eye care. As the best eye hospital in Patna, we offer state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced eye doctors dedicated to helping you achieve optimal vision health. Whether you need cataract treatment in Patna or seek care for another eye condition, you can trust Laxmi Netralaya to provide compassionate, patient-centered care.
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brightsight123 · 2 years
best ophthalmologist in patna
BrightSight Eye Hospital is for any eye problem. Best eye treatment and cataract surgery (phaco) at very affordable price by specialist eye surgeon. - Best Eye Doctor (DR. Abhishek Ranjan and Dr. Ranjana Kumar).
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Complete Healthcare Solutions In Khagaria Patna Bihar.
Preheal - India Ka Total Health, a technology-based innovations provides one stop solution innovation for complete life cycle of the patient i.e. from onset of disease to the recovery of patient.
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shreebalajinetralaya · 9 months
Eye Hospital in Patna | Best eye Hospital in Nala road | Best eye hospital In bihar, Dr. Shashi Mohanka has had a very successful career with tons of experience. He has worked with leading eye hospitals like Dr. Agarwal eye hospital, Vasan eye care hospital, Salem for over 10 years,Eye hospital in patna, eye hospital in bihar, Best eye hospital in bihar, Best eye hospital in Patna Best eye Hospital in Nala road, Best retina doctor in patna, Best Phaco specialist in patna, Best eye clinic In patna Best eye clinic In bihar https://shreebalajinetralaya.com/
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asgeyecareindia · 8 months
Best Eye Specialist in Patna | ASG Eye Hospital
Meet the best eye specialist in Patna at ASG Eye Hospital. Our experienced doctors provide comprehensive eye care services for all your vision needs.
Consult Our Specialists Today!
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Best ENT Doctor In Patna - Big Apollo Spectra Hospital In Patna
If you're looking for the best ENT doctor in Patna,  or an ENT specialist in Patna you can consider visiting the Big Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna. This hospital is known for its quality healthcare services and specialized ENT department. The ENT doctors at Big Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna are highly skilled and experienced in diagnosing and treating various ear, nose, and throat conditions. They provide personalized care, employing advanced medical techniques and technologies. The hospital itself is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and efficient treatment. With its reputation for excellence, the Big Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna is a reliable choice for your ENT healthcare needs.
What are common nose problems?
There are several common nose problems that people may experience. Some of them include:
Nasal congestion: This refers to a blocked or stuffy nose often caused by a common cold, allergies, sinus infections, or nasal polyps.
Rhinitis: It is the inflammation of the nasal passages, which can be allergic or non-allergic in nature. Allergic rhinitis is usually caused by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander, while non-allergic rhinitis may be triggered by irritants like strong odors, smoke, or changes in weather.
Sinusitis: This condition involves the inflammation of the sinuses, which are air-filled cavities around the nasal passages. Sinusitis can result from infections, allergies, or structural abnormalities that block the sinus openings.
Deviated septum: The nasal septum is the cartilage and bone that divides the nasal cavity into two nostrils. A deviated septum occurs when the septum is shifted to one side, obstructing airflow and potentially leading to breathing difficulties and recurrent sinus infections.
Nasal polyps: These are soft, noncancerous growths that develop on the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses. They can cause persistent nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell, and recurring sinus infections.
How do you treat nose problems?
The treatment for nose problems depends on the specific condition and its underlying cause. Here are some general approaches:
Over-the-counter medications: Nasal decongestants, saline sprays, and antihistamines can help alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion and rhinitis. However, it's essential to follow the instructions and consult a healthcare professional if the symptoms persist or worsen.
Prescription medications: In some cases, prescription medications such as corticosteroids, antibiotics (for sinus infections), or antihistamines may be necessary. These are typically prescribed by a healthcare provider.
Nasal irrigation: Using a saline solution or a neti pot can help rinse the nasal passages, reduce congestion, and remove irritants or allergens.
Surgery: In situations where structural abnormalities, like a deviated septum or nasal polyps, are causing chronic symptoms, surgical intervention may be considered. Septoplasty can correct a deviated septum, while polypectomy can remove nasal polyps.
What are the symptoms of nose problems?
The symptoms of nose problems can vary depending on the specific condition, but common symptoms may include:
Nasal congestion or blockage
Runny or stuffy nose
Postnasal drip (mucus dripping down the throat)
Facial pain or pressure
Reduced sense of smell or taste
Itching or watery eyes (in allergic conditions)
Snoring or sleep disturbances (in cases of nasal obstruction)
What is the disease of nose blockage?
Regarding the disease of nose blockage, it is important to note that nose blockage itself is not a specific disease. Rather, it is a symptom that can be caused by various underlying conditions such as those mentioned above (e.g., nasal congestion, deviated septum, sinusitis, nasal polyps). It is essential to identify the underlying cause to determine the appropriate treatment.
Finding the best ENT doctor near me at the renowned Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna ensures top-quality healthcare for your ear, nose, and throat concerns.
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