#ezekiel starfield
a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
The crew of the Red Mantis:
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Ezekiel, looking like breakfast, lunch and the evening meal, all rolled into one. It was so much fun corrupting this man. 🥰
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The Adoring Fan, (I call him Adam), questioning his life choices! I kid, he’s amazing on a pirate crew.
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Mathis, he’s still got a chip on his shoulder a mile wide, but a solid crew member.
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First mate, Jess, sitting in the captain’s chair!
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I made friends with The Hunter, and he made himself at home on my ship. He doesn’t really do much, just wanders around worrying the crew.
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A contemplative Mathis.
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I love this pic of Jess, she looks like someone in a renaissance painting. (The Hunter in the background gives me chills).
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EZ, there are crew quarters, but he chooses to sleeep in the captain’s bed. With my plushies. I might be Crimson Fleet, but I still have a warm and fuzzy side.
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The Captain, Calitrix. I aimed to give her a Furiosa vibe, and really liked it. 🥰
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