spinchip · 3 years
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Here's my half of a collaboration I did with @ezlikessharks​! We each did a sketch and then swapped to do lineart and colors- His sketch was master class. Very fun!
Be sure to check out the other half of the collab on his blog!
Ezras original sketch :]
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sayijo · 3 years
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heres my half of a poggers collab i did with @ezlikessharks​!! check out the other half on their blog!
their sketch:
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pthalomars · 3 years
Meet The Artist!
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Finally got around to making this lol✌
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sodasyrup · 3 years
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@ezlikessharks DTIYS thingy lol
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Hey idk if you're still doing writing prompt requests, but if u are, I think polyninja movie night would be cute :0
Hello I loved this prompt so much it escaped me and I might have strayed just a little. Lol sorry.
It’s on Ao3 here if you’d rather read it there instead.
Title: A Much Needed Day Off
Words: 1293
No warnings apply, just pure fluff.
“Man, it’s been ages since we had a day off!” Jay groans, flopping onto the couch. “I am so ready for this.”
“I am looking forward to today as well,” Zane agrees. Settling on the couch, he pulls Jay over so his head is resting in his lap, and begins to work his fingers through the soft curls. “So, what do you have planned for us?”
“A movie marathon! Once everyone gets here, at least,” Jay makes a little pouty face that Zane can’t help but find adorable. “Cole gets a pass cause he’s going over stuff with Lloyd so that he and Nya won’t need us today, but Kai is taking forever in the shower! Why does he need to get ready anyways?”
“Because looking as good as I do takes time,” Kai’s voice quips back. Zane turns to see the fire ninja leaning against the open door frame. Dressed in his standard pajama set of a crop top and shorts, he doesn’t look much different than when they’d woken up that morning.
“You always look good. I think you just use that as an excuse to make up for your terrible bathroom hogging ways,” Jay teases. Kai gives him a mock offended look as he makes his way over.
“I’m going to ignore that second part and just take the compliment. Now. You.” He turns to Zane. “I can’t believe you are giving out head massages without me here!”
He just snorts. That was very typical of Kai. Never wanted to miss out on any kind of affection.
“Head massages are for people who get here on time. You will just have to wait your turn,” Kai gives him the same offended look, but nonetheless takes up the free space on Zane’s empty side. He takes a moment to press a soft kiss to Jay’s lips, and then another to do the same to Zane. The nindroid hums appreciatively in response.
“So we’re just waiting on Cole then?” Kai asks once he pulls away. Jay nods.
“Once he gets here, we can play rock paper scissors to decide who gets to choose the first movie.”
Cole choses that exact moment to walk through the door, as if summoned.
“What’s this about rock paper scissors?”
“You’re here! Now we can get started,” Jay sits up, gesturing Cole over. “Someone has to pick the first movie. Obviously, rock paper scissors is the only fair way to decide who gets that honor.”
“That checks out,” Cole agrees. They shuffle around so everyone is huddled in a small circle.
“Usual rules apply?” Kai asks.
“Yup. Me vs. you, Cole vs. Zane. Winners face off. Losers face off, and that will decide the order of decision making. Everybody ready?” Jay looks at each of them, and there is a collective nod. “Okay. Ready? Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!”
Zane does not really understand the point of this game. There is no logic to it. It was, however, good as a fair randomizer. As seen by the fact it was one of the few things he couldn’t reason through, and therefore often lost. Just like now. Cole was grinning triumphantly, rock to Zane’s scissors.
“Sorry Frosty. Looks like you lose this round.”
“I will find a way to beat you at this game someday,” Zane vows, turning to Kai and Jay. “Who is my next opponent?”
“That would be me,” Kai raised his hand. They all prepare to play again, and Zane loses this time as well. He takes it from Jay’s excited whoop that he won his second round.
“Alright. Order has been decided. Me, Cole, Kai and then Zane. Get ready. I’ll set things up,” He hops up, heading over to start digging through the dvd collection.
Now that Jay wasn’t taking up 80% of the available space, Zane takes the chance to readjust himself. He scoots all the way to the end of the couch, which was his preferred spot. Kai moves to follow, only to have his spot stolen by Cole. That was a bit of surprise, but Zane wasn’t going to complain. Kai did though.
“Hey! That was my spot!” he whines.
“It’s my turn to cuddle Zane now. Sorry,” Cole doesn’t seem sorry as he makes himself comfortable. He takes his chance to kiss Zane, ignoring the sad noises their other partner was making.
“Nobody loves me around here,” He grumbles, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Don’t worry babe. I’ll cuddle you,” Jay reassures, returning to them. He and Kai get themselves settled as well. They end up with Cole leaning against Zane, Kai sitting on the floor between them, and Jay on his lap. “Alright. Let’s get this party started!”
He starts up the movie, and to nobody’s surprise, it’s a Fritz Donnagan action flick. They manage to get all the way through the movie without anyone needing to rearrange. Once it’s over, everyone breaks to grab snacks and stretch while Cole makes his decision. And that is what sets the pace for the rest of the day.
Cole’s movie was a historical drama. Kai sleeps on his lap the entire way through it. Zane takes advantage of the opportunity to play with his hair while it was free from its usual gel prison.
Kai picks romantic comedy, and Zane doesn’t really get a chance to watch it because Jay spends the entire time trying to steal kisses from him (and to a lesser extent, the others.) They take another break so Kai can take a quick call from Nya, and then resettle for Zane’s choice.
He has selected a nature documentary that looked rather intriguing. This time around, he ends up on the floor between Kai’s legs, and Jay on his lap. Cole sits just a little ways off, far enough to make it clear he wanted some space but not so far he is isolated. Things are comfortable. He isn’t sure when the last time he felt so relaxed was.
They finish up just in time for Zane to get started cooking dinner. Jay makes it clear he thought the documentary was boring, but it didn’t slip past zane how he’d clutched at a pillow and whispered ‘no, not the babies’ when they’d watched the section on sea turtle hatchlings.
“That was pretty fun. We should do that again sometime,” Cole says as the three of them follow Zane into the kitchen.
“Totally,” Kai agrees. “We deserve more than one day off together every couple months.”
“Zane, you should totally talk to Lloyd about seeing if we can make this a regular thing.” Jay pokes him.
“I don’t see why I should be the one to ask. Any one of you would be just as capable as I am.”
“Lloyd agrees with you more. I think it's because he still sees you as the smart logical one,” Cole points out. He is met by three pleading sets of eyes.
“I have the distinct feeling that I should be offended by that, but...I will consider your request,” He relents. Having more opportunities to spend quality time with his boyfriends did sound nice. “For now, let us make the most of the time we still have. Since you are all here, you can help me prepare dinner.”
There is complaining, but everyone listens when he gives out directions. As the four of them work around each other, joking and laughing, Zane is once again struck by how relaxed he feels. How long had it been since they had been able to be this at ease together? He hadn't thought about anything ninja related at any point that day. Maybe the others were right.
Tomorrow morning, he would ask Lloyd about organizing more of these days off in the future.
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lushmush · 3 years
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DTIY’s entry started by @ezlikessharks :D . Idk if this is a Nya AU or you I’m so so blind sorry [edit: oh yeah I just re-read the post lol nvm]😭 I stuck to the colour pallete as close as possible and I hope you like it! (Idk if I’m late but I just wanted to enter haha)
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nxghtmareprince · 3 years
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After 10 million years... my half of da art collab with the man, the myth, the legend @ezlikessharks B) I love drawing cousin moments!!! Heres the original sketch bc it SLAPS:
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cinnamonkittenz · 3 years
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My part of the collab with @ezlikessharks (the amount of time I spent trying to make this perfect is honestly embarrassing bc I was so amazed by their part and how could I possibly top this,,,,,)
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naiad-ni · 3 years
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Collab with @ezlikessharks
Go check out their part on their blog!
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zebra-all-the-time · 3 years
Tag game
1) what was your first fandom(s),
2) what fandom(s) were you in the longest,
3) how did you get in the fandom(s) you’re in now
@captainbetonit @anxiousworm @fishybehavior @lego-sand @zukoromantic @garmadonisbackbaby @boom-fanfic-a-latta @ezlikessharks@suk3rpunch @public-enemy-number-abs @anyone else who wants to :)
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@ezlikessharks ‘s doing a DTIYS and their art is hecka gorgeous so!! askdfmaowe Congrats on you almost 700 followers, dude!!! Your art is amazing and brings me joy, I wish you an aggressively amazing day <3 askldfmaowef 
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spinchip · 3 years
#16 with oppositeshipping
16. Things you said with no space between us
"So,” Kai asks, his breath hot against Zanes face, “How are you?”
“I’m doing well, thank you for asking.” Zane responds, looking into the inky blackness where Kais eyes probably were. “A little cramped.”
“Can’t help you with that one.” Kai shifts awkwardly where he’s nearly laying on top of Zane, “You’d think a random rockslide would be more considerate of our personal bubbles.”
“You would think.” he responds absently, pushing more ice at the loose rock walls to keep them from collapsing on them.
“But I was asking more about your arm.” Kai redirects, and Zane can envision the frown on his face.
“It’s fine. just a slight pinch.”
There’s a long pause, and Zane schools his face despite how Kai can’t see him anyway. Kai sighs, worried, “I can feel the oil, Zane.”
He winces- the wound was... not pretty. when the cave had come down on them Zane had focused mainly on bringing up an ice shield to protect Kai, and in the process had left himself a bit more open to accidents. his right arm was currently pinned beneath a mound of rocks, and leaking oil and transmission fluid at a steady rate. it was soaking into the sleeve of his gi, but he hadn’t realized it had spread far enough to get to Kai.
“It will be okay.” Zane say quietly, “The others are no doubt digging us out as we speak.”
“I don’t like it.” Kai says, voice pinched, “I hate it when you’re hurt.”
Zane doesn’t respond to that, letting his eyes slip closed and focusing on conserving power. he’d turned off several cosmetic features like the glow from his eyes and facial seams, but he needed to be more conservative until he others got to them. This is what they get for exploring and old mine on a whim.
Kai shifts uncomfortably and, after a moment of silent debate, lowers himself to lay on top of Zane fully. Zane had been dutifully ignoring his feelings for Kai this whole time, shoving them down as not to over analyze and freak out about their predicament, but faced with Kais full weight all but cuddled into him, he feels his fans speed up, flustered.
“Sorry, my arms got tired.” Kai apologizes, “This okay?”
Zane nods before remembering they’re in the dark, “Yes.”
Kai slumps into him more, warmth spreading through each point of contact, warming Zane from the inside out. Zane is suddenly overcome with the desire to have this, Kai laying with him relaxed and warm, all the time. It strikes at his very core, deeper than the fluttering crush he’d thought he’d been entertaining- this was something Zane wanted. Wanted more than he wanted anything.
As the longing hits him, he realizes how much he cares for Kai, how deeply it runs. he wants to spend every day with him, he wants to kiss him and hold him and be with him for the rest of his life. He wants to love Kai and be loved by him and turn.
and he’s never been one to hesitate, “I love you.” He says into the hair tickling his lips, blinking down into the dark space between them.
Kai jerks, looking up at Zane who can only tell by the way his chin is now jutting into his chest. He jumps into his previous position, hovering over Zane, “What’s wrong? Are you dying?” He asks, fear weaving into his words.
Zane blinks, slowlys reevaluating the situation and wondering why Kai was so worried, “I am fine.” He says slowly, “Was this not a good time to confess?”
Kai makes a disbelieving noise, “Dude, you freaked me out! I thought-” He laughs a little, breathless, dropping back down to rest against Zane boneless after his fear. then, as Zane words finally register, he goes rigid, “You... love me?”
“Yes.” Zane doesn’t pull his punches, “Romantically. I hold no hard feelings if you do not return my feelings.” His heart twists at the thought, but his friendship with Kai is more important than a broken heart.
“No, no- I mean, yes-” Kai laughs again, breath ghosting across Zanes neck, “I love you too. romantically.”
Zane smiles, “I am glad to hear that.” a warning pings on his HUD and the smiles wanes, “I need to conserve more energy. It is a good idea to go into sleep mode.”
“It’s that bad?”
“It will not do any permanent damage,” Zane explains quietly, “If the energy drains my power fully, I will simply shut down. like passing out. I will wake up again once I am recharged. Going into sleep mode will conserve energy which i will need once the others arrive, to help get out of here.”
“Okay, that makes sense.” He shifts, “I love you. uh, goodnight. Can I kiss you?”
Zane smiles, “I would like that.”
Kai leans in and presses a warm, sweet kiss... directly to his chin.
“Want to try again?”
“Yes please.”
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sayijo · 3 years
Carnation and peach!
Favourite colour?
Black, blue, red. 
Favourite term of endearment?
What does this question mean O_O. I guess,,,,uh,,,idk. I have a friend that calls me their sister and that makes me all sof.
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pthalomars · 3 years
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Me n @spinchip ✌
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sodasyrup · 3 years
I look at your ninjago bugsnax picture with Kai and Zane and I slowly hand you my entire life savings
no...its ok....keep ur money you pay me in ninja boob windows
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(if you haven’t seen Hot Wheels Acceleracers you are missing out.)
This is the brain child of @ezlikessharks and I
Basic premise: everyone is now a hot wheels racer. They race through different ‘realms’ which are basically alternate realities Wu is the one who recruited them all
Some random facts in no particular order:
-Zane is an android who was built to race. He’s very good at it but when he’s not racing he harps on everyone to follow the rules. He is completely unaware of his past up until he meets Echo
-At one point Zane gets captured and turned into a evil nindrone racing for Lord Garmadon
-Garmadon is part Drone
-Ray and Maya owned/operated a mechanic shop. They also raced for Wu, and disappeared in the process
-Kai has wrecked more cars/bikes than he would ever care to admit. Cannot keep them intact to save his life
-Cole and Jay have a fierce rivalry
-Jay’s car is tricked out with all sorts of hand-built gadgets. Some of them work as planned. Others...less so
-For reasons I will not specify Lloyd ends up with a robot eye. At one point Jay was fiddling with it and gives him pop-up ads for a week
OMG there is so much more but I don’t even know what to say: please ask me about this I’ll talk for hours.
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