pxperplxnets · 2 years
code red
promt credit to @liablueheart on wattpad!!!
summary: kimis friends developed a system to give him time to tell amelie about his feelings.
pairing: kimi antonelli x amelie leclerc.
kimi and amelie character descriptions
word count: 897
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
amelie was calmly walking through the surroundings of the monza track after a very good qualifying session for kimi when she felt someone grab her arm lightly. it was one of the drivers, though she couldn't quite place who.
 “hello?” she asked, frowning as to why he felt he had the right to grab her “hi, my name is arias” he smiled, letting go of her arm “amelie” she gave a small smile back out of politeness “you're very pretty, amelie” arias said in a flirtatious tone “thanks, that's very nice” he nodded before talking again “uhm, i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me later, hopefully cheer for me when i win tomorrow” just as she was about to answer him with an obvious no, she heard a familiar voice scream.
“code red! code red! everyone, code red!” kirill’s words made her forrow her eyebrows and made arias look back with confusion. 
just as the russian stopped screaming and arias turned back to face amelie, she felt a pair of armas grab her before throwing her over their shoulder and start running towards the opposite direction.
she was not scared, as she could see the race suit and knew it was one of the prema guys, but she was very very confused. 
“where is he?” she recognized that voice, it was conrad who had thrown her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “where is who? hello?” her questions were ignored, as conrad just kept running, looking for someone.
after what felt like years of being on conrads shoulder, he finally stopped, walking slower towards something or someone she could not see “conrad? what are you- is that amelie?” kimi’s voice filled her ears. it sounded almost as music, like always.
 “yes, code red” conrad was so out of breath he could barely speak “phew! that was a close one, man” amelie was still extremely confused “connie? can you put me down or are you going to run some more? your shoulder is weirdly pointy” her ribs had started hurting from the position “oh yeah, sorry. okay, i'll be going now” he put her down, and just as fast as he came, he walked away.
“what just happened?” she asked kimi, who weaved a hand through his hair, looking stressed.
 if amelie wasn't so confused about what had just happened, she could have stopped and stared at how handsome the boy looked after the race. his hair was messier than normal and his face was slightly flushed. and of course, the unzipped race suit hanging low from his waist that normally made amelie die.
“the guys are stupid” he shighed “what’s code red? and why was i carried to you?” she didn't sound mad, which made kimi feel a little bit better. “umh, the guys invented code red as a way to give me time” he wasn't looking at her as he explained “time for what?” she was even more confused now “to tell you that i like you, that's why they dragged you away. i suppose someone was flirting with you or something, sorry” 
amelie had no words except “you like me?” it was mostly a whisper, but it was there “yeah, enough for my friends to literally drag you away from other guys, at least” he looked embarrassed, almost sad.
 “i was about to tell him i was only here for you.” that made him look at her almost instantly “really?” amelie almost died of a cuteness overload at his face “really.” the girl assured “oh” he looked perplexed, which made her giggle slightly. 
she took his head in her hands, carressing his cheeks softly. 
“i'll be there tomorrow, cheering for you when you win” she smiled “you don't know if i’ll win” a smile made its way onto his lips “well, if you don't, i'm going to have to cheer for arias instead” she pouted, trying not to laugh at his horrfied face.
 they were both aware that she was joking, every time he didn't win, she was right by his side to reassure him. “im winning.” 
kimi was proven to be a man of his word as he won p1 on the race.
amelie was the first person he went to after hopping off of his car, hugging her tightly. she separated from the hug, surprising everyone around them when she left a kiss on his helmet, where his mouth should be.
after the podium ceremony, both teenagers walked side by side, laughing and celebrating together.
well, that until arias aproached them once again. he congratulated kimi before directing his attention towards amelie.
“so, i didnt get an answer about the date?” he looked hopeful at the girl, and it made kimi incredibly uncomfortable and a tiny bit jealous. 
kimi’s eyes widened as she interlaced her fingers with his, bringing their joint hands in front of arias’ face.
 “i came here with kimi, im sorry, but not really” she rejected him, mumbling her last words. “that’s okay, congrats again mate... for everything” the kiwi said, signing at the trophy in kimi’s hand and at the girl at the same time before smiling at them and walking off.
“he took it quite well” the girl said “as he should” he answered before resuming their walk, leaving a small kiss on her hand and not letting go of it.
author’s note:
we love a guy that knows how to handle rejection like arias. also idk how to feel about this.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
kimi and amelie.
i will be posting the description of each one of my ocs and the guys that i write for.
this post is dedicated to kimi and amelie and will be linked at the beginning of the one shots that are based around them.
name: amelie marie elizabeth leclerc.
nick name: melie, eliza.
birth date: november 26th, 2006.
place of birth: monte carlo, monaco.
strengths: pulling strings
weakness: italian accents.
song: red - taylor swift
“so we’re all gonna act like i'm not the better leclerc?” - amelie leclerc
“amelie leclerc was the spitting image of her father. people always thought it was funny how the only girl in the family was the one that looked the most like him. of course, growing up with three (way) older brothers was not easy. she got excluded, bullied and overprotected too much for her liking, but she never lacked a father figure when her dad died. she was ten, fairly young -too young- to properly process everything that she felt, but she had her brothers with her and that was all she needed. she matured faster than she should have, she had to learn to understand that her brothers had lifes in racing, and she wasn't going to be able to see them as much as she wished to. she grew up to be one of the nicest and funniest people that you'll ever meet, having the leclerc gene and french accent that seemed to make everything funnier. of course, that gene did not contain humour only, because she was the prettiest girl in the world, or at least that's what kimi thought.”
name: andrea kimi antonelli.
nick name: kimiko, (negative/smelly) nelli
birth date: august 25th, 2006.
place of birth: bologna, italy
strengths: talent
weakness: monegasque girls with three names
song: golden - harry styles
“i pulled out the crazy move” - kimi antonelli
“kimi antonelli was a promising young boy. at 15, he was already racing for prema and winning races left and right. sure, he might not be the most sociable or famous one of the team, but he sure as hell had the talent to succeed. his shyness came from all the time he had spent racing instead of going out to make friends, and it did make it a little harder for him to loosen up, but it was never to the extent where he couldn't talk to people. amelie found it funny how he was shy outside the track, because when he was inside the car or standing on the podium he showed a confidence that many wished to have. his pretty brown eyes shimmered, and his brown locks stuck out everywhere, giving him that beautiful boyish look that amelie had liked so much. oh, and don't even mention his way of talking, because everytime he would say anything with that pretty little accent of his amelie would feel like melting.”
authors note:
i’m weak for kimi and for a leclerc oc
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
hiii i saw ur posts and i wanted to request a fluffy oneshot w kimi please 💗💗💗thank u
summary: kimi and y/n are constantly teased about their feelings for each other
pairing: kimi x reader
word count: 849
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
being surrounded by boys at all times was hard. even more when all of them treat you like a sister, which meant that mockery was more than common. the only person that didnt treat y/n like a sister was kimi, and everyone seemed to notice it but her. since y/n had joined prema, a certain brown haired boy had been pinning over her constantly. of course, he didn't know that she saw him the same way. everyone noticed and made it clear for them, but they both refused to admit it. in this particular day, y/n sat with sebastian and hamda, who were chatting away about something she didn't quite understand. not that she was paying attention anyways. she was too busy looking at kimi, who was talking to one of the engineers a couple tables away. “you do understand that looking at him wont do anything, right?” sebastian asked, making the girl look back at him. “i don't know what youre talking about” she tried to deny “im talking about how you and kimi constantly drool over each other but won't admit it” hamda nodded at his words. “he doesnt drool over me” she insisted “yes he does, its kinda sad at this point” y/n rolled her eyes before directing them towards the boy again, deciding to ignore sebastian. their eyes met for a split of a second before he looked back at the man he was talking to, red as a tomato. “look at you, all red because she’s staring at you,” the man said, laughing at his blushed face. “she is not” he defended, looking at her direction only to see her focused on whatever hamda was saying. “you gotta go for it, mate. if not, you will lose your chance with her” kimi felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back at his opposite. “whatever, lets focus on the data.” the days passed by and kimi and y/n seemed to be having the same interactions with everyone. people teased them endlessly and tried to talk some sense into them, but it did nothing more than annoy the two teenagers. y/n found herself basically running away from conrad and kirill the moment they got distracted. they had been teasing her about her crush for what felt like hours and she couldn't take it anymore. she headed for the driver's bus, knowing that there was no one there. on the other hand, kimi seemed to have the same idea. “oh, sorry” she said as she opened the door and noticed there was someone there already. kimi recognized her voice immediately and turned rapidly to see her “its okay” her heartbeat slightly picked up when she noticed who it was. “is everything okay?” he asked, wondering why she was in such a rush “yeah, just trying to run away from conrad and kirill” she chuckled. he smiled at her laugh, it truly was one of the prettiest sounds he had ever heard. “why?” he furrowed his eyebrows slightly “they are being more annoying than normal, well, everyone is” she let go an exasperated sigh, pushing herself up to seat on one of the tables. “i know right!” he agreed. “what are they annoying you about?” y/n asked after a couple second of silence, wanting to keep the conversation going “uhm… they have this idea that you like me” his words were almost whispers. “oh…” her tone matched his “i know it's not true, don't worry” he smiled weakly, looking down at the floor. y/n didn't know what to say. she wanted him to know it was true, but she was scared. what if he didnt like her back? what if he laughed at her face? she knew he wouldn't do that, he was too nice, but it still scared her. fuck it. “what if it wasn't a joke?” she asked suddenly, making kimi look up at her. “what?” he looked so confused, it was kind of adorable. “what if i actually did like you? how would you react?” he didn't want to believe what was happening, it must have been a cruel joke. “you don't though, right?” he was scared, if it was a joke, it wasn't funny. “i do.” y/n wasn't scared anymore. she was already doing it and she wasn't going to back off now. there was silence for a moment. she was looking at him expectantly, trying to decipher what he thought. “i like you too” his words resonated in her head. he liked her back. “good.” she smiled. he smiled back at her, and just as he was about to say something else the door slammed open. “fucking finally!” arthur cheered, causing the large group of people behind him to cheer. y/n covered her face in embarrassment while kimi smiled at her gesture before approaching the door and closing it on their faces without a word. he turned to her, moving her hands off her face softly before pecking her lips shyly. she chuckled at his shyness before enveloping him in a hug.
this was my first request! i hope you liked it<3 
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
sooo... i have an idea 🤭 yn also being a prema driver and her and kimi get paired up in one of the challenges that prema posts on their youtube? like the one where they had to order the super specific pizza without saying the words, and fans make edits of them and someone shows them the edits and they both get flustered 🤝🙊 i hope it makes sense (also i love ur oneshots theyre the best 💕)
summary: kimi catches y/n scrolling through ship edits of them.
pairing: kimi antonelli x driver!reader
word count: 841
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
being a prema driver didn’t only mean driving, it also meant dealing with the media. it is fun to do some of the challenges and entertain the fans, but it was extremely tiring.
also, prema had already caught on in how the fans loved to see kimi and y/n paired up. there were even edits and small fan fictions written about them, which everyone but them seemed to find extremely funny.
y/n and kimi sat on a couch, in front of them were two paper sheets and a telephone. he had to book a room in a hotel without saying basically any words that were related with what he was looking for and she had to order a pizza without saying the name of the majority of the ingredients. she couldn't even say the word pizza!
After they finished filming, they went their separate ways to fulfil their remaining duties of the day.
about a week later, y/n sat on the drivers trailer at the end of the day, waiting for everyone else so she could say goodbye and hopefully get a ride home when she received a message from hamda.
the girl’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she opened it. she had sent her a link. she went into it, expecting the worst.
she found herself watching an edit of herself and kimi on the latest prema video. the slowed down version of dandelions by ruth b was playing in the speaker as multiple clips of them laughing or even looking at each other played over and over.
y/n smiled softly, liking the video and leaving a comment on it so the creator would see it was seen by her.
                               not me being fine asf
she replied with a single omg to hamdas text and went back to tik tok, going into the profile where she had seen the edit. a smile formed on her lips as she saw the various edits of her and her fellow driver. she scrolled aimlessly through them, liking a few and adding them to her favourites.
no one had to know her favourites tab was filled with them. the other drivers already made fun of her for the mere existence of those videos, now imagine what they would say if they knew she actually liked them.
of course, luck was not on her side. without her even noticing, none other than andrea kimi antonelli had walked into the room.
she was facing away from the door, and her short stature helped him peek over her shoulder. his face went red when she liked and saved a video that really clearly shipped them.
the boy backed away lightly and cleared his throat, getting her attention. he couldt supress the small smile that creeped into his lips when she turned on her phone rapidly, so obviously trying to hide something.
“oh, hi” she stuttered, immediately regretting even opening her mouth. “hi… what were you watching?” he asked, a smug smile making it clear that he had definitely seen what she was watching. “just some edits that the fans make, you know” she tried to play it cool. “thats cool, who was it of?” the smile remained on his face, and she knew what he was trying to play. “just me and you, you know how much they ship us.”
the girl regretted starting that sentence almost immediately after she started speaking, and he could notice that from the way her voice lost confidence mid sentence. “yeah, it's kinda cute” he gave her a small smile. he thought he would be extremely nervous if a situation like that ever placed itself between them, but he was abnormally calm. “it is?” she looked up at him faintly confused. “yeah, do you not think so?” his head tilted slightly to the side as he showed an innocent smile. “yeah, i guess” she agreed, not completely understanding what was happening.
he was enjoying how flustered she was, kimi had to admit.
“you live fairly close, right?” she nodded, not expecting the sudden change of subject. “i can walk you, if you want. ill just take an uber from there or something.” he offered. her face was red as a tomato by that point. “you don't have to do that…” he shook his head, dismissing her statement. “just give me a second to get my stuff and we’ll go” he smiled at her once again and gave her a quick wink before walking towards his space on the trailer.
y/n just stood there dumbfounded, her head still trying to process everything when he spoke again. “ready?” she nodded, starting to walk alongside him. as they got out of the tailer, sebastian and hamda were walking towards it. kimi waved at them casually and kept walking. y/n did the same, not without earning a confused look from sebas and an excited one from hamda.
is safe to safe that after that, kimi walked her home many many times.
author's note;
okay so, i did modify this request a little bit.
i wanted to make kimi a bit more confident, i hope you dont mind<3
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
ik u just posted the aurora x paul imagine (which is amazing btw 😻) but could i request something where driver!yn, kimi n paul are like a best friend trio? 💖 and the fans love them sm and stuff ahsjidkdnen
summary: y/n, paul and kimi read fanfictions about them.
pairing: kimi antonelli x driver!reader x paul (entirely platonic)
word count: 618
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
y/n couldn't breathe of laughing so hard.
her and her two best friends, paul and kimi were currently laughing at her phone, where a fanfiction about them was projected.
look, they didn’t normally read that kind of stuff, but when she was answering dms and stumbled upon it, she had to show them.
the title read ‘wars for y/n’ and she quickly realised it was about the two boys fighting for her. she found that to be the funniest thing someone could ever tell her, because the guys would never see her that way, they were all basically siblings at that point.
“y/n is mine, kimi, and i recommend you to back off if you don't want something to happen to you on the race” paul read in between laughs, trying his best to sound serious. “never, that pretty girl is mine!” the three of them exploded in laughs as kimi read “pretty girl?” paul asked, going red with laughter “who talks like that?” y/n questioned, trying to breathe.
pablo passed by them, looking at them funny for the way they were laughing. the three sat on a couch that was barely big enough, y/n in the middle and the two guys on the sides, close to her to be able to see the phone. the engineer laughed, pulling out his phone to record the interaction.
“okay, okay, keep going” kimi said as he regained his breath “i’ll be damned if i let you have her” paul continued, making his best ‘book man voice’, how he described it earlier “you will not let me, as she already is mine” kimi tried to deepen his voice “i do not belong to anyone!” y/n read dramatically, swaying her arm and accidentally hitting paul’s face, making them laugh once again. “b-b-but y/n! i burn for you!” kimi exaggerated the stuttered “not the bridgeton quote” y/n wheezed, making them laugh harder.
“you are the object of all my desires!” paul exclaimed, making a recovering y/n explode again “bro this is just plain plagiarism!” the girl rolled off the couch, hitting her head on the floor and causing the boys to laugh even harder.
they continued reading for a while until they all got the same notification.
‘prema_team tagged you in their story.’
y/n opened it on her phone, smiling at the screen once she saw the video of them laughing.
‘only laughs at the prema headquarters @paul_aron @kimi.antonelli @y/nthecoolkid’
later that day, the trio sat on the same couch. both of the boy’s head rested on each of her shoulders as she scrolled on tik tok, liking and commenting on edits that the fans made.
she moved onto instagram, answering dms and sending them a picture of the three, knowing that edits would come out of the recent content.
“you do not burn for me and i'm not the object of your desires” y/n defended, shedding a tear at the confrontation. “you only want me because you do not want each other to have me” her words struck them like lightning. was she right?
“b-but y/n, i-” kimi was cut off by the sound of a car roaring next to them. sebastian climbed his way out, taking his helmet off as a gust of wind moved his hair. “y/n, i’ve come to save you from these greedy men!” his voice made her smile as she climbed into his car “goodbye, boys! i hope i can see you again.” sebastian handed her a helmet and as she put it on, he drove into the sunset, leaving paul and kimi standing by themselves, looking longly into the distance.
authors note:
i have no idea what this is but i laughed while writing it so thats good.
hope you like it<33
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
summary: amelie's brothers find out about her and kimi.
pairing: kimi antonelli x amelie leclerc
kimi and amelie character descriptions
word count: 1301
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
part one - part two
btw someone gave me this idea on asks so yeah!
i prefer posting canons without the ask, so it would be great -if you want ofc- if yall put your @ on the ask if your asking for canon so i can tag you in them! the ask was anonymus so i cant tag them. :(
that was the first thought that crossed amelie’s head as she received a facetime call from her brother, lorenzo.
see, that wouldn't normally be her reaction, she loved when her brothers called her. but in this ocation, she knew exactly what he was calling about.
it was a day after kimi won the race.
a day after kimi kissed her in front of everyone.
lorenzo and charles were not at that race, therefore, they did not know about the two teenagers.
the girl sighed before picking up the call.
“hi, enzo. how’s life going?” she asked, her voice sounding slightly high pitched with nervousness. “well, life was going great until i saw a video of a kid kissing my little sister at a race” he said, looking at her bluntly through the screen. “whaaaat?” she asked, and if she wasn't as nervous as she was, she would have laughed at how her voice sounded. “yeah, charles sent me the video. actually, let’s add him to the call” her oldest brother said “yeah, what a great idea” she chuckled nervously.
as they waited for charles to pick up the call, amelie thought of all the things that could go wrong. i mean, they weren’t going to forbid her to have a relationship… would they?
when charles finally answered, the usual smile that adorned his face when he called his sister wasn't present, and it scared amelie.
charles was always the one whom she was closer to. she mostly travelled and spent time with him, and he always treated her as nicely as he could. he did bully her a lot, but that's just sibling stuff.
“hey, favourite older brother” she said, waving her hand at the camera. “hey, little sister that hides stuff from me” he answered sarcastically, “i technically didn't hide anything from you, i just forgot to tell you” amelie saw how her two older brothers rolled their eyes at the exact same time. “who is that kid anyways?” lorenzo asked “his name is kimi, he's an f4 driver for prema” she answered, smiling slightly at the thought of him “how old is he?” her brother asked yet another question “16 now" Charles and lorenzo both nodded, as if they were deep in thought.
“does he treat you right?” charles broke the silence. “of course” the girl nodded. there was silence for a few seconds until charles spoke“i guess there is nothing wrong then, do as you please” he sighed. “really?” the youngest leclerc exclaimed. “yeah, he looks like a good kid. i approve” lorenzo said. amelie cheered, standing up and doing a mini happy dance.
the two brothers smiled as they watched her, content to see her happy.
“okay then, now that that is settled, i have to go” lorenzo said. they all said their goodbyes before ending the call, leaving a very happy amelie behind.
what she didn't know was that kimi was watching her from the door, leaning against it and smiling. he didn't understand a word from the whole conversation she had over the phone —as he did not speak french— but he had gone into the room when he heard his name, and watching her for a bit wouldn't harm anyone.
his heart almost melted at the sight of her happy dance, so when she hung up the phone he couldn't help himself and went straight to her and wrapped his arms around her.
his chest was pressed against her back as he lifted her up, spinning her around a few times before gently putting her down. he swore he wouldn't ever hear something better than the sound of her laugh as she hugged his arms around her.
she turned around to face him, snaking her arms on his shoulders and caressing the back of his neck softly. they admired each other for a few seconds before she spoke.
“my brothers called me to ask about you” she whispered, as if raising her voice would break the moment. “and what did they say?” amelie noticed how he bit the inside of his cheek, something he did when he was nervous. “they said that they approve and that you look like a nice kid” she smiled as his cheeks went slightly pink. “awe, you're red” she taunted, chuckling as he buried his face on her neck. “shush”
they stayed in that position for a bit, before kimi lifted his head, kissed her forehead and let her go.
“i think we should go get an ice cream before someone finds me and makes me go back to training,” the boy said, smiling. “i think that is an insanely good idea” she nodded, taking his hand and going to the door.
they snuck out of the prema building, gunning for the ice cream shop that was a few blocks away. it was near a coffee shop where they always saw conrad and alana. they had seen the pair sitting there the first time they went to the ice cream, but since amelie knew they thought no one knew about the place, she never said anything.
as they reached the ice cream shop, they had to walk past a group of girls who were sitting there. amerie saw how they looked at kimi, and she didn't like it one bit.
she pretended not to notice them as they made their way to the counter, where she asked for pistachio and him for chocolate ice cream. much for ameries distaste, kimi decided they should sit on one of the tables outside, right next to the group of girls.
amelie tried to ignore them, really, but it was evident on her face how she was not feeling it.
“everything okay?” kimi asked, furrowing his eyebrows “those girls wont stop staring at you” she sighed, her lips pouting slightly. he smiled softly at her before looking at the girls for a split of second. “sucks for them that i'm only looking at you, then” the boy smiled, leaning in to kiss her forehead. she smiled, tilting her head up and puckering her lips so he would kiss her.
he pecked her lips with a soft smile, before they both continued to eat their ice cream.
arthur received a video call from both of his brothers while he drank water post work out. he answered almost immediately.
“hey!” he greeted, smiling. his eyebrows furrowed as he saw both of his brothers glaring at him through the screen. “whatever happened, it was amelie not me” he tried to defend himself of the none existen reproaches.
“you didn't tell us amelie has a boyfriend” lorenzo spoke up, still glaring. “she does?” arthur asked, confused. charles facepalmed as lorenzo rolled his eyes. “they kissed at the race the other day!” arthur finally realised who they were talking about “ohhhh, kimi! i told you he had a crush on amelie” he retorted “well, you didn't tell us she liked him back!” charles exclaimed “well i didn't know!” arthur said in the same tone “you're more likely to know than me, she doesn't talk to me about those things, she talks to you!” arthur accused, now glaring as well. “oh well, guess neither of us knew.” lorenzo shrugged.
“it's insane how much she has grown, don't you think?” charles said after a few seconds of silence. “she's a proper young lady now” lorenzo agreed. arthur sighed as she saw her arriving back to the building through the window, holding kimi’s hand. “it is insane” he smiled softly. “dad would be proud of her, and jules would be overreacting about kimi” charles chuckled, imagining how the scene would happen. “he was really protective over her, i can't imagine what he would think seeing her right now” lorenzo smiled. “they would be really fucking proud.” arthur said, smiling fondly at the thought.
author's note:
not completely happy with this one, but i hope y'all like it.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
IM SO SORRY TO DISTURB U but i desperately need kimi x amelie content 🥲🤭🤭ur writing is so good
meetings and blushes
summary: amelie goes to visit arthur in prema and meets a handsome boy named kimi.
pairing: kimi antonelli x amelie leclerc
kimi and amelie character descriptions
word count: 595
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
everytime amelie had the chance to go to one of her brother's races, she was the happiest person ever. she rarely got to go because of school or different issues, but now that she was on summer break, she would be stuck to the hip of whichever one of her brothers was willing to take her with him.
 this weekend, the lucky guy was none other than arthur leclerc. she packed her stuff and took a plane to italy, where she would be staying for a while.
  after a very emotive airport pick up -note the sarcasm- , arthur notified her that they would be going to prema to spend the day, as it was media day and he had to be there “because if not the video wouldn't be funny.” 
when they arrived at prema, everyone greeted her rather enthusiastically, except this one particular boy who she had never met before.
 he was handsome, almost dreamy. he had very smooth, pale skin and messy brown hair. he wasn't tall, but she was pretty short so he was fairly taller than her.  
“uhm, hi, im kimi antonelli'' he introduced himself shyly, and she thought she was going to melt in the spot at the sound of his italian accent. “amelie leclerc, nice to meet you” she smiled brightly, trying to get him to loosen up a little. of course, the moment had to be ruined by arthur, who loudly awed and basically screamed “look at the children having crushes” before running away from a very embarrassed amelie.
  later that day, amelie found herself in a random room, watching the guys -and hamda- record what seemed to be a truth or dare challenge. arthur had already filmed his part but decided to leave her there while he went to do some “grown up thing” that she knew was calling his girlfriend for his free hour. 
kimi and paul were answering questions and fulfilling dares, and she didn't miss the way kimi would look at her every time he had to do something embarrassing. 
“truth or dare?” paul asked the younger boy “truth” he answered “who in this room would you kiss and why?” kimi looked like he had just been asked the worst question in the universe “no, another one” he was looking everywhere but amelie and was red as a tomato “mate, you have to answer” paul was enjoying that way too much. 
“uhm, i- i don't know, there is only one girl my age” kimis voice was barely audible, so paul made him repeat it “sorry? i didn't hear you” kimi rolled his eyes, took a deep breath and decided to show confidence, even if it was fake. “amelie, because she is very pretty.” and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how amelie marie elizabeth leclerc died.
  they continued the challenge as if nothing had happened, because nothing had really happened. 
at the end of the challenge, kimi went straight over to amelie “i'm sorry if that was weird” he apologised, and it sounded so sincere amelie almost hugged him “hey, that's all right, i would have said the same thing” that took the boy completely by surprise, as his cheeks went bright red “oh, okay” she chuckled before hearing her brother calling her name “seems like i have to go, i really hope to see you around, kimi” she pecked his cheek before walking away, leaving avery flustered kimi who was most of all surprised at how good his name sounded when she said it.
authors note:
i love kimi sm, the amount of fanfiction for him is none existent.
also i feel like this is very short, but i didnt know what else to write im sorryyyy.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
drinks, caillous and i love you’s.
summary: alana and conrad go party with their friends. it ends up in weird conversations and love confessions.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 1004
warnings: underage drinking, mentions of cancer.
lowercase intended!
part one - part two - previous part.
dedicated to my bsf @myplantregulus because she gave me the idea and she is a caillou simp.
alana was having the time of her life.
when conrad had told her that they were going out to a party with the rest of the team, she had her doubts. being a big internet personality like most of them were, drinking and partying might not have been the perfect idea.
conrad begged and pleaded for her to go with them. she gave up after the lightest pout formed on his lips, and she definitely didn't regret it.
they went to a pub near their apartment, where they didnt even ask for their id’s. lucky, privileged assholes. they drank quite a bit, dancing around the pub with random people who they befriended at that moment. 
after spending a few hours at the pub, they made their way to a random apartment, which hamda had told her belonged to aurora, one of her freca teammates.
the walk there was extremely fun. they laughed a bit too much when paul and aurora started pushing each other. they both ended up on the floor, hands and knees scraped but still laughing. they walked in front of a peer, from which conrad and ollie almost jumped into the water. they sang and danced around the street, almost getting run over a few times.
now that the group had finally gotten to aurora’s apartment, alana found herself laughing with a girl named lia, whom she had never met until that night. she didn't really understand how, as the girl had told her that she had been living with ollie and jak most of the season, but she let go of her confusion pretty fast.
“i was still on it so i was screaming, but our parents weren't supposed to know that we got on the horse so i tried to stop, and then jak fell off and i laughed and my mom ran to where we were and she started screaming as well. my dad and jak’s parents came out of the house to find me on top of an out of control horse laughing like a maniac, jak crying on the floor with his arm literally bent to the wrong side, and my mom screaming” lia was telling her the story of how her and jak had ended up with matching broken arms, and alana could not stop laughing. the alcohol in both their systems and lia’s slurred words making the story way funnier than it would have originally been.
their laugh was interrupted as ollie sat next to them, jak and conrad following suit. alana smiled as her boyfriend sat next to her, kissing her cheek before resting his head on her shoulder.
“i think caillou is dead” jak said out of nowhere, staring at the wall blankly. “why would caillou be dead?” lia asked, looking like she had asked herself that question millions of times “i mean, he is bald” ollie chimed in.
alana was confused, her drunk brain was not able to understand how that conversation had started.
“how does that make him dead though?” lia’s eyebrows furrowed. “well, maybe he has cancer” ollie shrugged. “wait, who has cancer?” sebas asked as he joined them in the living room. “caillou” ollie answered “oh no, poor caillou” lia said, and just then alana realised her tear filled eyes. “love, don't cry. he's in a better place now” ollie said, hugging her close. “that would explain why his mom opened the picture book at the beginning of each episode” jak commented, making lia cry even harder.
alana didn't know what to do, the entire conversation made no sense to her. maybe she was too drunk, or maybe they were.
“i had a classmate that looked like caillou” alana spoke, remembering the boy she met a few years back. “wait, really?” conrad asked. “yeah, his name was quinn. he had hair though” she said, deep in thought “so like, pre-cancer caillou” sebas contemplated, making all of them try to imagine a caillou with hair. “wait… who is caillou?” sebas spoke again, making everyone laugh. “have you been talking about caillou without knowing who caillou is?” lia laughed, wiping her tears away.
they all laughed for a while, until alana spoke again.
“where are paul and aurora?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “probably making out in a corner” ollie shrugged “they are together?” alana spoke. “yeah, but they don't know we know, so don't tell them that we know because they don't know we know” jak’s sentence made alana’s head spin, so she nodded and moved on.
once it was time to leave, alana and conrad clumsily made their way into his apartment. they laughed and shushed each other, as if there was someone that could hear them.
conrad changed as alana wiped off her makeup. she might have been drunk, but she had never and would never sleep with make up on.
 they got comfortable in bed, cuddling into each other. he rested his head on her chest, wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggling his face on her neck. after a few moments of silence, conrad spoke.
“i know im really drunk and i probably shouldn't say this, but i love you. i love you so so so much. you’re so fucking important to me, you know? the first time sebas showed me a picture of you my heart rushed, from a picture! imagine how it was when i actually met you! oh my god, when you got nervous talking to me it was the best thing ever. no one gets nervous about me, its always about the older boys, but you did and it made me feel so funny inside…synd for de andre fyre, fordi jeg har den hotteste pige nogensinde” (too bad for the other guys because i got the hottest girl ever) he said the last thing in danish, so she would have to remember to ask what he said later on.
alana smiled, pulling him more into her.
“i love you too, you drunk” she laughed, noticing that he had already fallen asleep.
authors note:
well, that was really fun to write.
idk what this is but i hope y’all like it.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
comforts and songs
summary: conrad has a bad race, so alana goes to his apartment to cheer him up.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 974
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
part one - previous part
san lucas - kevin kaarl.
for some reason i can’t answer the ask, so here is the conrad one shot! @hannahharp
conrad had not had the best race.
he was in p3 for the majority of it until he lost control of his car, causing him to spin into the grass and not be able to finish.
as he got into the prema room, he immediately went up to alana, who waited for him with open arms.
“i’m sorry, love” she whispered. he stayed silent, pulling her further into him. “how about we go to your apartment later, cuddle for a bit?” her hand weaved through his hair comfortingly. he only nodded softly before he pulled away from her, kissing her forehead as he sat down next to her.
a couple hours later, conrad didn’t seem to be any happier, and it pained alana to no end. he was generally such an energetic and happy person, seeing him in a bad mood made her heart sink a little.
when they were finally able to leave, they both silently walked to conrad’s apartment. their hands sat intertwined between them as they walked, with alana humming softly to break the silence. she really didn't want to push him to speak, but silence was never her favourite thing.
as they got home, conrad went directly into the shower, not before leaving a kiss on alana’s cheek. the girl made her way into his room, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts to change into. she laid on his bed, scrolling through tik tok and waiting for him to finish showering.
coming out of the bathroom, a smile made his way onto his lips at the sight of his girlfriend -well, unofficial girlfriend- laying on his bed, wearing his clothes. alana noticed his staring and offered him a smile.
“better?” she opened her arms for him. “yeah, sorry about the mood” the boy apologised as he laid down next to her, laying his head on her chest and wrapping his arms around her waist. “it's alright, we all feel down sometimes” she reassured, taking her hand to his hair and caressing it softly. he sighed into her chest, going back into a comfortable silence.
“hey, lana?” conrad interrupted the silence after a couple of minutes. she hummed a response “would you sing me that song? the one you always sing?” his voice was shy, barely a whisper, and it melted her heart. “san lucas?” he nodded into her neck. “yeah, of course”
“dile ya, a tus papás, que no vas a regresar” (tell your parents that you won't come back)
“te vas con un loco que no te para de amar” (you're leaving with a crazy guy that won't stop loving you)
“a vivir salvajes, libres, libres allá en san lucas” (to live wild and free, free there in san lucas)
“tus ojos brillan más que la luna, sol y mar” (your eyes shine brighter than the moon, the sun and the sea)
“quiero desnudar tu alma y dedicarle una canción” (i want to strip your soul and sing it a song)
“darle todo mi cariño y entregarle mi amor” (give it all my affection and give it my love)
“oh-oh, oh-oh”
conrad heard her sing, and even though he didn't understand the lyrics, he knew what they said. the first time he heard her sing it he asked her to translate it for him. it had become one of his favourite songs because it reminded him of her in so many ways.
“qué bonito tu vestido blanco” (your white dress is so pretty)
“que ella baila, que ella baila con el campo” (she dances, dances with the meadow)
“mira, mira, corazón, olvida el miedo que hay en ti” (look, look sweetheart, forget the fear inside you)
“es que deja de sufrir, todo aquello ya pasó” (stop suffering, all of it has passed)
“grita y ponte ya a vivir que todo va a salir mejor” (scream and start living, everything will get better)
“si escapas de mi vida ya, llorando siempre en tu habitación” (if you escape from my life, crying always in your bedroom)
“dile ya, a tus papás, que no vas a regresar” (tell your parents that you won't come back)
“te vas con un loco que no te para de amar” (you're leaving with a crazy guy that won't stop loving you)
“a vivir salvajes, libres, libres allá en san lucas” (to live wild and free, free there in san lucas)
“tus ojos brillan más que la luna, sol y mar” (your eyes shine brighter than the moon, the sun and the sea)
“desnudar tu alma y dedicarle una canción” (strip your soul and sing it a song)
“desnudar tu alma y dedicarle una canción” (strip your soul and sing it a song)
“desnudar tu alma y dedicarle una canción” (strip your soul and sing it a song)
“que toda tu mirada me demuestre tu amor” (let all your gazes show me your love)
“desnudar tu alma y dedicarle una canción” (strip your soul and sing it a song)
alana finished singing, her finger still weaving through his hair. she felt his smile against her skin, making her smile too.
“you're singing is amazing, love” he complimented “thanks” she giggled softly at the kiss he pressed against his neck “thank you for being here” he sat up a little to be able to make eye contact with her “of course, what are girlfriends for?” her eyes widened mid sentence, catching up to what she was saying. they had never talked about labels, had she screwed up?
she calmed down a bit when she saw his smile. “i don't really know, but i have the best one” he leaned down to kiss her, making the girl giggle as he tickled her side mid kiss. “well, I have the best boyfriend, so i guess we’re both lucky” she said before kissing him again.
authors note:
some conrad and alana content to ease the soul.
honeslty writing for them feels so much lighter than writing for aurora and paul dfhkshdf. but anyways, this is one of my favorite songs and it for some reason reminds me of conrad so yeah.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
coffee shops and study dates.
summary: conrad and alana study in a coffee shop. conrad struggles to work before alana suggests a reward system.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 600
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
part one.
on their first date, conrad had taken alana to a cute little coffee shop near the prema headquarters. he told her no one knew about the place, it was his place to have peace and silence when everyone became too much. she was happy to know that he had wanted to share this place with her out of everyone.
a couple of weeks later, they both sat in silence. notebooks and computers were placed in front of both of them, projecting their respectives studies.
conrad stared at alana in silence. she was focused on whatever she was studying, taking neat notes in her notebook as she listened to something in her headphones. her eyebrows furrowed in the cutest way possible, making him smile fondly at her.
“you're staring” she said without even looking his way or pausing her writing. “well, you're pretty,” he defended, keeping his eyes on her. “you need to do your homework, connie” the girl scolded, finally stopping to look at him. “but it's boring, and i don't understand half of it” he sighed, pouting ever so slightly.
a smile formed on her lips at his cuteness. “you know you can't race if you keep doing bad at school” his heart grew warm at the way she looked at him “but i can't do something I can't understand” the tone in his voice reflected his slight frustration.
 she stood up, dragging her chair to his side and pulling her headphones off as she sat down beside him. “what don't you understand? i'll help you” her smile was warm and encouraging.
after he explained what he did not understand, alana tried her best to show him how to answer the questions, highlighting areas and showing him where he should look for the answers. “this is boring” he complained, resting his head on her shoulder while she highlighted words in her own textbook. “but you have to do it” alana insisted “why? i won't ever need this information again in my life” the annoyance in his voice was evident.
her laugh brought a smile to his face. “okay, let's do this. answer 10 questions and i'll reward you with something if you get them right.” alana offered “okay, but what’s the reward?” conrad picked his head up from her shoulder. “i’ll give you a kiss for each” her cheeks went red as she spoke.
see, they had kissed before, but she was still pretty shy about it. “fuck, how can i say no to that? can i get one for motivation?” his smile beamed at the sight of her red cheeks. she rolled her eyes before pecking his lips. “do it” she put her headphones on again and turned her lecture back on, going back to note taking. as he finally focused on his work.
a few minutes later, conrad tapped her shoulder to get her attention. “i finished” she nodded before reading over his work and making sure the answers were correct. only one of them was wrong, so she congratulated before pecking his lips.
 his eyebrows furrowed at this. “no, but i want a proper kiss” he pouted “you’re a big baby, you know that?” alana giggled. “well, you owe me kisses so” he smiled before bringing his lips to hers, kissing her properly this time. he got slightly confused when she parted away from him, forgetting he only got so many kisses. “go on then, you still have like four pages” she smiled, going back to her lecture and leaving conrad to roll his eyes and continue working, this time with a smile on his face.
authors note:
finally decided to post some conrad content!
im sorry for not uploading these past days, ive been really cought up on reading the dirty air series by lauren asher and have not been able to stop reading!
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pxperplxnets · 1 year
2. a kiss where it doesnt hurt
this is part of the new series that i am writing. i took the concept and prompts from yurawiththegoodhair on ao3, and i will be writing them for the couples that i see most fitting for the respective prompt. i hope you like them!
summary: second part of the 50 kisses series, a kiss where it doesnt hurt.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 629
lowercase intended!
“im going to die” alana cried. tears pricked from her eyes as she laid in pain.
“everything is alright, lana. you’ll be okay.” conrad caressed her hair softly, trying to soothe the pain.
“it hurts, connie” the girl whined.
everything hurt and she felt her life slipping away from her body slowly, she could see the light.
or so she said.
everything went wrong for her that week. she suffered from a really bad undertow while surfing one of the best swells of the year, which left her body extremely sore. of course, this happened two days before she had to get in a plane and fly halfway across the world to go visit her boyfriend in his home country for the first time. then, it turns out that she was not made for the copenhagen weather and got a horrible cold that made her throat sore and gave her a runny nose. and since life for her is always great, she got her period a day after arriving.
now, she found herself laying on her boyfriend's bed, her muscles, throat, and head aching and with a completely blocked nose. He sat on the edge of the bed, scratching her head lightly while she whined.
“you’ll be fine, it will pass in like three days” conrad let out a chuckle.
seeing his girlfriend be in so much pain hurt him, since he would never want to see her suffer. however, she was being so incredibly dramatic that it was a bit funny.
“you don't understand, conrad. everything hurts” she complained, a fresh set of tears falling from her eyes.
“im sorry, babe. can i do something to make it better?” he asked, looking at her adoringly.
that soothed the pain slightly. she couldn't believe that the first time she went to his home country, after not seeing him for months, she was that sick. everything hurt and she swore she had seen a light, but having conrad there for her, taking care of her and looking at her so dearly warmed her heart immensely.
“i want cuddles and kisses, but i don't want to get you sick so you need to leave some space for jesus” she was so mad that she couldn't just cuddle him and smother him with kisses like she had initially planned to.
“im okay with getting sick, you’ll just have to take care of me.” he stuck his tongue out to her jokingly.
“nope, you can’t get sick because then we can’t do anything.” alana complained, she was conscious that she was contradicting herself and possibly acting like a child, but she was in too much pain to care.
conrad chuckled softly, humoured by his girlfriend's whines. he thought about it for a second. if he couldn't distract her with kisses since she wasn't going to let him kiss her so he wouldn't get sick, he had to think of something else.
a slight surprise was laced to her eyes as he kissed her hand softly, she watched as he repeated the same process on her other hand before lacing his fingers with hers once again.
“what was that?” the girl asked. kissing hands is not a weird concept, but he had never done it to her and had surprised as well as confused her.
“i thought i would kiss where it doesn't hurt, but i couldn't think of any other places” his cheeks were slightly pink with embarrassment.
she awed and squeezed his hand.
“i mean, your feet don't hurt but im not about to do that” he chimed in “unless you're into that” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“eww!” she exclaimed, laughing while pushing him off of her, making him laugh as well.
in the end, he succeeded in distracting her.
authors notes:
im writing this bc im in her exact situation than alana except im not in copenhagen or have boyfriend to take care of me and i also want conrad to come make me feel better.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
meetings and butterflies.
summary: alana finally goes to visit sebastian in italy. she meets conrad and immediately develops a crush on him.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 884
warnings: none.
lowercase intended!
part two.
alana had known sebastian for as long as she had memory, and she was finally going to one of his races. she was at a family trip fairly close to monza, so when sebastian invited her to an all included prema experience she couldn't say no.
she got to the colombian’s apartment three days before the race, where she was warmly welcomed by sebastian. after a well deserved long hug, the boy informed her that they would be going to the prema headquarters where she would meet the other drivers.
   as the building came to view, the girl grew more and more nervous. there were some hot and talented people out there, but she was just herself. boring old alana.
she shrugged those feelings off as she remembered her mothers words “you might not know how to drive a race car, but just remember the time we took sebas surfing.” the memory made her giggle softly as they both hopped off the car and started walking over to the building.
“¿y tú de que te ries?” (what are you laughing at?) he asked, a smile creeping off his lips “me acordé de cuando te lleve a surfear” (i remembered the time i took you surfing) she laughed harder when she saw the smile fall off of his face, making him roll his eyes before entering the building.
they walked around for a while, introducing her to different people, all of whom were very welcoming to her.
when they got into the driver's trailer, there were three people already there. a short girl -who she recognized as hamda- and two boys who she didn't immediately recognize.
one of them caught her eye. he was blonde and really tall. ‘pretty’ was her first though. sebastian introduced her briefly, and as the pretty guy -conrad- went to greet her first, the latina in alana got the best of her as she leaned in to kiss his cheek, something that she was used to but he definitely wasn't. at least judging for how red his face was when he moved back.
the other two introduced themselves as kirill and hamda, the latter expressing how happy she was to have another girl with her, even if it was only for a few days.
as everyone moved on to do their respective tasks, alana stood by sebastian.
“no me habías dicho que el danés era tan guapo” (you hadn’t told me that the danish one was so handsome) she joked, speaking in spanish so no one but her friend would understand “con lo rojo que se puso hace rato me parece que piensa lo mismo de ti, pero hey, no me lo robes” (judging of how red he went earlier i would think he thinks the same about you, but hey, don’t steal him from me) sebastian said with a mocking tone in his voice, glaring at her playfully.
alana laughed faintly, her eyes drifting to the tall danish as he laughed next to kirill. conrad noticed her staring and looked back at her with a smile. with the little confidence he could gather, he winked in her direction before turning back to his conversation.
the day passed and she got more and more comfortable with everyone. she quickly got close to hamda, since they were the only young women there.
she shared multiple conversations with conrad, who seemed to only gain confidence with her every stutter and blush. at one point, he even looked like he was enjoying how nervous she seemed to get when he would look directly into her eyes. since when did pretty girls get nervous about him? it was always the older guys, never him. but there alana was, made a stuttering mess with just a smile. he liked it. a lot.
at the end of the day, when sebastian and her were walking towards the car that would take them back home, she had to stop as she heard her name being called.
“alana!” her heart skipped a beat at the sound of conrad’s voice calling her name. she turned to his direction, seeing him jogging slightly towards her “conrad?” she questioned, feeling light butterflies in her stomach
“yeah, sorry to get you like this, but could i have your number?” her cheeks stinged with colour for a moment before answering “uhm, yeah, for sure” he smiled before giving her his phone, ready to put the number in a contact that she read as ‘alana<3’. she put her phone number in before giving the object back to him.
“there you go” she smiled “thanks, uhm, would you-” he took a deep breath before looking at her eyes again “would you like to hangout tomorrow after prema? like, just you and me?” he sounded so nervous alana almost let out an audible awe “yeah, of course. text me the details?”
just as he was about to speak, he got interrupted by a screaming sebastian “conrad, mate, hurry up, i'm hungry and i have to take her with me!” conrad laughed a little before turning to the other boy “sorry! i had to take my chance with the pretty girl!” with that said, he bent down and kissed her cheek “bye, i'll see you tomorrow” he smiled before turning away, leaving her to walk to the car with butterflies flying around her stomach.
as soon as the car started moving, she got a text from an unknown number that made her smile like an idiot.
                              +## #########
you’re insanely pretty
oh, its conrad btw
author’s note:
this is the first one shot i’ve written, i hope you liked it!
any feedback would be appreciated<3
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
conrad and alana.
i will be posting the description of each one of my ocs and the guys that i write for. 
this post is dedicated to alana and conrad and will be linked at the beginning of the one shots that are based around them.
name: alana diaz
nick name: alanita, lana
birth date; november 22, 2006.
place of birth: nosara, costa rica
strengths: poliglot, surf queen
weakness: tall danish
song: cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
“i miss brenda” - alana diaz
“alana diaz was one with the beach. she had the luck of growing up in a small town in costa rica, where she could surf and watch beautiful sunsets everyday. surfing was her life, she even named her board -brenda-. she grew up alongside sebastian, her mom's best friend's son, even if they were born in completely different countries. she was extroverted and fun, but at the same time extremely calm. according to conrad, she had such a calm voice it made you sleepy. she was really nice and honest, always there to help whoever needed it but of course never taking anyone's shit, she was not made for that. she had naturally brown hair that had periodically gotten more and more blonde because of the sun, her skin was so naturally tanned that it looked like caramel. her calm energy made her seem shy at first, but as soon as she opened her mouth, you could hear the most random and supid things in the world, but hey, she was 16 and blessed with the best sense of humour in the world, what else would she do?”
name: conrad laursen
nick name: connie, con
birth date: may 11th, 2006
place of birth: 30 mins away from copenhagen, denmark
strengths: pretty boy
weakness: low door frames
song: wannabe - spice girls
“bahh, same same” - conrad laursen
“conrad laursen was the prettiest boy alana had ever set her eyes on. he was tall but not lanky, blonde hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. the worst part was that he was even prettier on the inside. he was the type of person that brings a smile to your face with simply existing. he was funny and sweet and everything in between. things seemed easier when he was around, because he always had a joke or funny remark to offer. of course, like everyone, he had his bad days, but he would never take his anger out on others. he would just stay quiet and hope for a better mood so he could go back to bringing a smile to people's faces. even if he didn't say it much, he struggled a lot with being away from home, but racing made everything better, even more when he had his friends to have a good time with”
authors note:
lets ignore that conrad is definetely my favorite prema boy.
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