#fable smp rakai
Till death do us part was so fun teehee
I love Rakai, they're so silly goofy and also just really smart.
Also. Fable. Nobody believes that you're just gonna talk to Athena. There's no world in which that can happen. There's no world in which you'd let them live. And I think Icarus knows this too, they just don't wanna think about that.
And another thing, I didn't know that the powers are tied to the Reaver. I genuinely thought that they were actually Fables powers now, but since they're not that makes it so much easier. If anyone can get their hands on the Reaver Fable is powerless and I think that's really interesting. Now the question is if it's possible to untether the powers from the Reaver and distribute them between the other people in the Grove once Fable has been defeated, but I guess I'll learn about that soon.
Also also, the lights were so funky that stream? Like I dont actually know what it means, I assume it's Quixis reaction to what's happening, I'm sure they have a deaper meaning that I dont know about and I'm sure the Quixis fans went wild with theories after that stream happened. I just think they're neat ^^
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jvstbrokenglass · 4 months
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i think if any of the fable gods were to be bibblically accurate angels, it would be them. solely based on vibes
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xwiedzmax · 2 months
more fable tlt au thoughts
andd im back with more thoughts about my fable smp the lightning thief au. one thought that i really enjoy is Rakai as Mr D (Dionysus), simply cuz they have matching vibes in some weird way. the Oracle is Haley, i think everyone can agree on that. other thoughts for Clarisse and Ares are Ocie and Casus, which is funky cuz Ocie does feel like she could do stuff Clarisse would do, but Casus as Ares feels less fitting? its important to me to decide who is Talia simply because of The Tree On The Hill (song from the musical for all the book readers/show watchers). and since Athena is Grover, i just like the angst possibilities of Jamie being Talia and Athena failing to protect them, Jamie sacrificing themself to save others. and theres also something about Jamie being turned into a tree by Delta...turning into a pine tree. something about their last name being Pine. (yes, i am gonna ignore that Zeus turned Talia into a tree-) speaking of pine, i think Momboo fits Katie just because they both do be very nature coded. also i cant remember if i mentioned this earlier but Fable is Athena, Netherum is Pan, but i still dont know who would be Hades. my brain just came up with this on the spot but theres something about Perix being Medusa. it can either go 1 way and ignore the canon, which would make Enderian curse Perix, thats why shes mad at her, but on the other hand theres no reason for her to not like Icarus specifically. but the other way is that Fable cursed her and turned him into a monster, and theres something about Fable tricking her in canon. which also gives a really funky thing about Perix and Enderian sneaking into Fables temple to go on a date- and a funky thing about Perix and Enderian dating. and this also gives sorta a reason for Perix hating Icarus also this is the most random thing ever but Wolf as Chiron? the vibes kinda fit? none of the relationships are canon at all but thats fineee- this is mainly just because the vibes of these 2 fit well i guess. i do also have thoughts about Arisanna as Luke. cuz in Lukes good kid reprise (part of last day of summer, songs from the musical) the lyrics are literally "ive been here since i was a kid, i did everything they ever asked yeah i did and for what? you know this world will never be ours as long as our parents rule over the stars". this fits so well for Ari. she has been listening to Soraza all her life, and finally when she reaches the point of getting sick of it, she gives up on trying to impress her mom, decides that it doesnt matter because the gods just dont care. i have many thoughts about this but this post is already so long- sooo hope yall enjoyed my rambling and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know
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aquariet · 18 days
Imagine going on a date with your husband just for you dad to kill them.
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who's an NPC that Ari has never met but you think she'd get along well with? and/or conversely, which NPC would she just despise?
i think she'd get along so well with neveah. i would have absolutely loved it if fenris' found sister got to meet his adopted one. it would have been cute as hell i tell you
and i don't know about despise, but for some reason i get the feeling that elizabeth would just. deeply unsettle her
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lovelbear · 19 days
The biggest question now thinking about it, is rakai going to be one of the last gods left standing after fable
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cant believe you are all dissing my half alseep made descendants au /lh
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whosthere54 · 17 days
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lucenare · 1 year
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i had to get this out of my head before i died happy not wedding
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karessolstice · 2 months
Fable smp Warrior Cats AU??
The first character is Rakai, aka Fool!
Fool is one of the house cats living close to the forest. Distinctive from the other kittypets, Fool isn’t scared of the clan cats. They often visit Thunderclan’s camp, taking a liking to especially irritate the clan leader and his deputy. The rest of their time, Fool spends in the comfort of their garden with their friend Beth.
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Fable SMP Finale - Analysis & Thoughts
Holy shit, I cannot even begin to describe how much of an emotional rollercoaster watching the finale of Fable SMP was. I was sobbing one second, screaming in joy the next, laughing and smiling not soon after, and feeling anger or sickness. The pure emotion that the cast of Fable SMP put into this masterpiece is undeniable. And yes, I know it's silly little block people playing silly little stories, but their our silly little block people and their stories are huge! There were cutscenes with commissioned art!
The joy and comfort that Fable SMP has brought me over the past many months is massive. Their streams were around for me to watch when I was having bad days or needed something in the background while studying. Fable SMP was a multimodal storytelling wonder. And whilst I'm sad it's over, I'm happy it was there to start with. I came into this fandom at the mid-point of S2, and from then on, have been hooked. I love the art and the cosplay and the nice fandom with friendly, cosy chat communities. But anyways, let's get into this analysis. (also RIP Rakai, thankyou for romantically distracting Ick and making them forget about hunting the child, a.k.a Athena) Spoilers!!!!!!!!!! For anyone who hasn't watched the finale!
To start with, watching the complicated emotion portrayed by Sherbertquake through Icarus was incredible acting. The whole cast, including Fable himself (aka Mr. HeyHay's husband), displayed awesome acting that I'm jealous of and one day hope to be able to express. I loved watching Sherb change their expression, even minutely, as everyone just unloaded their trauma and screamed at Fable. I loved watching as they realised that maybe their dad wasn't the best guy, even though they knew it in the back of their mind the whole time. Hearing the raw emotion that each member of the cast poured into their act was impressive, and reminded me that you don't just have to be an actor to be good at acting. As of now, I'm still yet to watch HeyHays POV, but trust me I will, I just need to emotionally heal over the next couple of days.
Now onto the storyline of the finale. Now of course, I've only watched from Sherberts' POV, but here's what I think as of now. I started watching the episode effectively knowing what would go down, but I still came out surprised. At the start, I could definitely see the hesitance for action in Icarus but also their want for relief and the freeing of burden, still mostly trusting in their father. Of course, Icarus would always trust Fable at the start, he is their dad. Their dad who they've been missing all their life, whenever they actually needed him, he couldn't be there. Fable was also the one that promised Icarus what they wanted; peace, freedom from Quixis, their mother back, a happy united family, no more resets. Why wouldn't Icarus believe everything their father said? It's like a preacher in a pulpit. But as we moved further through the episode, we started to see everything fall apart. We could see pain, pain as people had to fight others they didn't want to. And then things started to unravel more as everyone entered Purgatory for the final show down. Our beloved Violet of course swooped in to save the day in the final second, saving Athena from Reaver by Fable's hand. Fable was then chained, which is ironic, as this whole scene reminded us of Fable's new mortality. That without the Reaver, he was nothing. And then, we finally got to see Icarus redeem themselves. I thought the glitching trident through the chest was very poetic and very Icarus. The creation destroying their creator in more ways than one. Fable was both Icarus's dad but also the creator of who Icarus had become over the last couple of months. He poisoned Icarus and turned them against their friends, so it was nice to see Icarus make things right and put Fable out of his misery. And then everyone was together again. The brothers were reunited, and I cried when we finally got to see Icarus and Rae get that much needed hug. Athena didn't immediately forgive Icarus, but that's fair, and Icarus understood that and was willing to move towards restoring their relationship. I suppose that's what happens when you push Athenas boyfriend off a tree and hurt Momboo. I think Arisanna staying back in Purgatory and working to restore it was a good move, and I'm excited to watch everyone else's epilogues. When it was time to Icarus to pass on, I was also really sad, because this meant the actual end for the series, especially for Icarus. It was nice to see Violet/Centross and Ick get closure and emotionally heal? And for Ick and Rae get a final goodbye.
Okay, so the art cutscenes? Awesome! They added finesse to the final scenes and made the project really elaborate and put together. I love @fruitsalad864 art, and I could definitely see bits of Silco in Fable. *chefs kiss* I think putting the art in grey background and black ink with touches of colour for emphasis and embellishment was a good creative choice and didn't make anything too busy. I loved the flashes of peoples eyes as they casted the spell to trap Fable, it was a nice way to include everyone into the art. But what do I know? I had to quit high school art classes in Grade 10, which is sad.
Anyways, Sherberts filmed end scene. Let's look at that. Well, we finally got to see Quixis' face, in fact we got to see all of Quixis and the world port. Does anybody know if the creators made the world port prop or they went some where to film. Because if so, kudos for being brave enough to film in a large public setting. The emotion and ambience in the moment was great, and finding out why all the wack has been happening to Icky was a big relief to know. Thankyou Quixis for protecting the wet bird from carrying the burden when they were too young and giving them time to grow up. You're our favourite god/not god kinda' person! Finding out that when Icarus were to take the position, everyone would forget about them past the point of when they died in the first reset, saddened me. But also, seeing Icarus accept this and take up the mantle with no hesitation was a good character development, showing that they're now a selfless person who will do anything for their family. But it's sad that Ick won't see them for a while and they won't remember what happened. But I was also happy, happy to see Icarus move on and happy to see the relief on all their alternate selves faces as Icarus took the spot as Quixis. The filming as we spun through the reel of Icarus's AU's was beautiful and had a good use of angles. The cosplays were awesome, and I've just got to say, the use of that piece of music was perfect, it gave a sense of hope, peace, and new beginnings. It was fresh and I almost felt the wind on my face. Thankyou @sherbertquake56 and your film crew for doing these scenes for us, they added the closure we all needed.
For now, I think I'm calling this a finish for my analysis. But I'll be back! Don't worry! I'll be doing some short analysis's of everyone else's epilogues and also ticking off the predictions I made earlier this year.
Signing out,
The Lady
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ghoulvics · 6 months
Redoing the list of fable Smp members as entites
Enderian: Suprisingly, not the end actually, she is most likely The Web, touched by the End, Beholding and The dark
Netherum: The Desolation (possibly touched by the flesh)
Soul: The Vast, Touched by the Dark and Desolation.
Vitkesh: The end
Eperos: The end, touched by the beholding
Alerion: the lonely, touched by the vast
Delta: The Hunt, touched by the burried
Fable: Suprisingly? The corruption, also The Stranger
Perix: Corruption and Flesh.
Kinaxus: honestly don’t know
Lennarius: The Vast, Possibly the end
Nexus: she got the vibes of the hunt
Rakai: the vast, touched by stranger (100% would get along with Nikolai and Simon Fairchild)
Soraza: the Vast, honestly probably touched by the Beholding.
Vorago: Vast
The Cast/Members
Aax: The hunt, possibly touched by the vast
Addie: The Web and Beholding/Eye
Arisanna: the Lonely, touched by the Vast
Athena: corruption, touched by Desolation and Lonely
Caspian: possibly also the Hunt, touched by the lonely and end
Centross: The hunt, Extinction, Touched by lonely and Extinction
Chaos: The vast, possibly lonely and web
Easton: (we don’t know much about them as a character /gen) corruption possibly lonely in a way, maybe desolation
Galahad: Lonely
Haley: the stranger
Icarus: Spiral and Corruption, touched by the Lonely
Jamie: Buried, no reason
Momboo: corruption
Ocie: the hunt vast and touched by the lonely
Rae: the Eye, web and lonely
Seven: the eye and lonely
Ulysses: eye, lonely and possibly the vast
Ven: the eye
Will: the eye and Lonely
Wolf: the hunt, touched by the end possibly
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