#fanon masky makes me want to say twinks dni
romanticwealth · 5 months
A real fucking horror story
Content warning - FANON MASKY!!!! THAT STUPID TWINK!!!!!
It was supposed to be a normal night. I get on my phone, look at my socials, log off to go draw, all the normal bullshit. I listen to a bit of music (Hollywood Undead, Nico Collins, Ice Nine Kills, etc., use your imagination), and then I play some video games. That’s all it was supposed to be, yeah?
I guess someone had other plans.
See, it was around 3am. I know what you’re asking- “why the hell were you up at 3am?” Because I was drawing. Simple. Sure I had something to do in a couple of hours, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was my yaoi fanart while I listened to Millionaires!!!
Anyways, so I’m scribbling on my iPad. I’m working on my artwork of guys kissing. In a few minutes I’m going to get on my phone and look at Discord to yell at my friends.
Just then, someone taps on my window. This of course, freaks me the fuck out. It’s three in the damn morning- who’s tapping on my window? It ain’t rain, and it ain’t the wind. This is horrifying. I turn off all my devices and pretend to be asleep, despite the internal dread I’m feeling knowing that someone is at my window.
Then, I hear my window opening. Woah- what the fuck? Now this is pure horror. I shut my eyes tightly and pray for all this to be some sort of dream, nightmare, anything to know that this ain’t real. I clutch my plague doctor plush and feel my lip quivering. Fuck.
I suddenly feel a presence in my room. The sound of boots hitting my floor and the smell of the outside world hitting my nose as I still pretend to be asleep. There’s a presence looming over me now, and I’m debating on if I should just get up and fight this person off. But they may have a weapon- what do I have? My fists? Yeah right. Like that’ll save me.
“Wake up,” I hear. The voice is… god, so irritable. It’s high pitched and squeaky. Talk about a bad break-in. That’s when I realize that I may just have power over this person.
So I drop the act and swing my fist, hitting something. It’s the person, judging by the pained yelp. I get up and grab the closest thing I could- a prop axe. I begin beating this mysterious foe with it, wincing at every pained groan and yelp I hear. I’m not violent by any means, but I felt like a fucking wrestler in this very moment.
After a bit, I see that they’re weakened. I drop the prop axe and put my foot on this person’s chest. I lean down and pull off their stupid mask.
God, I felt like my soul left my body when I saw their piercing blue eyes. The only thing I thought was, “oh god, please get this person brown contacts.” Not, “Jesus Christ, someone broke into my home.” That’s how pathetic and weak this guy looks.
“Please,” he whimpers. “I’ll leave and never-“
“Shut the fuck up,” I interrupt. “You don’t get to break into my home and then ask me for mercy. Who do you think you are?” I sneer, pressing my foot down more. He yelps again. At this point, I’m wishing that I had grabbed something heavier to knock him out with.
“What’s your name?” I ask. “The police are gonna have a field day with you.” I comment. The intruder doesn’t respond.
“Name.” I demand. He winces. “T-Timothy.” He says.
“Hi Timothy,” I say, getting my foot off of his chest and forcing him onto his feet.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, you’re gonna get the fuck out of my house and if you dare come back or even think about it, I will not be as nice as I’m being to you right now.”
“Do you understand?”
He nods quickly, so I force him back out of my window and shut it with more force.
Since that day, I haven’t been able to get the smell of cheesecake and those piercing blue eyes out of my mind. I sometimes still see them when I close my own eyes. They haunt me. It’s like my house is haunted by that twink-truder.
I hope I don’t see him again. If I do, I’ll be keeping my fucking word.
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