#farida alwan
occult-roommates · 11 months
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When a daddy's boy ends up with only a mother
A few days after breaking up, Dawud was at work, cause life goes on even when a relationship ends. Anyway, he wasn't feeling that sad about it. Still, when he came across Ralf at the end of his shift, he just had to start bitching.
Dawud: And like, he always dyed his hair black and he looked awful. Red hair suits him way better but no. Also I know he meant it as a joke but I hate how he called me stupid because I didn't know panini means sandwich in Italian. Like, languages are hard man. Ralf: I'd agree with you, but I speak like three so... Dawud: German, English, what's the third one? Ralf: Spanish. Dawud: Why the fuck do you speak Spanish?? Ralf: Mi esposa esta Latina y viví en América del Sur durante unos años. Dawud: How come everyone but me knows Spanish! Also I have no idea what you just said.
Then, as if they were not in one of the busiest airport in the world, out of the thousand of people who take off and land there every single day, Dawud just had to run into...her.
Dawud: Um...hi. What are you doing in San Myshuno? Farida: I've been invited to see a conference on how spellcasters kept a matriarchal tradition in spite of living in a world dominated by human male. Dawud: Oh uh, ok. Have fun.
As awkwardly as that conversation went, Farida left to catch her taxi, and Dawud just went back to Ralf.
Ralf: Ooooh, rebound with a cougar maybe? Dawud: Ew dude, that's my mom. Ralf: ...Sometime I wish that crash had killed me. Dawud: What? Ralf: By the way, that was awkward as hell. Do you like your mom?
Dawud pulled Ralf aside, and then they went to sit down in an employees room. Nobody was there at that time, he could explain it to him without anyone hearing.
Dawud: Well, I mean, I like my mom obviously, I love her. But...it's always been hard between us. Like, growing up I've always been a daddy boy, even though to be honest, my parents were very busy with their jobs so I spent most time living with my friend Audrey. Then, they divorced and they got shared custody and I remember hating going at my mom's house, even if I was still young enough to need to be babysat by Audrey's parents. I remember seeing my dad as the fun cool parent and my mom as the boring strict one always busy working on some academic paper. Ralf: Ok, but that was just you being a kid right? Weren't you like, eight when your parents divorce? Dawud: You're right, but then...You know, my dad died suddenly a few years after. Which like, it's already hard for a kid, but I was the one who found him, an aneurysm suddenly burst during the night basically. Anyway, shortly after the funerals, I got into an argument with my mom and I snapped and said I wish she was the one who died. Ralf: Oh that's...bad... Dawud: Of course, I made her cry and I felt so guilty I just...I promised I will never disappoint her again. It kinda succeeded, but then you know my life story so needless to say, I did ended up disappointing her massively, and since then we can barely talk to each other. Though like, she wanted to have a girl instead of a boy, so I've been a disappointment since the moment I was born. I don't know why I even tried.
Ralf didn't know what to say, he could sympathize with wanting to make his mother happy, but other than say "it sucks man", he had nothing useful to add.
Dawud: So now that I've explained this, you gonna elaborate on that plane crash thing? Ralf: Uh...I mean, you've just bared your heart to me, so guess I got no choice but to explain then...
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Introducing Team Alwan! Here is the founders note : Do read, she is truly a Think out of the Box Types VISION of ALWAN BY Founder ZAINAB SAIFEE Hello Friends , I am truly thankful to each of you for believing in this event and Together we will make it a Success. I've always wanted to do something that will not only manage my time, but also give back to my community in the best way possible. I've wanted to be busy, wanted people to know Zainab Saifee as a person and as a bright ,educated, and smart individual. I've want to use my education to the best of my capacity. We all know there is no age to learning and earning and everytime we go out of our comfort zone, we learn something new. When I came to Bangalore,newly married, I was alone, but today you all have embraced me with so much love and affection thats made me take this step forward. Along with me is our Co-Founder Farida Bn Deesawala without whom this event would have proved to be difficult. She was the one who gave wings to plan and added the much needed fuel to my enthusiasm. How can we forget Farida Bn Bharmal, she acted like my adviser, my doubts dispenser and knowing her for such a long time, I knew I could trust her with my plans and speak openly, discuss my ideas, challenges, plans with her. I would urge each and everyone to take as much benefit of ALWAN as possible. Inshallah together we will soar the sky's. ALWAN Zainab Saifee. @alwan5253. #meerakiisoultalk #meerakii #event#mumeen #mumeneenhunar #mumeenat (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvjDDBPF-0Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17mx03l14iyeh
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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The Sahans and the Newberrys (Newberries?)
Remake of this post from December. I’ve remade it as it was made during the Same Face Toddler Bug of 2022, and also added a pic of Audrey and Dawud as infants.
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occult-roommates · 10 months
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Are you proud of me?
As it was her last day in San Myshuno, Farida wanted to chat with her son at least once. So they went to a café located on the San Myshuno University campus.
Farida: This is a nice place, you could study there. Dawud: Mom, I am done with school, I'm finishing my mechanic training and this is what I'll be doing for a living unless something happens. But it's fine, I enjoy it greatly, and it's brought me more joy in the few months I've been doing it than my stupid programming degree gave me in the five years I forced myself to do it.
Dawud felt incredibly nervous. Why did she want to talk to him? This is just going to turn into another arguments isn't it? Also let's be honest, that cappuccino was not helping with calming him down. Little know fact, but caffeine actually tends to do the opposite of making you feel calmer.
Dawud: Mom, I'm sorry. Farida: For what? Dawud: W-Well, for everything. You know like, constantly lying to you about my wereabouts and disappearing for long periods of time and also for what I said to you when dad died. I'm so so so sorry for that, I'll admit I wasn't thinking about it anymore, but I remembered that incident recently and I've been feeling so guilty about it. Farida: I know, you were just a teenager dealing with the loss of his father. I have let this go a long time ago. Dawud: It seems I have this talent to say the most hurtful thing imaginable to the people I love whenever I'm sad. Like, when Daniele rejected me even though he loves me cause I'm a human and as a spellcaster he cannot be with me so I started insulting spellcasters as a whole. Farida: Mm?
Oh shit, Dawud had actually straight up never told her about his sexuality, as he had figured it out pretty much when he fell for Daniele. He did had suspicion growing up, but it was what finally confirmed it. So basically, not only did he dropped all of that on his mother, now he also had to anticipate her reaction to him essentially coming out.
Dawud: Um yeah, I like guys. Farida: Oh, Dawud...I've always knew you like boys. Dawud: What do you mean you always knew. Even I didn't always knew. Farida: As a child, you would often make your figurine kiss and claim they're married and when we told you it's not legal for two men to get married you cried so hard you threw up. Dawud: Ah um so, anyway...Yeah, Dan and I almost dated. So instead I dated his cousin, Matteo, for a while, didn't worked. Sex was great, but there was very little chemistry between us. Same thing with my roommates Charlie, but at least I'm still friend with her, I don't think I'll remain friend with Matteo. Also yes, by Matteo I do mean Isabella's son. Farida: This is a lot to take at once, and it includes some things I would have rather never known.
Farida took a sip of her coffee, and let the silent remain for a few moment. Dawud fidgeted with his fingers, wondering what she had to say next.
Farida: You know, in the end of the day, I must admit I am still proud of you. I know you're trying to build yourself a good life in spite of everything. Dawud: Th-Thanks mom.
The woman stood up, and reached her arm to indicate she wanted to give her son a hug, which he received. It felt nice, last time his mom gave him one, his father was probably still alive.
Though Dawud had to admit, his mind was wandering. He was thinking how that now that he's no longer with Matteo, he might be able to get Daniele. But you know, it can be a little bit gauche jumping on the dick of your ex's cousin as soon as you break up. Also, the rift between spellcasters and humans still exist, and it's not gonna be fixed any time soon. However, you know what is happening soon, the Spellcasting Summit. And Dawud had an idea...
He had to find a way to travel to the Magic Realm.
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occult-roommates · 10 months
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"I have only known Farida for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in the room and then myself" - Isabella Rossini (2021)
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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The Sahans and the Newberrys (Newberries?)
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occult-roommates · 10 months
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Mom's new bestie
After work, Matteo came back home, with Daniele who wanted to spend the weekend with his family for once. He expected to see his mom, Isabella, busy designing new dresses somewhere in the house, but no, she was chatting on the couch, laughing with a woman he had never seen in his life. They clearly were in a deep conversation, so he didn't want to interrupt them, but he felt curious.
Matteo: Mom, who is that? Isabella: Matteo, this is Farida, I met her yesterday at the conference I attended about spellcastresses and matriarchy. Farida, this my son Matteo, I met him when I gave birth to him. Farida: Hi Matteo. Matteo: Are you really wearing that god awful hat again? Isabella: I am wearing it to show my support to you, because you are my son and I love you. Daniele: Yeah but he's right. Forest green with a ribbon the pastel color of the trans flag? Awful. Good message, but not a slay. Isabella: And this, Farida, is my homosexual nephew Daniele. I adopted him when his parents rejected him when he began losing his power as a child.
Whatever, Matteo can just go to his bedroom and let his mom be happy with her little new friend.
Daniele: You look familiar. I think I saw you somewhere before. Farida: Unlikely, last time I went to San Myshuno was in the 90s, unless you saw me elsewhere. I live in Oasis Spring. Daniele: I have a friend who's from there, his name is Dawud Sahan. Farida: ...That is the name of my son.
Oh, yeah that's right. Dawud had mentioned his mom was in town that week. What were the odd. Well, how funny it is that it seems like his aunt is getting along with her, the same way he's getting along with Dawud. Then, he went to his old bedroom too as he had nothing else to say.
Isabella: You didn't told me you had children. Farida: Oh, I only have one son too. I wanted at least two kids, and at least one daughter, but it never worked out. Isabella: And what about his father? Cause you mentioned you're single, so... Farida: Um, well he's dead, but I'm not really a widow. We divorced a few years before. It's sad, I really should have listened to my mother. Isabella: What do you mean by that? Farida: You see, my ex-husband and I were both born in the city of Basra, in Iraq, and we both moved to Arizona when we were children...Though we actually didn't met back then, as we grew up in different cities. My cousin, however, did grew up in the same as him and so, when I moved to Oasis Spring for college, my cousin made me met my ex right away. We fell in love pretty fast and six months later, we were married. I was 18, he was 19. My mom scolded me pretty hard, she could not stop us as we were adult even if very young one, but she believed I was worth better than getting married at that age. As to make this worse, I wanted children right away, while still in my freshman year of college. My mother was pissed, she did not abandonned her entire life for her daughter to be a housewife before turning 20.
"Thankfully", either her or Rashid probably had some fertility issues. She tried for years and years to get pregnant, and the few times she did succeed, it ended up having a miscarriage. At least, it gave her the time to graduate and start her adult life without also having to worry about taking care of an actual living baby. Then, shortly before her 7th wedding anniversary, Dawud was born.
However, since Farida really, really wanted a daughter, they went through the trouble of conceiving again. Then it happened, they were gonna have a girl aaaand...she was a stillborn. Every single dead fetus put an extra strain on their relationship, and now an actual dead baby was just the extra little thing to make their mariage also non-viable. This time, after seven years, they decided to divorce.
Isabella: Oh, I'm so sorry. It must have been so rough for you. Farida: Well, I'm fine now. I'm just sad I never got to have my own little girl. My best friend, who I met in a mommy group when I was expecting my son, had a girl and I'll admit, I've always been a little bit jealous of her. Isabella: But is your son healthy? Is he making you proud?
After a long moment of silence, Farida simply followed with:
Farida: ...I think he's healthy.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Happy Ramadan! Let’s hope Dawud can fix his crappy relationship with his mom while she’s busy cooking for Iftar. I mean, he bothered coming to visit her a few days this year, that’s a first step...
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Ramadan // Passover // Easter
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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I can’t believe today is the anniversary of when women were invented! Happy birthday women! ♀️♀️♀️
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Awkward reunion
After his mom called him to tell him she knows he dropped out of college, Dawud assumed for some reason Audrey had snitched on him, since they talked about it the night before. But no, actually, he accidentally caused his own downfall. Shortly after hanging up with Audrey, he mindlessly posted on Facebook a selfie of him with Daniele clearly in front of the San Myshuno art museum, thinking to himself he’s gonna private it so only Audrey can see it...He forgot to do that. Maybe he should just stop going to the art museum with Daniele, nothing good ever came of it.
Now, how did his mom figured out it means he has dropped out. Well, let’s not forget that after dropping out, he lived with Audrey for about a year, and around once a mom, her mom, Jacqueline, came to visit her. She promised to keep the secret and not tell Farida before he’s ready, but at that point it’s been more than 18 months, and Farida finally knew he’s no longer in Oasis Spring. And so, Jacqueline told her the truth about her son’s whereabouts.
Now, it had been way more than a month, it was in fact almost July. Dawud tried to avoid his mom, which was hard as May was both Ramadan and her birthday month. So, when he finally got his two weeks off work, he decided to finally see his mom again, trying to make up for what was at that point almost two years of acting like he was dead. The first day after coming back home was incredibly awkward though, very little talking, quite obvious Farida was still pissed at him.
The next one appeared to be better at first. Farida was gardening happily, while Dawud laid on a lounge chair in his bathing suit, unable to believe it was not even noon and it was already scalding hot outside.
Dawud: I could not be a woman, like how do you even handle being dressed like that when it’s over a 100 degrees outside? Farida: I wouldn’t have told you how to dress if you were a girl. I can’t even get you to wear a shirt.  Dawud: I mean, I think if I were a girl I’d have more of an incensitive to wear a shirt cause not doing it is uh...illegal. But I don’t think I’d be able to wear a bra. Like, I tried Audrey’s one as a joke once and it was so uncomfortable I felt like I was wearing a straitjacket. Farida: What?
Ah, he said too much again. Well, at least he didn’t also add he used to just not wear underwear growing up, up until that day in middle school when he got his dick stuck in his fly and he had to go see the school nurse to free it. She doesn’t need to know that. I’ts also marginally more acceptable when you have roommates to walk around in your underwear than cock out.
Farida: I don’t even understand why you are like that. I thought you’d outgrew that like the fact you used to constantly rock back and forth or shake your hands agressively, especially around Audrey, and you two would make incoherent noises. It was cute when you were toddlers, not so much when you were 12. Dawud: I didn’t outgrew it, I was bullied out of it. I told you, you just never believed me.  Farida: And you still walk on your tiptoes when I told you it is bad for your back in the long term, and you can barely speak Arabic in spite of all my attempts to teach you. Dawud: Ok I get it I’m a fucking failure! Farida: And don’t used such words in front of me!
Getting mad, Dawud went inside and locked himself in his bedroom, as if he was a teenager again. It sucks, it really does. He tried so hard to make his mom proud, and it seems like it’s never enough...To be fair, he did messed up badly by lying to still be in school for more than a year, but still.
And then, as he was starting to regret being stucked here for two weeks, ruining his vacation, he received a very special text message from a very special someone...
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Dawud: Mama?  Farida: I know you dropped out more than a year ago.
Well, fuck...
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