#faulty writes: rumi usagiyama: one shot
faulty-writes · 2 years
Ive been laughing at this for an hour but could u do a reader who roasts people fast just like this guy (bakugo and rumi x reader i am begging you the laughter i let out was inhumane.)
[ Okay so...the video is unavailable to me which big fucking surprise, shit never works when you want it to. So, the best solution I can come up with is just making two short stories where the reader is roasting, taunting, and otherwise pissing these two hot-headed characters off. Sound good? Great, let's get this show on the road. ]
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"You better shut the hell up before I blast your damn face off nerd!" Katsuki growled, his fingers tightening around the collar of your hero suit. To think he had come to one of these damn hero meetings only to run into you after and have this happen.
Of course, his temper had cooled down some since his days at Yuuei, but that didn't mean others wouldn't be terrified if they were in your position. Then again, most didn't understand that you loved teasing other people. Especially Katsuki, he was so easily worked up.
You smirked, almost happy that the other heroes had already taken their leave. "Oh look at me, I have the same IQ as a stick of dynamite," your voice deepened into that of a mocking tone and he growled in response. "What the hell did you just say!?" he demanded, violently shaking you.
"If this hero thing doesn't work out, I know I'll run the dynamite companies out of business with my magical hands of boom boom," you continued to mock before laughing. Of course, you failed to notice that his hand had grown warm and small lines of smoke began to circulate around his knuckles.
"Oh yeah!?" he said, forcibly throwing you away from him. You stumbled back, eventually falling to the ground. "How about I show you what these damn hands can do!?" he snapped, bending his knees and spreading his hands which ignited with small explosions.
"Show you why I'm the number two hero!" he added making you roll your eyes. "Figures the boom boom man would be number two, if you know what I mean," you said with a wink, although the joke was somewhat in poor taste.
He clenched his jaw, and a menacing growl rumbled in his throat. "Shut up!" he snapped, charging at you with full force. "Huh!?" you blinked, barely able to comprehend the speed he was going. Your only defense was crossing your arms as he unleashed his fiery fury.
"He's been working hard as a hero, are you sure you need to check up on him?" Toshinori, the former number one hero asked as he walked alongside Tsunagu aka Best Jeanist. "Mm..." he mumbled in response, shifting his glance to the other man.
"I trust he's finally learned how to discipline himself," he said before hearing a loud explosion behind the building he knew the hero meeting was designated at. A long sigh escaped him, and he pressed a hand to his forehead.
"Perhaps I spoke too soon, I should have known. He's more stubborn than ever," he concluded before he took off running. However, he stopped when Toshinori held his hand out. "Wait a minute," he said, lowering his hand when he knew he had the other's attention.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? You said it yourself, young Bakugou can be hard-headed," Tsunagu nodded. "He needs to be reminded of how a hero is to act and when to properly engage in battle," as far as he knew, no villains would dare attack the location where multiple heroes were gathered.
So that meant, Katsuki was engaged in a fight with another hero and it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. He often got into verbal or physical fights with Izuku, otherwise known as Deku. "This won't take long," he stated before running once more, leaving Toshinori behind.
"Wow, those boom booms are about as hot as a s'more. Maybe you could sell them on the side," you teased, despite the fact you had multiple burns across your body and there were various holes in your hero suit.
Katsuki panted softly, clenching his fists. Another growl came before he charged at you again. Jumping into the air, he brought his arm back and spread his fingers wide. "Die!" he shouted, intending to unleash one of his more powerful explosions.
Instead, he found his legs and arms suddenly bound together and fell to the ground. "What?" you looked at him, confused as he wiggled and squirmed in the dirt. "Damn it!" he screamed, continuing to move like mad.
"Haven't I taught you better?" came a calm and authoritative voice and you looked up to see Tsunagu, the man who remained at the number three hero spot and was Katsuki's former teacher of sorts. You recalled he had accepted the man's offer after the sports festival and was particularly fond of him.
"Best Jeanist..." Katsuki growled, baring his teeth. You couldn't help but snicker, finding this whole situation entertaining. Of course, Tsunagu immediately shifted his attention to you. "What?" you said, shrugging your shoulders.
"It's funny to see him like this, I mean talk about ground zero," you placed your hands on your hips. However, the older pro hero didn't find your words to be entertaining and lifted his opposite hand, commanding the fibers in your hero suit to bind your wrists and ankles together.
"You are pro heroes, I expect you to act in the proper manner," he said with a slight snarl, ignoring how you began to wiggle only to lose your balance and fall to the ground like Katsuki. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at you but you offered a smile in return.
"Making fun of you was worth it," you said smugly, causing the angry blond to let out another growl as he began wiggling toward you with threats spilling out of his mouth rapidly. Tsunagu could only sigh at the display, seems he'd have to teach both of you self-discipline.
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Your initial reason for having picked up the carrot and taking a large bite out of it was to annoy Rumi aka the rabbit hero Mirko. You munched on the somewhat tart vegetable before smirking at her. "What's up, doc?" you mocked in a high tone which caused the woman to cross her slightly muscular arms.
You continued to chew for a few seconds before swallowing. "You're about as threatening as a little bunny rabbit, letting the villain get away!" you mocked before feeling her hand on your throat. "Shut the hell up, pretty face!" she growled with a sadistic smirk, tightening her fingers around your throat.
"If you hadn't distracted me that damn villain would have tasted good old concrete when I pounded their face into the street!" she screamed. It wasn't often that she let the villain get away, in retrospect she'd like to think she was as fast as Hawks when it came to catching up to and capturing the villain.
But, things were a little different this time because you had decided to tag along. The punk college intern that thought they were so much better than everyone else, at first she liked you. Of course, that was because you had an attitude like hers.
But that mouth of yours seemed to want to keep going and going. Yes, you loved teasing others. Especially if you happened to like them. But you did eventually cross boundaries and some would know better than to push Rumi's buttons, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Aw, little rabbit can't figure out a harey situation?" you teased only to find yourself stumbling back when Rumi pushed you away. You managed to regain your balance without falling to the floor, but this didn't stop the pro hero from stomping over to you.
"Better watch that tongue before I rip it out, pretty face!" she warned, impatiently tapping her foot. "What's the matter?" you asked, pointing to that restless appendage. "Eager to run little bunny?" you teased, noting her ear twitched in annoyance every time you said the phrase 'little bunny.'
You lifted one leg up and began hopping on the other, intending to further tease her. "Little bunny Mirko hopping through the forest!" you paused, laughing at your own joke before narrowly missing her fist which then broke a portion of the wall behind you.
"Get back here!" she snapped, pulling her hand from the wall. You had decided to take off running even though you could have continued to stand your ground. But, when it came to a fight between Rumi and yourself it was clear who would end up winning.
"Pretty face!" she screamed, furiously kicking off of the ground to catch up to you. "Damn it!" you nervously said, taking a sharp turn down a hallway that led to who knows where. You were still learning the ins and outs of Rumi's agency.
"What!?" you shouted when you realized the hallway was nothing but a dead end without any rooms for you to hide away in. 'Who the hell builds a hallway with nothing at the end of it!?' you frantically thought, before the floor shook and nearly knocked you off of your feet.
Turning around, you saw Rumi grinning proudly. It was like looking at an animal that was overjoyed it finally cornered its prey. For a moment, you felt frightened but usually, in these types of situations, you fell back on your sense of humor to try and cope or escape.
"I've never met a bunny that's also a bloodhound," you remarked, trying to contain your composure as Rumi walked toward you. "Keep talkin' pretty face," she said, yet again sporting that sadistic smirk that you were getting to know too well.
You took a few steps back only to hit the wall, you turned your head but stopped short when Rumi grabbed the front of your shirt and yanked you forward. "Hey!" you screamed, wanting to place your hands on her chest to at least cushion the impact.
But you thought against this at the last moment considering it would only be more incentive for her to kill you later. At the same time, you couldn't help but notice how her hair fell so delicately across her face and how the color of it resembled the moon.
"Heh..." you gave a smirk and pointed a finger in her face. "Are you sure you aren't some rare demon bunny from space?" you asked, watching her face twist with confusion. "After all, with that hair and those eyes I wouldn't doubt it," a soft growl came and Rumi pulled you even closer.
You could feel her breath on your face and her nose pressing against yours. "Ya wanna find out?" she asked before turning. She kept her hold on your shirt, pulling you back down the hallway. "Let's settle this outside," she suggested, and you knew that could only mean one thing.
'Maybe this will be the day I die after all,' you thought before noticing Rumi's tail was wagging. It had been a long time since she found herself in a fistfight with someone who wasn't a villain. It'll be pretty hard for you to talk, let alone taunt anyone after she was through with you.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
okay so i had this idea, i tried it w my friends, it gave me like some fun idea, its like paper passing but with your lips, when the paper falls you accidentally kiss someone, (my paper didnt fall, 😪.)
So it gave me some idea, can you do it with a highschool bully!mirko x reader and a bakugo x reader? You can do one if you please!
But delete this ask if you wont! Its all good! Thank you madam faulty!
[ I laughed when I read "LEMME IN!" that was the perfect introduction line. But no worries, you're in. You're the second request I got. So I looked this game up and it sounds spicy, interesting, and near impossible. But don't we all love a challenge? I can most certainly write a little scenario for this game with our bunny girl and hot-headed explosion boy. ]
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"Why is she here!?" you frantically asked upon spotting Rumi otherwise known as your personal hell angel at the party you were currently attending. "Awe, what's a matter there? Too afraid to approach the rabbit girl?" Keigo commented, placing his chin on your shoulder with a smirk.
You placed your hands on your hips glaring at him. "Hardy har har, you're so funny," you replied sarcastically before looking back at Rumi who proceeded to purposely spill punch over someone. "Why don't you go talk to her? I'll be your wingman," he joked, making you roll your eyes.
"No," you said, becoming slightly alarmed when he pressed a hand against your back forcing you forward. "Sure you do!" you tried digging your feet into the floor, but it was no use as he continued to push you.
'You're a terrible wingman,' you thought bitterly and a cold chill ran through your body as soon as Rumi's eyes locked on you. She grinned and got that all-too-familiar sadistic look in her eye. "Well, well, well," she said, crossing her arms.
"If it isn't pretty face and..." she paused, looking at Keigo from head to toe, "birdie," she concluded with a laugh. "Mm," you wanted to step away, but Keigo kept his hand on your back. There was no way he was going to let you keep running away from your problems.
"Hiya there, how's it going?" he asked casually, waving his hand before looking at you. "What do you know Y/n was just talking about you," he lied, ignoring the way you glared at him. Just what the hell was he doing!?
"Oh?" Rumi's furry ears stood up straight and she grinned taking a step toward you. "Is that right, pretty face!?" she exclaimed, grabbing the front of your shirt and yanking you forward. You cried out, almost stumbling over your own two feet before looking at her with a hint of fear.
However, this only seemed to make her happier. She leaned closer, and several silver strands fell across her face making her red eyes stand out. She parted her lips, prepared to speak when someone shouted, "It's time for the paper passing game!" which distracted her.
"Paper passing game, huh?" she said, slowly gazing back at you with a growing smirk. "Come on pretty face!" she demanded, dragging you away while you frantically waved your arms about. "Takami!" you screamed, but he only smiled.
"You can thank me later!" he shouted, making you growl. 'Damn him!' you thought before Rumi stepped to the side and pulled you forward only to purposely release you. Another cry came when you lost your balance and fell flat on the floor.
She crossed her arms, smirking happily before focusing on the one who announced that the game was about to start. "Huh?" you lifted your head, deciding it was safer to remain on the floor than actually stand up and be within Rumi's vicinity.
The game involved someone taking a piece of paper and sucking on it gently to keep it stuck to their lips, then they needed to turn to the person next to them and attempt to pass the said piece of paper using only their mouth.
The catch was that if the paper fell, the two attempting to do the pass had to exchange a kiss. "Oh no..." you said, your eyes shrinking in fear before you felt someone grab the back of your shirt collar and hollered when you were forced back on your feet.
"Let's go pretty face!" Rumi screamed, dragging you over to the circle that was forming. Once there, she let go of you and leaned down to whisper, "Move and I'll beat your ass," into your ear which was more than enough motivation for you to remain still.
"Here Y/n, why don't you start?" a familiar voice said and you turned to see Keigo walking over to you, holding out a single piece of red paper. Despite your heart racing and your cheeks flushing at the very thought of anyone touching your lips even through a piece of paper, you glared at him.
"Heh, what?" he questioned, but you could always yell at him later. You snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it. 'How the hell am I supposed to...' your thoughts shattered when Rumi screamed "Hurry the hell up pretty face!" causing you to jump and almost drop the paper.
In a rare display of courage, you stomped your foot against the floor and screamed back "Fine!" before placing the piece of paper against your lips. Sucking in your cheeks, you slowly turned to her. Shuttering when you saw the smirk she was wearing, it was hard to decipher if she was happy or just plain evil.
"Well?" she leaned closer, "Let's get this over with!" she said and despite wanting to tell her off, your eyes widened when you felt her mouth against the paper. It dawned on you just then that it could break, this was especially evident when her tongue began to probe the said piece of paper.
However, you weren't determined to lose and leaned forward, tilting your head just so, and gently began blowing in an effort to get the paper to stick to her lips. Unknown to you this was not what she wanted and she furrowed her brows, trying to think of how to sabotage your turn.
Just as you began to pull away, she lifted her foot slamming it on top of yours causing you to scream out in pain. The piece of paper fluttered to the floor and Rumi grinned in victory before roughly grabbing your shoulders.
"What's a matter pretty face, can't even play this simple game right?" she mocked, ignoring the concerned stares of everyone else around. She was only focused on one thing and that was sharing the consequence of having failed to complete the pass.
"W-what the hell are you-" before you said anything more, you found yourself desperately wrapping your arms around her neck as she dipped you. All the blood rushed to your face and a surprised gasp came when you felt her warm soft lips against yours.
They parted slightly, and soon you felt her tongue slide into your mouth making you freeze up. You pressed your hands against her chest, trying to pull away. She tasted like carrots with the slightest hint of beer.
"Heh!" when she broke the kiss, she grinned just before dropping you. Once again you hit the floor and found yourself groaning, now you had pain in your back and foot. You glanced at Rumi who lifted her hand up to her mouth.
"I want to play another round!" she declared, wagging her tail before leaning over you. "What do you say pretty face?" she teased and you began silently cursing a certain red-winged individual for having gotten you into this situation.
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"This is stupid!" he screamed as he stood in the large circle with some of his classmates. Ashido had insisted they play a stupid paper passing game that looked like two people exchanging spit. "Aw, come on Bakubro!" Eijirou said, snaking his arm around the other's neck.
"Get the hell off of me!" Katsuki snapped in response, only causing the redhead to laugh. "Y/n will be playing," he said, pointing a lazy finger toward you although you were busy talking to Ashido and looking somewhat distressed.
"So what!?" he replied, baring his teeth like a wild animal. Eijirou grinned, keeping his arm around the angry blond. "I heard they have a little thing for you," he commented wiggling his eyebrows and watching Katsuki roll his eyes in response. He didn't care much for rumors and it didn't matter if they were true or not.
Nothing would distract him from his goal of becoming a hero and yeah even if he wanted a family someday, that was going to happen after he took the number one hero spot in Japan. He crossed his arms, giving a soft "Pff," which seemed to satisfy Eijirou enough for him to step away.
"Come on! It'll be fun, you can even start the game!" Ashido insisted, grabbing your wrist and dragging you toward the circle despite your frantic protests. "Here, stand here!" she said, positioning you next to none other than Katsuki.
Your heart pounded in your chest, yes you did like him for whatever reason. But there was no way you could actually go through with this, right!? Ashido wouldn't really make you face your feelings like this, would she!?
It was safe to say you were in internal despair and could only watch as she walked over and took her place between Kyoka and Kaminari. "Now, you all know the rules!" she said, pressing her hands together with a happy grin.
'Rules, what rules!?' you frantically thought, but luckily she gave a brief review. "You can only use your mouth to pass the paper, if you use your hands you're out!" she declared, throwing her arms into the air. "Oh, and if you end up dropping the paper, the two players have to kiss!" she said looking at you with slanted eyes.
You trembled in response, 'Why is that look so menacing!?' you screamed inside your head. "Y/n said they wanted to go first!" Ashido announced, causing several heads to turn your way. "W-what!? N-no I never s-said that I-" your words were interrupted when she then placed her hands on her hips and gave a dramatic sigh.
"Fiiiiiine!" she whined. "I'll go first, give me the paper," she said, flexing her fingers. Tsuyu was kind enough to hand her said paper and you watched in amazement as the game began, Ashido appeared to stick the piece of paper to her lips and turned to Kaminari who leaned forward and pressed his lips to the opposite side of the paper.
"Wait...they're going..." you glanced around the circle, realizing that Katsuki would be the one to initiate your turn which meant you had to lean over and...oh no! Your cheeks instantly flushed, and you debated about abandoning the game, turning around, and making some excuse like you had to use the bathroom or something.
Then again Ashido would never forgive you if you did that and you were a hero student, surely there'd be more terrifying challenges you'd have to face than almost kissing the one you liked. Eijirou successfully grasped the paper with his lips and passed it on to the next person who just so happened to be Katsuki.
Once he had the piece of paper against his lips, he turned to you. His eyebrows were slanted in their usual angry position and he roughly grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to step closer to him. Yeah, the rules said no hands but who gives a damn. He wasn't using them to cheat, was he?
"Uh..." your heart continued to pound in your chest and your cheeks were probably as red as those gorgeous pair of eyes you found yourself staring into. You could hear him mumble something from behind the piece of paper, and while you couldn't make it out you were more than certain he was telling you to hurry up.
The fact that there were multiple eyes on you didn't help your hesitation, but regardless you leaned forward trying to gather your courage. Closing your eyes, you pressed your lips against the paper. However, you were having a bit of difficulty getting it to stick to your lips even after moistening them with your tongue.
That angry mumbling grew louder and soon enough you felt both of his hands on your shoulders and his nails digging into your flesh. You winced softly, trying to lean back to tell him he was making you a bit uncomfortable but he leaned forward, forcefully pressing the paper against your lips.
"W-wait a min-" before you could finish, Katsuki gave a deep growl and leaned his head back. Before you registered what had happened, you found yourself on the floor. He was at his limit with patience and slammed his head against yours in an effort to try and get you to take the piece of paper.
But this resulted in your classmates gasping as they watched you hit the floor, luckily you were still conscious but you swear you saw stars and closed your eyes to make them go away and to ease your now aching forehead.
Ashido quickly ran over to you as Katsuki spit the piece of paper out, letting it flutter to the floor without a care. "What the hell Bakugou!?" she screamed, kneeling by your side to make sure you were at least still breathing.
"Yeah dude, that was a little uncalled for," Kaminari said causing Katsuki to grind his teeth together. "Shut the hell up!" he snapped as several of your other classmates approached you. "Well, now you have to kiss them twice!" Ashido declared and Katsuki looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
"What?" he replied, "You knocked them out!" she explained and you resisted the urge to giggle as you continued to lay there motionless with your eyes closed. "So you need to kiss their forehead since you headbutted them and you need to kiss them on the lips because the piece of paper fell!" he rolled his eyes.
A low growl rumbled in his throat, and he stomped his foot. "Fine dumbass!" he snapped, lowering himself to his knees. He then pressed his hands against the floor and loomed over you, hearing the way you breathed.
"Mm..." he raised his eyebrow, suspecting that you weren't completely unconscious but regardless, he closed his eyes and leaned forward pressing his lips against your forehead. Your hair felt soft and he noticed your skin was slightly warmer than it should be.
Your heart accelerated and butterflies fluttered in your stomach as soon as those lips touched your forehead. But then you felt his hand slapping the side of your cheek lightly. "Wake the hell up! I know you're not unconscious, damn it!" you were tempted to open your eyes, but instead, you forced yourself to remain still.
"Maybe if you kissed them they'd wake up, like sleeping beauty," Ashido suggested, although even she was uncertain if you were just pretending to be unconscious or if you actually were. Katsuki looked at her with an expression that read 'really?' before turning back to you.
With a sigh, he leaned forward and closed his eyes once more. When he pressed his lips against yours he noticed that they twitched in response and before he could pull away, your hands came up and fisted into his hair.
"MMM!" his scream was muffled against your lips as you deepened the kiss while his arms frailed about. You let out a cry when his hand eventually pressed against your face and he used it as leverage to pull away, gasping for air.
"What the hell you shitty nerd?!" he snapped and you finally opened your eyes, letting out a laugh even as he glared at you. Ashido pressed her hands against her mouth, seemingly beaming at the way you had tricked Katsuki and wishing she had taken a picture or video of it.
"This game is stupid!" he stumbled back to his feet and walked away. "Wait a minute!" Eijirou called after him before giving chase and Kaminari followed his lead. "If you try that again, I'm gonna blast your damn face off!" he screamed, and you knew he was referring to you.
Still, you couldn't help but smile and sat up on the floor. "Were you really pretending to be unconscious?" Ashido questioned and you pressed a finger to your lips, indicating for her to keep quiet and to keep it a secret.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
The way you write mirko makes me wanna scream.
like actually
But i wanna make her scream (NOT THAT WAY.)
so may i request a reader whos extremely dominant to rumi, whenever rumi starts acting as if shes more dominant than the reader and the reader always grabs her by her cheeks and puts her in her place to unlock some shy-ness in her?
[ Another Rumi request. Why am I not surprised? Haha. ]
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"Hah, ya think you're so tough don't cha?" Rumi announced, stepping into the spotlight while an array of heroes stood behind her, yourself included. "Oh, looks like we got ourselves a heckler ladies and gentlemen," Keigo stated as his feathers continued to fall below and his eyes narrowed on Rumi.
She grinned up at him before pointing her finger. "Got something to say, bird boy!?" she snarled. It was hard to tell from your position, but you swore you saw a smirk come to his face. "Depends, think you can take me on there, little bunny?" Rumi ground her teeth together and a soft growl rumbled in her throat.
"Oh boy..." you said, deciding to intervene before things went haywire. Of course, you usually put Rumi in her place or at least acted as reinforcement when she decided to cause trouble. The fact that she had decided to do this at an award ceremony didn't exactly affect you.
"Hey," you said, reaching out to grab her shoulder. "What pretty face!?" she snapped, ripping your hand off of her. "Awe, a lover's quarrel, isn't that great folks!?" Keigo commented, yet again pushing Rumi's buttons.
She crouched down, fully intent on using her quirk to reach Keigo and do God knows what. But you immediately grabbed her ears, pulling them back and forcing her head to go along with the motion. The crowd let out a series of surprised gasps, most sane people wouldn't dare do such a thing to a hero.
Especially one as unhinged as Rumi, but you were experienced in this department and knew it took a little tough love to tame this bunny. "Ah!" she cried out, and seconds later you felt her nails dig into your hand though her gloves somewhat cushioned the impact. "Sorry about this guys!" you said, addressing everyone in the room.
"Come on," you growled, dragging Rumi behind the stage while ignoring her growls. As soon as you rounded the corner, you pushed her against the wall and pressed your knee between her thighs. Your palms rested flat against the wall, keeping her head in place so she had no choice but to look straight at you.
"What the hell do you think you're doing pretty face?" she growled, baring her teeth at you. Her silver hair gently fell across her face and you grinned, moving a few select strands away before running your fingers up her long furry ear making her tremble in response.
"Stop that!" she growled, pressing her foot against your stomach. You glanced down at that foot, feeling the pressure as she pushed harder. Then she let out a yelp when your hand came down against her backside, you knew this would get her attention and unlock that sliver of submission inside of her.
"Listen to me," you said reaching up to grasp her jawline. She narrowed her eyes, but you could still see that glint in her eye that reassured you that you were still in control. "Don't go starting fights with anyone, yeah?" your fingertips continued to run up and down her ear.
"Mm..." you watched her latch onto her bottom lip. Then you leaned close. "Be a good girl," you said before giving her a peck on the lips. "Pff..." she looked away from you causing you to smirk. "Oh, you're going to be like that?" once again your hand came down, and a loud echo sounded. "That's fine with me."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Hii could i request bully rumi hcs part 2? But she finds out the reader works on a convenience store but usually skateboards home?
I can picture how she finds out like——
Y/N: “is that rumi?? Oh fuck” and then hides behind their friend to avoid insults but she sees them and is like “oh so—“
“Oh no”
“You work here h—“
[ So I actually have a lot of Bully!Rumi headcanons, so I'm not sure which one this is pertaining to. But I made this with the mindset that they are hero students and she just happens to find out the reader has an afterschool job. ]
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The only solace you had from Rumi's bullying was your job which happened to be at a convenient store not too far from your school. On occasion, you'd see other students and classmates there. But you hoped they had enough courtesy not to give you away.
Once in a while, you'd get a ride there from your friend but more often than not you'd use your skateboard to get to and from. Sure, it wasn't the fastest method of transportation but it worked for you.
You were silently counting your blessings that Rumi hadn't shown up and if she happened to frequent the convenience store it was when you were off. But sooner or later, you knew your luck was going to run out.
"Where are you, pretty face?" Rumi questioned as she walked down the hall, several students were packing their things and heading home. Lately, it seemed you were avoiding her and that needed to be fixed.
Luckily she spotted you last minute, just as you walked out of the school. She was prepared to run over and grab you by the arm, demand to know where you were going. But instead, she decided to have a little fun and follow you.
She didn't bother being too careful seeing as you seemed completely oblivious when riding on your little skateboard which in her opinion didn't go nearly as fast enough as it should. Then again, you weren't exactly strong like her.
A laugh almost escaped her when she saw where you worked, a little store that barely looked like it had enough business to continue functioning. She clasped her hand over her mouth and watched as you approached someone else and from the way you interacted with them she immediately assumed they were your friend.
"Heh..." she smirked and slowly approached you. It was the perfect opportunity considering your back was facing her and you seemed to be engrossed in conversation with your friend. She hovered over your shoulder and screamed "PRETTY FACE!" causing you to yelp in surprise and nearly plow your friend over.
Your mind was racing as fast as your heart and you looked at your friend with an apologetic smile before realizing who had scared you. Panic filled you and your initial reaction was to hide behind your friend in hopes that Rumi would leave.
Unfortunately, this didn't work. "Pff, you think hiding behind your little friend will solve anything?! Jeez pretty face, I thought you were more clever than that," you ground your teeth, knowing she was using her all too familiar teasing tone in an effort to humiliate you.
You nearly pushed your friend aside, prepared to scream at Rumi when she gestured her head towards the convenience store. "You work here? What more do I expect, they wouldn't hire you anywhere else," your jaw dropped, then again you should be used to how blunt Rumi could be by now.
"What's a matter pretty face? Rabbit got your tongue?" she questioned with a laugh before running a hand through her long silver hair. "Well, doesn't matter. Now that I know you work here..." she chuckled a few times before narrowing her gaze on you, "I'll torture you every day."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
*adds one*
Can i request a mirko x reader in college? But the reader vapes sometimes when theyre bored ?
[ Yeah, I suppose there are a lot of Tenya and Rumi works on my blog. Though I still think Tenya is far more popular, haha. Oh dear, well let's see if I can come up with an idea for this. ]
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'College, pff...' you thought, continuing to stare at the ceiling. The beanbag underneath you added some luxury to this activity in addition to the vaping pen you were using which created transparent lines in the air.
'No one tells you that it's going to be this boring,' it was so quiet in the dormitory hall and without your roommate Rumi Usagiyama. "Mm..." you turned your head and reached to grab your phone from the nearby table.
A quick check of the time told you that Rumi would be here any minute. You placed the phone back down before sighing. "Guess I have to get up," Rumi didn't necessarily like the smell left behind by your vaping so you usually opened all the windows to try and get the smell out before she arrived.
You imagined she was more sensitive to scents and sounds due to her quirk. Still, you could say you at least tried to be accommodating. "There," you said, opening the last of two windows to allow the bittersweet night air in and the vape scent out.
You shoved the vape pen into your pocket before you looked out of the window, taking note of the few stars that had appeared in the sky and how the lamp posts were now illuminating the path that led up to the dormitory building.
"Hm..." you placed your hands on the window frame and leaned forward, wanting to see if you could spot Rumi. However, seconds later the door was kicked open causing you to jump in surprise. You ended up hitting the top of the window frame and staggered back only to end up falling to the floor.
"Hiya pretty face! I'm back and-" Rumi paused when she noticed you were on the floor. She blinked a few times, almost like she were in disbelief of what she was seeing before she placed her hands on her hips.
"Heh," a smirk appeared on her face as she continued to leer down at you. "Whatsa matter? Did I scare ya?" she asked before leaning her head back and laughing. However, it quickly came to a stop when her nose twitched.
"You've been vaping again?" she asked, settling her eyes on you once more. "Pff," you pushed yourself off of the floor and sent her a glare. "Thanks for helping me up," you said sarcastically causing Rumi to roll her eyes in response.
"Ya know that stuff stinks," she replied and you waved her off as you headed towards the small kitchen the dorm had. "You're just saying that because you're sensitive to smells little bunny," you replied with a chuckle.
You opened the fridge, scanning the shelves for something to drink before you felt a harsh hand at the back of your neck. "Ah!" you were suddenly pulled back. "Call me little bunny again pretty face and I'll end you!" she snapped and you couldn't help but notice how her long ears twitched.
"Fine, jeez! Let go of me already!" you demanded, trying to reach back and grab her hand but Rumi sighed and quickly released you. "Why do you smoke that shit anyway?" she questioned, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter.
"Because I'm bored!" you snapped, rubbing your now sore neck. "Hah, bored?!" she replied before shaking her head. "College ain't suppose to be fun, pretty face," you rolled your eyes before slamming the fridge door closed.
"Says you, aren't you out partying most days?" you questioned, though you didn't actually know what Rumi did. But, on most nights she'd come back to the dorm really late reeking of sweat and you were almost certain she'd always have some kind of mask with her.
"That's different, way more fun than a party," Rumi said, fondly thinking of the underground fighting rings she'd crash. "So you don't go to parties then?" you asked as you came to stand in front of her. "That's a secret pretty face," she replied, shoving you out of the way.
"Mm..." you felt a spark of anger but pushed it down. "At least one of us is having fun," you muttered, crossing your arms. "Hm?" Rumi stopped and turned back to look at you. "Heh," she walked back over and wrapped her arm around you, pulling you against her.
"Ah, hey!" you replied, immediately reaching up to grab the arm that was now holding you in place. "If you're that bored, I can take you with me sometime but..." she tightened her grip and leaned down to whisper in your ear. "Gotta keep it a secret, okay?" she said before releasing you and heading out of the kitchen.
"Oh, and ya can't vape for a week," your eyes widened. "What!?" you snapped in disbelief but Rumi only smiled. "That's the deal, take it or leave it," you let out a sigh. "This better be worth it then," you replied with a pout, but you'd take any chance to cure your boredom at this rate.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Now im desperate for a part 2 oh lordy
And heres another rose 🌹
[ Ah yes, a rose. I'll take that, thank you <3 Alright, this continuation stems from this request. To summarize the reader and Rumi had a relationship during high school but broke up. Years pass and the reader and Rumi meet up once again due to the Hero Commission sending the lovely reader on a task. As if that wasn't awkward enough, the hotel room only has one bed which Rumi claimed. ]
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A grumble escaped as you lay on the floor with your arms and legs spread out. You had managed to find an extra sheet and pillow in the closet which somewhat eased the discomfort of laying on the flat surface, but that's not what was bothering you.
Rather it was the fact that the Hero Commission had purposely teamed you up with Rumi of all people. A sigh came as you turned onto your side and placed one arm beneath your head, your other arm laid out in front of you and your busy fingers drummed against the soft surface of the sheet.
Your brow furrowed in thought, just how much did the Hero Commission know about your past relationship with Rumi? Why out of all the available heroes was she picked? But above all, why the hell does she get the bed and you have to sleep on the floor?
Another growl came as you hurried to your feet, hearing your knees crack in retaliation. You grunted, steading your balance before walking over to the bed where Rumi was sprawled out. Even in the dim lighting of the room, you could make out her features.
The way her shorts left very little to the imagination and how her shirt was slightly pushed up, revealing her smooth and muscular stomach. Her hair was piled across the bed and her ears were flopped completely down, framing the sides of her sleeping face.
Not to mention her mouth was agape, letting out snores, and a visible amount of drool leaked from the corner of her lips. "Mm..." you grumbled and crossed your arms. 'Back when we were dating, she'd always share the bed with me,' was she that hurt you broke up with her that she wouldn't even be civil?
Then again, given her personality maybe this is how she treated everyone. 'Well...I don't care if she hates me! She didn't have any right to take the bed, make me sleep on the floor like a dog,' your hands balled into fists and you shifted on your feet, debating the risks and benefits of doing what you were about to.
'Screw it!' you decided as you proceeded to climb onto the bed. Your heart was racing, nervously wondering if Rumi would happen to wake up or not. But even if she did, you'd still try your damnest to claim half of the bed for yourself.
The mattress dipped underneath your weight, but your eyes never left Rumi's sleeping face. Once you reached the top of the bed, you carefully turned on your side allowing your back to face Rumi. Then you brought your knees up to your chest and snuggled your face against the soft surface of the pillow.
You were a little disappointed that Rumi decided to sleep on top of the covers instead of underneath them. You preferred to have something draped over you while you slept, but the room was neither cold nor hot so maybe you could manage without it.
Still, you couldn't quite relax and the soft snores from Rumi didn't help. They brought your mind back, way back to the days you and she were together. "Mm..." you frowned knowing that there had been more positive than negative aspects of your relationship with her.
Plenty of shared laughs and cries, moments of comfort and safety. Rumi was always protecting you and she would never hesitate to speak in your defense even if that meant it would end in a fist fight. You assumed this was because she tended to speak first and ask questions later.
Then again, it wasn't hard to argue that she was always looking for some type of excuse to fight. Still, you couldn't help but chuckle at the memories but you quickly covered your mouth. Shaking your head, you tried to remind yourself not to get swept away in that blissful feeling again.
You had your own reasons for breaking up with her, and you would continue to stick by them. But deep down, you knew that you craved to relive those moments again. To be able to feel someone's secure arms around you and someone to kiss your lips as they played with your hair.
"Hm?" your eyes widened when you heard Rumi mumble and quickly looked over your shoulder. Feeling your momentary panic dull when you realized she was still asleep. You sighed before laying your head back down and closing your eyes.
It felt like forever had passed before you actually fell asleep only to be woken up when the bed moved and Rumi's arm draped over you. This was quickly followed by her pressing her body against yours making your eyes snap open in shock.
"Uh..." you couldn't help but shift your eyes back and forth, wanting to know exactly what was happening. But part of you was too afraid to turn your head and look at her and the gentle sound of her breathing indicated she was still sleeping.
"Mm..." your face grew hot and your heart was pounding rapidly. You wondered if you were having a panic attack but quickly dismissed that idea. If your relationship with Rumi was over and done, then how could she still cause this kind of reaction in you? Unintentionally at that.
You shook your head, trying to push it off as nothing more than a natural reaction. More than likely the two of you would wake up in the morning either feeling awkward or Rumi would proceed to literally kick you off of the bed.
Another sigh escaped after taking a deep breath and you closed your eyes once again, enjoying the closeness for now. However, just as you thought when morning came you were woken up by something impacting your side which caused you to fall off of the bed.
You hit the floor with a loud thud and hissed out, "What the hell!?" before seeing Rumi looming over you with a snarl. "I told you to sleep on the floor pretty face, what's the matter have a hard time listening?!" she questioned with a snicker, acting like she was victorious in some manner.
"Pff..." you glared at her before rolling your eyes. "I'm not the one who wanted cuddles last night," Rumi's brow furrowed as she watched you stand and brush yourself off. "What the hell are ya talking about?" she questioned, placing her hand on her hip.
"Heh, don't remember?" you crossed your arms. "That's not surprising, you seem to remember more of the bad moments of our past relationship than the good ones," you accused with a pointed finger causing her to tilt her head.
Her ears remained flopped down, and she looked like she was confused, or maybe her brain was having a momentary meltdown trying to recall the memories you were speaking of. "And you do?" she replied after a few moments of silence.
"As a matter of fact...I do," you replied before sighing. "It's easy to remember the things you care about..." you said rubbing the back of your head with flushed cheeks. "But I guess you never did," you frowned before turning to walk to the restroom.
It was surprising that Rumi didn't say anything in reply. Instead, she just watched you close the bathroom door and proceeded to frown. "Guess that's why we're different, pretty face!" she called, trying to hide the hurt in her voice before she got up and cracked her back.
"Today we get to kick some ass, even though I could do that without you!" she approached the bathroom. "You hear me pretty face!?" she exclaimed as she pounded on the door before chuckling. It was hard to believe how much she missed messing with you.
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