#faun talks about something other than saiki???
kusuokisser · 9 months
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i love oomf
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kusuokisser · 9 months
my friend was fucking around with their hose and drew saiki for me. here is the culmination of their artistic prowess 💝
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kusuokisser · 8 months
woke up ten minutes early for my alarm and, in my half asleep stupor, sat awake in the dark until the alarm sounded off because i "couldnt take akechi's moment away from him."
it's worth mentioning that this isnt the first time ive been convinced my alarm is akechi touma either, it happens about once a week
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kusuokisser · 10 months
(you can tell because the text is big! hope this helps!)
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READ THIS!! Or dont. I GUESS i dont care :/ (READ!!)
I'm Faun / Five / Mimi !
I use It/That/They prns + im a minor
I REALLY like terusai. and saiki in general...
im an autistic freak who never shuts up
i write, draw, and talk about my interests frequently!
-> linktree if u want to find me elsewhere!
twitter <- for my silly shit
#faun talks about something other than saiki???
→ tag dedicated to more personal posts
#five thinks too much
→ tag dedicated to headcanons
#mimi draws sometimes
→ tag dedicated to my art/doodles/comics
#tays terusai tag
→ tag dedicated to my terusai headcanons
#angel wrote that btw
→ tag dedicated to any fics i write
(the benefit of many names: many tag opportunities)
other cool blogs of mine!
genshin blog -- tua blog
(i barely use these)
sillier stuff:
^^^^ my dms are always wide open! it doesnt even have to be about saiki k i will literally talk about anything. i love making new friends
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kusuokisser · 8 months
i think a crucial part for me to get used to drawing a character is seeing how extreme i can make their facial features while still remaining semi-recognizable. if, even so far removed from my actual style, they still remain as themselves thats how i know that im happy with how ive stylized them
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kusuokisser · 9 months
i cant explain why I think bug like an angel (mitski) is so saiki coded but i just. ibhear it and i go "wow i should imagine sad saiki shit to this and cry"
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kusuokisser · 9 months
i love it when tumblr says that shit like "____ just posted! dont you miss them and want to marry them and be their best friend forever and ever and never leave their side for the rest of time, kusuokisser?" like yeah thanks tumblr. weird accusation but thank you
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kusuokisser · 9 months
i copied @sillysnack s "grumpy lesbian we cant have two of those" thing and it haunts me every time i lay down in my bed
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kusuokisser · 8 months
how do you tag shit on ao3 this is impossible.
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kusuokisser · 8 months
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hey guys new icon @saikis1truelove
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kusuokisser · 9 months
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kusuokisser · 9 months
my favorite part about being aroflux is looking back and seeing how i project differently on characters depending on how my capacity for romantic attraction is doing.
lately ive been. Somewhere in the middle. meaning that my heart is full of romantic terusai, but looking back to some of the things i wrote in various spaces when i was more strictly aromantic is like Wow i dont think these headcanons could exist in the same reality at all.
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kusuokisser · 9 months
oomf reblogged a bunch of aro stuff and in honor of pride hour (i made it the fuck up Dont ask me any questions i dont talk to paparazzi) i want to talk about MYYY experience being arospec because it is Isolating and even if this reaches literally no one id rather at least have tried to share my feelings. Spreading love! 💝
growing up i very quickly realized that i wasnt getting crushes like the other kids were. as early as second grade i started trying to force myself to like the boys in my class. id, like, look around the classroom at the start of every new school year and look for the next boy to have a "crush" on. It sounds kind of funny looking back but like i remember how desperate i felt doing it. i remember one year i genuinely hated every boy in my class with a burning passion and, if nothing else, i remember the feeling of being wrong. i, a 4th (maybe 3rd?) grader, felt isolated and gross because i couldnt force a crush for a year.
i had known none of the other ones were really crushes, but it wasnt the romance i wanted it was the connections. i wanted to be able to join the girls talking about their crushes and i wanted to have a reason to try talking to boys; i wanted to be liked.
in 6th grade i think was the first time i didnt try to force a crush. i dont remember much from that year but i know that i didnt feel good. youd think that, as an arospec, i would have enjoyed the break from faking romance but at that point i didnt understand that my feelings werent quite real. i knew they werent like everyone elses, but i really wanted them to be even if it meant lying a bit to myself on the way. i felt wrong and weird.
in seventh grade that was when covid hit and everyone was quarentined, and also that is the year that holds my worlds most obvious example of my aromanticism ever. genuinely think back to this and go "how didnt i figure it out sooner"
i convinced myself i had a crush on my at-the-time best friend. there was no crush by the way, i judt knew i liked him more than all my other friends and to my socially deprived brain that meant it had to be romantic right? well he didnt like me back and literally i went, watched like two YouTube videos on something or other, and was over it. because the feelings were never genuine. it was never love it was a desire to be close with someone
8th grade was the first time i actually fell in love. by then i had figured out im a lesbian, and i met this girl named Jane. She was literally everything you could want in a girl and i fell HARRDDDDDDD i was so in love dont even. but I found that my capacity to love her fluxuated. the love was always there, but some days it was more platonic than anything. sometimes thr platonic periods would stretch for weeks. sometimes it would switch between platonic and romantic multiple times a day. it confused me and honestly? it scared me a lot. i distanced myself from her and eventually we broke up (for seperate reasons but this def contributed)
that really messed with me because now i was left with two understandings: i can definitely experience romantic attraction, and the romantic attraction can change at the drop of a hat.
after a lott of time and research i finally realized and accepted that im aromanticflux (will go into detail if necessary) and you know what? it didn't make me feel better. if anything it made me feel worse; i felt like such an asshole for getting in a relationship if it was always going to end.
now i am. Still coming to terms with my identity but i am learning to love and be kind to myself. the point of this whole thing is. youre never alone. there are eight billion people on earth, at least one of them is going through the exact same thing as you right now. you are not any less of a person because of your attraction or lack thereof
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kusuokisser · 9 months
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going shopping with my emotional support lesbian
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kusuokisser · 9 months
it is so hard just being a little lady. my troubles run deep; currently my cat is taking a nap on me and i dare not wake her, yet i hunger greatly. oh fate is cruel towards ladies like me, it is.
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kusuokisser · 8 months
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another lovely icon suggestion by sav @saikis1truelove
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